Sociology Final

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Based on dramaturgy, what is the definition of social setting? a the sign-vehicle where action unfolds b the players involved in the production c the audience viewing what transpires d the scenery that is a part of the social environment


Dominance behavior, such as winning a game, produce higher levels of __________. a testosterone b aggressive behavior c progesterone d stress


Facial expressions, posture, and gestures are all examples of ________. a body language b personal images c interpretations d role performance


In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, the stage in which the child has no sense of right or wrong and only personal needs to be satisfied is the ________ stage a amoral b preconventional c conventional d postconventional


Karl Marx believed that ________ was the central force for social change, while Max Weber believed that ________ was the force most responsible for social change. a economics; religion b education; political stability c government; economics d religion; education


Language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, material objects, and technology that are passed from one generation to the next by members of society describe ________. a culture b tradition c science d experience


Numerically, what is the race of the majority of the poor in the United States? a white b African American c Latino d Native American


Sociologically, why is gender especially significant? a It is a master status cutting across all aspects of life. b It permits a comparison to superior male qualities. c It provides one group to lead, another to follow. d It reinforces the teachings of Genesis.


Suicide bombers in Iraq are accorded high praise by those who oppose an American presence in the Middle East and are considered heroic warriors. Such honor and praise is an example of a ________. a positive sanction b negative sanction c degradation ceremony d shaming


The French sociologist Emile Durkheim is most identified with which of the following areas of study? a social integration b class conflict c social Darwinism d the spirit of capitalism


The term degradation ceremony was coined by sociologist ________. a Harold Garfinkel b Erving Goffman c Talcott Parsons d Herbert Spencer


What activity did Marvin Harris link to the emergence of sex discrimination and men gaining the upper hand? a warfare and hand-to-hand combat b childbirth and childrearing c local governance of the tribe or community d the right to vote


What did Stanley Milgram's teacher-learner experiment demonstrate? a A substantial number of people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority. b Most people conform to social norms, even when told to deviate from them by persons in authority. c Group conformity is the most important social relationship people seek to achieve. d Individualism is among the most cherished personal qualities one can possess.


What is the largest minority group in the United States today? a Latino American b African American c Asian American d Native American


What is the single greatest influence of marital homogamy? a propinquity b endogamy c exogamy d heterogamy


What political party are members of the upper class more likely to belong? a Republican b Democrat c Green d Libertarian


What was the impetus for the first social revolution? a the domestication of plants and animals b the invention of the steam engine c the invention of the plow d the establishment of cities


Which of the following represents an achieved status? a being a high school drop-out b acting like your mother when she was your age c having a prescribed sex (male or female) d knowing your particular ethnic descent


Which type of sociologists would consider deviance to be a natural part of society? a functionalists b symbolic interactionists c conflict theorists d neo-conflict theorists


With respect to group dynamics, what is the defining characteristic of a small group? a All members of the group can interact directly with one another. b All members of the group are intimately involved with one another. c It is composed of no more than three members. d The group is stable


are the most likely segment of the population in the United States to experience poverty today. a Children b The elderly c Middle-aged adults d Young, single males


n his study of sex typing and work, ________ was the one occupation considered to be "men's work" in all the societies examined by George Murdock. a metal working b herding cattle c hard physical labor d disciplining children d disciplining children


A statement that describes how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory, is known as a ________. a correlation b hypothesis c secondary prediction d primary function


All of the following statements are examples of countercultures, EXCEPT for which one? a bikers in an outlaw motorcycle club b Chicago Cubs fans c individuals advocating the legalization of prostitution d gang members operating in the San Quentin prison


Americans glorify academic progress and material success. However, most students do not graduate with honors and most citizens are not wealthy. This condition characterizes the difference between ________ and ________. a material culture; symbolic culture b ideal culture; real culture c real culture; symbolic culture d unrealistic culture; realistic culture


Anthropologists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf concluded that ________. a objects and events force themselves onto our consciousness b language creates ways of thinking and perceiving c symbols are the basis of human relationships d learning a new language creates cultural diversity


Based on Merton's typologies, what do drug addicts, the homeless, nuns living in a convent, and monks living in a monastery have in common? a They are all conformists. b They are all retreatists. c They are all rebels. d They are all ritualists.


