special tests for knee
the bulge sign test
i will apply anterior compression to the lower third of the patients thigh with my left hand and with my thumb on one side & fingers on the outer side of the thigh while i maintain pressure i will slide my hand down to the upper border of the patella & sweep the medial aspect of the knee
Ballottement test
i will compress the supra-patellar pouch with one hand then with the index & middle fingers of the other hand push the patella gently backwards
anterior & posterior drawer test
i will have the patient supine, hips & knees flexed, feet flat on the table i will stabilize the patients feet i will grasp the knee joint with fingers behind & thumbs anteriorly over medial & lateral joint lines i will then draw the tibia towards me or away from me
McMurray Test
i will place my hand so that my middle finger, index & ring fingers are aligned along the medial joint line (i will cup the knee joint) i will grasp the heel with my other hand & flex the knee to 90 degrees & place the tibia in external rotation using my hand that is on the knee i will apply valgus stress using my hand thats on the hell i will slowly extend the knee i will repeat either internal rotation & varus stress
Valgus/Varus Stress Test
with the patients knee slightly flexed i will place one hand against the lateral side of the knee and the other hand on the medial side of the ankle i will then apply valgus (medial stress) to assess medial collateral ligament i will repeat by placing one hand against the medial side of the knee & the other hand on lateral side of the ankle i will apply varus stress to assess lateral collateral ligament