Speech Midterm

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How is public speaking embodied?

- Audience judges you from the nonverbal behaviors and you can use your body to add impact to your speech

How do we determine if something is common knowledge?

- Current and historical events, famous people, and geographic locations - If found in numerous places and is it likely known by lots of people

What patterns of organization are best suited for informative speaking?

- Picking a focused and unique topic - Picking a clear structure such as claim, evidence, and warrant - Providing clear and interesting information

What are the functions of transition statements?

- Serve as a bridge between seemingly disconnected statements

what are the major myths around rehearsing for public speech?

- You'll look stupid if you mess up - Introverts are not good speakers - Only rookies get nervous - You'll need humor to be relatable

What is aesthetics? Why is this important in public speaking?

- artistically vail or beautiful also pleasing in appearance - Public speaking is grounded in viewing speaking as an art form

What should you accomplish in your introduction and why is each element important?

- attention getter - credibility statement - relevance statement - thesis statement - preview

Articulate the barriers to good listening and how one can overcome them

- being preoccupied and distracted can be overcome by focusing only on giving the speech - communicating in a noisy environment - Interrupting the speaker instead write notes instead an hold questions till the end - Not a good physical state such as being too tired or hungry could be distracting so always eat and sleep before giving a speech

what are the principle pattern of organization and how do you choose the right one for your speech?

- chronological pattern - spatial pattern - topical organizational pattern - cause and effect pattern - problem solution pattern Choosing which format is the best is based on what kind of speech your doing and the grouping of the research

What are the guidelines for organizing your speech?

- each section of your outline is connected - preparing an outline is always needed - having cohesive statements

What are the major non-verbal delivery considerations?

- eye contact - vocals - body posture - gestures - facial expressions

what are some common factors that lead to higher levels of communication apprehension?

- fear of failure - fear of rejection of ones self/idea - holding ourselves to a higher standard

what are some suggestions for how one can reduce communication apprehension?

- getting adequate sleep - eating food - picking your outfit out the day before - being mentally prepared and not worrying/focusing on other things - rehearsing your speech

Characteristics of Communication

- goal orientated - circular (what started the process or ended it) - unrepeatable (the context is never the same) - irreversible (once published the people are the ones to judge the meaning) - situational - constrained (telephone being cut off)

List some major vocal downfalls

- saying "like" every other word - pausing at awkward moments or places in the speech - forgetting sentences or what your going to say

The three types of informative speeches

- speeches of description - definitional speeches - speeches of explanation - speeches of demonstration

What are the core components of effective verbal delivery?

- vocal pauses - pace and rate of speech - verbal punctuation - vocal enunciation - projection

What is the mythical norm?

A filter that informs our willingness to view a speaker as credible even if they are not Ex// generally a white middle-class man

Describe the difference between general and specific purpose?

A general purpose is in which a speech your going to present and why you're speaking on the topic you are. A specific purpose statement built on to the general purpose and makes it more specific. This includes the topic, type of speech, and why

What are things we can do to become a good advocate?

Balancing your interests or goals with those of a larger group

How does nonverbal delivery relate to aesthetics?

By being able to enhance your message and to invite your audience to give their serious expressions to it. It also helps with sincerity and the knowledge of your speech.

What is the role of power when adapting to your audience?

Careful about who your representing even when those group members may not be in the audience since your the one that is talking about a certain group and have the power over what to say about them.

explanation speeches definition

Clarifying information and with explanatory speeches focus on reports of current and historical events, customs, transformations, inventions, policies, outcomes, and options

what is fake news ? and what are the strategies to locate relevant and honest topics?

Fake news is propaganda which is biased or misleading information that promotes a particular agenda. - When searching for honest news dig deep and search multiple sites and see if the information is changed based on particular political views.

What is information literacy and how is it relevant to public speaking?

It is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and to have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use info. - Used in public speaking when adding sources to the speech

How do you enact both as a speaker and a audience member about reflexivity?

Keeping an open mind even though you might disagree with a speaker or audience member. Also keeping an open mind when the speaker is treading on your values.

What are the common pitfalls in researching an argument? What are the strategies to determine a sources credibility?

Not doing through research and only looking at the first page when looking something up and not looking at how credible the authors are. - To determine a sources credibility look at who is writing it and see if they have education or research in that area. Using data bases would help and also looking at when the articles were published.

How would you define advocacy?

Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy

describe the difference between paraphrasing and quoting?

Quoting is using direct information from a source without rearranging it or summarizing it. Paraphrasing it is using the idea of the article or quote, but putting it in your own words

What is the relationship between storytelling and vivid language and aesthetics?

Storytelling and vivid language are similar since they are both paying attention to sequence and detail. They both could use pathos in their speech to draw the reader by creating that bond with the story.

What is the purpose of a thesis statement? How might our spoken thesis statements differ from written ones?

The purpose of a thesis statement is it outlines the purpose of your speech and tells the audience what you're going to be talking about. Usually, the written one on an outline involves more detail since it is written and the spoken one gets right to the 3 main points.

What is the purpose or what are the purposes of informative speaking?

To share information on the topic that the audience hopefully does not completely know a lot on. It always brings awareness to topics that need to be changed or are harmful to something.

What is the role of the listener in an informative presentation?

To take in the information and to be able to learn all the information that was being presented.

what are the two common pitfalls when stats are used?

When using stats as supply do not use them as main points and do not overuse them

communication is...

a process of sharing meaning or expanding by recieving and sending syblolic cues that the idea is translated to

demonstration speeches

a speech that answers "how" questions by showing an audience the way something works


anything that gets in the way of the message being received and translated into meaning ex// external and internal

define evidence

body of facts or information indicating whether a belief is true

define warrant

connection between the claim and evidence


environment and setting


means to critically consider how our values, assumptions, actions, and communication affect others.

definitional speeches definition

provide answers to "what" questions and provides the meaning of an idea to the audience

description speeches definition

provides a clear picture of a person, place, thing, or idea

deine claim

state or assert that something is the case, without providing evidence or proof

field of experience

the individual experiences of those involved in the interaction

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