Sports and society

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Identify a belief of Buddhism and Hinduism that is inconsistent with training to be an elite athlete.

Physical reality is transient.

Which of the following is a quality that is needed for being an effective agent of change in sports?

Political abilities to rally the resources that make strategies effective in producing changes


Recipe-like rituals designed to produce immediate and practical results in the material world Regularized, ritualistic actions performed to give a person or group a sense of control and predictability in the face of challenges

Accomplishing the conservative goal of growth in sports requires _____.

management and marketing techniques that expand and make sports organizations more efficient

According to H.G. Bissinger, attending football games enabled students and townspeople in Odessa, Texas, to reaffirm their ideas about _____.

natural differences between men and women

In an era of transnational corporations, sports that aren't organized to attract spectators with high purchasing power or those that don't emphasize competitive outcomes and setting performance/production records are _____.

not sponsored by corporations

Nationalistic themes in media coverage of international sports are now accompanied and sometimes obscured by images and narratives _____.

promoting the products and services of transnational corporations

________ is a form of power that comes with a recognized and legitimate status or office in a government, an organization, or an established set of relationships.


In the quest to maintain their legitimacy, political officials may use athletes, teams, and particular sports to _____.

boost their acceptance in the minds of citizens

Political leaders have often used sports as a nation-building tool because they believe that the emotional unity created by successful national teams and athletes and by hosting major sports events will _____.

build national identity and pride among citizens

The record of Christian sport organizations indicates that they give primary emphasis to _____.

building faith one person at a time

Growth is a _____ based on the belief that sports are inherently positive activities that should be strengthened and expanded in their current forms.

conservative goal

Recent history shows that sports can be useful in the realm of ______ ______ , which consists of public expressions of togetherness in the form of cultural exchanges and general communication among officials from various nations.

public diplomacy

Realizing that sports participation is a self-centered, self-indulgent activity may create a crisis of meaning for athletes. One way to deal with this crisis is to _____.

define sports participation as an act of worship

In the context of the Protestant ethic and the spirit of sports, Protestant beliefs have supported the idea that individual competitive success _____.

demonstrates a person's moral worth

True or false: Many Christian organizations and groups use sports as sites for evangelizing.


Altering the future of sports by rejecting dominant power and performance sports and developing new sports grounded in alternative ideas about what sports should be is not easy to do because _____.

resources are seldom available to people seeking to transform sports programs and organizations

Life philosophies in China emphasize the notion that all human beings should _____.

strive to live in accord with the energy and forces of nature

For young men who play sports, _____ is assumed to bring acceptance, autonomy, and recognition as adults.

successfully claiming a masculine identity

Sportainment coverage supports the growth of power and performance sports by _____.

sustaining interest in a sport between events and in the off-season

If people take advantage of the opportunities to borrow and blend different sports, styles of play, and game strategies without _____, it will be possible to envision and create sports that fit a wide range of interests and abilities.

systemically privileging games from one culture and marginalizing games from other cultures

Fundamentalists emphasize the "moral decline of society" and the need to return to a time when religious truth was _____.

the foundation for culture and social organization

It is difficult for people in traditional cultures to resist dependency status in international sports when _____.

the rules and other structural characteristics of the sports reflect and privilege powerful nations

Max Weber's study titled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism focused on the connection between the ideas embodied in the Protestant Reformation and _____.

values underlying the growth of capitalist economic systems

Muslims have long participated in physical activities and sports, but participation is regulated by _____.

their beliefs about what pleases Allah

Government officials use international sports to establish their nation's legitimacy in the international sphere, and they often believe that _____ enhances their image around the world.

winning medals

Identify the different models around which sports are organized. (Check all that apply.)

A power and performance model A pleasure and participation model

Identify an example of a superstition.

A soccer player wears his socks inside out during big games because he believes that it will help him score goals.

According to Susan Brownell's studies of life philosophies in China, why is it difficult to separate religious beliefs from cultural ideology as a whole?

Because life philosophies in China are actually general theories of the nature and principles of the universe

Identify a reason why it is difficult to make academic support programs a key part of big-time athletic departments.

Big-time college sports are tied to many interests unrelated to education.

How does defining sports participation as a sacred rather than a secular activity help give meaning to sports participation? (Check all that apply.)

By eliminating the doubts of athletes about the worthiness of what they do By sanctifying playing sports as a calling from God

Which of the following changes are required to accomplish the goal of improvement? (Check all that apply.)

Changes that promote appropriate opportunities for everyone to participate Changes that promote fair competition and responsible citizenship

A group of college professors formed _____ to reform intercollegiate sports and defend academic integrity in higher education.

