Soil Science Exam 1 Practice Questions

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The parent materials for most floodplain soils are residual in nature. True or False


An ideal soil for plant growth would be 50% solid material and 50% porespace, with all of the porespace completely filled with water. True or False


Histosols generally have lower organic matter contents than Mollisols. True or False


In general, alluvium in not good for agriculture. True or False


Secondary minerals are recrystallized products of the chemical breakdown and/or alteration of primary minerals. True or False


Which of the following pH values represents a neutral condition?


"Topsoil" is generally equivalent to which soil horizon?

A horizon

"Subsoil" is generally equivalent to which soil horizon?

B horizon

Soil occupies the ________ part of the regolith. A.lower B.upper C.younger D.both B and C

B. upper

Compared to silt, clay-sized soil particles are characterized by ________. A.less capacity to hold nutrients in plant-available forms B.greater attraction for water C.greater proportion of primary minerals D.less tendency to form hard clods when dry

B.greater attraction for water

In a load of 10 cubic meters of topsoil, approximately how many cubic meters of the volume would be solid material? A.1 B.2.5 C.5 D.7.5 E.4

C. 5

You are seeking a soil with high clay content but one that is not sticky when wet nor hard and cloddy when dry. In which of the following suborders would you most likely find this soil? Select one: A.Cambids B.Udert C.Ustox D.Aquands E.Ustalfs

C. Ustox

Which of the following describes a soil likely to contain a significant content of low activity clays? Select one: Alfisol in New York Inceptisol in Mississippi Oxisol in the Congo River basin in Africa Ultisol in the South Carolina E.a Mollisols in Central Brazil

C. an Oxisol in the Congo River basin in Africa

Which of the following soil temperature regimes would provide the warmest and least variable soil temperatures? Select one: A.thermic B.mesic C.hyperthermic D.isomeric E.isohyperthermic

E. Isohyperthermic

The transformation of gneiss into mica, quartz, and feldspar crystals is an example of ________. A.physical weathering B.hydrolysis C.disintegration D.chemical weathering E.both A and C Feedback

E. both a and c

In which of the following epipedons is the organic matter level generally lowest? Select one: A.mollic B.histic C.melanic D.umbric E.ochric

E. ochric

A 1:1,000,000 soil survey has a larger scale than a 1:5,000 soil survey. Select one: True False


A 1:5,000 soil survey covers a larger area with less detail than a 1:1,000,000 soil survey. Select one: True False


A soil developed in transported parent materials will likely have properties related to the properties of the rock below the C horizon. Select one: True False Feedback


An argillic diagnostic horizon is an example of an epipedon. Select one: True False


Animals, microorganisms and plants contribute carbon dioxide to the soil atmosphere. Although the CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, the resulting product has little effect on chemical weathering. True or False


During the last ice age, glaciation was a major contributor of the parent material that ultimately formed the soils in North Carolina. Select one: True False


Epipedons are diagnostic subsurface horizons that are one of the primary means of classifying soils in the United States. Select one: True False


Examples diagnostic horizons include Ap, E, & Bt. Select one: True False


Examples genetic horizons include kandic, spodic, ochric, mollic and oxic. Select one: True False


Except for some kinds of foods, modern industry has made human dependence on soils a thing of the past. Select one: True False


Forests would typically have more organic accumulation than grasslands. Select one: True False


Glacial till can be recognized by the distinct layering of different kinds of particles. Select one: True False


In a typical weathering sequence, rocks break down into secondary minerals which further undergo physical and chemical weathering to form primary minerals. True or False


Organic deposits are rarely found in areas of extreme wetness or extreme cold. True or False


Oxisols are the soil orders most commonly associated with the Midwestern prairie ecosystem. Select one: True False


Spodosols are generally less acidic and less sandy than are Alfisols. Select one: True False


The C horizons are generally more completely weathered than the other horizons. Select one: True False


The broadest category of classification in Soil Taxonomy specifies 12 soil orders, 4 of which are for primarily comprised of organic soils Select one: True False


The categories of Soil Taxonomy can be listed from the broadest (first) and most specific (last) as: order, suborder, great group, subgroup, series, family. Select one: True False


The depth of a soil profile is dependent on the climate. Cold dry conditions promote rapid weathering and consequently soils developed under these conditions are deeper than soil developed under wet and warm conditions. True or False


