South Asia

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South Asia was under the authority of _____ government after the 1840s.


The warm and rainy season of the southwest monsoon lasts from...

June through October. Some areas receive more than 200 inches.


Minority religion for South Asia as a whole. Bangladesh and Pakistan are overwhelmingly Muslim.

India's financial, industrial, commercial center, and responsible for much of India's foreign trade (largest city in South Asia)...


Other Religious Groups

Parsis (Mumbai), followers of Zoroastrianism, ancient faith of Iran. Indian Christians-Arrived from missionaries from Southwest Asia

India's total fertility rate has ____ rapidly.

dropped (from 6 to 2.7)

South Asia will soon surpass East Asia as the world's,

most populous region.

The Caste System

Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sundras, and untouchables (Dalits) Marriage across caste lines is still rare, and caste issues figure heavily in Indian politics.

British and French competed for trading posts which lead to _____ victory over ____ in the Seven Year's War (1756-1763), the ____ retained only a few minor coastal cities.

Britain's, France, French

The _____ brought the entire region of South Asia into a single political system by the middle of the 19th century.


Most widely spoken language of South Asia, with more than 500 million native speakers, world's second most second most widely spoken language.

Hindi (Indo-European North)

South Asia has a ____ heritage overlain by a significant _____ presence.

Hindu, Muslim

The religion that emerged out of the early Ganges Valley civilization was..

Hinduism, a complicated faith that lacks a single system of belief.


India and Nepal- majority (Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka- minority)

As British finally withdrew in 1947, South Asia was divided into....

India and Pakistan.

In northern South Asia, most languages belong to the...

Indo-European family, the world's largest.

Roots of South Asian culture extend back to the...

Indus Valley civilization, which flourished 4500 years ago in what is now Pakistan.

Pakistan's largest urban area and commercial core, one of the world's fastest growing cities (suffers from political and ethnic tensions)..


Neither Pakistan nor India would accept the other's control over any portion of____, and as a result, they have since fought several wars over the issue.


Symbolizes the problems face by rapidly growing cities in developing countries.

Kolkata (Calcutta)

Early 20th century people of South Asia increasingly demanding independence, lead by many leaders such as....

Mohanda Gandhi- father-figure of Indian independence.

Buddhism was originated by...

Siddhartha Gautama,the Buddha, born in 563 BCE in an elite caste. He rejected the life of wealth and power, and sought instead to attain enlightenment, or mystical union with the universe. Buddhism spread though Asia never fully replacing Hinduism in India and began disappearing from most of South Asia from 500 CE

_____ has suffered from some of the world's worst environmental disasters.

South Asia.

Although South Asia remains a largely rural society, many of its cities are large and growing quickly. Resulting in...

South Asian cities having a serious problem with homelessness, poverty, congestion, water shortages, air pollution, and sewage disposal.

Ethnic violence in _____ stems from both religious and linguistic differences.

Sri Lanka

Tropical monsoon forest and savanna woodlands once covered most of the region, except for the desert areas in the northwest, but...

in most areas, tree cover has vanished as a result of human activities.

Indian ______ are world class, and many have begun to expand globally.

information technology firms

The multilingual countries of Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and India are all troubled by..

linguistic conflicts.

One measure of human well-being is nutrition, and by this measure South Asia ranks very ____.


A distinct cultural preference for ____ children is found in most of South Asia.


Hinduism is noted for its..

mystical tendencies (which have long inspired many to seek an ascetic lifestyle, renouncing property and sometimes all regular human relations. Associated with reincarnation and India's caste system.)

Other South Asian (ex. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) countries experience economic globalization through...

remittances or working abroad.

Four main Dravidian languages are confined to..

southern India and Sri Lanka.


stressed nonviolence, forbidden to kill any living creatures. Concentrated in northwestern India.

Green Revolution was an agricultural success, however,

suffered ecological and social costs (expensive and pollution from fertilizer and pesticide, poor farmers couldn't afford).

The main reason South Asian agricultural growth has kept up with population growth is...

the Green Revolution, which originated during the 1960s in agricultural research stations established by international development agencies.

The link between population pressure and environmental problems is nowhere clearer than in...

the delta area of Bangladesh, where the search for fertile land has driven people into hazardous areas.

The dominant climatic factor for most of South Asia is...

the monsoon, the seasonal change of wind direction that corresponds to wet and dry periods.

According to a 2007 study, 46 percent of Indian children below age ___ are undernourished.


The threat of crop failure, although much reduced, remains, in part because much South Asian farming is..

vulnerable to the unpredictable monsoon rains.

Second widely spoken language in South Asia, roughly 200 million people, word's ninth most widely spoken language.

Bengali (Indo-European North)


Disappeared from India in medieval times, persisted in Sri Lanka. In the high valleys of the Himalayas, the Tibetan form of Buddhism emerged as the majority faith.

The languages of southern Indian belong to the

Dravidian family, which is found only in South Asia


The tension between Hinduism and Islam in northern South Asia care rise to a new religion, combines elements of both religions. Originate in 1400s in Punjab, near India and Pakistan.

Along the mountainous northern rim of the region, a third linguistic family, _____ dominates.



began to invade Central Asian, by the 1300s most of South Asia lay under Muslim power, although Hindu kingdoms persisted in southern India. During the 16th and 17th began to dominate much of the region

India more than ____ its annual grain production between 1970 and the mid-1990s.


As a result from deforestation, forcing people to burn...

dung cakes as low-grade fuel.

Environmental issues in South Asia include...

flooding in the region's large river deltas, deforestation, and widespread water and air pollution.

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