Drake Group

Which of the following is a feature of globalization?

Exchanges of resources and elements of culture are seldom equal.

Identify the different types of goals that people have for the future of sports. (Check all that apply.)

Improvement Social transformation Growth

Identify the issues that arise when athletes move from one country to another. (Check all that apply.)

Issues related to the personal adjustments made by migrating athletes Issues related to the rights of athletes as workers Issues related to the national identities of athletes and fans

What are the differences between sport and religion as identified by essentialists? (Check all that apply.)

Religion emphasizes humility and love, whereas sport emphasizes personal achievement and conquest. The aim of religion is to transcend the material world in the pursuit of eternal life, whereas the aim of sport is to embrace material reality.

Identify the two national associations with which schools with intercollegiate sports are generally affiliated. (Check all that apply.)

The National Collegiate Athletic Association The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

Which of the following is a topic that inspires critical sociological analysis by sociologists who study sports and religions?

The involvement of sports and religions in the processes of formation and transformation of social and cultural life.

Identify the qualities that are needed for being an effective agent of change in sports. (Check all that apply.)

Visions of what sports and social life could and should be like Willingness to work hard on the strategies needed to turn visions into realities

Identify the situations in which clustering occurs. (Check all that apply.)

When athletes register in classes involving little work When athletes lack academic confidence and seek support from teammates in the same courses

Which of the following persons is enrolled in a Division I institution under the National Collegiate Athletic Association?

Abdul, who gets into a university with big-time programs for football

In the context of sports and global political processes, nation-states and transnational corporations (TNCs) regularly use sports to _____.

Promote their ideologies

For smaller nations, the Olympics, World Cups, and international championships have been stages for showing _____.

athletes and teams can stand up to and sometimes defeat athletes and teams from wealthy and powerful nations

Power and performance sports are exclusive in that participants are selected for their _____.

abilities to achieve competitive success

Athletic departments with big-time sport programs now maintain _____ to help athletes succeed in their academic work.

academic support programs

People who assume that the universe is governed by unchanging laws and that meaning and truth are inherent in nature are referred to as _____.


Advocates of government support for and involvement in sports say that it is justified because it _____.

serves the "public good"

When a sport exists simply for pleasure and participation, the primary resources needed are _____.

people wishing to play it and spaces in which it can be played

Research findings on the effects of playing school sports are confusing because most researchers assume that _____.

playing on a school team has the same meaning in all contexts for all athletes in all sports

Politics occur at all levels of social life, and because governments make decisions that affect people's lives, they are _____ by definition.

political organizations

Dominant sports in most societies have been and continue to be organized around a _____.

power and performance model

When people use interactionist theories, they focus on _____.

processes of social learning and the relationships through which people come to know and give meaning to the world

Governments become involved in sports to _____, especially when there is a need to reaffirm the idea that success is based on discipline, loyalty, determination, and hard work, even in the face of hardship and bad times.

promote specific political values and ideas among their citizens

In sociological terms, ________ are socially shared belief systems comprised of the words, symbols, metaphors, myths, and rituals that people use to think about their relationship with the supernatural realm and communicate their thoughts to others.


If people in traditional cultures want to preserve their native games, they must _____.

resist dependency status

Identify the similarities between religions and ideologies. (Check all that apply.)

They are used to guide choices and actions. They are used to explain the meaning of objects, events, and experiences.

Why are some Christian religious organizations developed around sports? (Check all that apply.)

To attract people to embrace Christian beliefs To provide support for athletes who hold Christian beliefs

Sports today focus on planning and productivity, and "fun" has been redefined so it is associated with _____.

achieving goals rather than spontaneity and joy

In the context of high school sports and popularity, sports are used by young women to _____.

claim a feminine identity

In capitalist societies, sports provide people with a vocabulary and real-life examples that are _____.

consistent with dominant political and cultural ideologies

The fact that half of all reported concussions in organized school sports occur in _____ raises the anxiety-provoking liability issue for coaches, athletic directors, and school administrators.


According to H.G. Bissinger's account of football games in Odessa, Texas, young men who did not hit hard, physically intimidate opponents, or play with pain were described with nonmasculine terms. At the same time, women who didn't stand by and support their men were seen as _____.

gender nonconformists

Sports facilitate cultural exchanges, but true 50-50 sharing and mutual understanding between nations are rare when nations _____.

have unequal power and resources

Identify the strategies that Christian athletes in power and performance sports could use to reduce doubts about the moral value of what they do in sports. (Check all that apply.)

