stratification section 14

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What are the heterogeneity strategies for dealing with minorities?

1) Acculturation 2) segregation

Cultural and deficiency theories

1) Biological deficiency 2) Culturally deficiency they think the culture is what made them that way

what are the homogeneity (same) strategies for dealing with minorities?

1) Genocide 2) Assimilation

what are the two types of seregation discussed?

1) segregation by law 2) segregation by habit

what is an implicit bias

A form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally


A large group of people who people with a shared culture, language, history, and set of traditions.

What is smelting pot (stew)?

A term used for immigration, smelting or burning off impurities before they come to the US, leaving your cultural heritage behind.

What is the Functionalism sociological theory?

Assimilation (not a fan of diversity)

What is redlining?

Classifying certain neighborhoods as "hazardous" or not worthy of investment due to the racial makeup of the residences.


Everyone who does not follow WASP is considered a minority.

What are the conflict theories?

Gentrification, redlining, white flight- having to do with home ownership.

What type of geneity is the smelting pot?


What is the term steering?

How you think people should end up in a way for example lower class people belong in trades or upper class people should go to college.


Race is a social construct that is based on physical characteristics to distinguish between groups of people

what are the psychological barriers barriers to integration?

Racism, bigotry, Xenophobia, scapegoat, authoritarian, implicit bias

What characteristics define race?

Skin, hair type

What is the micro (interactionism) sociological theories?

Steering, self esteem, double consciousness

What does homogeneity mean?

The quality of being all the same or same kind.

What does heterogeneity mean?

The quality or state of being diverse in character or content

What is white flight?

The sudden or gradual large-scale migration of white people from areas becoming more diverse.

What is gentrification?

When a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in.

what does WASP stand for?

White ,Anglo Saxon ,Protestant


beliefs and rituals concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces.

What is the authoritarian personality?

view the world in white and black, good and bad, right and wrong

what is the term Double consciousness by W.E.B Dubois?

you have your own sense of who you are and where you are from but society looks down on you as a threat ex- police racially profiling.

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