Sociology Test #3

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her gendered identity

. Bob and Sue paint their baby's room pink as soon as they find out they are having a girl. They are beginning to provide the baby with what?


. In Navajo tribes, there are three genders. Which of the following is NOT one of their gender categories?


. In the one-sex model, it was believed that both a man's and a woman's orgasm were required for conception. When the two-sex model gained momentum, women and men were viewed as radically different creatures, and the female orgasm became viewed as:

political attitudes

. In the opening narrative to Chapter 8, the statistical technique called individual fixed effects is discussed. All of the following key sociological variables resist fixed effects EXCEPT:

a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences

. Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it is:

are relatively stable characteristics of an individual

. Race, birth order, generational cohort, sex, and parental wealth are key sociological variables that are said to resist fixed effects because they:

reassign an ambiguous male anatomy into a female one

. Surgeons today recommend prompt surgery to make intersex children conform to an ideal of normal genitalia. About 90 percent of these surgeries:


. While the notion of sex refers to biological characteristics, the concept of gender refers to ____________ characteristics

They can't get to the government offices administering food stamps during operating hours

A lot of people who are eligible for food stamps in the United States don't apply for them. Why?


A policy maker wants to recalculate poverty based on a set percentage of the median income for each metropolitan area in the United States instead of a national average. This is an example of ____________ poverty

culture of poverty

A politician who argues that poverty causes people to reject the practices of "mainstream" society is making a(n) ____________ argument?

whether vegetarians are less depressed than nonvegetarians by comparing the depression levels of vegetarians and nonvegetarians

A statistical technique called individual fixed effects compares an outcome across time as some factor changes. All of the following are examples of this technique EXCEPT analyzing:

comparing a particular outcome across time as some factor changes

A statistical technique called individual fixed effects is sometimes used in the social sciences. This technique involves:

the matrifocal family

According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, what is the root cause of African Americans' economic problems?

a social institution

According to Judith Lorber, differences between the sexes are not easy to explain because gender isn't natural but rather is:

deviant and dangerous to mainstream society

According to the underclass thesis, the poor are:

The hijra identity is secret, and no one can tell who is or isn't a hijra.

According to your text, a hijra in India is a group of men who opt to have their penises surgically removed and renounce sexual desire and practice. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to your text?

lopsided economic rewards

According to your text, what drives American poverty rates?

existence of male/female teams in sports

All of the following examples call into question the two firm categories of sex and gender that dominate our thinking EXCEPT the:

fluid and ambiguous

All of the following terms characterize essentialist thinking EXCEPT

limits our ability to accept difference.

Although a binary sex system imposes order in the world and helps us make sense of a complicated mass of populations, it also:

has important social influence

Although race has no deterministic, biological basis, it still:


An 1851 excerpt from Harper's Weekly magazine describes a certain racial group as lawbreaking, idle, thriftless, poor, and barbarian. What group is this excerpt describing?

gender establishes different cultures and expectations for men and women

An essentialist would argue all of the following for why women outnumber men in occupations that involve caring EXCEPT:

domestic life

Anthropologist Michelle Rosaldo believed women were usually lower in the stratification system because of their identification with:


Aristotle's principle of civic association was that the true test of people's worth was in what they did, not who they were. All people were included in this EXCEPT:


Based on measurements of skull bumps, Blumenbach came up with five principal varieties of:

wear a yellow Star of David

Because the German Nazis could not find a reliable marker to identify Jews, the Jews were forced to:

may not be stable

By looking at anthropological findings in tribal societies, sociologists can see fluidity in gender, which helps us see that the boundaries within our own system of gender:


Comte de Buffon's classification schemes assumed that anyone who differed from the following group was abnormal:


Dr. John Money claimed that a genetic male could be raised successfully as a girl. The David Reimer story showed that Money's claims were:


During the 1950s, the United States began to focus more on cultural theories of race and ethnicity, thus rejecting:

unequal treatment and conquest

Ethnocentrism classified nonwhites as abnormal and inferior to help justify:


Eugenics literally means:

was the original black man

European Christians and scientists interpreted the curse that Noah put on his son Ham to mean that Ham:

sex and gender are two sides of the same coin and are thus inseparable

Feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz proposed that we view the relationship between sex (the natural) and gender (the social) as existing on a Möbius strip because:


Gender structures social relationships between people unequally. This is a statement that would be supported by which group?

are not always optimally located for recipients

Government offices administering food stamps:

immigrants at Ellis Island

H. H. Goddard used his tests on what group to generalize about immigrant populations?

Donald was more alert to relationship details in stories than Deirdre

Harvard-trained and world-renowned economist Deirdre McCloskey, who used to be named Donald, describes her journey across the invisible yet potent boundary of sex/gender in her memoir, Crossing. Which of the following is NOT one of the 20 differences she noted in the textbook?

dominant, privileged, and often invisible category of men at any point in history

Hegemonic masculinity can best be described as the:

good parenting

Herrnstein and Murray argued that there is a relationship between high IQ and:

different environmental factors

Hippocrates believed that physical markers such as skin color were the result of:

although biological differences exist between men and women, what we make of those differences is socially constructed and has changed through time and place.