-They could focus on the ascetic aspects of sports and see themselves as enduring pain for God's sake. -They could drop out of power and performance sports and seek other sports and activities that fit more closely with their religious beliefs. -They could strive to be the best they can be as athletes so they can more effectively use sports as a platform for evangelizing.

Many black athletes feel isolated on campuses where there are few black students, faculty, and administrators. Identify the factors that intensify this feeling of isolation. (Check all that apply.)

Athletes must devote so much time to their sports that it is difficult for them to become involved in other spheres of campus life. Campus activities often fail to represent the interests and experiences of black students, who consequently often feel like outsiders.

From the study titled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber concluded that _____.

Protestant religious beliefs helped create a social and cultural environment in which capitalism could develop and grow

Which of the following do power and performance sports involve?

Setting records Pushing human limits Using the body as a machine

Politics Governments

The processes of organizing social power and making decisions that affect people's lives Formal organizations with the power to make and enforce rules in a particular territory or collection of people

In the context of playing school sports, identify the factors that cause variations in the meanings given to sports by athletes. (Check all that apply.)

The status given to athletes and sports in various contexts The identities young people develop as they play sports The ways that young people integrate sports and an athlete identity into their lives

In the context of religions and sports as cultural practices, which of the following do social constructionists do when they study religions and sports? (Check all that apply.)

They study gender ideology in relation to religion, the body, and sports. They study the social consequences of combining religious beliefs with sports participation in specific social worlds.

In the context of the issues in high school and college sports, the progress that has been made toward achieving gender equity is due to _____.

adding new sports to athletic programs

In the context of the factors that influence trends in sports, being organized and making plans to accomplish goals is so important in post-industrial societies that the elements of play are _____.

given low priority or may even be considered frivolous by parents and coaches

The nations from which athletes are recruited usually have _____ than the recruiting countries.

less power and resources

Most sociologists study religions and sports as cultural practices that are created by people over time as they live with each other and give meaning to their experiences and the world around them. This is a _____ to studying religions and sports.

social constructionist approach

Over time, athlete migration may cause such a depletion of talent in a country that the infrastructure for a particular sport is destroyed and local people are forced to follow the sport as it is played in the country that has taken all their best talent. This form of "_____" has a significant impact on countries in Africa and Latin America, where athletes seek contracts in Europe and North America.

sport talent drain

True or false: Sportainment coverage is uncommon in commercial power and performance sports, because it feeds and extends gender differences and a form of gender ideology that privileges men.


True or false: Studies in the United States consistently show that students who do not play school-sponsored sports generally perform better and are healthier than high school athletes as a group.


True or false: The spirit associated with the games of big-time sport teams eliminates any opportunities for white male college students to party, binge drink, avoid the library, and study less.


Identify the subdivisions that make up Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. (Check all that apply.)

Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) Non-Football (NF) subdivision

Which of the following statements is true of the emotional unity created by winning medals or hosting events?

It is relatively shortlived and does nothing to change the political realities of everyday life for the vast majority of people in a society.

Identify the accurate statements about the ways in which technology influences trends in sports. (Check all that apply.)

It is used to make sports safer and treat injuries more effectively. It is used to train more efficiently, control athletes' bodies, and increase the speeds at which bodies move.

Identify a true statement about the inclusiveness of pleasure and participation sports.

Skill differences among participants often are accommodated by using "handicaps" that allow everyone to experience challenges.

Research shows that athletes in certain sports are overrepresented in certain majors and courses. This phenomenon is known as _____


Games, athletes, and sport participation become commodities when _____.

commercial ideology pervades sports

Coaches sometimes use religious beliefs to promote obedience by _____.

converting obedience into a divine mandate

The goal of some high school administrators, athletic directors, and coaches is to achieve excellence by _____, which leads to the emergence of a sports culture in which participants are expected to represent their schools and communities by giving priority to their training, being dedicated to achieving excellence, and being willing to make sacrifices for the team.

creating a sport program that resembles big-time intercollegiate programs

Although demographic diversity presents challenges in the field of sports, it also presents possibilities for _____.

creating new forms and versions of sports

Changing the future of sports occurs when people reject dominant power and performance sports and _____.

develop new sports grounded in alternative ideas about what sports should be

Sports that are highly organized, have strong backing from other organized groups, and base their requests for support on visible accomplishments achieved in the name of an entire country or city are referred to as _____.

elite sports

Max Weber used historical data to show that the Protestant ethic emphasized a rationally controlled lifestyle in which _____.