The factors of soil formation act remarkably independent, with little interaction, thus creating similar soils. True or False


Till and outwash are both examples of parent materials readily found in North Carolina True or False


A 1:5,000 soil survey covers a smaller area with more detail than a 1:1,000,000 soil survey. Select one: True False


A soil developed in residual parent materials will likely have properties related to the properties of the rock below the C horizon. Select one: True False


A umbric diagnostic horizon is an example of an epipedon. Select one: True False


An argillic horizon is a diagnostic horizon characterized by the subsurface accumulation of silicate clays. Select one: True False


Andisols are found mostly near recently active volcanoes. Select one: True False


Chemical weathering is accelerated by water, oxygen, and organic and inorganic acids moving down through the regolith. True or False


Climate influences not only the rate of weathering but the type of native vegetation dominant in an area. True or False


Effective precipitation is a measure of the amount of water that flows into and through the soil profile. True or False


Epipedons are diagnostic surface horizons that are one of the primary means of classifying soils in the United States. Select one: True False


Loess is an example of a transported parent material. True or False


Marine sediments are typical parent materials in coastal plain areas. True or False


Organic matter distribution in the profile is a significant criterion for differentiating epipedons. Select one: True False


Soils in the Oxisols order are deeply weathered and have deep subsurface horizons of iron and/or aluminum oxide. Select one: True False


The B horizon is often thought of as the zone of illuviation. Select one: True False


The depth of a soil profile is dependent on the type of parent material. The more easily weathered the parent material, the deeper the soil profile. True or False


The family category focuses on properties affecting plant roots and suitability for engineering uses of soils. Select one: True False


The mineral particles in soil consist of sand, silt, and clay. True or False


The two most significant characteristics of the classification system used in the United States are a unique system of terminology and focus on measurable soil properties as a primary basis for the classification. Select one: True False


Vertisols are characterized by high contents of swelling-type silicate clays. Select one: True False


In a given soil, the horizon with the highest organic matter content is generally the ________ horizon. A.A B.C C.D D.B E.E


Which of the following soil map units consists of the most nearly level land? Select one: A.BeC2 B.CgE2 C.BeB2 D.BeC3 E.CgE

A. BeC2

Which of the following is (are) essential plant nutrients? A.Cu B.Pb C.Al D.Sr E.all of the above

A. Cu

In which soil orders would recent alluvium most likely be a common parent material? Select one: A.Entisols B.Alfisols C.Andisols D.Ultisols E.Aridisols

A. Entisols

Investigating the soils of northern Canada on summer, you dig a soil pit easily though fairly uniform peat material until, at 75 cm deep, your shovel hits a layer that is frozen solid. Into which type of soil are you most likely digging? Select one: A.Histel B.Cryert C.Cryent D.Histosol E.Fibrist

A. Histel

Soil scientists from which country first conceived the idea that soils were natural bodies? Select one: A.Russia B.Great Britain C.Belgium D.United States E.France

A. Russia

Soils in this order are commonly sandy in texture, quite acidic and develop primarily under coniferous trees in cool to cold climates. Select one: A.Spodosols B.Mollisols C.Alfisols D.Ultisols E.Andisols

A. Spodosols

Which of the following diagnostic horizons would likely not restrict root growth in soils? Select one: A.albic B.petrocalcic C.salic D.fragipan E.placic

A. albic

Information about conditions at 2 to 4 meters deep in a soil is usually most helpful for understanding ________. best to design a building foundation B.the proper classification of the soil. C.fertility requirements of most crops D.the diversity of animal life in the soil

A. how best to design a building foundation

Increasing the organic matter content of a soil is likely to ________. A.increase the soil's water holding capacity B.decrease the soil's water holding capacity C.have no effect on water holding capacity

A. increase the soil's water holding capacity

Exfoliation is caused by changes in ________. A.temperature B.oxidation C.hydration D.carbon dioxide dissolution E.all of the above

A. temperature

"Biotite-->clay-->iron oxide" represents a ________. A.weathering sequence B.catena C.silicate mineral sequence D.both A and B E.none of the above

A. weathering sequence

Which of the following pH values represents the most acid condition? A.7.0 B.1.0 C.100 D.10.0 E.5.55

