Study guide 4 2nd part of psychology final

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According to Vygotsky's concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) refers to tasks that _________.

are too difficult for the child to master alone, but can be accomplished with assistance.

Which of the following is true regarding adolescent health?

All of the statements are true.

What is the most common vegetable eaten in early childhood?

French Fries

Which ethnic group has the highest adolescent suicide rates?

Native Americans

According to Baumrind, parents who use this style tend to very uninvolved in their children's lives. They place few demands (expectations) on the child and do not provide much support (i.e, are unresponsive to their children's needs). Children of parents who use this style tend to never learn to control their own behavior and tend to expect to get their way. This can lead to later aggression and immaturity.


Regarding early and late pubertal timing, late maturing girls are more likely than early maturing girls to _________.

None of the options are true.

In which stage of birth does the baby completely emerge from the vaginal canal?

The second stage

The two major risks associated with sexual activity are unintended, unwanted pregnancy and:

sexually transmitted infections

A recent trend in dual-career families is:

that men are doing more of the household chores.

Around this age, romantic attractions dominate conversations with friends. Developing crushes are common. When dating occurs, it tends to be in group settings.

11-13 years

Identity is comprised of ____________.

All of the options are correct.

Lower self-esteem in adolescence is associated with __________.

All of the options are correct.

What is a development change in emotion that occurs during middle/late childhood?

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following is a developmental change in peer relationships during middle/late childhood?

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following is an alternative to spanking that has shown beneficial results on children's development?

All of the options are correct.

According to Moffitt's taxonomy regarding the developmental sequence of delinquency, individuals who are lifetime-persisters _________.

All of the statements are correct.

Which if the following protects against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections?


Which of the following is not a type of descriptive research?


Correlation equals causation.


A person whose identity is currently decided by others (e.g., parents) without allowing the adolescent to explore his/her options is likely in ____________. This is the second stage of identity development.

Identity foreclosure

Which of the following is not a primary emotion that is developed in early infancy?


Which of the following best describes the study of developmental psychology from lifespan perspective?

The pattern of growth and decline from conception to death.

Conflict between siblings tends to increase in early childhood.


Early maturing boys tend to be less at risk for negative developmental outcomes than early maturing girls.


Executive function is a better predictor of school performance than IQ.


Girls tend to less happy than boys with their body image throughout puberty.


Meiosis is the sex cell division process.


True or False: During middle-adulthood, having positive relationships is a major factor in health and happiness for most individuals.


True or False: On average, an individual will hit a cognitive peak (be at their best) in the middle adulthood.


Studies of infants suggests that they prefer ___________.

all of the option are true

There has been much controversy about the differential effects of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. In general, the research suggests that ___________.

breastfeeding has benefits for the baby and mothers' health.

A child who is in what Piaget described as the preoperational stage of development has not yet developed ___________, that is the idea just because an object changes it's appearance does not mean that it's basic properties have changed. This means that the child in the picture would likely say that the taller glass contains more liquid than the shorter glass even though she previously saw that there was a similar amount of liquid when it was displayed in two short glasses.


Deb is both depressed and obese. One way she can combat both of these problems is to:

engage in regular exercise.

Which of the following should be a major concern of young adults?

establishing poor health habits

Hormones play a significant role during adolescence. The dominant hormone in females is ________, whereas the dominant hormone in males is __________.

estrogen; testosterone

Clyde is a painter, and when he is painter he becomes totally absorbed and experiences extreme happiness. Csikszentmihalyi would say that Clyde is experiencing:


John has an extra copy of chromosome 21. He likely _____.

has Down Syndrome

Sandra's mother is concerned about Sandra's lack of interest in marrying and having children. She told Sandra, "When I was your age, I had already found a good husband and settled down." Sandra and her mother:

have different social clocks.

An adult in middle age will do most poorly on which of the following tasks?

hitting the brakes when the light turns red

In the United States, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is:

holding a full time, permanent job

According to Erickson, the major crisis that infants face in the 2nd stage of lifespan development is ________.

how to develop a sense of self and start exerting their autonomy and independence.