emotions and feelings were suppressed in a dual quest for worldly success and eternal salvation

Recreational sports serving large numbers of people are less able to give precise statements of their goals and the political significance of their programs. This means that sports for all usually _____.

have lower priority for funding and support

The way to ensure that creativity thrives in this era of commercial and consumption-oriented sports is to _____.

have public spaces where people can play sports without fees, permits, or memberships

Women often face difficulties when recruiting corporate sponsors for pleasure and participation sports, but this is beginning to change as people in corporations see that these sports can make employees _____.

healthier and create new realms of consumption

People are likely to give higher priority to pleasure and participation sports when they realize that _____.

healthy exercise can be incorporated into these sports

While playing sports such as rugby, soccer, and hockey, the "in-your-face" power and performance orientation exhibited by some men is replaced by a more cooperative orientation by women that _____.

highlights connections between participants

When people play sports that come from powerful nations, they give them meanings that are grounded in _____.

local cultures

There will be an emphasis on sponsoring power and performance sports as long as _____.

men control corporate resources

Recreational sports serving large numbers of people are less organized, less likely to have powerful supporters, and less able to give precise statements of their goals and the _____.

political significance of their programs

Issues in sports related to global processes are often linked with _____, so it is useful to understand them when studying sports in society.


______ refers to an ability to influence people and achieve goals, even in the face of opposition from others.


Nationalist themes going beyond respectful expressions of patriotism have been clearly evident in many sport events, and most nations regularly use sport events to _____.

promote their own military, economic, political, and cultural agendas

Cities in the United States fund sport clubs and teams and then use them to _____.

promote themselves as good places to live, work, locate a business, or vacation

Most interscholastic sport programs are funded through school district appropriations that come from _____.

property taxes

According to Jennings (2006), recent history shows that most nations use sports and sport events, especially the Olympic Games, to _____.

pursue their own interests

The _____ approach used by most sociologists is based on evidence showing that religions and sports have diverse forms and meanings that are understandable only in connection with the social and cultural conditions under which people create and maintain them.

social constructionist

The application of scientific or other organized knowledge to solve problems, expand experiences, or alter the conditions of reality is known as _______.


The stated role of people working in academic support programs is to help athletes succeed in their academic work. However, the fact that _____ raises questions about their real goals.

they are administered by and located in athletic departments

Most researchers do not have information about the pre-participation characteristics of athletes because _____.

they collect data at one point in time and simply compare students who play on sport teams with those who do not

Sports are useful platforms to foster a particular ideology that contains taken-for-granted assumptions about _____.

way social life is organized and how it does and should operate

True or false: When athletes pray, it is always a form of superstition, regardless of its purpose.


According to Nightengale, 2006, some team owners see "born-again athletes" as good long-term investments because they _____.

are less likely to get arrested

Existing studies suggest that sports that are favored by wealthy nations _____.

are not simply imposed on people worldwide

Organized competitive sports are logical sites for the application of Protestant beliefs because these sports _____.

are oriented around work and achievement

_____ explain that changing sports involves changing the context in which social relationships exist.

Structural theories

What was a consequence of The Drake Group's lobbying of the U.S. Congress?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association acted quickly to highlight academic success stories in college sports.

Which of the following are required to accomplish the goal of transformation in sports? (Check all that apply.)

The ability to create re-imagined or new sports in which previously disenfranchised people share power with others in determining policies A critical assessment of dominant sports

People who wish to be agents of change in sports can use _____ to understand the processes through which social worlds are produced, reproduced, and transformed.

cultural theories

Which of the following is a radical goal of sports that is based on the belief that dominant forms of sports are systemically flawed and must be reorganized or replaced to create new meaning and purpose?


In the context of the issues that college sport programs face, budget and program inequality at the college level is primarily related to the _____.

distribution of media rights revenues, gate receipts, and fund-raising connections

In the context of religions and sports as cultural practices, social constructionists study the _____.

meanings given to the body by people who have religious beliefs

In the context of sport participation, most older people prefer participating in _____.

modified versions of competitive activities in which rules emphasize the pleasure of movement

In the context of frequent government involvement in sports, a quest for recognition and prestige underlies _____.

government subsidies for national teams across a wide range of sports

In the context of government intervention in sports to facilitate urban economic development, expenditures of public money on high-profile sport events are connected with private entrepreneurial projects designed to _____.

increase personal and corporate capital and renew declining areas

Much of the reason why sport programs have become increasingly detached from academic programs is that _____.

many people simply assume that sport is education and that playing sports is learning