If we apply our sociological imaginations to sex, gender, and sexuality, we might argue that:


In 1942, 120,000 Japanese Americans were sent by federal order to internment camps. Afterward, all Asian Americans (regardless of their country of origin and/or U.S. citizenship status) went from being a relatively unnoticed group to being singled out for discrimination. This is known as:


In ancient Egypt, physical markers were linked to:

get people back into the labor market as soon as possible.

In general, a major goal of Clinton's 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was to:

viewing sexual variation as a part of our diversity as a species

In our society, we take for granted that sex has only two categories and tend to ignore facts that suggest sex itself is socially constructed. All of the following are outcomes of this sexual dichotomization EXCEPT:

tended to be more dangerous than the rest of us

In the 1980s, journalist Ken Auletta coined the term "underclass." He said that the underclass was different from the "rest of us" in that they:

scientific racism

In the nineteenth century, theories of race moved from religious-based racism to:


In the seventeenth century, Rubenesque women were considered beauties because when food was scarce, a plump woman was a sign of good health, wealth, and attractiveness. What was the catalyst that made food plentiful and changed the standard of beauty for women?

household stress levels and their effect on Jane's patience and parenting style

Jane is a single mother in poverty. She has intermittent, low-paying employment. Because she is forced to move a lot, she hasn't established a reliable social network for support or friendships for her children. In order to determine what effect this has on her children's outcomes, what factors would the parenting stress hypothesis examine?

The book is based on the sociological imagination, which is easy to grasp

John Gray's book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus was a number-one best seller for more than a decade. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons his book has been so popular?

inborn differences

John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1992), takes the position that the different temperaments, emotions, and languages of males and females are rooted in:

more of an ideal than an absolute

Many people believe sex to be an either-or situation (either male or female), but sociologists believe natural sex is

a quiet and nerdy intellectual who enjoyed writing poetry

Michael Kimmel found that in the eighteenth century, the ideal man was very different than the modern-day ideal man. The ideal man in the 1700s was:

the negative income tax

Minimizing the amount of time welfare programs require of their recipients was one of the many rationales behind:

interracial marriage

Miscegenation refers to:

scientific innovations

Modern racial thinking developed in the mid-seventeenth century in parallel with three global changes. Which of the following is NOT one of these global changes?

Christian; African American

Most Arabs in the United States are not Muslim but ____________, and about 20 percent of U.S. Muslims are ____________.


Muslims in America have undergone what scholars refer to as the formation of a new racial identity in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people, known as:

protect the nation

Nativists believed that restricting the immigration of certain groups would:

colonized others within the country itself, as with slavery

One of the explanations of continued racism in America is that we have:

higher stress levels among parents

One of the major ways that poverty affects children's life chances is through:

they were less financially dependent on their (possibly) abusive husbands

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that more and more women left their marriages. This was because:

it is possible to get by on very little if you live very frugally

One of the richest men in America, Tom Monaghan, thought being poor was "one of the most exciting things in the world" because:

everyone is created equal by divine design

Ontological equality is the notion that:

culture of poverty

People who are born into poverty and ultimately raise their own children in poverty learn "how" to live in poverty. They learn the norms and values associated with that particular way of life. This is known as Oscar Lewis's:

they experience material deprivation and it affects their parents' parenting behaviors

Poverty has a strong effect on children's life chances because:

people were are all the same beneath their skin

Reverend Samuel Stanhope Smith's proposal that skin color should be viewed as a product of climate and therefore not correlated to inner virtues (e.g., intelligence, character, personality) suggests that he felt:

invisible because they are regarded as the norm

Similar to hegemonic masculinity, social problems that exist within a dominant group in a society tend to be:

Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray's bell curve thesis

Social Darwinism suggests that only the fittest survive, that people (and plants and animals) who are the smartest and most capable for survival are the ones who succeed in a society. This can be compared to:

survival of the fittest

Social Darwinism was the evolutionary notion of:

a girl who is a cheerleader and acts unanimated and unenthusiastic

Sociologist Cynthia Fuchs Epstein argues that deceptive distinctions are those sex differences that arise out of the roles individuals occupy, rather than from some innate force. Which of the following is NOT an example of deceptive distinctions?

different roles they come to occupy

Sociologist Cynthia Fuchs Epstein coined the term deceptive distinctions to refer to the behavioral differences between men and women that arise because of the:

a perverse incentive

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work. This is also known as:

parenting classes

Susan Mayer wrote What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances. Her findings were similar to what Marlin Card was suggesting would have helped his chances in life. Which of the following might have addressed this issue?

that the effect of income on children's outcomes has been overstated

Susan Mayer, author of What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances, found in her study:

light skin and small features

Swiss theologian Johann Caspar Lavater suggested that outside appearances were connected to inner virtues. According to him, which of the following features signified higher intellect and more worthy character?

