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Order of Operations - Rules - What to do first?

"PEMDAS" Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (Left to Right) and Addition and Subtraction (Left to Right)


(1/10), or tenths, is what in decimal form?


(1/100), or hundredths, is what in decimal form?


(1/100,000), or one-hundred thousandths, is what in decimal form?


(1/1000), or thousandths, is what in decimal form?

metaphase I

(Meiosis) In this phase, centromeres of the tetrads line up in the cell.

prophase I

(Meiosis) In this phase, chromosomes have replicated and have produced two chromatids. Pairs of chromatids then pair up via synapsis to form a tetrad.

anaphase I

(Meiosis) In this phase, disjunction takes place and the homologous chromosomes separate.

prophase II

(Meiosis) In this phase, spindles form to separate chromosomes. No replication of the chromosomes has occurred in this phase.

telophase II

(Meiosis) In this phase, the cells divide again forming four cells, each with a haploid number of chromosomes.

telophase I

(Meiosis) In this phase, the cytoplasm divides and two daughter cells are formed.

metaphase II

(Meiosis) In this phase, the double-stranded chromosomes are lined up along the equator and become attached to spindle fibers at the centromere.

anaphase II

(Meiosis) In this phase, the two chromatids separate and become single-stranded chromosomes as they move to opposite sides of the cell.


(Mitosis) Between mitotic cycles, the cell is said to be in ____phase. During this phase, the cell is carrying on activities other than reproduction.


(Mitosis) During this phase, chromosomes that replicated during interphase now become visible as they coil to form chromatids. The chromatids are connected by a centromere.


(Mitosis) During this phase, the chromosomes now move to the opposite poles of the cell via help from the spindle fibers. Now there are two separate sets of identical chromosomes on opposire poles of the cell.


(Mitosis) ____phase begins with the uncoiling of the chromosomes as they begin to look like chromatin again. The spindle fibers and asters are no longer visible. The cell then forms two daughter cells as the nuclear membrane becomes visible again.

Order of taxonomic rank (least to most specific)

(least specific) Life > Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order >Family > Genus > Species (most specific)

past tense

(past, present, or future?) The chiropractor adjusted a patient.

future tense

(past, present, or future?) The chiropractor will adjust a patient.

past tense

(past, present, or future?) The meeting has started.

present tense

(past, present, or future?) The meeting is starting.

future tense

(past, present, or future?) The meeting will start.


-12 ribs (attached by costal cartilage) -true ribs (1-7) -false ribs (8-12) -floating ribs (11-12)


-Boyle's Law= P1V1=P2V2 -Charle's Law= V1/T1= V2/T2 -Avogadro's Law= V1/N1= V2/N2 -Ideal Gas Law= PV=nRT= PV=n(8.314J/mol X K)

Newton's laws

-Law #1 - object at rest & in motion will stay that way unless acted on by force (LAW OF INERTIA) -Law #2- Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass--greater mass=greater acceleration -Law #3- Every action requires an equal and opposite reaction (equal force)

Nervous system

-PNS (peripheral)--responsible for gathering info & transporting it to CNS & then CNS commands to sensory organs -neuron classes: 1) efferent (motor neurons responsible for transmitting signals from CNS to effectors in body ) 2) afferent (transmit signals from receptors in body to CNS) 3)interneurons- form complex networks in CNS -neuralgia- maintenance

skeletal muscle

-VOLUNTARY -covered by cell membrane sarcolemma (conductor for signals for contract/relax) -transverse tubes (transfer signals deeper into muscle) -MUST HAVE CALCIUM IONS FOR CONTRACTION -MYOFIBRILS ACTUALLY CONTRACT -Type I- slow contraction (posture) -Type II- quickly **TYPE II B=STRONGEST -agonist (stimulator) & synergist paired w/ antagonist (opposite) & fixators keep stable

muscle metabolism

-aerobic respiration (most effective for muscle energy) & lactic acid fermentation (anaerobic -to produce ATP from glucose & during it's conversation to ADP energy is released -muscles also use myoglobin (stores O2); creatine phosphate (creates ATP by giving phosphate to energy-depleted ADP); glycogen (most common) -when it runs out of energy it goes into muscle fatigue (contains little O2, ATP, or glucose & high lactic acid/ADP---won't be able to do a lot for long (needs to rebuild)

aerobic & anaerboic

-aerobic respiration- requires electron transport chain -anaerobic- can be fermentation but so can aerobic

hydrocarbons & carbohydrates

-alkanes: C>nH>2n+2 -alkenes: C>nH>2n -alkynes: C>nH>2n-2 -monosaccharides: (CH2O)n