In the statement, "Poverty causes crime," the words "poverty" and "crime" are best described as ________ because they are subject to change. a unobtrusive measures b variables c parametric measures d correlations


In which group would diffusion of responsibility be the greatest concern? a a married couple b the graduating class of a large university c a football team d a basketball team


Jean Piaget's use of the term "operational" is most aligned with the concept of ________. a motor skills b reasoning skills c language skills d social skills


The crime with the highest increase among women between 1992 and 2010 was ________. a drug offenses b drunk driving c bank robbery d murder


The difference between status and role is that ________. a status identification is strictly enforced, but roles are not b we occupy a status that is a social position, but we play a role that is a social expectation c status is voluntary, but role is obligatory d status determines social position, while role is not significant


The massacre of Native Americans in the 1800s, the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the slaughter of the Tutsis in Rwanda are all examples of ________. a compurgation b genocide c primogeniture d sublimation


The sociologist who studied feral children, including the abused child Isabelle who was discovered in 1938 living in an attic with her deaf-mute mother, was ________. a Michael Burawoy b Kingsley Davis c Wilbert Moore d Herbert Gans


The spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another refers to ________. a folkways b cultural diffusion c values d cultural universals


What are the three primary variables in determining one's social class? a race, sex, residence b income, education, occupational prestige c race, sex, income d income, education, sex


What is the proposed source of the six specific emotions that Paul Ekman identified as being present in all cultures? a They are based on the social environment. b They are a product of our genes. c They are based on common cultural values held worldwide. d They are based on intellectual capability.


What term would Mead use to refer to the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of the public? a primary group b generalized others c secondary group d significant others


What two sociological perspectives are most linked to macrosociology? a symbolic interactionism and functionalism b functionalism and the conflict perspective c the conflict perspective and symbolic interactionism d symbolic interactionism and feminism


What were the three major causes of slavery prior to life in the American colonies? a gender, racism, and social class b debt, crime, and war c gender, politics, and ethnicity d racism, religion, and gender


Why did the creation of the industrial society lead to greater social inequality? a Class differences were minimized which created greater opportunity. b The new technology was far more efficient than anything that preceded it, leading to larger surpluses and greater inequality. c Democracies replaced monarchies and dictatorships encouraged capitalism. d Intellectual capability increased with advances in science and technology.


________are often referred to as the "invisible minority." a African Americans b Native Americans c Hispanic Americans d Asian Americans


A face-saving technique in which all parties involved in an embarrassing situation ignore it and continue their conversation or interaction as though the embarrassing situation never happened is referred to as ________. a redefining the situation b teamwork c studied nonobservance d impression management


A position in society that cuts across other statuses a person holds, such as being a high-ranking Army officer, a college president, or a handicapped Olympian, would be considered that person's ________. a ascribed status b social status c master status d status set


According to Georg Simmel, which of the following groups is the most unstable? a triad b secondary group c dyad d primary group


According to Sigmund Freud, when the id gets out of hand, individuals follow their desires for pleasure and ________. a demand self-gratification b seek intimacy c break society's norms d need for isolation


As described in the text, what are the two myths of race? a eventually there will only be one race; all races have the same origin b there is only one race; intelligence is based on race c one race is superior to another; pure races exist d all races have the same origin; race is a status that cannot be changed


Based on research, romantic love consists of what two components? a instinctive and physical b cognitive and biological c emotional and cognitive d physical and emotional


Capitalism is becoming the world's dominant economic system. This is referred to as ________. a globalization b economic diffusion c globalization of capitalism d globalization of economics


From a sociological perspective, which statement best classifies 19th century Mormons and 21st century physicians? a Both would be classified as subcultures. b Both would be classified as countercultures. c The Mormons would be classified a counterculture and the physicians as a subculture. d The Mormons would be classified a subculture and the physicians as a counterculture.


How has the rate of cohabitation changed over the past 30 years? a It has dropped to about 75 percent of its highest rate. b It has remained the same. c It has risen tenfold. d It has risen and fallen in peaks and valleys with no consistent pattern.


