Spring Final Exam Review: POHS

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Which of the following types of care can be offered by a home health care agency?

speech therapy house cleaning nursing care

Which of the following does not lead to increased body temperature?

starvation or fasting

The belief that all teenagers are reckless drivers is an example of a/an ____.


Which of the following is NOT an example of services provided by home health care agencies.


The division of the autonomic nervous system that acts in times of emergency is the ____.


A pulse rate over 100 beats per minute, except in children, is ____.


The measurement of the balance between heat produced and heat lost is ____.


A DNR order means that cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is not performed when the person stops breathing.


A cerebrovascular accident can be caused by an obstruction of blood flow to the brain or a hemorrhage.


A health care worker must have some awareness of different religious beliefs in order to care for patients in a holistic manner.


A patient has the right to withdraw consent at any time.


A principal is always responsible for the actions of an agent.


A pulse rate below 60 beats per minute is bradycardia.


A resident in a long-term care facility has the right to share a room with his or her spouse if both are residents in the facility.


A sphygmomanometer cuff that is too wide or too narrow will give inaccurate blood pressure readings.


Abuse can be physical, verbal, psychological, or sexual.


All individuals adopt beliefs and form a pattern of behavior based on culture, ethnicity, race, life experiences, and religion.


All information given to health care personnel by a patient is called privileged communication.


An apical pulse is frequently taken on infants or small children.


An organizational structure should indicate areas of responsibility and lead to the most efficient operation of a facility.


Associative or internuncial nerves carry both sensory and motor messages.


Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage that leads to a disturbance in voluntary muscle action.


Culture is defined as the values, beliefs, languages, symbols, behaviors, and customs unique to a particular group of people.


Diagnostic related groups (DRGs) are one way Congress is trying to control costs for government insurance plans such as Medicare and Medicaid.


Different races are present in most ethnic groups.


Every effort must be made to allow an individual to express his or her beliefs, practice any religious rituals, and/or follow a special diet.


Every individual has and will continue to create new and changing blends of values and beliefs.


Family relations, child rearing, education, occupational choice, social interactions, religious beliefs, food preferences, and health care are all influenced by culture.


Family structure affects care of children, the sick, and the elderly.


Health care workers must know and follow the state laws that set standards for their profession.


Health department clinics offer services such as immunizations, pediatric care, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.


Hippocrates developed an organized method to observe the human body and recorded the signs and symptoms of many diseases.


Holistic health care promotes physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being.


Hypertension is indicated when pressures are greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and 90 mm Hg diastolic.


If hypertension is not treated, it can lead to stroke, kidney disease, and/or heart disease.


If you note any abnormality or change in any vital sign, it is your responsibility to report this immediately to your supervisor.


Lack of eye contact can indicate respect.


Many health care professionals are now regarding the degree of pain as the fifth vital sign.


Modern health care advances have created some ethical dilemmas for health care providers.


Most patients appreciate it when a health care worker can speak even a few words of their language.


Neuralgia is nerve pain caused by inflammation, pressure, toxins, and other diseases.


Neuroprotective agents are drugs that help prevent injury to neurons.


No procedure should be performed if the patient does not give consent.


One respiration consists of one inspiration and one expiration.


Quadriplegia is paralysis of the arms, legs, and body below the spinal cord injury.


Religious beliefs can determine health care beliefs.


Respirations must be counted in such a way that the patient is unaware of the procedure.


Spinal nerves are mixed nerves, both afferent and efferent.


Symptoms of Parkinson's disease include tremors, stiffness, muscular rigidity, a shuffling gait, and loss of facial expression.


Telemedicine uses video, audio, and computer systems to provide medical and/or health care services.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is concerned with the causes, spread, and control of diseases.


The Renaissance is often called the "rebirth of the science of medicine."


The health care industry employs more than 17 million workers in over 200 different health careers.


The nervous system enables the body to respond and adapt to changes that occur both inside and outside the body.


The synapse is a space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons.


The term clinic can refer to a group of medical or dental doctors who share a facility and other personnel.


Torts are wrongful acts that do not involve contracts.


Treatment with thrombolytic drugs during the first three hours after a cerebrovascular accident can help prevent brain damage.


Hollow spaces in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid are called ____.


The thick, tough outer covering of the brain and spinal cord is the ____.

dura mater

Difficult or labored respirations are ____.


A vaccination for smallpox was developed in 1796 by ____.

edward jenner

An inflammation of the brain frequently caused by a virus contracted from a mosquito bite is ____.


Abnormal electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain cause ____.


A set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong are known as ____.


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to maintain a balanced state called ____.


An excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain is ____.


An example of a tort is ____.

slapping a patient

Which of the following is not a patient's right?

A patient is entitled to free care regardless of circumstances.

What government insurance program provides health care to uninsured children of working families who earn too little to afford private insurance but too much to be eligible for Medicaid?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of culture?

Culture stays the same from generation to generation.

What is the name of the federal agency responsible for regulating food and drug products sold to the public?

Food & Drug Administration

Why do individuals maintain a better state of health under health maintenance organizations (HMOs)?

HMOs include routine examinations and preventive type health care

The Father of Medicine is ____.


Which group of people is NOT covered by Medicare?

Individuals who are physically disabled or blind

What is the name of the federal agency that establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses?

Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Which of the following is not a requirement of the Patient Self-Determination Act?

Provide legal defense for patients

What is the name of the health insurance plan that provides treatment for workers injured on the job?

Worker's Compensation

Any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish can lead to a charge of ____.


Sensory nerves that carry messages from all parts of the body to the brain and spinal cord are ____.


Public health and sanitation systems were first developed by the ____.

ancient romans

Which of the following is not considered one of the four main vital signs?

apical pulse

The belief that college-educated individuals are superior to uneducated individuals is an example of a/an ____.


The pulse site used while taking a blood pressure is ____.


A pulse site at the neck is the ____.


The part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination, balance and posture, and muscle tone is the ____.


The part of the brain that is responsible for thought, reasoning, memory, speech, and voluntary body movement is the ____.


A nerve fiber that carries impulses toward the cell body is a/an ____.


A long-term care facility designed to provide services to patients who need rehabilitation to recover from a major illness, treatment for cancer, dialysis for kidney disease, or heart monitoring is called a/an ____.

extended care facility

A durable power of attorney for health care can only be given to a spouse, child, or relative.


A patient's living will can be witnessed by his or her spouse and son or daughter.


A person with a legal disability has the right to form a contract.


A proprietary hospital is a nonprofit hospital that relies on government funding.


Absence or petit mal seizures cause uncontrolled muscle movements on one extremity or side of the body.


Battery is a threat or attempt to injure another individual, while assault includes the unlawful touching of another person without consent.


Blood pressure is recorded as a fraction with the diastolic pressure listed over the systolic pressure.


Complementary therapies are methods of treatment used in place of biomedical therapies.


Deductibles are amounts of money subtracted from a bill by a health care agency if a person has insurance.


Diastolic pressure occurs when the heart is contracting and pushing blood into the arteries.


Dorothea Dix founded the American Red Cross in 1881.


Each state has the right to establish its own eligibility standards, determine the type of services covered, and set the rate of payment for health care provided under Medicare.


Expressed contracts represent obligations that are understood without verbally stated terms.


Health care is mainly affected by criminal laws.


Hospitals are classified as general, specialty, or government depending on the sources of income received.


Hyperthermia is a low body temperature.


If information is on a patient's record, it can be released to other health care facilities without the patient's written consent.


Medicare is a medical assistance program for individuals with low incomes and individuals who are physically disabled or blind. True


Meningitis is treated with antibiotics and the surgical implantation of a shunt.


Most gestures, such as nodding the head up and down for "yes," are universal and understood by individuals throughout the world.


Nerves are a combination of many nerve fibers located in the brain and spinal cord.


Neurons contain several axons to carry messages to the cell body.


Orthostatic hypotension occurs when there is a sudden drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure when a person moves quickly from a standing to a sitting position.


Palliative care is care that is provided by genetic counselors when a genetic defect is detected in the developing fetus during pregnancy.


Paraplegia is paralysis on one side of the body and is caused by a tumor, injury, or CVA.


Pulse is defined as the pressure of the blood pushing against the wall of a vein as the heart beats and rests.


Respirations above 25 breaths per minute in an adult are orthopnea.


Restraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedom is invasion of privacy.


The ancient Romans believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body.


The innermost membrane covering the brain and spinal cord is the arachnoid membrane.


The pons is responsible for reflex actions including chewing, tasting, and saliva production.


The somatic nervous system consists of 31 pairs of cranial nerves and 12 pairs of spinal nerves.


The spinal cord ends at the fourth or fifth lumbar vertebra.


The sympathetic nervous system slows heart rate, decreases respiration, and increases activity in the digestive tract.


The thalamus regulates and controls the autonomic nervous system.


If a patient is physically restrained without proper authorization or justification, this can lead to a charge of ____.

false improsonment

The professional education of modern nurses was started by ____.

florence nightingale

A cerebrovascular accident commonly causes ____.


Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind after a procedure and all risks involved have been explained is ____.

informed consenet

If a health care worker sends information to an insurance company without the patient's written consent, this can be ____.

invasion of privacy

A false written statement that causes a person to be ridiculed or damages the person's reputation is known as ____.


A legal document that allows an individual to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when a condition is terminal is a ____.

living will

If a physician fails to use a degree of skill and learning commonly expected and the person receiving care is injured, the physician can be sued for ____.


The part of the brain that regulates heartbeat, respiration, swallowing, coughing, and blood pressure is the ____.

medulla oblontoga

The membranes covering the brain and spinal cord are the ____.


The part of the brain responsible for conducting impulses between brain parts and for certain eye and auditory reflexes is the ____.


Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person is ____.


The basic structural unit of the nervous system is the ____.


A family that consists of a mother, father, and children is an example of a/an ____.

nuclear family

Paralysis of the lower extremities is ____.


A chronic, progressive, disabling condition resulting from a degeneration of the myelin sheath is ____.

parkinsons disease

Cheyne-Stokes respiration describes ____.

periods of apnea and dyspnea

Which of the following is not a purpose of an organizational chart?

provides a sliding scale of responsibilities to determine salary

The most accurate method for taking a temperature is ____.


The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others is ____.


An acute inflammation of nerve cells caused by the herpes virus is ____.


A factor that does not increase blood pressure is ____.


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