student life success midterm

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What should one do when they find themselves procrastinating?

-break large tasks into smaller ones -start with the easiest and simplest parts of a task and then do the harder ones -get the hard parts of a task out of the way first -substitute something easier for a more difficult task -just begin -understand that false starts are part of the learning process -keep the costs of procrastination in mind

What are some obstacle activities related to motivation?

-hanging up a poster that's been rolled up in a corner for 3 months -sitting captive in front of the tv

What are some key points to keep in mind while completing the P.O.W.E.R process?

-know that there's another day -realize that deciding when to stop work is often as hard as getting started -use the strategies that already work for you

What are ways to balance work and school demands?

-make to-do lists for work -study during slack time at work -use lunch or dinner effectively -ask your employer about flextime -always keep in mind why you're working

What influences people to go to college?

-practical; ("I want to get a job.") -lofty; ("I want to learn about people and the world.) -unreflective; ("Why not?--I don't have anything better to do.")

What are ways to use critical thinking to rethink what you've accomplished?

-review how you've accomplished the task -question the outcome -identify your underlying assumptions, then challenge them -consider alternatives rejected earlier -as yourself: what if i had the opportunity to try things again? -reconsider your original goals

What are some ways to set appropriate goals?

-set short-term goals and long-term goals -recognize that who you are determines your goals -make sure goals are realistic and reasonably attained -state goals in behavior that can be measured against current accomplishments -choose goals that involve behavior over which you can have control -take ownership of your goals -identify how your short-term goals fit with your long-term goals

What are some ways to evaluate what you've accomplished?

-take a moment to congratulate yourself and feel satisfaction -compare what you've accomplished with the goals you're seeking to achieve -have an out-of-body experience: evaluate your accomplishments as if you're a respected teacher from your past -evaluate what you've done as if you're your current instructor -be fair to yourself -based on your evaluation, revise your work

What are ways to energize motivation?

-take responsibility for failures and successes -think positively -accept that you can't control everything -develop a growth mindset

What are some key facts to remember about learning, personality, and processing styles?

-you have a variety of styles, -your style reflects your preferences regarding which abilities you like to use -your style will change over the course of your life -you should work on improving your less preferred styles -work cooperatively with others who have different learning styles

What are some additional reasons for pursuing a college education?

-you'll learn to think critically and to communicate better -you'll be able to better deal with advances in knowledge and technology that are changing the world -you'll acquire skills and perspectives that will shape how you deal with new situations and challenges -you'll be better prepared to live in a world of diversity -you'll learn to lead a life of community service -you'll make learning a life long habit -you'll understand the meaning of your own contributions to the world

What are the four steps to observational learning?

1. paying attention and perceiving the most critical features of another person's behavior 2. remembering the behavior 3. reproducing the action 4. being motivated to learn and carry out the behavior

What does each letter in P.O.W.E.R stand for?

P- prepare O- organize W- work E- evaluate R- rethink

growth mindset

a belief that people can increase their abilities and do better through hard work

critical thinking

a process involving reanalysis, questioning, and challenge of underlying assumptions

time log

a record of how you've actually spent your time--including interruptions, it should account for blocks of time in increments as short as 15 min

weekly timetable

a schedule showing all regular, prescheduled activities due to occur in the week, together with one time events and commitments

daily to-do list

a schedule showing the tasks, activities, and appointments due to occur in the day

master calendar

a schedule showing the weeks of a longer time period, such as a college term, with all assignments and important activities noted on it

auditory/verbal learning style

a style that favors listening as the best approach to learning

visual/graphic learning style

a style that favors material presented visually in a diagram or picture

read/write learning style

a style that involves a preference for written material, favoring reading over hearing and touching

tactile/kinesthetic learning style

a style that involves learning by touching, manipulating objects, and doing things