Kim is the child of Asian American parents. When she misbehaves, how will her parents most likely discipline her? a using physical punishment to control her behavior b trying to determine the motivation for her behavior c using shame and guilt to control her behavior d withdrawing privileges for a period of time


Prejudice describes ________ while discrimination describes ________. a values; attitudes b norms; beliefs c attitudes; actions d actions; attitudes


Question 83 During his career, Anthony has worked as a juvenile police officer, corrections counselor in a state prison, and executive director of an urban redevelopment program. In view of this, which description best describes Anthony's career path? a Anthony has been a pure sociologist b Anthony has assumed the role of being a basic sociologist. c Anthony has been an applied sociologist. d Anthony has been a social reformer.


The concept of "groupthink" was developed by ________. a Solomon Asch b Stanley Milgram c Irving Janis d Georg Simmel


The not-so-empty nest is a phrase that refers to when children ________. a from an illegitimate relationship who live with their father and his "legal" family b who return to an institution after failing to adjust to the foster home environment c who have moved out as young adults, then return to live with their parents d who were abandoned at birth seeking to discover their natural parents


The process by which we develop a sense of self, referred to as the "looking-glass self," was developed by ________. a George Herbert Mead b William I. Thomas c Charles Horton Cooley d Robert K. Merton


The term "cultural lag," referring to the varying ________ among elements within cultures, was coined by sociologist ________. a countercultures; Talcott Parsons b subcultures; Douglas Massey c rates of change; William Ogburn d types of symbols; Edmund Wilson


What are the starting and stopping points of the development of the self during the life course? a The self-concept begins prior to conception and concludes at birth. b The self-concept begins at birth and concludes by age 5 or 6. c The self-concept begins at birth and continues as a life-long process until death. d The self-concept begins when a child is able to reason and concludes at about age 18.


What are the two characteristics a people must share to qualify as a society? a the same race and the same social class b the same social class and the same territory c the same culture and the same territory d the same race and the same territory


What did Ezekiel suggest as the reason why some people are attracted to racist hate groups? a They have too much leisure time on their hands. b They developed group polarization at an early age. c Hate groups provide some people with a type of meaning in their lives. d Some people are bored and are drawn to risk-taking behavior.


What did the Harlow experiment conclude as being the key to infant-mother bonding? a peer socialization b feeding and grooming c intimate social contact d intellectual development


What does status inconsistency refer to in relation to social stratification? a Individuals exhibit insecurity and inferiority when they are ranked low in prestige. b Individuals fail to recognize the contradictions of class inequality and democratic values. c Individuals are ranked high on one dimension of social class and low on other dimensions. d Ranking in power, wealth, and prestige must be consistent for an individual to avoid negative consequences.


What is another name for multiculturalism? a compartmentalization b sublimation c pluralism d assimilation


What is the relationship between births to single women and their level of education? a the greater the level of education, the more births to single women b the lower the level of education, the fewer births to single women c the greater the level of education, the fewer births to single women d there is no relationship between the level of education and births to single women


When used by sociologists, the term "wealth" refers to ________. a the property that a person owns b the income made from a person's occupation c the property owned and the income acquired minus debts made by the person d the income after state and federal taxes have been withheld


Which of the following family situations is most likely to result in emotional overload? a Patrick and Terri live in the rural U.S. with their five children and many relatives. b Jacob and Rebecca reside in an Amish community with their eight children. c John and Diane live in the suburbs with their only child, John Jr. d Bob and Stephanie live in the city with their three children and close to their parents.


Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic? a increased body hair in men b lower voice in men c a uterus in women d broader hips in women


Which state has the highest percentage of minorities? a New York b Alaska c Hawaii d California


Which statement regarding the nation's income is most accurate? a Income earnings are just about evenly divided among all Americans. b The top two-thirds of Americans earn about two-thirds of the income. c The top 20 percent of Americans earn nearly half the income. d The bottom 20 percent of Americans earn about 15 percent of the income.


________ are the social ties that radiate outward from the self and link people together. a Cyber socializations b Secondary societies c Social networks d Electronic communities


A system of beliefs that justifies a particular social arrangement, such as slavery, is called ________. a a constitution b class consciousness c a caste system d an ideology


Based on the textbook, what are two ways a group becomes a minority? a genocide and the expansion of political boundaries b migration and a change in the economy of a nation c genocide and a change in ethnic work by citizens d the expansion of political boundaries and migration


Based the same levels of academic achievement, where does the greatest pay gap exist between men and women over their lifetime? a among high school dropouts b among high school graduates c among those who earned some college credits but no degree d among college graduates


Differential association theory was developed by sociologist ________. a Robert K. Merton b Frank Tannenbaum c Walter Reckless d Edwin Sutherland


Functionalists refer to how parts of a society fit together to form a whole as ________. a a symbol b a synthesis c an integration d a structure


In addition to choosing the appropriate research method, sociologists must follow research _______ to achieve truth, honesty, and openness. a guidelines b procedures c regulations d ethics


In his research on family, what did sociologist Melvin Kohn discover about how parents socialize their children? a They base it on the perception of how much money they will earn. b It is based on the tradition on which they were raised as children. c They follow the pattern of how other members of the same community raise their children. d It is often based upon the norms of their work environment.