According to historian William Baker, evangelical Christians generally assume that reform occurs only when individual athletes accept Christ into their lives. This assumption is based on the idea of "_____."

primacy of faith

In the context of the issues in high school sport programs, some high school administrators, athletic directors, and coaches think that educational quality is somehow linked to the development of a sport program that focuses on _____.

winning records and being ranked highly among schools in the state or nation

In the context of changing orientations and rising expectations in sports, most athletes at the high school level believe that _____ is essential to receive a college athletic scholarship.

year-round involvement in a single sport

Persons or groups who _____ benefit the most from public investments in sports.

are capable of directly influencing policy makers

The process through which financial capital, products, knowledge, worldviews, and cultural practices flow through political borders and influence people's lives is known as _____.


Research suggests that the spirit associated with the games of big-time sport teams _____.

has little to do with the educational mission of universities or creating general social integration on a campus

The most logical explanation for differences between athletes on school teams and other students is that school-sponsored sports attract students who _____.

have good grades and are socially popular in school

According to Doug Foley, sports are socially important because they present students with a vocabulary to _____.

identify values and interpret their everyday experiences

In the context of interscholastic sports and the educational and developmental experiences of high school students, qualitative research, often based on a critical approach and guided by combinations of cultural, interactionist, and structural theories, has focused on the connections between _____.

interscholastic sports, the culture and organization of high schools, and the everyday lives of students

The concentration of global wealth has created an international class of multibillionaire investors who see sport teams as _____.


Many sports organizations are notorious for their _____.

lack of transparency and accountability

Many political leaders attend highly publicized sports events and associate themselves with high-profile athletes and teams that win major competitions in order to _____.

maintain their legitimacy as leaders

Studying Islam and sports is a challenge because Muslims, like many Buddhists and Hindus, _____.

make few distinctions between the secular and the sacred

In the context of high school sports and popularity, adolescents use different strategies for seeking acceptance, autonomy, sexual identity, and recognition because _____.

males and females in North America are still treated and evaluated differently

The images, narratives, and the often-repeated stories that accompany sports in market economies emphasize that competition is clearly the best way to _____.

motivate people and allocate rewards in society

For those who study sports and gender, it is helpful to understand that religious beliefs _____.

often define, in moral terms, expectations related to gender

A sociological discussion of religion may create controversy because people _____.

often use their own religious beliefs as their only point of reference

In the context of the difficulty in reforming big-time college sports, instead of focusing on high-profile sports as educational programs, academic administrators generally use them as _____.

public relations and fund-raising tools

In the context of changing orientations and rising expectations in sports, a growing number of athletes at the high school level seek opportunities to develop the skills and visibility that maximize their chances _____.

receiving a college athletic scholarship

Noreen, a high school senior, is part of the school softball team. She is an exceptional player who has led her team to success in many tournaments. Her persistent training and practice has made her coaches realize that she has immense potential for a career in softball. Noreen also hopes to play for a college team and eventually gain entry to professional softball. In the context of changing orientations and rising expectations of young people in school sports, Noreen's efforts of developing and improving her skills can be seen as an attempt to maximize her chances of _____.

receiving a college athletic scholarship

The only exception to the notion that Christian beliefs generally reproduce sports as they currently exist is _____.

recreational sports

The fact that public investments in sports benefit some people more than others doesn't mean that government policies _____.

reflect only the interests of wealthy and powerful people

Improvement is a _____ based on beliefs that sports participation produces positive consequences, that the ethical foundations and the inherent integrity of sports must be restored or maintained, and that participation opportunities must be increased.

reformist goal

Power is a process, and it is always exercised through _____.

relationships and current forms of social organization

In order to safeguard the public order, local governments may regulate sport participation through laws by _____.

requiring people to obtain permits to use public facilities and playing fields

In the context of the issues facing high school sport programs, budget and program inequality among high schools is related primarily to the _____.

residential distribution of wealth across neighborhoods, towns, and even regions of the country

Identify the processes in school sports that contribute to differences between athletes and other students. (Check all that apply.)

selection-in process filtering-out process

In the context of high school sports and popularity, young women in high school are less likely than their male peers to view sports as a(n) _____.

self-identification focal point in their lives

Athletes who most effectively maintain a realistic balance between their academic and athletic commitments have _____.

social networks that support academic identities and facilitate academic success

Identify the similarities between sports and religions. (Check all that apply.)

Both have structured organizations and a clear hierarchy of authority. Both have special sites for events and communal gatherings.

How does religion help athletes stay out of trouble off the field?

