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Give the four reasons why SWAT Teams utilize M4/AR15 rifles.

A. Accuracy B. Maneuverability C. Increased magazine capacity (stopping power) D. Quicker on target

The Components of Survival Readiness include:

A. Conditioning 1) Mental 2) Physical B. Shooting Skills C. Tactics

Identify the four types of clearing techniques.

A. Covert B. Dynamic C. Direct to Threat D. Fluid / Slow and deliberate

Identify the three stages of the Stockholm Syndrome.

A. Denial B. Regression C. Identification

Name the seven critical immediate actions which need to be performed by responding SWAT Team members at the scene of an armed barricaded subject or hostage rescue operation.

A. Establish SWAT Command B. Deploy Immediate Action Team C. Deploy Sniper Teams D. List of Responding Team Members E. Get Hasty Brief F. Close Containment G. Establish Tactical Holding Area (THA)

Identify the three types of motor skills.

A. Fine B. Complex C. Gross

Name the three factors for successfully developing an operational plan.

A. Readily understood B. Standard format C. Allow for flexibility

Name the four principles of dynamic clearing.

A. Surprise B. Speed C. Diversion D. Deliberate Force of Action

Name the three elements which must be present during a hostage situation for the hostage taker to be considered a McCarthy Hostage Taker.

A. A hostage B. The hostage taker clearly indicates by action(s)or states that he/she will kill a hostage C. It can be verified, within reason, that the hostage taker has the means to kill a hostage

Term used by a Team Leader indicating that the primary objective of the mission has been accomplished. When this term is announced over the radio, it should prompt other Team Leaders to slow or potentially halt their team movement as appropriate. An example of this would be if the only hostage was immediately rescued upon entry into the structure. This would prevent the rest of the team from continuing an assault and rescue mission on a structure where only the suspect remains.


Use of force guideline given to team members when they are to act strictly within the parameters of ACSO Policy and State Statutes, and the order has been given by the SWAT OIC directing team members to engage a specific target at first opportunity when provided positive target identification and adequate target isolation. The absence of this command does not restrict any team member from utilizing deadly force where that force is justified under agency policy and state law. The Jericho command does not prevent the individual operator from exercising discretion. Situations may rapidly and unexpectedly change, team members must act reasonably and utilize deadly force only when appropriate. For example, a suspect may suddenly and without notice appear to surrender creating a situational change where deadly force is clearly not appropriate.


This dynamic clearing tactic is generally used in active threat response, when the suspect is in an unknown location and the operator is working in a small element or even by themselves. This allows the operator to work the angles of a space/room from the threshold of the door, utilizing some cover to clear most of the room without entering the room. If the operator does not see, hear, smell or feel that the suspect is in the space they are clearing, they will move on to the next room, continuing to clear rooms from the threshold until the suspect is located.


Any specialty impact munitions. A team designated to deploy less-lethal device would be called the Nerf Team.


Term used by an operator, typically during a hostage/victim rescue or active shooter situation, advising they have identified the incident location within the structure by either visual or audio confirmation. (Example: hearing the shooting down a certain hall or in a specific room and telling the rest of the operators to follow you to the threat)


This is a verbal indication from an operator to the primary operator, letting him/her know that the operator(s) behind them are ready to move. This is generally used when the, "Squeeze" would not be practical, due to distance or lack of empty hands. This command can be given with a number identifier as well. For example, "Two On You". Indicating to the Primary operator that he/she has two additional operators behind them, standing ready to move.


Call given followed by a direction (right/left/straight) to alert other operators of the status of an upcoming door.


Any chemical agent utilized by the team. A team designated to deploy chemical agents would be called the Bad Weather Team.


Call sign for the Entry, Arrest, Immediate action or Surveillance Team leader.


The first team member assigned to the Bravo Team. The first operator from the Bravo Team to enter a room. When utilizing shields, this is the second shield in the stack and works side by side with the Alpha Lead when utilizing the Rhino stack.


Second in the Bravo Team stack. Assigned to work in conjunction with the Bravo Lead, addressing secondary threats as the Bravo Team clears their sections of a structure.


The act of relieving another team member of a responsibility by assuming that responsibility.


Identify the bodily function that can be utilized to manage/control the negative effects of stress.


Element of tactical unit primarily assigned to secure the perimeter and establish containment of a given objective, usually a structure. The Front Security Team and the Rear Security Team are each part of this team.


Response given to the SWAT OIC by a Sniper Team indicating that they have received and understand the Jericho command. This response is solely reserved for acknowledging the Jericho command.