As we age, our level of spirituality typically:


Sonya, who has just turned 30 years old, has never married. She is most likely to feel:

increasing pressure from society to get married.

Adults tend to remember little about what happened during the early years of their lives. The fact that adults have few, if any, memories before the age of approximately 3-4 years is referred to as __________.

infantile amnesia

Let's say another child, Ani, comes into the laboratory and completes the Strange Situation task. Upon the mother's return, Ani is clingy. She cries a lot and is hard to soothe. She wants to be near her mother, but she is also angry and hits her. Her mother likely is inconsistent in her emotional sensitivity to the child. According to attachment theory, Ani most likely has a(n) ___________ attachment style.


According to Garner's multiple intelligences, individuals who are skilled in the ability to understand one self have high __________ intelligence.


The average adult in middle adulthood ____________ height and ______________ weight.

loses; gains

Which of the following factors is not associated with an increase in divorce?

marrying late in life

Who tends to experience the most inter-generational stress?

middle-aged adults

Secure attachment to parents during childhood correlates with:

more satisfaction with adult relationships.

When teachers adjust their level of support and guidance to the level of skill of the student, this is what Vygotsky referred to as ___________.


Jose has designed a study to compare the memory of 20-year olds, 40-year olds, and 60-year olds at the same time. Thus, he simultaneously compares the memory of different individuals of different ages. Jose is using a _____ research approach.


Which if the following statements about a marriage in middle-adulthood is not true?

Middle-aged adults have a more difficult time adjusting to divorce than young adults.

Dr. Smith examined the effect of caffeine on psychology exam scores. Half of the participants in her study were assigned to drink decaffeinated coffee and half of them were given caffeinated coffee. She then had them take a psychology exam and measured the number of answers they got correct. What was the dependent variable in this study?

Participants' memory (i.e., their scores on the psychology exam)

The top-dog phenomenon refers to __________.

moving from being the oldest, biggest, and most powerful to being the youngest, smallest, and least powerful students.

Evidence suggests that "male menopause" is:

not really a thing, as there is no male equivalent to menopause

Emotion-coaching parents monitor their child's emotions, view their children's negative emotions as opportunities for teaching, and coach children by teaching the how to label and deal effectively with emotions. This type of parenting approach tends to be associated with more positive developmental outcomes.


True or False: Research on personality development shows that for the most part, although our personality can change, it tends to stay fairly consistent across the life-span.


Which of the following is true regarding bullying?

Victims of bullies are more likely to be depressed and attempt suicide in middle than children who are not bullied.

Regarding emotional across the week, when is an adolescent in high school most likely to report being in the worst (most negative) mood?


Chris is a 49 year old movie producer. He has never married and does not have kids. Although his family has encouraged him to do both, he says he is having too much fun right now and a spouse and kids would only slow him down. According to Erik Erikson, Chris is likely to develop a sense of:


Compared with older children and adults, preschool aged children _________.

tend to provide less derailed, complete, and consistent reports

Let's pretend that we ask a young child which scenario is worse: (a) breaking 12 cups on accidental or (b) breaking 1 cup on purpose. According to Piaget, a child approximately aged 4-7 will have a heteronomous morality and will likely answer ____________.

that breaking 12 cups accidentally is worse.

A child watched Sally put a ball in a red box in front of Anne. Sally then goes away and Anne moves the ball to a blue box. The child is then asked, "Where will Sally look for her ball?" A child who says that Sally will look in the blue box has not yet developed _________, that is the ability to understand another person's mental state and take on another person's perspective. When children have achieved this, they understand that sometimes people can have false beliefs about the world.

theory of mind

Ron and his sister, Sarah, are both in their mid-50s and have a close personal relationship. Most research on sibling relationships suggests that:

they had a close relationship throughout childhood and early adulthood, too.

Bryan and Sunny's last child has just left home to attend college. Research indicates this will likely lead to:

they will have increased martial satisfaction.

Julio understands that although he is older than his brother, he is also younger than his sister. According to Piaget, Julio now understands the concert of __________.


Approximately when is the age of viability?

6 months

Marie had a new baby 6 months ago. Marie cries and worries a lot, feels incredibly depressed, and has trouble coping with her daily caregiver and personal activities. Given the timeframe that Marie has been suffering, it is unlikely that she is currently suffering from postpartum depression.