By getting them involved in church-related and community-based service programs

In the context of interscholastic sports and the experiences of high school students, identify a true statement about student membership on school teams.

It leads to reduced dropout rates and increased identification with the school.

In the context of intercollegiate sports, the _____ is the largest and most powerful association, with close to 1200 member institutions, nearly 500,000 athletes, and revenues of well over $1 billion per year for the national headquarters.

National Collegiate Athletic Association

Which of the following made it possible to claim that being a tough, aggressive athlete was consistent with Christian values? (Check all that apply.)

The belief that sports participation imparts purity and goodness Acceptance of the great sport myth

Which of the following ideas encouraged many Christian organizations to use sports in their efforts to recruit boys and men? (Check all that apply.)

The idea that the body had moral significance The idea that moral character could be strengthened with physical conditioning

Which of the following is an issue that arises when athletes move from one country to another?

The impact of talent migration on the nations from and to which athletes migrate

Why have people who create media-based experiences have had a major impact on how people define fun and spend their time? (Check all that apply.)

The media provide images and narratives that many people use to imagine future possibilities for sports. Media coverage of sports events and athletes influences popular discourse about sports.

Which of the following are the key virtues emphasized by the Protestant ethic as identified by sociologist Steven Overman in his book The Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Sport: How Calvinism and Capitalism Shaped American Games (2011)? (Check all that apply.)

The work ethic The time ethic Rationalization

In the context of growing inequality in funding for sports, identify a true statement about private schools.

These schools can recruit student athletes without being limited by any geographical restrictions.

What do sociologists focus on when they study religions?

They focus on the ways that religious beliefs inform people's feelings, thoughts, and actions.

How did influential Christian men use sports to promote spiritual growth during the mid-1800s?

They promoted the idea that the physical condition of a man's body had religious significance.

Identify a true statement about the new concussion diagnosis and treatment protocols mandated in high school sports.

They reduce the likelihood of playing with a head injury.

Identify a true statement about older people's view on sports.

They see sports as social activities and make them inclusive.

Individualism Achieved status Rationalization Goal directedness

-People control their spiritual destiny by accepting a personal relationship with God or Christ. -Worldly success is associated with goodness and salvation, whereas failure is associated with sin and damnation. -Truth is discovered through human reason, and virtue is expressed through efficiency and measurable achievements. -Spiritual salvation and the moral worth of human action depend on achievement and success.

Religions ideologies

-They always bring a divinity or the supernatural into the sense-making process and connect meaning and understanding to a sacred realm that transcends the here-and-now material world. -They focus mostly on secular, here-and-now, material world issues and are neither automatically nor inevitably linked with a supernatural realm or a divinity.

Which of the following statements are true of athletes who most effectively maintain a realistic balance between their academic and athletic commitments? (Check all that apply.)

-They have perceived access to career opportunities following graduation. -They have social relationships and experiences that expand confidence and skills apart from sports. -They have past experiences that consistently reaffirm the importance of education.

Global media coverage of certain sports has given teams the visibility needed to _____.

become global brands

What are the similarities between sports and religions? (Check all that apply.)

Both involve disciplined quests for perfection in mind, body, and spirit. Both have rituals before, during, and after major events. Both have occasions that inspire emotions and existential thoughts. Both have events to celebrate and reaffirm shared values.

How do some countries poach athletes from other countries? (Check all that apply.)

By promising them rewards By putting them on a very fast track for citizenship

How has religion been able to reaffirm motivation and social control on teams?

By sanctifying norms and rules by connecting them with divinities

How have Christian athletes been able to use Christian beliefs to reproduce sports as they currently exist?

By transforming everything related to sports into moral virtues

Which of the following are involved in changing sports as explained by interactionist theories? (Check all that apply.)

Changing socialization processes and self-concepts and identities Changing the priorities given to particular role models and significant others

A factor that has not been studied in the context of the processes that contribute to differences between athletes and other students is the control that parents, teachers, and coaches have over the lives of athletes on school teams. In this context, identify the standard procedures in the lives of athletes when their season is ongoing. (Check all that apply.)

Class attendance Homework checks Study halls Grade checks

Identity the various fund-raising strategies used by various high schools in the face of budget shortfalls. (Check all that apply.)

Collecting sport participation fees Fostering booster clubs Seeking corporate sponsorship

Who among the following now exert significant influence over sport events, at least to the point of directing sport images and narratives toward spectator-consumers rather than spectator-citizens?

Corporate sponsors

_____ indicate that to change sports, people must change the symbols, values, norms, vocabularies, beliefs, and ideologies that they use to make sense of and give meaning to sports and sport experiences.