In society, which group has the greatest power, privileges, and social status? a the majority b the power elite c the capitalist class d the dominant group


In the United States, what is the choice of a marriage partner most dependent upon? a It is totally unpredictable because love is blind. b It is based on individuals engaging in a rational cost/benefit analysis. c It is highly influenced by pheromones. d It is influenced by age, education, class, race and religion.


In what society were women and men often considered social equals? a industrial b pastoral and horticultural c agricultural d hunting and gathering


In which group would there be the greatest number of relationships? a traditional marriage b panel of three c the starting five on a basketball team d the starting nine on a baseball team


Inner and outer controls that work against our tendencies to deviate is known as what theory? a rationalization theory b judgment theory c self-control theory d control theory


Of the five interrelated core values emerging in American society, the one that is reflected in the "human potential" movement that focuses on "self help, relating, and personal development" is ________. a leisure b romantic love c physical fitness d self-fulfillment


Of the following, the crime with the highest recidivism rate within three years of release from prison is ________. a murder b rape c drug violations d car theft


People all over the world, including college students, are breaking down national boundaries because of advances in communication, trade, and travel. This is referred to as ________. a multiculturalism b colonialism c neo-colonialism d globalization


Signs that identify a position in society that someone occupies are referred to as ________. a achieved master status b ascribed master status c inherited status d status symbols


Sociologically, what is a family? a A man and a woman and their children engaged in a supportive relationship. b A household composed of people of different sexes. c Any couple who have been legally married. d Two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.


Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe ________. a standards by which people define what is socially desirable b expressions of disapproval for violating socially acceptable behavior c ideas about what is true or false d expectations or rules of behavior that develop from values


Sociologists who analyze how social life depends on the ways that people define themselves and others are most likely ________. a ethnomethodologists b functionalists c conflict theorists d symbolic interactionists


The ability to control others, even over their objections, is referred to as ________. a prestige b class c status d power


Violations of norms and rules that are written into law are officially called ________. a ethics b values c folkways d crimes


What is the most common martial status found among inmates in U.S. state prisons? a married b divorced c widowed d never married


What is the practice of suttee? a permitting only men the right to vote b requiring women to cover their faces in public c passing legislation that legally makes women inferior to men d burning the living widow with the body of her dead husband


What is the sandwich generation? a Grandparents act as parents rearing their children's children. b Couples that have both come from large families but have no children of their own. c Couples that divorce, and neither the mother nor father will take custody of the children. d People who find themselves responsible for both their children and their aging parents.


When a group has a distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time its values and norms reflect the dominant culture of its society, the group would be considered a(n) ________. a counterculture b example of cultural c relativism d subculture


Which of the following is an example of social structure? a a student reading a sociology textbook b a social worker watching a panel discussion on television c a homeless man sleeping on a sidewalk heating grate d a driver signaling a right turn with his directional signals


Which statement is least accurate regarding sex and gender? a The world offers unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on one's sex. b Being born male or female carries images and expectations on how one should act. c Gender is sociologically significant because it is the way in which society controls its members. d The terms "sex" and "gender" are sociologically and biologically interchangeable.


Why do many sociologists object to psychoanalysis as a valid explanation for human behavior? a Sociologists reject the notion that personality develops in stages. b Sociologists disagree on the influence of the super ego as a balancing force of behavior. c Sociologists argue that Freud failed to study a wide range of subjects before developing his theory. d Sociologists object to the view that inborn and subconscious motivations are the primary reasons for human behavior.


Why do sociologists classify females as a minority group? a Women are outnumbered by men in virtually every society. b Women are not as physically strong as men. c Men perform the most difficult and dangerous work in most societies. d Women are discriminated against because of their physical characteristics.


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