"end of welfare as we know it."

The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was also referred to as the:

don't have the motivation to pull themselves out of poverty

The General Social Survey asked respondents why, on average, African Americans have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Nearly half of the respondents believed that blacks:


The Smith family would rather spend their money on luxuries now than put it in a retirement account. This preference describes their ____________ rate.

not just about physical or biological differences

The comparison between the Burakumin and the Japanese shows that race is:

has changed over time

The concept of race:


The genetic variation that corresponds with geographic origins is much ____________ than people commonly believe


The idea that there is only one sex and that the female body is an inversion of the male body was promoted by which culture?

a person black

The one-drop rule asserts that just "one drop" of black blood makes:

the importance of quality time spent between parents and children, which is so difficult for the poor to find

The story of Marlin Card, who was born into poverty as a child and has lived his life in and out of prison, demonstrates what, according to Card himself?

more punitive parenting behaviors

The stress that poor parents experience manifests itself in

nature and nurture

The study of gender is basically the study of how two spheres shape each other. What are the two spheres?

the differences in head formation

The term phrenology refers to:


Under Johann Caspar Lavater's theory of ____________, people with light skin were thought to have higher intellect.

Aiding the poor creates more problems than it solves.

What do policy experts mean by the terms perverse incentives and unintended consequences?

reformulating it from scratch every few years to adjust for changes in the cost of living

What is one fundamental change that critics argue is necessary for reforming the poverty threshold calculation?

It only focuses on income and ignores wealth.

What is one shortcoming of the current calculation of the poverty rate?


What is the group that displays no physical distinctions from Japanese citizens but is believed by the Japanese to be a descendant of a less-human race than the Japanese nation as a whole?

objective analyses of statistics and economics

What method is usually used to evaluate poverty?

almost 50 percent

What percentage of American employees work for an employer that does not offer a traditional pension or retirement plan?


What population was Oscar Lewis studying when he coined the term "culture of poverty"?

biological determinism

What you do in the social world should be a direct result of who you are in the natural world. This statement refers to:

black and white

When the term race comes up in America today, we usually think in two colors:

Lyndon Johnson

Which U.S. president was responsible for the War on Poverty and programs like Head Start and Job Corps?


Which group believed that different races were distinct species?


Which group believed that humans were one species, united under God?


Which group did Darwin side with, claiming that the notion of different species of humans was absurd?


Which group, led by Sir Francis Galton, believed that negative traits such as criminality were passed through bloodlines and could be bred out?

United States

Which nation has one of the highest poverty rates in the advanced world?


Which of the five varieties of humans did Blumenbach decide were the superlatives of the races based on their excellent skull qualities?

Contemporary studies show us that men and women have different personality structures, the innate by-product of existing social structural relations

Which of the following is NOT a reason why sociologists view gender as a social construction rather than a biological given?

one who cashes her welfare check

Which of the following people "busted her digit"?

the decision to raise a male infant born with a small penis (e.g., a phallus measuring less than 2 centimeters in length) as a female

Which of the following situations provides an example of how the social categories of gender influence the biology of sex?


Which of the following terms hinges on the belief that social and psychological traits can be traced through bloodlines and selectively bred out of (or into) populations?

emotional sensitivity

Which of the following would NOT be considered a positive trait or characteristic for a man within today's hegemonic masculinity?

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

Which program shifted more of the responsibility of running welfare programs onto individual states and mandated time limits for the number of months a person can receive aid?


Which term refers to the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits?

social discomfort and fear of difference

Why do parents and surgeons push to assign a sex to a genitally ambiguous child?

Housing now makes up a larger proportion of household budgets than in the past

Why is the official formula for calculating the poverty line outdated?

legalize gambling, and allow the tribe to retain the profits

You are a policy maker interested in reducing behavioral problems among school-age children on Native American reservations. Based on results of a study of the Cherokee Nation, which of the following proposals will you make?

economic circumstances

Your text defines poverty as a condition of deprivation due to:

the children rather than the parents

Your text suggests that the researchers for the negative income tax should have focused on:

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