Cultural theories

Which of the following theories are generally used by social constructionists to guide their work in connection with religions and sports? (Check all that apply.)

Cultural theories Interactionist theories

Making general statements about religious beliefs and sports participation among Native Americans is difficult because _____.

beliefs vary from one native culture to another

Bjorn wants to get into a university that allots many full scholarships for football players. He needs to apply to universities under _____ of the National College Athletic Association to maximize his chances of getting a full scholarship.

Division I

True or false: The point of Doug Foley's study and other research on socialization as a community process is that the most important social consequences of high school sports are their impact on grades.


Identify the true statements about religious fundamentalism. (Check all that apply.)

It emphasizes that the reorganization of people's personal lives requires them to be personally committed to the supernatural source of truth. It emphasizes that the supernatural source of truth reveals answers to all questions through sacred writings and personal revelations.

Identify the true statements about an insider vantage point in a sport organization. (Check all that apply.)

It enables a person to directly intervene in the processes that affect the meaning, purpose, and organization of sports. It provides information about the structure and culture of the sport organization.

Identify the true statements about the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act that was passed in 2018. (Check all that apply.)

It established the United States Center for Safe Sport to investigate allegations of abuse. It mandates that people working in sports organizations report allegations of abuse to local police or child protection agencies.

In the context of poaching athletes, nearly all countries have a "back door." How does this "back door" help athletes? (Check all that apply.)

It helps them obtain work visas if a professional team wants them to sign to a contract. It enables them to gain citizenship to participate on a national team.

Identify the factors that intensify feelings of social isolation among black athletes on campuses where there are few black students, faculty, and administrators. (Check all that apply.)

Racial and athletic stereotypes make it difficult for black athletes to feel welcome on campus. White students who lack experience in racially diverse groups may feel uncomfortable interacting with black students.

Identify a difference between sport and religion as recognized by essentialists.

Religious beliefs and rituals are fundamentally mystical and sacred, whereas sport beliefs and rituals are fundamentally clear-cut and secular.

Which of the following is based on the belief that the secular foundation of modern societies is inherently corrupt and can be redeemed only if people reorganize their personal lives and the entire social order to manifest the absolute and unchanging Truth contained in a sacred text?

Religious fundamentalism

Identify the features of sumo that show that sumo has its ties to Shinto ritual and ceremony. (Check all that apply.)

Religious symbols are integrated into the design of sumo rings. Wrestlers take great care to preserve the purity of the dohyō.

Which of the following terms refers to traditional Japanese wrestling that has strong historical ties to Shinto, a traditional Japanese religion?


Identify the examples of how media coverage of sport mega-events has added new dimensions to the link between sports and politics. (Check all that apply.)

Television companies have used political controversies to hype games and increase audience ratings. Television companies edit programming to highlight the American flag.

What is exacerbating the growing inequality in funding for sports across all academic programs?

The emergence of private schools

Identify the essentialists' view of religion and sport.

The essence of religion is grounded in divine inspiration, whereas the essence of sport is grounded in human nature.

People sometimes have a seriously limited sense of what sports are and what they could be. A version of this occurs as media companies select for coverage _____.

generate profits

In the context of making sense of political realities, which of the following should be examined by research on sports worldwide? (Check all that apply.)

The processes through which powerful nations exert control over sports in other nations The processes through which people in less powerful nations integrate sports into their lives on their own terms

Identify a true statement about the schools affiliated with Divisions II and III of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

These schools have smaller programs and compete at less than a big-time level.

In the context of identifying the influence of playing high school sports in a person's adult life, which of the following is true of the meanings people give to sport participation?

They vary with a wide range of social and cultural factors.

Historically, Native Americans have often included physical games and running races in religious rituals. Identify the purposes of doing this. (Check all that apply.)

To gain skills needed for group survival To reaffirm social connections within specific native cultural groups

According to the studies of Cherrington (2012, 2014) and Weber (1922b/1993), why do many athletes use rituals, some based in religion, before they go to play?

To help them cope with the uncertainty involved in sport competition

True or false: Differences between individuals and groups make it impossible for government support and involvement to provide equal benefits for all citizens.


True or false: If a person reaches a position of power in a sport organization, the opportunities to make and influence changes increase.


True or false: Political decisions made by sports organizations are contentious because people do not know how or why they were made.


True or false: When sociologists study religions, they examine the ways that believers use religion as they give meaning to themselves, their experiences, and the world around them.


