Teamfight Tactics Champions

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Imperial Assassin ($3) Death Lotus (Active): Katarina channels and fires daggers at a number of nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing healing.


Imperial Blademaster ($4) Spinning Axes (Passive): Draven gains bonus on-hit damage and Attack Speed. Stacks up to two times.


Imperial Knight ($1) Decimate (Active): Darius swings his axe, damaging nearby enemies and healing himself based off enemies hit.


Shyvana, Aurelion Sol 2 — Dragons are immune to Magic Damage.


Zed, Shen, Kennen, Akali 1 — The Ninja gains +40% Attack Damage. 4 — All Ninjas gain +60% Attack Damage. This trait is active only if you have exactly 1 or 4 ninjas on the battlefield.


Blitzcrank 1 — Robots start combat with full Mana.


Braum, Leona 2 — At the start of combat, Guardians and adjacent allies receive +30 Armor.


Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Sejuani, Kayle 2 — Knights block 20 damage from basic attacks. 4 — Knights block 40 damage from basic attacks. 6 — Knights block 80 damage from basic attacks.


Darius, Katarina, Draven, Swain 2 — A Random Imperial deals Double Damage. 4 — All Imperials deal Double Damage.


Demon Assassin ($3) Last Caress (Active): Evelynn deals damage to the 3 closest enemies and teleports away. Damage is increased against low health enemies.


Demon Blademaster ($3) The Darkin Blade (Active): Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemies inside it.


Demon Elementalist ($4) Pyroclasm (Active): Brand launches a bouncing fireball, damaging enemies hit.


Demon Imperial Shapeshifter ($5) Demonflare (Active): Swain transforms, draining health from all nearby enemies. At the end of his transformation, Swain sends out a burst of energy dealing damage to nearby enemies.


Demon Ranger ($2) Piercing Arrow (Active): Varus charges and fires an arrow, dealing damage to all enemies in a line.


Demon Shapeshifter ($1) Spider Form (Active): Elise summons Spiderlings and transforms, gaining Lifesteal.


Demon Sorcerer ($3) Soul Shackles (Active): Morgana fires chains to nearby enemies, dealing damage and stunning after a short delay if they are still nearby.


Dragon Shapeshifter ($3) Dragon's Descent (Active): Shyvana dashes and transforms, gaining Attack Damage and Attack Range. When transformed, her attacks set enemies on fire.

Aurelion Sol

Dragon Sorcerer ($4) Voice of Light (Active): Aurelion Sol breathes a large blast of fire in a line, dealing damage to enemies.


Exile Blademaster ($5) Steel Tempest (Active): Yasuo stabs forward, damaging two enemies in a line. On third cast, Yasuo instead launches a tornado dealing damage and knocking up enemies in a line.


Fiora, Garen, Vayne, Lucian, Leona, Kayle 3 — A random ally gains 100 Armor and heals 35 HP on-hit. 6 — All allies gain 100 Armor and heal 35 HP on-hit.


Fiora, Shen, Aatrox, Gangplank, Draven, Yasuo 3 — Blademasters have a 35% Chance on hit to proc 1 extra attack 6 — Blademasters have a 35% Chance on hit to proc 2 extra attacks.


Glacial Brawler ($3) Thunder Claws (Passive): Volibear empowers his attacks to chain between enemies, applying on-hit effects.


Glacial Elementalist ($2) Frozen Tomb (Active): Lissandra encases the target in ice, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Below half HP, Lissandra instead encases herself, becoming untargetable.


Glacial Elementalist ($5) Glacial Storm (Active): Anivia channels a large hailstorm, damaging and slowing the attack speed of enemies inside of it.


Glacial Guardian ($2) Unbreakable (Active): Braum gains a barrier that blocks incoming damage.


Glacial Knight ($4) Glacial Prison (Active): Sejuani creates a large glacial storm, stunning enemies within it after a short delay.


Glacial Ranger ($3) Enchanted Crystal Arrow (Active): Ashe fires an arrow that stuns and damages the farthest enemy. The stun is longer the farther the enemy.


Graves, Pyke, Gangplank, Miss Fortune 3 — Earn up to 4 additional Gold at the end of each combat round.


Kassadin, Ahri, Lulu, Veigar, Morgana, Aurelion Sol, Karthus 3 — All allies have +35 Magic Damage. 6 — All allies have +100 Magic Damage.


Kha'Zix, Kassadin, Rek'Sai, Cho'Gath 3 — All auto-attacks (the entire team) ignore 50% of the enemy's Armor.


Kha'Zix, Pyke, Zed, Evelynn, Katarina, Rengar, Akali 3 — Assassins have +150% Critical Damage. 6 — Assassins have +300% Critical Damage.


Lissandra, Kennen, Brand, Anivia 3 — Summon an Elemental at the start of combat.


Lissandra, Volibear, Braum, Ashe, Sejuani, Anivia 2 — Attacks from Glacials have a 25% Chance to Stun the opponent for 2 seconds. 4 — Attacks from Glacials have a 35% Chance to Stun the opponent for 2 seconds. 6 — Attacks from Glacials have a 45% Chance to Stun the opponent for 2 seconds.


Mordekaiser, Kindred, Karthus 2 — Curses a random enemy unit at the start of combat, reducing their Health Points to 100.


Nidalee, Elise, Shyvana, Gnar, Swain 3 — Shapeshifters transform in a stronger form, gaining 100% maximum Health.


Ninja Assassin ($2) Razor Shuriken (Active): Zed throws a shuriken, dealing damage to enemies in a line.


Ninja Assassin ($4) Five Point Strike (Active): Akali throws shurikens in front of her, dealing damage.


Ninja Blademaster ($2) Spirit's Refuge (Active): Shen creates a zone around himself, allowing allies to dodge all attacks.