Biological hierarchy

-atom -molecule -organelle -cell -tissue -organ -organ system -population -community -ecosystem -biome -biosphere


-biggest to smallest -Dumb (domain) -King (kingdom) -Phillip (phylum) -Came (class) -Over (order) -From (family) -Great (genus) -Spain (species)


-boiling point (latent heat of vaporization) -freezing point (latent heat of fusion) -liquid->gas= sublimation -gas->liquid= deposition -heat of fusion=solid->liquid

Skeletal system

-bone matrix (nonliving)-water, collagen, protein, calcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate -living bone (osteocytes) are found on end of bone for growth -bone layers- 1)periosteum (outer/connective tissue)-osteoblasts that repair/grow bones & nerve 2)compact bone-strength 3)trabeculae-columns (structural) -hematopoiesis (red bone marrow out of stem cells)--during puberty yellow marrow is more prominent -calcification=happens to babies to combine bones -5 types of bones: 1)long bones (most appendicular)- epiphyses(ends) & diaphysis (middle) 2)short bones (carpals/tarsals) 3)irregular (spinal) 4)sesamoid (patella & pisiform)-formed inside of tendons located only at joint 5)flat bones-(ribs/skull)


-catabolism (energy is broken down from chemical bonds) -anabolism (energy is used to produce new molecules)


-cellular respiration- conversion of energy into a form that can be used by cells -physiological respiration-exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide between cells & environment

A&P suffixes

-coccus- spherical bacterium -ia-condition -ectomy- removal -malacia- softening -tomy- to cut -rrhea- discharge -plasty- surgical repair -opsy- view of

respiratory system

-epiglottis- responsible for ensuring that air enters the trachea and food enters the esophagus (when you breath it closes and when you swallow it opens and shuts trachea) -larynx=vocal cords -trachea- lined with Goblet cells & cilia -airway: trachea->bronchus->primary bronchi->secondary bronchi-> tertiary bronchi->bronchioles (connect to alveoli) -lungs= outer (parietal pleura), inner (visceral pleura) between=pleural cavity -left=2 lobes -right=3


-gamma ray (shortest=bad) -x-ray -ultraviolet -visible -inferred -microwave -radiowaves


-gland controls growth (hypothalamus) -gland that controls calcium (parathyroid)


-gray matter (mostly interneurons unmyelinated--where most of processing signals happens) -white matter (myelinated where signals come to) -proencephalon (forebrain)- split into dicephalon (thalamus & pineal gland) and cerebrum (divided into frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital) a)cerebral cortex- grooves (SULCI), bulges (GYRI) --higher brain function like thinking and using language; corpus callous--movement of muscles, memory, emotion, and survival b) hypothalamus (regulating hunger, thirst, blood pressure, & body temp, heart rate & production of hormones) c)pineal gland- melatonin (sleep) -mescephalon (midbrain) --divided into tectum (visual/auditory) & cerebral peduncles (cerebrum & thalamus) & substanita nigra (muscle movement & learning) -rhombescephalon (hindbrain)--brain stem (medulla oblongata & pons---invol body funky) & cerebellum (coordinate complex muscle movement & balance)


-held in the pericardial cavity -3 layers: 1)epicardium (outer) (part of pericardium) 2)myocardium (middle) (cardiac muscular tissue--massive) 3)endocardium (smooth) -4 chambers: right atria->right ventricle->pulmonary trunk (to lungs)->left atrium->left ventricle (thickest/strongest)->aorta->rest of body -sinoatrial node (sets pace), atrioventricular node-picks up signal and tells ventricles to contract -valves: Try=tricuspid Pulling=pulmonary My=mitrial Aorta=aorta


-known as heterocrine gland

blood vessels

-lumen--where blood flows -arteries=away from heart -aorta=largest, brachiocephalic=brain/head, left common carotid=brain, left subclavian=left arm -veins=to the heart from body -capillaries=most populous and smallest (thin)


-made of RBCs, WBCs, hemoglobin, platelets, and plasma -RBC=erythrocytes--produced inside of red bone marrow and transport oxygen -hemoglobin (HGB) is red pigment in RBCs and is rich in iron and protein to allow O2 transport -WBC=leukocytes (immune) (granular leukocytes=neutrophils (bacteria digest), eosinophils (virus digest), and basophils (release histamine)) (agranular leukocytes=lymphocytes (antibodies fighting infection) & monocytes (removing patho & dead cells)) -platelets=thrombocytes--blood clotting (formed in red blood marrow) -plasma=liquid part of blood--forms 55% of total blood volume (90% water)

auditory ossicles

-malleus, incus, and stapes

protection of CNS

-meninges layers: 1)dura mater (most durable outer) (space for CSF) 2)arachnoid mater- thin lining 3)pia mater (separated by subarachnoid space that's also full of CSF)- directly touches spinal/brain