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus elicits a response after being paired with a natural stimulus

mental organization

accomplished by considering and reviewing the academic skills that you'll need to successfully complete the task at hand

long-term goals

aims relating to major accomplishments that take some time to achieve

P.O.W.E.R Learning

an acronym-- formed from the first letters of a series of steps--that will help you take in, process, and make use of the information you'll acquire in college. it will help you achieve goals during and after college.


an assessment of the match between a product or activity and the goals it was intended to meet

physical self

both who we are physically and how we feel about our physical form

How do you perform larger tasks, such as going to college?

breaking it down into a variety of tasks

learning theory

broad explanations about how we learn

How does one control a "black hole" in time management?

by taking control of the interruption

What is the percentage of college graduates who earn more than high school graduates over their working lifetime?

college graduates earn about 75 percent more than high school graduates and earn close to a million dollars more than only those with a high school degree

right-brain processing

concentrate more on the processing of information in nonverbal domains, such as the understanding of spatial relationships, recognition of patterns and drawings, music, and emotional expression

left-brain processing

concentrates more on tasks requiring verbal competence such as speaking, reading, thinking, and reasoning; information is processed sequentially, one bit at a time

What technique should you use if you have visual/graphic style?

devise diagrams and charts, translate words into symbols and figures

If you're not as active in the morning, which type of classes should you take?

easier, less involving activities for the morning

What are some ways to deal with eldercare demands

encourage as much independence as possible on the part of older adults for whom you're responsible, ask for your support from siblings or other family members, determine what community resources are available, respect your own needs

naturalist intelligence

exceptional abilities in identifying and classifying patterns in nature

True or False: everyone has the same learning style

false; everyone has their own preferred style of learning

What is the first step in improving your time management skills?

figuring out how you manage your time now

Why should we be aware of the time or times of day when we are at our most energized?

help to plan and schedule your classes and time effectively

What is the best procedure for effective time management in college?

identifying priorities for an entire term

How should determine our priorities?

in specific and measurable goals

If you're a morning person, when is the best time to schedule classes?

in the morning when activities require the greatest concentration

What technique should you use if you have tactile/kinesthetic style?

incorporate movement into your study, trace diagrams, build models, arrange flashcards, take notes, draw charts, and jot down key concepts


inner power and and psychological energy that directs and fuels our behavior

introverts vs extroverts

introvert: prefer working alone, less affected by how others think and behave extrovert: more outgoing and more affected by the behavior and thinking of others

intuitors versus sensors

intuitors: enjoy solving problems and being creative, impatient with details, prefer making leaps of judgement, and enjoy the challenge of solving problems and taking a big picture approach sensors: prefer a concrete, logical approach in which they can carefully analyze the facts of the situation, good with details but sometimes miss the big picture

What happens when we assume we already have the motivation we need?

it becomes a matter of redirecting our psychological energies toward the work we wish to accomplish

What does time management do for us in the long run?

it frees us to do things we need and want to do

What is the difference between effective time management and time management that doesn't work?

it lies in how well you deal with inevitable surprises

Why does producing mental organization matter?

it provides a context for when you actually begin to work. organizing paves the way for better subsequent learning of new material

Why is intelligence not fixed?

it's fluid and flexible. through hard work and effort, people can do better than they ever thought possible

Why will college become more and more of a necessity?

jobs will become increasingly complex and technologically sophisticated and college will help us prepare for that

What are ways to take control of your days and permit yourself to follow your intended schedule?

just say no -get away from it all -enjoy the sounds of silence -take an e-break -use technology to save time -expect the unexpected

operant conditioning

learning in which a behavior is made more or less likely to recur regularly because of the presence of a reinforcer

linguistic intelligence

linked to the production and use of language

social self

made up of the roles we play in our social interactions with others

What is a common problem with planning?