The term describing the status of an area that has been tactically searched thereby eliminating any possibility of a threat.


This term will be utilized to announce the deployment of a "Safe Smoke" training agent during an operation. This agent is deployable both by hand toss and the Draco gas system. Safe Smoke does not displace oxygen and does not generally cause irritation to the human body in anyway. When appropriate, this deployment will take place prior to chemical agents being deployed. The intent of deploying Safe Smoke first is to cause psychological stress in hope of prompting the suspect to surrender by utilizing the least amount of force necessary. Safe Smoke is a water soluble product and can be cleaned without any special PPE gear. Safe Smoke is breathable and does not require the SWAT Team to dawn their gas masks prior to deployments.


Call made by any operator to alert others they are intending to leave a room or threshold.


When involved in a high risk operation and a reasonable belief develops that suspects(s) have become aware of a SWAT team element's presence and/or location that was previously unknown.


Term used by an operator letting them know you have encountered a person or persons who you perceive as a lethal threat and you are about to engage the threat.


Refers to the status of the containment of a suspect or situation. An "Open" status would mean that containment is not complete and in need of more resources to (within reason) completely contain the suspect or situation. A "Closed" status would mean that containment has been completed and no additional resources are needed.


More than one Sniper taking shots on target simultaneously. A predetermined team member directs the firing sequence. Once the snipers advise they are ready, the designated team member will state, "I have control, three, two, one, fire".


Entry technique utilized in situations where time or speed is not a crucial factor. Slower team movement allows the team to maximize coverage of all threats and to enhance the team's philosophy of an invisible deployment by enabling the team to enter the objective undetected and clear most areas before actually coming into contact with the suspect. Special emphasis must be placed on noise discipline during this type of clearing.


An assault initiated at a prescribed time after the SWAT Team has conducted extensive planning and rehearsals based on verified intelligence information. Due to careful preparation, this type of assault ensures a maximum chance for success.


Dynamic entry technique utilized when the specific location of the suspect is known, and the team wants to traverse other areas of the objective, which have been determined through intelligence to be less likely to contain the suspect, as quickly and safely possible.


Technique used by team members (usually two) to enter an area, at the direction of the shield man, after the area has been fanned.


Entry technique which puts emphasis on speed, surprise and tactical intensity to gain an initial tactical advantage and confuse the suspect. The objective must be cleared and dominated as swiftly as the team safely can. Noise discipline during this type of clearing is not of concern and adequate communication between team members is paramount. Some type of diversion will also often be utilized during this type of clearing.


Discharging Specialty Impact Munitions at a person's head, neck or throat area, or at a person's body above the navel less than 20 feet away can be considered a ____________ application.

Deadly Force

A distraction device can cause permanent hearing loss, if deployed closer than __________ feet from a person's head.


Command given by the SWAT OIC to initiate an assault (entry) on an objective. Order will usually be given to Boy Scout. Harpoon order will be given in the same fashion as other action commands.


Location a team member (or Sniper Team) selects to conceal himself and perform his duties.


A general reference point which fluctuates within a given space (room, hallway, and stairway) based upon the room layout, obstructions / furniture and tactical angles. Also provides the operator(s) with the tactical advantage of interlocking fields of fire with other operator(s) while minimizing exposure from other danger areas or tactical angles.


Discontinuing any advancement and holding that position, while covering any area not yet cleared.


Team member who positions himself at or near the actual location of a critical incident, and is responsible for coordinating the deployment of team members to the incident location, positioning them in positions of advantage, relaying information to the command post, and coordinating tactical planning.


Call sign for sniper team member who is deployed with Air-1 for air borne use of force capabilities.


Element of the Charlie Team responsible for securing the rear of an objective. This team has the additional responsibility of locating a secondary entry point to the objective in the event the Entry Team fails to successfully enter the primary entry point. This team may also be called upon to make entry into this secondary entry point or port windows upon request.


Made when an additional team member is needed to assist another in accomplishing a task


Alternate formation utilized in the entry and clearing of a structure, the traversing of open area or in vehicle assaults. Two shields are utilized in the front of the stack to provide greater cover for team members.


An assignment that defines the left, right, lower and upper firing limits of an operator. Sectors of fire begin at the highest probability of threat and include the area to six inches off of the muzzle or one meter off the body of the nearest operator.


Occupation of an area that has been cleared and has been deemed safe.


Advisement given over the radio by a Sniper Team when a Sniper has taken a shot and should be followed by the Eagle number of the Sniper Team and the status of the target, definitely advising if the target was neutralized. The sniper may also provide a recommendation for immediate action when warranted.