Ninja Yordle Elementalist ($3) Slicing Maelstrom (Active): Kennen summons a storm around him, dealing damage and stunning enemies inside of it.


Noble Blademaster ($1) Riposte (Active): Fiora becomes immune to damage and spells. After a short delay, she stuns and damages the closest enemy.


Noble Guardian ($4) Solar Flare (Active): Leona calls down a solar ray that damages and slows enemies inside it. The enemy in the center is stunned.


Noble Gunslinger ($2) Relentless Pursuit (Active): Lucian dashes away to safety and attacks an enemy twice, once with Attack Damage and once with Spell Damage.


Noble Knight ($1) Judgement (Active): Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing damage to nearby enemies.


Noble Knight ($5) Divine Judgement (Active): Kayle shields the weakest ally, making them immune to damage.


Noble Ranger ($1) Silver Bolts (Passive): Vayne deals bonus true damage every third attack based on the enemy's maximum health.


Phantom Knight ($1) Obliterate (Active): Mordekaiser slams his mace in front him, dealing damage to two enemies in a line.


Phantom Ranger ($4) Lamb's Respite (Active): Kindred creates a zone around herself that prevents allies from dying.


Phantom Sorcerer ($5) Requiem (Active): Karthus deals damage to a number of random enemies after a long channel.


Pirate Assassin ($2) Phantom Undertow (Active): @dPyke dashes behind the furthest enemy, creating an afterimage that stuns enemies it passes through.


Pirate Blademaster Gungslinger ($3) Powder Kegs (Passive): Gangplank periodically creates barrels. On cast, Gangplank detonates the barrels, damaging nearby enemies.


Pirate Gunslinger ($1) Buckshot (Passive): Graves' attacks deal increased damage and hit all enemies in front of him.

Miss Fortune

Pirate Gunslinger ($5) Bullet Time (Active): Miss Fortune channels and fires several waves of bullets in a cone.

Twisted Fate

Pirate Sorcerer ($2) Pick a Card: Twisted Fate throws a card that either stuns (gold), deals damage around his target (red), or restores mana to himself and nearby allies (blue)


Robot Brawler ($2) Rocket Grab (Active): Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him and knocks them up.


Tristana, Graves, Lucian, Gangplank, Miss Fortune 2 — After each attack, Gunslingers have a 50% Chance to attack a random target in range. 4 — After each attack, Gunslingers have a 50% Chance to attack all targets in range.


Tristana, Lulu, Veigar, Poppy, Kennen, Gnar 3 — Yordles have 20% Dodge Chance. 6 — Yordles have 50% Dodge Chance.


Varus, Elise, Aatrox, Morgana, Evelynn, Brand, Swain 2 — Attacks from Demons have a 30% Chance to Burn all the target's current mana, dealing True Damage equal to mana burnt. 4 — Attacks from Demons have a 50% Chance to Burn all the target's current mana, dealing True Damage equal to mana burnt. 6 — Attacks from Demons have a 70% Chance to Burn all the target's current mana, dealing True Damage equal to mana burnt.


Vayne, Varus, Ashe, Kindred 2 — Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a 25% Chance to double their Attack Speed for 3 seconds. 4 — Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a 65% Chance to double their Attack Speed for 3 seconds.


Void Assassin ($1) Taste their Fear (Passive): Kha'Zix slashes the closest enemy, dealing bonus damage to enemies that are alone.


Void Brawler ($2) Burrow (Active): Rek'Sai burrows for a short duration becoming untargetable and healing. When Rek'Sai unburrows she deals damage and knocks up the closest enemy.


Void Brawler ($4) Rupture (Active): Cho'gath ruptures an area, stunning and damaging enemies inside of it.


Void Sorcerer ($1) Nether Blade (Active): Kassadin's attacks steal mana from enemies, converting it into a shield.


Warwick, Blitzcrank, Volibear, Rek'Sai, Cho'Gath 2 — 300 additional health points to all the Brawlers. 4 — 700 additional health points to all the Brawlers.


Warwick, Nidalee, Ahri, Rengar, Gnar 2 — Only Wild units. Each attack generates a stack Fury (up to 5 stacks). Each stack of Fury gives 8% Attack Speed. 4 — All allied units. Each attack generates Fury (up to 5 stacks). Each stack of Fury gives 8% Attack Speed.


Wild Assassin ($3) Savagery (Active): Rengar leaps to the weakest enemy, gaining Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance.


Wild Brawler ($1) Infinite Duress (Active): Warwick pounces onto the lowest health enemy, stunning and damaging them while healing himself.


Wild Shapeshifter ($1) Primal Surge (Active): Nidalee heals herself and the weakest ally, then transforms gaining Attack Damage.


Wild Sorcerer ($2) Orb of Deception (Active) : Ahri fires an orb in a line that returns to her, damaging enemies it passes through.


Wild Yordle Shapeshifter ($4) GNAR! (Active): Gnar transforms, gaining Health, Attack Damage and jumping behind the furthest enemy, damaging and stunning enemies nearby.


Yasuo 1 — If there are no adjacent units at the start of the combat, Exiles gain a Shield equal to 100% of their maximum health.


Yordle Gunslinger ($1) Explosive Charge (Active): Tristana places a bomb on her current target that detonates after 3 attacks, damaging nearby enemies.


Yordle Knight ($3) Keeper's Verdict (Active): Poppy swings her hammer, damaging and knocking up the closest enemy.


Yordle Sorcerer ($2) Wild Growth (Active): Lulu grants an ally bonus Health, knocking up enemies near them.


Yordle Sorcerer ($3) Primordial Burst (Active): Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy, dealing damage. This spell instantly kills if the enemy is a lower star level than Veigar.

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