B. 1.0

In which of the following horizons has the process of illuviation most likely occurred? A.E horizon B.B horizon C.A horizon D.O horizon E.C horizon

B. B horizon

If the soils are to be used for crop production, for which soil order would land drainage be most critical? Select one: A.Inceptisols B.Histosols C.Mollisols D.Aridisols E.Oxisols Feedback

B. Histosols

Which of the following statements is correct? A.Limestone parent materials enhance the process of acidification. B.Lacustrine parent materials have been subject to weathering for shorter periods of time than residual parent materials nearby. C.Nutrient cycling in forested areas contributes little to soil formation. D.Calcium carbonate accumulation is more prominent in humid than in arid regions. E.Soils on hillsides tend to be deeper than those on level lands.

B. Lacustrine parent materials have been subject to weathering for shorter periods of time than residual parent materials nearby

The nomenclature of Soil Taxonomy is characterized by all but which one of the following statements? Select one: A.The names of the orders all end with the letters sols. B.The names give a clear indication of the modes of genesis of the soil. C.Soil names (except for series level) identifies major soil characteristics. D.The subgroup name also tells you the great group, suborder, and order names. E.The names are based on measurable properties and not on presumed modes of genesis.

B. The names give a clear indication of the modes of genesis of the soil

Igneous rocks can best be characterized as ________. containing a mixture of primary and secondary minerals formed when molten magma solidifies formed from the recrystallization of sedimentary material found primarily near volcanoes containing both feldspars and micas

B. rocks formed when molten magma solidifies

Highly trained soil scientists generally map a soil landscape by sampling the soil in ________. Select one: A.a computer-calculated pattern of random points B.series of bore holes concentrated near expected soil boundaries C.four soil pits, one dug in each corner of the area to be mapped D.predetermined a grid-like geometric pattern of evenly spaced points E.A and D

B. series of bore holes concentrated near expected soil boundaries

Most of the different nutrients essential for growth are supplied to plants directly from the ________. A.cosmic radiation B.soil solution C.rain water D.atmosphere E.humus

B. soil solution

Human influence on the formation of soils, such as many urban soils, is highlighted at what level in Soil Taxonomy? Select one: A.Family B.Subgroup C.Great Group D.Order E.Suborder

B. subgroup

The layers of contrasting material found when one digs a hole in the ground are called ________. A.pedons B.horizons C.soil structure D.regoliths E.pseudoliths


Hydroxyl ion concentrations are greatest in a soil solution with a pH value of ________. A.5.0 B.4.0 C.6.5 D.0.1

C. 6.5

In soils of which great group would you most likely find wide surface cracks during periods of dry weather? A.Haplustox B.Kandiaquults C.Calciusterts D.Argiaquolls E.Albaqualfs

C. Calciusters

If the soils are to be used for crop production, for which soil order would land drainage be most critical? Select one: A.Oxisols B.Mollisols C.Histosols D.Aridisols E.Inceptisols

C. Histosols

You are seeking a soil with high clay content but one that is not sticky when wet nor hard and cloddy when dry. In which of the following suborders would you most likely find this soil? Select one: A.Ustalfs B.Cambids C.Ustox D.Udert E.Aquands

C. Ustox

A soil pedon is ________. Select one: A.a category of Soil Taxonomy B.a diagnostic subsurface horizon prominent in arid regions and in sandy parent materials C.a three-dimensional unit that embodies the primary characteristics of an individual soil D.generally larger in area than a polypedon E.a surface horizon used to characterize soil suborders and great groups

C. a three-dimensional unit that embodies the primary characteristics of an individual soil

Argillic horizons are characterized by ________. Select one: A.impervious hardpan layers B.high levels of iron and aluminum oxides C.accumulation of silicate clays D.high level of Na+ ions matter accumulation

C. accumulation of silicate clays

The presence of rocks such as shale and sandstone indicate the existence of ________. A.old mountain ranges B.highly weathered soils C.ancient seas D.a high water table E.iron-rich minerals

C. ancient seas

Secondary minerals are most prominent in the ________ fraction of soils. A.sand C.clay D.silt

C. clay

The mixed angular gravel, rock, and soil found at the foot of a slope is typical of what type of parent material? A.fluvial B.lacustrine C.colluvial D.glacial E.eolian