-mole- avogadro's number 6.02X10^23 -nucleus occupies very little of atom's volume but contains most of its mass -specific heat of water= 4.19J/ gXK


-multiply straight across -division= keep it, change it (X), flip it -adding/subtracting=find lowest common denominator


-nerve has endoneurium, (bundles of fascicles), perineurium, and epineurium 1)afferent 2)efferent 3)mixed 4)spinal 5)cranial divisions: ANS (autonomic-invol) (divided into sympathetic-fight/flight and parasympathetic-outside stimuli), SNS (somatic-skeletal) & ENS (enteric--digestive)


-polar bond=shared unequally -unpolar bond= shared equally

motor neurons & contraction

-several ways to contract: 1)isotonic muscle contraction: produce movement 2)isometric muscle contraction: maintain posture & stillness 3)muscle tone: natural constant semi-contract 4)twitch contraction: a short contraction caused by single impulse 5)temporal summation: short impulses build up contraction in strength/duration 6)tetanus: constant contraction caused by short impulses


-singular: a) I, me, mine, my b)You, your, yours c)He, him, his d)She, her, hers e)It, its -plural: a)we, us, our, ours b)they, them, their, theirs

Digestive system

-small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) -3 pairs of salivary glands -which layer of stomach contains blood vessels & nerves (submucosa)

A&P terms

-superior=toward head/upper -inferior=toward lower -anterior=ventral/on front side -posterior=dorsal/on back side -proximal=near trunk or middle of body -distal=away from point of reference -medial=close to midline -lateral=away from midline (side) -cranial=brain -spinal=spinal cord -thoracic= contains lungs, heart, & large blood vessels--separated by diaphragm -abdominal=stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, & kidneys -pelvic=urinary bladder/structures & reproductive organs

cardiac cycle

-systole=muscle contraction/moving blood -diastole=muscle relaxation/filling w/blood -blood pressure=s/d 1)atrial systole (blood is pushed into ventricles--vdistole) 2)ventricular systole (blood is pushed to organs--adistole) 3)relaxation phase--all are in diastole & blood enters atria thru veins 4)refilling phase--when atria is 75% full cycle starts again

types of breathing

-tidal volume (shallow)-.5L -vital capacity (deep)- 3-5L -eupnea- breathing our body does while resting (usually shallow) **at least a liter of air is always in lungs

muscular system

-visceral (smooth) muscle (weakest) (vessels/stomach) (INVOLUNTARY) -cardiac- ONLY IN HEART--INVOLUNTARY, formed from cardiocytes joined by intercalated discs


-where bone comes into contact w/each other w/cartilage or teeth 3 types: 1)synovial-fluid filled MOVEMENT (most common) 2)fibrous- NO MOVEMENT (teeth/skull) 3)cartilaginous- SOME MOVEMENT

1 cm = ___inches

.394 inches

how many kilometers in 1 meter


1 quart = ___ L

0.95 L



1,000 Liters =

1 Kilometer

0.01 meters/liters/grams

1 centi(meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

8 ounces

1 cup is how many ounces?

0.1 meters/liters/grams

1 deci(meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

10 meters/liters/grams

1 deka(meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

12 inches

1 foot is how many inches?

4 quartz

1 gallon is how many quartz?

100 meters/liters/grams

1 hecto(meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

2.54 centimeters

1 inch is about how many centimeters?

1000 meters/liters/grams

1 kilo)meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

2.2 pounds

1 kilogram is about how many pounds?

100 cm equals

1 meter

1 meter/liter/gram

1 meter/liter gram equals how many meters/liters/grams?

5280 feet

1 mile is how many feet?

0.001 meters/liters/grams

1 milli(meter/liter/gram) equals how many meters/liters/grams?

28 grams

1 ounce is about how many grams?

2 cups

1 pint is how many cups?

16 ounces

1 pound is how many ounces?

1 liter

1 quart equals about how many liters?

2 pints

1 quart is how many pints?

2000 pounds

1 ton is how many pounds?

1 meter

1 yard is about how many meters?

3 feet

1 yard is how many feet?


