Study Guide Unit 2 🚔

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List four dimensions of diversity in the American population.

1. Personality dimensions 2. Internal dimensions 3. External dimensions 4. Organizational dimensions

Describe 3 current demographic trends in the US

1. Whites are decreasing 2. Hispanics and Asians are increasing 3. Blacks are stable

How does the idea of manifest destiny continue to influence American politics today?

Americans continue to reach their arm into new areas to establish their government and influence.

What effect does immigration (legal or illegal) have on American political system?

Immigration allows other races, cultures, and beliefs to infiltrate our system and change the American political system.

Describe three ways the US could increase social capital.

Increase participation in religious groups and decrease the pace of life.

How does diversity affect social capital?

It can decrease social capital by separating people so there is no common goal or cooperation.

Explain the effects of low social capital on our political system.

It makes us less cooperative and makes it harder to listen to each other's views. We don't work together.

Will changes in our country make the US more democratic, or less?

Less democratic because the government would be doing it for the good of everyone, not the individual people.

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 3) Education

Less educated: right Educated: left

Describe how technology affects social capital.

People focus less on each other's personal connections because simpler ways of communication are present.

What is the difference between cross-cutting cleavages and reinforcing cleavages?

Cross cutting cleavages: this is when one cleavage (group in society) mixes or overlaps with another cleavage (different races can be republican or democrat; races of different social class.) The US is generally this type of cleavage. Reinforcing Cleavages: in this cleavage (group in society) the divisions/groups are homogeneous. They do not overlap. (a society where all republicans are poor; all democrats are white; all Native Americans live in Oklahoma.) This is not typically in the US.

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 6) Sexual Orientation

Don't support gays: right Gay / support: left

In a short essay, compare and contrast the major beliefs of liberalism and conservatism. Consider each ideology's approach to moral, economic, and national defense issues. How are they alike? How are they different? Which is more effective in today's world?

Liberalism's major beliefs are in change, social equality, and more government regulation with regards to the economy and social welfare. Conservatism's major beliefs are supporting more of a traditional approach to society. They believe in a smaller government (less government regulation) and are less prone to change. They are similar because they both want the same goal: for America to run as best as it can. They are both trying for the same result, but taking different pathways to get there. They both support social groups and believe in liberty. Either one could work in today's society. Conservatism because it is protected to preserve the foundation or liberalism because t focuses on teamwork without judgment.

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 1) Gender

Males: right Females: left

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 5) Religion

More religious: right Less religious: left

Describe the average American in 2050.

Multiracial, non religious.

Is ethnocentrism the same things as racism?

No, because you can think you have the best culture but that has nothing to do with race.

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 2) Age

Old: right Young: left

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 4) Income

Rich: right Poor: left

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 8) Geography

Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, Rural: right Northeast, West coast, Urban / University Cities: left

Studies show that, after we control for socioeconomic status, many apparent racial divisions disappear. Explain how race and SES are related.

Take out race and focus on socioeconomic. High income (rich blacks vote more than rich whites.)

List the three main reasons social capital is declining.

Technology - two career family Pace of life - 10 min commute = -10% social capital Religious groups - technology

What effect will technology have on political socialization and political culture?

Technology makes it easier to be influenced through social media and television and easier to have more "friends" or pen pals.

Describe the way population growth is changing American electoral politics.

The population of minorities is rising and therefore the democratic party will likely gain more votes.

Explain what politics in the US will be like in 2050.

The republican party will decrease because there will be less white people.

What role do educational opportunity, economic wealth, and religious freedom play in achieving the American Dream?

They are the backbone of the American Dream. People who come to America are in search of the characteristics.

Explain the way you think the US is most divided.

We are most divided because of our political parties.

Describe the average American today.

White, female, religious, middle class.

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US. 7) Race / Ethnicity

White: right Minorities: left

Explain the connection between trust and democracy.

social capital → trust → more want to vote → more democracy

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