__________ refers to the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes. Individuals who have high levels of this are more likely to try new learning tasks, especially those that are challenging, and are more likely to persist and resilient.


Which of the following is not a major debate within development psychology?

The degree to which our thoughts are conscious or unconscious.

What was the control (placebo) group in the previous question regarding Dr. Smith's study?

The group that got decaffeinated coffee

Who of the following would have the easiest time learning as a second language?

a 7 year old

According to Carol Dweck, individuals who have a growth mindset __________.

believe that basic qualities (e.g., intelligence, skill) can be developed through dedication and hard work

Fuzzy trace theory suggests that __________.

children increasingly use gist memory traces as they age.

Four-year-old Isabella mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present. She has a problem distinguishing between her own perspective and desires and someone else's. The best illustrates Piaget's concept of _________.


Sally is generally inactive child. She expresses excessive fearfulness to new situations and needs some time to adjust. According to Thomas and Chess's classification of temperament, Sally is most like a(n) ________ child.


What methods can be used to help low birth weight and preterm infants?

All of the options are correct

When are babies less likely to exhibit stranger anxiety?

All of the options are correct

Which factor do developmental psychologist study?

All of the options are correct

Which of the following is a difficulty in defining virginity?

All of the statements are correct.

Which of the following is true regarding parent-adolescent conflict?

All of the statements are correct.

Which of the following factors is associated with increased risk of eating disorders?

All of the statements are true.

Which of the following in criticism of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

All of the statements are true.

Which of the following is true regarding school transitions (e.g., moving from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school)?

All of the statements are true.

A young child who bumps into a tree may say, "ouch! That tree hit me!" This illustrates that young children may believe that inanimate objects have thoughts, feelings and desires, and that they are capable of action. This is referred to as ________.


Which parenting style tends to be associated with the best long-term developmental outcomes for children?


Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between gender and aggression in middle to late childhood?

Boys are more likely than girls to engage in physical aggression. Girls are more likely than boys to engage in verbal and relational aggression.

Which of the following is not a leading cause of death in adolescence?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of prenatal development (starting with the earliest stage)?

Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal

Which of the following is true regarding health in adolescence?

Girls tend to be more likely than boys to have internalizing disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression), whereas boys tend to be more likely than girls to have externalizing disorders (e.g., assaults, stealing).

________ self esteem tends to decline in adolescence while ________ tends to increase.

Girls; boys

The _____ reflex occurs when the baby automatically closes his/her hand when an object is placed near it.


Which aspect of love and relationships becomes increasingly important to the young adult?


Larry is a normal 45-year-old male. Which of the following is Larry most likely to be experiencing?

Loss of vision and hearing

In the visual cliff experiment by Gibson and Walk (1960), most babies would _____ after they had developed depth perception.

Not crawl into the cliff side.

Which of the following is an advantage of conducting research in the field (natural, real-world) instead of the laboratory?

People act as they normally would without manipulation or control from the researcher.

Which of the following is true regarding adolescent pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy rates have lowered in the last few decades.

Which of the following is true regarding peer relationships in adolescence?

Teens tend to report depending on friends more than parents to satisfy needs for self-worth and intimacy.

More enriched environmental experience (that are filled with different sights, sounds, smells, touch, etc.) stimulate brain development.


Amy and June are fraternal twins. This suggests that they developed from _____.

Two sperms and two eggs

Which of the following is a method for studying infant sensation and perception?

all of the options are correct

Abstinence only sexual education programs __________.

are less effective than sex educations programs that emphasize contraception use at reducing the risk of adolescence pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Research suggests that:

cohabiting before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce.

In middle adulthood, _____________ intelligence continues to increase.


Regarding teen suicide, ____________.

females are more likely to attempt suicide, but be less likely to actually kill themselves compared with males.

The leading cause of death in middle adulthood in the US is:

heart disease

Overall, the average adolescent tends to sleep __________ on school nights.

less than their bodies need

Which of the following is true regarding handedness?

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following is true regarding puberty?