most of it is done without conscious planning, as if we're on autopilot

self-fulfilling prophecy

occurs when we hold a belief or expectation that affects our behavior, thereby increasing the likelihood that our beliefs or expectations will come true

learning styles

one's preferred manner of acquiring, using, and thinking about knowledge

personal self

our inner core, which is that private part of ourselves that no one knows about except us


people's view of themselves that forms over time comprising of three components: the physical self, the social self, and the personal self

perceivers and judgers

perceivers: gather as much information as they can, open to multiple perspectives and appreciate all sides of an issue, sometimes have difficulty completing a task judgers: quick and decisive, like to set goals, accomplish them, and then move on to the next task

What are two types of organization?

physical and mental

What are some ways to deal with childcare demands?

provide activities for your children -make spending time with your children a priority -enlist your child's help -encourage your child to invite friends over to play -use screentime appropriately -find the best child care or babysitters that are available -use your children's "downtime" effectively -accept that studying will be harder with kids around

Why is the check-off important?

provides an objective record of what you've accomplished on a given day and reinforcement for completing the task

What are the four different types of receptive learning styles?

read/write, visual/graphic, auditory/verbal, tactile/kinesthetic

What are ways to rethink time management?

reassess your priorities, reconsider your personal style of time management, consider doing less, do more,

What technique should you use if you have auditory/verbal style?

recite material out loud when studying, work with others in a group and talk about the material, and consider tape-recording lectures

short-term goals

relatively limited steps toward the accomplishment of long-term goals

What does operant conditioning suggest about studying?

rewarding yourself while you study with periodic breaks will make your study sessions more productive, because the breaks act as a reinforcer

Why is organizing beneficial?

saves you time, less likely to be anxious and losing your way as you work to complete your task

What does classical conditioning suggest about studying?

studying in the room where you'll later be taking a test will help you perform better on the test because it will help trigger memories of the material you studied earlier

What do all strategies have in common?

success does not come from a trial-and-error approach but from following a systematic plan for achievement

What is the key to success for motivation?

tap into, harness, and direct that motivation


the habit of putting off and delaying tasks that need to be accomplished

physical organization

the mechanical aspects of task completion


the tasks and activities that one needs and wants to do, rank-ordered from most important to least important

What do surveys say about first-year college students?

the vast majority say they want to learn about things that interest them, get training for a specific career, land a better job, and make more money

receptive learning style

the way in which we initially receive information


things that increase the probability of a behavior ocurring again

thinkers versus feelers

thinkers: prefer logic over emotion, reach decisions and solve problems by systematically analyzing a situation feelers: rely more on emotional response, aware of others and their feelings, and are influenced by their personal values and attachments to others

What does a great deal of psychological research say when it comes to our self-esteem?

thinking that you have no control over what happens to you sends a powerful and damaging message to your self-esteem--that you are powerless to change things

What is the most essential tool for improving your use of time?

time log

What is the goal of time management?

to permit us to make informed choices as to how we use our time

True or False: Instructors have their own preferred methods of teaching


True or False: juggling school and family obligations if often more than a full-time job


What is the key of success for planning?

use goal-setting strategies

What is the learning style of an instructor who may ask their students to "list" or "discuss" the material?


What is the learning style of an instructor who frequently uses diagrams or drawings to teach?


What is the cognitive approach to studying?

watch the behavior of other students who have been successful and try to imitate their study habits

Why is it possible for us to make our own luck?

we can make our own luck through careful preparation and organization

What does the multiple intelligence view say?

we have eight different forms of intelligence, each relatively independent of the others and linked to a specific kind of information processing in our brains

Do our thoughts directly determine our success?

yes, the ways in which we view the causes and failures of success is correlated to our success

Who is in charge of deciding priorities?

you are in charge of your own priorities

How do you evaluate how you've spent your time?

you either accomplished what you intended to do in a given period, or you didn't

Why is taking control of your time beneficial?

you'll increase your chances of becoming a more successful student and have more time on outside interests

Why does negative thinking impair your success?

you're cheating yourself and undermining your ability for success. better to acknowledge the hard work put into things.

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