Socratic questioning

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Problems wen using Socratic questioning

The client invalidates new perspectives

Helpful in many areas

Assessment and formulation Education Questioning unhelpful cognition -> Construct alternative views Problem solving Devising behavioral tests Supervision

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Key cognition are fleeting in nature

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Client cannot access the key thoughts

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Client invalidates distressing cognition

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Client is avoidant of distressing cognition

Stages in Socratic questioning

Concrete questioning Emphatic listening Summarizing Synthesizing (expansion of idea) or analyzing questions

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Crucial meanings are held in a non-verbal form

Why use Socratic questioning

Encourage personal review Shift in attitude, feeling and behavior Draw own conclusions Go to root of the problem

When do we use it

In the context of a good therapeutical relationship warmth, empathy, non-judgemental,

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Therapist explores but does not draw new conclusions

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Therapist limits Socratic questions to guided discovery but it can also be used to set agenda, plan behavioral experiment

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Therapist questions to only validate a hypothesis

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Therapist questions without direction

Problems wen using Socratic questioning

Therapists lectures

Purpose of Socratic questioning

To question the truth of popular thinking

Successful Socratic question

When client can answer the question and if he gains new insight, perspective

How is it done?

with curiosity and humility to guide discovery instead of changing minds with metaphors and analogy Downward arrowing

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