Team consisting of a Sniper and a Sniper Observer, whose primary function is to gather and relay real time intelligence from a concealed position, and whose secondary function is to deliver precision fire. The Sniper Observer acts as spotter and radio man for the Sniper.


The act of one operator positively notifying an operator in front of them that they are with them and ready to move to support them. The squeeze is generally delivered to the lower back, upper leg, but can be delivered to any part of the body that is not covered by body armor.


The act of a sniper deploying stealthily to a hide. This term may also be used to describe the movement by a Boy Scout team where the goal is to covertly approach a suspect.


According to ASO Directive 755: After deployment of the SWAT Team to a high risk incident scene, the decision to execute an Emergency Assault shall be made by the SWAT Team shall be made by


Operator assigned as grenadier. Responsible for deploying less lethal munitions and distraction devices.


Specialty Impact Munitions should always be loaded in the presence of a ________________ when tactically possible.


According to ACSO Directive 755: After deployment of the SWAT Team to a High Risk incident scene, the decision to execute a Deliberate Assault shall be made by __________________.


Why do SWAT Teams utilize distraction devices?

to reduce the potential of having to use force

When two SWAT Team members penetrate and clear any room, it is the responsibility of one team member to ____________ the room while the other team member __________________ the room AND to communicate their responsibilities to each other.

1. Cover 2. Search

According to the Inverted-U theory, _____________ and ____________ motor skills begin to deteriorate at a heart rate of 115 bpm.

1. Fine 2. Complex

Hick's Law states that the ____________ response options there are to a stimulus, the ___________ the reaction time.

1. More 2. Slower

At distances greater than 20 feet Specialty Impact Munitions should usually be directed to a target area between the _________ and the __________.

1. Navel 2. Ankles

Name two types of diversions commonly used by SWAT Teams.

A. Audio-visual distraction device / Flash bang B. Window raking

Name (in order) the safety priorities for the protection of lives in a hostage situation?

A. Hostage(s) B. Civilian bystanders C. Law enforcement D. Suspect(s)

Name the four search warrant execution methods the ACSO SWAT currently utilize.

A. Limited Penetration B. Breach and Hold C. Surround and Callout D. Tango Execution (offsite takedown of target before execution)

Name (in order) the three issues of concern for a SWAT Team during an operation.

A. Protection of lives B. Arrest of offenders C. Protection of evidence

Name the five actions SWAT Team members shall perform upon receipt of a callout page and while in route to a critical incident.

A. Notify CCC of receipt of notification B. Obtain known information concerning nature of incident C. Ensure CCC is keeping a log of responding SWAT Team members D. Ensure someone is getting needed equipment E. Call your SWAT Buddy and ensure he knows of the callout

Use of force guideline given to team members when they are to act strictly within the parameters of ACSO Policy and State Statutes, and the order has been given by the SWAT OIC directing team members to utilize force up to and including deadly force if necessary to maintain containment of the suspect or suspects. This order does not restrict team members from utilizing a less lethal alternative but does clearly authorize the use of deadly force to maintain containment on a dangerous suspect or suspects when provided positive target identification and adequate target isolation.


The SWAT OIC will initiate any coordinated action by first advising, ready for (action). This command advises the specified team(s) to stand-by for a possible action order. The action order will be the command (action), (action), (action). The action order will immediately initiate the specified action. For example, the SWAT OIC will give the command ready for Bad Weather to advise a specific team to prepare for the order to deploy chemical agents. This command will be followed by the command Bad Weather, Bad Weather, Bad Weather at the time the SWAT OIC wants the chemical agents to be deployed. If for some reason the SWAT OIC wants to cancel the ready order, he will advise the specific team to cancel (action) order, i.e. cancel Bad Weather order in the case of chemical agents.


Is assigned to the Alpha team and is the first operator to enter the structure/room. Depending on the mission, will also be the primary shield operator for the Alpha team.


Second in the Alpha Team stack. Is assigned to work in conjunction with the Alpha Lead, addressing secondary threats as the Alpha Team clears their sections of a structure.


Directs traffic and pushes the Alpha Team through clogs. This operator also picks up tertiary threats, not picked up by the Alpha Lead and Second.


Call sign for a deployed sniper team. Will be followed by an identifying number coinciding with the corner of the objective the team is nearest once at their hide.