C. colluvial

Glacial till is a term used to describe parent materials that ________. A.were transported by high winds during glacial periods B.were transported by water gushing from glacial fronts C.contain a heterogeneous mixture of mineral debris dropped by receding glaciers D.were laid down in the bottom of former glacial lakes E.are sorted by rapidly flowing melt waters

C. contain a heterogeneous mixture of mineral debris dropped by receding glaciers

The reaction: mica + H2O→ K+ + OH- + acid clay is an example of ________. A.oxidation B.hydration C.hydrolysis D.exfoliation E.acid solution weathering

C. hydrolysis

Granite is an example of a(n) ________. A.primary mineral B.eolian parent material C.igneous rock D.secondary mineral E.sedimentary rock

C. igneous rock

The element most often involved in oxidation reactions as minerals weather is ________. A.aluminum B.magnesium C.iron D.silicon E.copper

C. iron

Alluvial fans are usually characterized by ________ soils. A.nearly level B.poorly drained C.sandy and gravelly D.clay textured

C. sandy and gravelly

The map units on a detailed soil map in a county soil survey report are most likely to be labeled with names from which category of Soil Taxonomy? Select one: A.great group B.order C.series D.suborder E.subgroup

C. series

Most (usually 80% or more) of soil potassium and calcium can be found in the form of ________. compounds B.exchangeable ions C.structural components of minerals D.dissolved substances

C. structural components of minerals

Mechanical weathering processes result in ________. A.the decomposition of primary minerals B.the oxidation of iron and manganese compounds C.the disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals D.the hydrolysis of minerals through frost action

C. the disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals

Mechanical weathering processes result in ________. A.the hydrolysis of minerals through frost action B.the oxidation of iron and manganese compounds C.the disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals D.the decomposition of primary minerals

C. the disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are three ________. A.master horizon names B.forms of minerals C.types of rocks D.basic classes of soils E.processes of weathering

C. types of rocks

In a typical mineral soil in optimal condition for plant growth, approximately what percentage of the pore space would be filled with water and what percentage filled with air? A.25% water and 25% air B.25% water and 75% air C.10% water and 90% air D.50% water and 50% air E.90% water and 10% air

D. 50% water and 50% air

In which of the following horizons has the process of illuviation most likely occurred? A.E horizon B.A horizon C.O horizon D.B horizon E.C horizon

D. B horizon

Organic matter accumulation is most pronounced in the ________. A.C horizon B.A horizon C.E horizon D.O horizon E.B horizon

D. O horizon

Soils in which of the following soil suborders would most likely have a prominent E horizon under the A horizon? Select one: A.Udolls B.Aquepts C.Ustox D.Udalfs E.Orthents

D. Udalfs

The water in the soil typically differs from pure water because the soil water ________. A.contains organic compounds restrained in its flow by attraction to particle surfaces C.contains mineral nutrients D.all of the above E.none of the above

D. all of the above

Which mineral is most resistant to weathering under humid temperate conditions? A.gypsum B.biotite C.dolomite D.gibbsite E.muscovite

D. gibbsite

Which of the following subsurface diagnostic horizons would you expect to find in a highly weathered soil of the humid tropics? Select one: A.natric B.salic C.cambic D.oxic E.spodic

D. oxic

If properly interpreted, a colored-keyed soil suborder map made in WebSoilSurvey would be a good source of information for ________. Select one: A.locating a home site B.planning a 5-year crop rotation for a farm C.mapping present land use in a county D.planning areas of future urban expansion in a county E.locating a site where a mineral mine could best be established

D. planning areas of future urban expansion in a county

Which of the following categories of Soil Taxonomy provides the greatest specificity of soil properties? Select one: A.great group C.order D.series E.suborder

D. series

Most of the different nutrients essential for growth are supplied to plants directly from the ________. A.humus B.atmosphere C.rain water D.soil solution E.cosmic radiation

D. soil solution

The amount of different sizes of mineral particles in a soil defines the soil ________. A.structure B.profile C.solution D.texture E.pore space

D. texture

A soil profile consists of _______ A.the spatial boundaries of a particular soil B.the sum of chemical and physical data known about a soil C.the way a soil "feels" D.the set of layers seen in a vertical cross section of a soil E.the general outline of a soil or group of soils when viewed from the side

D. the set of layers seen in a vertical cross section of a soil

Which of the following statements is not correct? A.Coniferous forests are found mostly in cool humid areas. B.Dense forests are found soil profiles have prominent O horizons. C.Grasslands are found in semi-arid and sub-humid areas. D.Tropical forests protect the soil from excessive weathering. E.The type of native vegetation is controlled primarily by climate.