Puberty is the most important marker of the beginning of adolescence

With regard to the timing of remarriage, in the United States:

a. men tend to remarry sooner than women do.

The hostile attribution bias suggests that aggressive children __________ than non-aggressive children.

are more likely to view an accidental bump as an intentional shove, challenge, or threat

An impaired theory of mind is most closely associated with __________.

autism spectrum disorder

On the Standford-Binet intelligence test, IQ scores fall within a normal distribution. A normal distribution means that ______________.

most scores fall within the middle range of possible scores and few scores appear at the extremes.

The main cognitive change between formal operational and post formal thought is __________ thinking.


According to Piaget, children achieve all of the following except what in the concrete operational stage of development?

Abstract thinking

According to Piaget, which of the following is a key achievement completed during the formal operational stage of development (i.e., adolescence)?

Abstract thinking

Penelope is describing her marriage of 15 years: "My husband and I were eating breakfast the other day. Neither of us was talking, both of us just reading and thinking our own thoughts. But it was a very comfortable silence, and I love it!" What aspect of their relationship does this illustrate?

Affectionate love

What function(s) does play serve?

All of the option are correct

What is a potential disadvantage of using survey?

All of the options are correct

Which of the following is a type of cry that babies use a form of communication?

All of the options are correct

Why is the development of effortful control (self-regulation) in early childhood important?

All of the options are correct

Developing a sexual identity involves _____________.

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following family and parent factors is associated with competent and positive teen development?

All of the statements are correct.

The _____ is the bag containing a clear fluid in which the developing embryo that controls temperature, humidity, and absorbs shocks.


Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between gender and prosocial (helping) behavior in middle to late childhood?

Boys are more likely to provide practical support (e.g., find solutions to problems), whereas girls are more likely to provide relational support (e.g., giving advice, listening to problems).

Margo had an eating disorder whereby she engages in a binge-purge cycle of behavior. She has a fairly accurate body perception regarding her weight and is around average weight for her given height and age. Given what you know about eating disorders, it is most likely that Margo is suffering from __________.


Which if the following is increasing both in rate of occurrence and in the attention it receives on college campuses?

Date or aquaintance rape

During which period of development is the unborn baby most at risk of developing a structural defect because of the effects of a teratogen?

Embryonic period

Children in early age childhood are more likely to play in mixed-sexed groups (i.e., boys and girls together) than same sexed groups (i.e., groups that composed of only boys and girls).


According to Erikson's theory of lifespan development, what is the key developmental task (crisis) in adolescence (i.e., the 5tg stage of his lifespan theory of psychosocial development)?

Forming an identity and not being confused about one's role

The term _____ refers to the genetic makeup of an individual whereas _____ refers to the observable (physical and psychological) characteristics of an individual (i.e., the expression of genes).

Genotype; phenotype

Guadalupe, who is 16 years old, feels sad and disappointed that she was dumped by her boyfriend. Who is she most likely to turn to for reassurance and support?

Her best friend

What is Erikson's 4th of lifespan development, which he proposed takes place during middle/late childhood? In this stage, children must learn to develop a sense of competence for useful skills. If they do not develop this competency, they may be pessimistic and lack confidence in their own ability to complete tasks well.

Industry vs. Inferiority

What is Erikson's 3rd stage of lifespan development, which he proposed takes place during early childhood? In this particular stage, children gain a new sense of purpose and are eager to try new tasks. If children do not gain this competency, they may have an overly strict conscience.

Initiative vs. Guilt

During this course, we discussed studies that examine sociometric status. ________ children are those who are infrequently nominated as a beat friend and are actively disliked by many. These children tend to have more serious social adjustment problems (e.g., more impulsive and emotionally reactive).


___________ refers to global evaluations of the self (e.g., "I am a good person") and is also referred to as our self-worth or self-image, whereas ___________ refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self (e.g., how we feel about ourselves with regard to particular areas like academics, and our appearance).

Self-esteem; self-concept

Lea, a college freshman, is experiencing a lot of anxiety and worry about not doing well in her classes as she had expected. She reports that she is often depressed and is considering dropping out. Which of the following is true of Lea?

