SS Lecture 10
> A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a set of documents detailing the requirements for a new Information System that will be bought from an external vendor. > The functionality required of the new system must be specified in detail. > The expected number of transactions and performance requirements are also specified. > The RFP may also contain details about the target hardware, network, and operating system environment on which the new system will have to run. > The RFP may also contain details about human resource requirement > RFP must be clear, concise and a consistent document that provides enough information to the prospective vendors. > RFP should not provide too much details
Tender Evaluation
> Assess the bidder's ability to execute a prospective contract on the basis of criteria stipulated in the RFT. > Provide bidders with an opportunity to describe the past or current contracts and work done. Due diligence -Financial stability -Technical capacity -General Record -Reputation
Letter of Intent
> Authorizes the winning bidder to begin work pending the conclusion of contract negotiations. > Useful for internal approvals. > Tentative agreement / contract ( if immediate action is required at the vendor before formal contract is signed).
Request for Information An open enquiry that spans the market seeking broad data and understanding.
Request for Quotation > An opportunity for potential suppliers to competitively cost the final chosen solution(s). > An RFQ is a solicitation sent to potential suppliers containing an exact detail or description of all relevant parameters of the intended purchase > Objectives of RFQ are: - Obtain detailed proposals to evaluate vendor's response - Leverage the competitive nature of the vendor selection process - Ensure the interest of all stakeholders within the organisation will be met - Put organisations in control of the entire vendor selection process > RFQ includes: - Submission details - Introduction and Executive Summary - Business Overview and Background - Detailed specification - Assumptions and Constraints - Terms and Conditions - Selection Criteria
Request for Tender > An opportunity for potential suppliers to submit an offer to supply goods or services against a detailed tender. > An RFT is an open invitation for suppliers to respond to a defined need as opposed to a request being sent to potential suppliers. The RFT usually requests information required from a RFI. This will usually cover not only product and service offerings, but will also include information about the suitability of the business.
Tender Evaluation - Technical Evaluation
> Compliant or technically acceptable > Clarification required or susceptible (likely) to being made acceptable > Non-compliant or unacceptable > Meets minimum qualifications for corporate net worth, financing capacity, proper incorporation, and operational experience > Has acceptable general record and reputation (e.g., criminal history, civil actions) > Offers minimal service level target. > Guarantees required quality of service. > Offers technical solution allowable by laws and regulations > Offers a technical solution that is field proven, deployed in at least two projects for which references are provided, and can provide the service required by the bidding documents. > Offers to develop or has in development solutions that might meet the service required by the bidding documents as an alternative to a field-proven solution.
What information should be included in a RFT?
> Define ready-made equipment and materials > List the services and work elements > Define mandatory and preferred qualifications > Provide straightforward logistics > Ensure that the technical support is included > Provide hardware upgrade / replacement during the life-cycle > Estimate post contract costs (Eg: maintenance, license renewal etc..) > Payment schedule > Define requirements for a bidder contract plan Analysis of current infrastructure
Issue letter of Intent and Award
> Letter to notify the award of a tender > Requesting acknowledgement and willingness to negotiate a contract > Make public announcement > Vendors who did not win may request evaluation, or lodge a complaint > Bond or bank guarantees could be settled after this stage
The benefits of Tender
> Suppliers benefit from a fair and open tendering process. > Buyers (i.e. public sector bodies) have access to a bigger pool of potential suppliers which enables them to exploit economies of scale and expertise built up by such suppliers across the continent. > Competition is enhanced, which can lead to more competitive prices for contracts
Tender Evaluation - Financial Evaluation
> The lowest bid does not always win. > Full Life-Cycle costs should be considered. > Cost and payment structures should be considered.
Purpose of an RFP
The RFP is prepared and distributed to interested vendors so that they can prepare a response as to how their products meet the requirements. Pricing may also be indicated, but often for large systems pricing is subject to negotiation.