In the context of the key virtues emphasized by the Protestant ethic according to sociologist Steven Overman, which of the following virtues is related to the ideas that suffering and the endurance of pain has a spiritual purpose, godliness is linked with self-denial and a disdain for self-indulgence, and spiritual redemption is achieved only through self-control and self-discipline?

Worldly asceticism

By using a sport team, a new stadium, or a major sport event to justify spending public money, business-oriented public officials can partner with developers to _____.

gentrify declining or deteriorated urban neighborhoods

Gary, a quarterback, unties and reties his shoelaces three times before every match because he believes that it will help him score more touchdowns. This is an example of _____.

a superstition

Fundamentalist movements in all religions arise when people perceive moral threats to a past way of life that was, according to their beliefs, _____.

based on moral principles

The range of sports that incorporate elements of the pleasure and participation model grows as more people realize that sports are social constructions that _____.

can be created to fit even temporary interests and passing situations

There is a growing awareness that the relationship between sports participation and health must be qualified by governments because _____.

certain sports have high injury rates

A program in which all students in the United States play the same sports across multiple generations ignores educational theory and fails to recognize _____.

changing and diverse sport interests that exist in a culture that prizes individuality and innovation

Quantitative research on whether interscholastic sports affect the educational and developmental experiences of high school students has seldom been guided by social theories, and it generally consists of _____.

comparing the characteristics of athletes and other students

Researchers argue that images that combine local traditions, sport action, and consumer products in seamless media representations _____ local cultures by representing local symbols and lifestyles in connection with consumer products that, by themselves, have nothing to do with those cultures.


Sports usually serve the interests of wealthy and powerful nations due to the fact that _____.

global politics often revolve around issues of ideological hegemony

Recent history shows that sports have no direct impact on the outcomes of serious diplomacy. This serious diplomacy consists of _____.

discussions and decisions about political issues of vital national interest

When it comes to high school and college sports, the great sport myth has been used to assume that all sports are essentially "_____," and playing sports always involves positive and valuable learning experiences.


Critics of interscholastic sport programs claim that these programs interfere with the _____ and distract students from taking seriously their emerging responsibilities as citizens.

educational mission of schools

Supporters of interscholastic sport programs claim that these programs promote _____.

educational mission of schools and the development of young people

When poorer nations become dependent on wealthier nations for assistance in the form of coaching, equipment, and training support, sports become vehicles for economically powerful nations to _____.

extend their control over important forms of popular culture worldwide

Güldenpfennig, a German sport scientist, described the strategy of Olympic-level wrestlers in Europe to use silent meditative prayers to relax their minds and gain control as _____.

faith doping

State governments in the United States subsidize sport programs at colleges and universities in order to _____.

gain recognition and prestige

Ideally, sports facilitate cultural exchanges through which _____

people from different nations share information and develop mutual cultural understanding

The occupational experiences of many top executives in the United States are strongly related to their family backgrounds and social networks and cannot be separated from their country's gender, ethnic, and class relations, which is why the impact of _____ on occupational success cannot be understood apart from these factors.

playing varsity sports

Sport organizations and teams that have democratic decision-making structures characterized by cooperation, power sharing, and give-and-take relationships between coaches and athletes are based on the _____.

pleasure and participation model

The promotion of strategies for staying well by health-care and insurance companies in North America encourages people to pursue activities with health benefits, and many _____ meet this need.

pleasure and participation sports

In the context of government involvement in sports, safeguarding the public order involves _____.

policing sport events where safety may be threatened by crowds or unruly individuals

When teams from smaller nations that compete in the Olympics, World Cups, and international championships win against teams from wealthy and powerful nations, it is cause for _____.

political affirmation

When people use _____, they focus on social organization and who has access to power, authority, material resources, and economic opportunities.

structural theories

Pleasure and participation sports focus on personal engagement and the notion that _____.

the body is to be nurtured and enjoyed in a quest for challenging experiences

Even though Buddhism and philosophical Hinduism emphasize physical and spiritual discipline, believers have not been able to perform well in organized competitive sports because _____.

their religions do not inspire believers to dominate other human beings

Numerous sport forms organized around pleasure and participation have been created because although power and performance sports are highly visible, many people realize that _____.

there are other ways to play and organize sports that closely match their values and interests

Power and performance sports are relatively easy to market and sell when combined with storylines that resonate with consumers because _____.

they often involve pushing human and normative limits

Research that combines cultural theory and a critical approach shows that global media sports and the commercial messages that accompany them often cleverly fuse the global and the local through _____.

thoughtfully and carefully edited images that combine local traditions, sport action, and consumer products in seamless media representations

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