She represents a growing percentage of students today in the level of her stress.

Which type of parental monitoring in adolescence is most likely to be perceived by both parents and adolescents as a violation of privacy?


According to this theory of gender identity, children learn about gender by observing and imitating what others say and do. Children learn about by receiving rewards and punishments for gender-appropriate and gender-appropriate behavior (and observing others receive rewards and punishments).

Social cognitive theory

Which of the following is a domain-specific theory of intelligence?

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

Which of the following is true regarding emotion?

The ability to express emotions is the same across all cultures but the display rules (e.g., when and where to use them properly) differs by cultures.

Which of the following is true regarding the adolescent brain?

The amygdala tends to develop more rapidly (and sooner) than the prefrontal cortex.

In a still face experiment, the mother interacts with her baby normally (with lots of smiles and interaction) and then is asked to stare at the baby blankly. What are the typical results of the experiment?

The baby tends to get progressively more distressed until the mother's facial expressions turns happy again.

In general, why are 40-year-old better problem-solvers than 20-year-olds?

They have more experience

In general, most adolescent navigate the path from childhood to adulthood successfully (contrary to what G. Stanley Hall hypothesized - that adolescence was predominantly a time of "storm of stress").


Mr. Chang gets very angry when he discovers his newspaper in the mud underneath the bushes once again. He begins throwing things and yelling loudly. Mr. Chang is experiencing the stress of:

a daily hassle

Girls are _________ than boys on average at the beginning of adolescence. By the end of adolescence, girls are ____________ on average compared with boys.

as tall or taller; less tall

The left hemisphere ____________________.

controls the motor and sensory information of the right side of the body.

Romantic love differs from both affectionate love and friendship in its:

degree if sexuality

College students' failure to develop health-promoting habits is a result of their:

failure to apply to themselves the knowledge they have about promoting health.

Sleep deprivation in adolescence is associated with ________________.

feeling more tired, cranky, and irritable.

Stern developed the concept of an Intelligence Quotient (IQ). If Kiera's mental age (e.g., 10) is higher than their chronological age (e.g., 5), it means that _________.

her IQ is higher than average

If Susan is a typical American child, who will be her most beloved, important relative in her extended family?

her maternal grandmother (mom's mom)

Early initiation into sexual intercourse (e.g., before age 14) is associated with ____________.

higher levels of antisocial behavior (e.g., being violent, stealing, running away from home)

Kelly's mother says that after Kelly and Thomas have children, their "littler fights" will fade away as they concentrate on their baby. Kelly's mother is:

perpetuating one of the common myths about parenting.

There are rapid increases in the __________ during early childhood, which is the area responsible for planning, judgement, decision-making, impulse control, and attention.

prefrontal cortex

True or False: Body Mass Index (BMI) is so frequently used because is is the most accurate measure of physical health we have.


Girls are more likely than boys in middle to late childhood to deny that they experience certain emotions, such as sadness, shame, and guilt.


In general, adolescent girls tend to be given more independence by their parents compared with adolescent boys.


According to information processing approaches, which of the following is true regarding changes in attention during early childhood?

All of the options are correct.

How can parents help to develop their children's language skills?

All of the options are correct.

In general, correlation research shows that spanking is associated with ________.

All of the options are correct.

Scientific studies of bilingualism suggests that children _________ than children who are monolingual.

All of the options are correct.

The lifestyle perspective suggests that development is _________.

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following is an example of an effective memory strategy that improves during middle/late childhood?

All of the options are correct.

Which of the following is true regarding children's sleep patterns? Children _____.

All of the options are correct.

Which area of the brain develops early in adolescence and processes information about emotion? Rapid development in this area can help to explain why adolescents are driven by strong emotions.


Resolution of identity during means that identity will be stable for the rest of one's life (and is not a lifelong process).


Children of parents who divorce in early childhood will always have more negative long-term negative socioemotional consequences than children who parents remained married despite conflict.


Convergent thinking involves the creative ability to produce many different answers to the same questions.


A person who is currently exploring different identities and make commitments with the ultimate goal of developing a more solid identity is in ____________. This is the last stage of identity development.

