Electronic Distance Measurement
the surface of a large body of water at rest.
A level surface is best visualized as being...
A line of reference for survey work
A line on the mean surface of the joining the north and south poles
A permanent point of known elevation.
Turning Point
A point temporarily used to transfer an elevation
A rod reading on a point of a known elevation to establish the elevation of the instrument line of sight.
A rod reading taken on a turning point, benchmark, or temporary benchmark to determine its elevations
Temporary Benchmark
A semi-permanent point of known elevation
A structure designed to provide an opening under a road or other feature, usually for transportation of storm water
Geodetic Surveying
A survey of such high precision or covering such a large geographical area that computations must be based on the ellipsoidal shape of the earth.
Property Surveys
A survey to retrace or establish property lines, or to establish location of buildings within property limits.
Automatic Level
A surveyor's level in which line of sight is maintained automatically in the horizontal plane, once the instrument is roughly leveled.
Active Control Station
Horizontal directions
All _____ are referenced to meridians
Absolute Positioning
Also called point positioning
Digital Level
An automatic level (pendulum compensator) capable of normal optical leveling with a rod graduated in feet or meters
Bearing Angles
Can be measured clockwise or counterclockwise, is always accompanied by the letters that locate the quadrant in which the line falls (NE, NW, SE, SW)
Fiberglass Tapes
Can give accuracies in the half-centimeter range
Steel Tapes
Can measure to the nearest hundredths of a foor or the nearest millimeter
Control Surveys Preliminary Surveys Layout Surveys
Classes of Surveys
Surveyor's Level
Consists of crosshair-equipped telescope and an attached circular bubble, or spirit level tube, all of which are mounted on a sturdy tripod.
problems that become apparent only after construction is underway.
Design changes result from
Differential Leveling
Determining the difference in elevation between points using a surveyor's level.
Pacing Odometer Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)
Distance Measuring Techniques
1. Leveling techniques 2. Total station techniques 3. GPS vertical positioning techniques 4. Remote-sensing techniques
Elevations can be determined using:
As-Built Drawing
Final plan
EDM instruments
Function by sending a light wave or microwave along the path to be measured
meridians of longitude
Geographic meridian is also known as
1. To refer to a proposed elevation 2. To refer to the slope of a profile line 3. To refer to cuts and fills
Grade meanings:
1. Ease of calculation (plane geometry and trigonometry) 2. The availability of one common datum for X and Y dimensions in a large (thousands of square miles) area
Grid Reference Advantages
Central Meridian
Grid reference meridian
Height of Instrument
Drag Tapes
Heavy Duty Steel Tapes
theodolite or total station
Horizontal angles are usually measured with _____whose precision usually ranges from 1 to 20 seconds of arc
Intermediate Sight
Vertical Line
Line from the surface of the earth to the earth's center. It is also referred to as a plumb line or line of gravity
Level Line
Line in a level surface
Grid Meridians
Lines that are parallel to a grid reference meridian (central meridian)
Mean Seal Level
Geographic Meridian
Meridian is known as
Total stations or other EDM devices
Most distances are now measured using..
Plane Surveying
Most engineering and property surveys
Obsolete form of indirect measurement that uses a cross hair configuration to assist in determining distances.
partial payments completion and acceptance of the project
On most construction projects, ______ are made to the contractor at regular intervals, and final payment is made upon _____
Magnetic Meridians
Parallel to the directions taken by freely moving magnetized needles, as in a compass
the project inspector and the construction surveyor
Payments are based on data supplied by
Final ("as-built") Surveys
Post construction survey that confirms design execution and records in-progress revisions.
Aerial Surveys
Preliminary and final survey using traditional aerial photography and aerial imagery.
Topographic Surveys
Preliminary survey used to tie in the horizontal and vertical positions of natural and constructed surface features of an area.
Route Surveys
Preliminary, control, or construction surveys that cover a long but narrow area, as in highway and railroad construction.
Range in magnitude from 0-360 degrees
Construction surveyor
Records items that require a surveying function (excavation quantities, concrete placed in structures, placement of sod)
Project inspector
Records items, such as daily progress, staff, and equipment in used, and materials used.
Intermediate Sight
Rod reading taken at any other point where the elevation is required
100 ft
Steel tape length that is most commonly used
Horizontal Line
Straight line perpendicular to a vertical line
Layout Surveys
Survey in which they surveyor marks on the ground the features shown on a design plan.
Plane Surveying
Survey of such limited size that computations can be based on plane geometry and trigonometry for all horizontal positioning.
Control Surveys
Survey taken to establish or reestablish reference points, elevations, and lines for preliminary and construction surveys.
Hydrographic Surveys
Surveys designed to define shoreline and underwater features.
Construction Surveys
Surveys that provide line and grade.
Temporary Benchmark
Turning Point
Tilting Level
The (mostly obsolete) tilting level is roughly leveled by observing the bubble in the circular spirt level.
The art and science of measuring distances, angles, and positions, on or near the surface of the earth.
The conformity of a measurement to the "true" value
The direction of a line a given by an angle measured clockwise (usually) from the north end of the meridian.
Height of Instrument
The elevation of the line of sigh through the level
revisions are made during the construction process.
The final plan, known as the as-built drawing, is usually quite similar to the design plan, with the exception that...
relocate the horizontal and vertical control used in the preliminary survey
The first on-site job for the construction surveyor is to:
Preliminary Surveys
The gathering of data (distance, position, an dangles) to locate physical features, so that they can plotted to scale on a map or a plane.
The procedure for determining differences in elevation between points that are some distance from each other.
The vertical distance above or below a given datum; also known as orthometric height.
Mean Sea Level (MSL)
Traditional vertical reference datum
1. Land surveying (boundary or property surveying) 2. Engineering surveying
Two Largest fields of surveying
Heavy Duty - 5/16" x 0.18" (8mm x 0.45mm) Normal Usage - ¼" x 0.012" (6mm x 0.30mm)
Two cross-sections of steel tapes
Automatic Level Digital Level Tilting Level
Types of Surveying Levels
Plane Surveying Geodetic Surveying
Types of Surveys
Steel Tapes
Used for precise tape measuring
Used for short distances and in many construction applications
System of Geographic Coordinates
Used in navigation and geodesy, but those engaged in plane surveying normally use their coordinate grid systems or the original township fabric as a basis for referencing
Fiberglass Tapes
Used when lower precision is acceptable
Steel Tapes
Were used in route surveys and are designed for use off the reel
Angles in the horizontal and vertical planes
What angles so surveyors measure?
Horizontal, slope, and vertical
What distances do surveyors measure?
Take and analyze measurement
What do surveyors do?
Distances, angles, and positions
What do surveyors measure?
1. Two-dimensional points 2. Elevation dimensions referenced to mean sea level (MSL) 3. Three-dimensional positions of points
What positions do surveyors measure?
North America - Must be licensed by the state or province in which they work Engineer Surveyors - must have a civil engineering license
Who can perform surveys?
______ are established by using precise leveling techniques and instrumentation.
Temporary Benchmark
______ can be flange bolts on fire hydrants, nails in the roots of trees, top corners of concrete culvert headwalks, and so on
______ elevations and locations are published by federal, state or provincial, and municipal agencies, and are available to surveyors for a nominal fee.
Temporary Benchmark
______ elevations are not normally published, but they are available in the field notes of various surveying agencies.
east/ west, parallel to the equator, measured 90 max
Level Surface
is a curved surface parallel to the mean surface of the earth.
north/south, perpendicular, measure 180 max