An assault which is hastily planned and quickly executed. It is usually initiated in response to a critical change in the dynamics of the incident. This change may occur when internal pressures among those inside the crisis site reach a critical point either through a gradual progression of the situation or because of a single sudden event. The reasons for this vary. It may be due to moments of high expectation on the part of the suspects, such as the delivery of supplies demanded or an approaching deadline. It may be due to an attempt to escape by a hostage or some other internal or external cause. The team must be ready to perform an assault of this type on a moments notice without the benefit of extensive planning and rehearsals.


Technique used by a shield man utilizing a fanning motion with the shield in an attempt to visually scan an unclear area from the entry point.


Secondary Breacher, who can also assist with clearing the structure when requested by the Alpha/Bravo teams. A Breacher can utilize mechanical and explosive breaching tactics, depending on the mission.


Primary Breacher, who can also assist with clearing the structure when requested by the Alpha/Bravo teams. A Breacher can utilize mechanical and explosive breaching tactics, depending on the mission.


This clearing technique emphasizes a smooth flow of movement through a structure, slower than dynamic clearing, but faster than covert clearing without an emphasis on noise or light discipline. This is the primary clearing method during Search Warrant operations.


Element of the Charlie Team responsible for securing the front of an objective. The SWAT OIC will usually accompany this team. This team will also be responsible for assisting in the entry or porting windows upon request.


Team, usually consisting of 2-4 members, deployed as soon as possible to the actual location of a critical incident, prepared to take any necessary life saving actions such as an emergency assault or victim rescue. The team must also be prepared to take the suspect(s) into custody, gather intelligence, complete diagrams of the objective and assist in the deployment of other SWAT elements.


A command given by SWAT Control informing team members that a tactical operation has concluded and to depart the location once all team members have been relieved of on scene responsibilities. The term may also be used to signify the conclusion of a tactical training session.


Entry formation utilized in the entry and clearing of a structure. This team is made up of two teams which are identified as the Alpha and Bravo Team. These teams generally separate after entry is made into a structure. This separation is dictated by the floor plan and interior design of the structure. The separation is intended to decrease the time it takes to clear a structure of potential threats. The Float/Breachers, along with Utility will stay at the entry point until called into the structure by either of the Alpha or Bravo teams to assist. - ALPHA LEAD - ALPHA SECOND - ALPHA TEAM LEADER - BRAVO LEAD - BRAVO SECOND - BRAVO TEAM LEADER - UTILITY - FLOAT / BREACH 1 - FLOAT / BREACH 2


Use of force guideline given to team members when they are to act strictly within the parameters of ACSO Policy and State Statutes and no specific use of force orders directing team members actions are in place. Under a Status Quo situation team members are individually responsible for all use of force decisions. The Status Quo guideline exists in every situation unless changed at the command level. Specific use of force orders changing the Status Quo situation may include the "Jericho" or the "Absolute Containment" commands where based on the collective knowledge at the command level a belief that an imminent threat exist and the command component accepts the responsibility for the justification of the use of force directed. In any situation encountered by the SWAT Team the use of force shall always fall within the parameters of ACSO Policy and State Statutes.


Call sign for the SWAT command element.


The path in which a bullet may travel. A danger area.


A movement of a tactical element (normally a Boy Scout Team) to an area or location that suspect(s) do not occupy for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage by separating the suspect from cover, weapons or victims. Because a window of opportunity for a tactical maneuver may be very brief and may occur unexpectedly, tactical element leaders may initiate tactical maneuvers based on a reasonable expectation of success.


Clearing as much of a room or space as possible while the operator is pivoting on the door jam and stepping through the threshold, all the while limiting exposure from unknown threats and utilizing that information to decide where he/she needs to go in the room. These movements should be conducted at a speed that allows the operator to effectively assess potential threats, but not clog up the threshold, stopping other operators from entering the room. This action allows the operator a moment in time / Flash Sight Picture, to observe, orient, decide and act while clearing smaller sections of the room and not being overwhelmed following a blind entry. This movement, when broken down is also referred to as the Partial Penetration step during slow and deliberate clearing.


The dual adversary theory of close quarters combat suggests that when faced with multiple threats you always__________

engage the most immediate threat

How often does the ACSO SWAT Team train to address the successful resolution of an incident involving a mentally ill subject, an armed barricaded subject, a hostage taker or in high risk warrant service?

every time the team trains (Any of SWAT's training goals and objectives can come into utilization based on the actions of a suspect)

What is the most common cause of unintentional discharges?

finger in the trigger guard

During a warrant service operation it is necessary to ________ _________ before a distraction device is deployed into the area.

look into the area and ensure it is safe

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