Identity achievement

A person who is undecided, not exploring identities, and is uninterested in forming an identity is in ___________. This is the first stage of identity development.

Identity diffusion

A person who is currently exploring different identities, but has not made a commitment to one (or who has only made a minor commitment) is currently in _____________. This is the third stage of identity development.

Identity moratorium

Juanita, a 15-year-old high school student, is afraid to go to school because of a small pimple on her forehead. She tends to believe that others are as interested in what is happening to her as she is. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Juanita experiencing?

Imaginary audience

What is Erik Erikson's psychosocial crisis for the person in early adulthood (stage 6)

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Aaliyah is a researcher interested in whether girls or boys commit more aggressive, violent behaviors. She goes to a playground and observes both girl and boy children as they naturally play and does so without interfering. Aaliyah is most likely using _________.

Natural observation

Catalina crawls from her room into the hallway to look for her mother after she leaves. She remembers that her mother exists even though she is no longer able to see her. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Catalina has developed _____.

Object Permanence

Which if the following best explains and why middle adulthood comes later and lasts longer now than in the early 1900s?

People today have better health care and nutrition than people in the early 1900s.

Bobby, 14-year-old high school student, recently broke up with his girlfriend. He believes that his feelings are unique and that no one can understand him or his feelings. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Bobby experiencing?

Personal fable

Given what you know about Erickson's 1st stage of lifespan development and attachment theory, what should parents do with a crying baby especially within the first year of development?

Pick up the baby and soothe him or her as consistently as possible so that a healthy sense of trust develops.

Earliest growth that starts at the center and moves towards the extremities ("near to far") is referred to as _______, whereas ________ refers to growth that occurs from the top downward ("head to tail").

Proximodistal growth; cephalocaudal growth

Sally was given a difficult math test and told that previous research has shown that "men tend to perform better on this test than women." According to stereotype threat, how will Sally perform on the test?

Sally will likely perform worse than she would have had she not been told about the gender difference.

Lilliana is 55 years old. Her doctor has noticed a sharp decrease in her estrogen levels, and Lillian is complaining about nausea and fatigue. What will her doctor probably tell her?

She is going through menopause

When is a baby most likely to use social referencing? (For example, think back to the video linked on the slides showing the mothers giving different facial expressions when their babies were considering crossing the visual cliff.)

When they are in an ambiguous situations and need help from others to figure out what to do.

According to recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics, older adolescents would benefit academically if __________.

a school times started later (e.g., after 8:00 am)

Recent trends in smoking indicate that:

fewer people smoke today did in the past.

The life-events approach to understanding adult development has been criticized because it:

focuses on major life events but not on daily experience as stressors.

Walking, crawling, and jumping are examples of __________ while grasping a toy, using a spoon, and buttoning a shirt are example of __________.

gross motor skills; fine motor skills

When men and women report how happy they are in their marriage, it is the case that:

husband's tend to be happier.

One reason that leisure is important to middle adulthood is that:

it can reduce stress and increase the health of an individual

A major criticism of the theory of the midlife crisis is that:

it has been greatly exaggerated.

Children's use of __________, the appropriate use of language in different contexts, increase during early childhood. This results in children learning conversational rules and his to adapt their speech in different settings.


Deborah Tannen analyzed the talk of men and women and found that compared with men, women more commonly engage in _________ talk, because for women, talk is for __________.

rapport; interaction

Little Jose was born 1 week ago. His parents observe him smiling. This behavior is most likely an example of a ________.

reflexive smile

In the Strange Situation, Jermaine used his mother as a "base" as he actively explored the playroom. His mother then left the playroom and he was left with a stranger. Upon the mother's return, Jermaine actively sought contact with her and he was comforted by her presence. His mother is likely sensitive to his needs and consistently responds to Jermaine most likely has a(n) ___________ attachment style.


45-year-old Angie loves going to the symphony, but she has been complaining that lately the quality of the symphony is not good as it was a few years ago. Angie may be experiencing the middle-age decline in her:

sensitivity to high-pitched sounds

Researching on emerging adulthood lists three of the following four assets as being especially important in predicting well-being for making the transition into adulthood, except:

sexual asserts

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