D. tropical forests protect the soil from excessive weathering

Silicate clay accumulation is most common in the ________. A.O Horizon B.A horizon C.E horizon D.C horizon E.B horizon

E. B horizon

Which of the following soil map units consists of the most severely eroded soils? Select one: A.CgE B.BeC2 C.CgE2 D.BeB2 E.BeC3

E. BeC3

Soils in which of the following suborders would be more likely to occur in Minnesota than in Texas? Select one: A.Usterts B.Fluvents C.Udalfs D.Cambids E.Cryolls

E. Cryolls

A soil has a thick black A horizon, a distinct B horizon, has reasonably stable soil structure, and was formed under grassland natural vegetation. In which suborder is it most likely classed? Select one: A.Aquents B.Udults C.Ustalfs D.Cambids E.Udolls

E. Udolls

If you wanted to find a soil where physical weathering dominated over chemical breakdown you would be most apt to find it in ________. A.a coastal plain area of Delaware B.the hill lands of Georgia C.a humid region in Brazil D.a lacustrine deposit in Minnesota E.a desert region of Arizona

E. a desert region of Arizona

Which of the following is considered to be a plant macronutrient? A.P B.N C.S D.Ca E.all of the above

E. all of the above

in which of the following processes are space satellites used to collect geographic information about soils? Select one: A.geo-positioning B.horizon designation C.multi-spectral imagery D.profile description E.both A and C

E. both A and C

The information in WebSoilSurvey is generally used to ________ when designing a construction project. Select one: A.locate favorable sites B.draw up the design plans for building foundations C.indicate areas that require more intense on-site investigation than others D.replace laborious on-site soil investigation E.both A and C are correct

E. both A and C are correct

Which of the categories in the Soil Taxonomy system indicates properties that have implications for root growth as well as for the construction of building foundations? Select one: A.subgroup B.great group C.suborder D.series

E. family

Residual parent materials are best described as ________. A.materials more dominant in Iowa than in the Southern United States B.upland materials formed with relatively little chemical weathering C.materials formed under organic residues D.materials transported from one location to another by water, ice or wind E.materials formed by weathering of rocks and minerals in place

E. materials formed by weathering of rocks and minerals in place

Which of the following is not a secondary mineral? A.hematite B.calcite C.gypsum D.silicate clay E.microcline

E. microcline

Ultisols are formed under the ultimate weathering conditions. Of the 12 soil orders, the ultisols are the most highly weathered. Select one: True False


Ultisols are the result of physical weathering only. Select one: True False Feedback


Vertisols are often the preferred soils for construction. Select one: True False


Weathering of rocks usually is most intense in the center of a rock fragment, and gradually decreases toward the outside. True or False


Where organic matter constitutes only 1 or 2 percent of the soil by weight, it has only negligible influence on soil properties. True or False


While many organisms depend on the soil for nutrients and water, only a few very specialized organisms live in the soil itself. True or False


Soils in the Oxisols order are deeply weathered and have deep subsurface horizons of silicon oxide. Select one: True False

False- dominated by iron/aluminum oxides

Examples diagnostic horizons include kandic, spodic, ochric, mollic and oxic. Select one: True False


Examples genetic horizons include Ap, E, & Bt. Select one: True False


Examples of genetic horizons include R, E, O, B, C & A. Select one: True False


Geographic information about soils addresses primarily changes in field soil properties in the vertical direction but not the horizontal direction. Select one: True False


Modern county soil survey reports provide information on the suitability of soils for construction of such projects as sewage lagoons, roads and streets, and septic tank drainage fields. Select one: True False


Oxisols are more highly weathered than are the soils of any other order. Select one: True False


Residual parent materials have generally been subjected to weathering for a longer period of time than have colluvial or alluvial parent materials. True or False


The O horizons of a soil are dominantly organic horizons occurring above mineral horizons. Select one: True False


The lithosphere is made up of ________.


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