1) cervical (7) 2) thoracic (12) 3) lumbar (5) 4) sacral 5) coccyx

sentence structure

1) simple (1 independent)- We are going to the store. 2) compound (2+ independent)- We are going to the store and we are going for a run. 3) complex (1 independent & 1+ subordinate)- Today is the day, we are going to the store. 4) compound-complex (2+ independent, 1+ subordinate) - Today is the day, we are going to the store and we are going for a run.

cell phases

1)interphase-replicates DNA to start mitosis 2)prophase- DNA forms chromosomes (centrioles migrate) 3)metaphase- chromosomes go to opposite sides of cell pulling them to MIDDLE 4)anaphase- cleavage forms creating 2 sets of diploid chromosomes 5)telophase- during which a nuclear envelope reforms around each set of chromosomes 6)cytokinesis- during which the cell divides into 2 complete daughter cells

protein levels of structure

1)primary: sequence of amino acids 2)secondary: local, repeating structures created by the H bonds between amino acids 3)tertiary: overall structure (or folding) of the protein created by the many interactions that take place between atoms of protein 4)quaternary: structure formed by several protein molecules joined together to form a protein complex



Perfect squares from 1-100:


Convert Percent to Fraction Ex: 35%

1. 35 2. 35/100 3. simplify - > 7/20

Multiplying Decimals

1. Multiple numbers as if whole numbers. 2. Then count total number of decimal places in the factors and add them (Ex: 2.2 and 2.33 has three total decimal places) 3. Add the total number of Decimal places to product, counting left to right (Ex: 22*233 = 5126 --> 5.126 final answer)

Convert from Decimals to Fractions

1. Write the digits of the decimal in numerator 2. Denominator should be the power of ten equal to number of decimal places right of decimal (.025 = 25/1000) 3. Simplify fraction

1 L = ___ quarts

1.06 quart

how many kilometers are in 1 mile

1.60934 km

1 foot equals

1/3 yards





1 foot equals

12 inches

1 foot

12 inches is 1 ___t.

1 pound

16 ounces is 1 ____d.

how many meters are in 1 mile

1609.34 m

Conversion factors

1in.=2.54cm 1yd=.914m 1mi=1.61km 1gal=3.785L 1oz=28.35g 1lb=.454kg 1cal=4.19J 1C=5/9(F-32) 1cm3=1mL 1hr=3600s

1 pint

2 cups is 1 ___t.

1 quart

2 pints is 1 ____t.

1 ton equals

2000 lbs.

1 ton

2000 pounds is 1 __n.

How many bones are in the human body?


1 ounce = ___grams

28 grams

1 yard

3 feet is 1 ___d.


3.14 or 22/7

how many feet in 1 meter

3.28084 f

1 gallon = ___liters

3.785 L

1 ounce = ___ml

30 mL

1 m = ___inches

39.37 inches

1 gallon

4 quarts is 1 ____n.

4 & 3/4= what

4X 4/4 + 3/4= 19/4



1 teaspoon = ___ml

5 ml





how many feet are in 1 mile

5280 f

1 mile

5280 feet is 1 ___e.

How many muscles are in the human body?


Proper blood volume


1 cup

8 ounces is 1 __p.

Area of a triangle:

A = 1/2 b x h. Where B is the base of the circle and H is the height.

Area of rectangle:

A = Length x Width. The area of the rectangle is the length multiplied by the width.

Area of square:

A = S^2. Where s is the side length.

pie chart

A ___ chart represents a concept with a circle (or pie) and then breaks down the pie into "slices" that illustrates its components.

run-on sentence

A ___-__ sentence is one that contains two equal independent clauses, each with its own subject and verb, but there is no word such as "and" or "but" to link or separate the clauses, and the punctuation used between them is either missing or incorrect. Example: "The hospital cafeteria has all new specials this week on Monday it is going to be Salisbury steak."

base price

A ____ price is just the starting point; anyone who has purchased a seemingly cheap item, only to find the final bill much higher due to tax, shipping and handling, and other assorted changes, can attest to this fact.

text structure

A _____ _______ is the way in which a given text is organized. It makes a work easier to read, and helps to emphasize the author's point.

logical conclusion

A _______ _________n is an idea that follows from facts or ideas presented in the text. It DOES NOT need to be factual or true; it may be completely illogical when viewed on its own. It MUST be consistent with the ideas in the text, and the reader is NOT obligated to agree.


A _______-_______ structure might be illustrated by presenting the problem in one paragraph, and the solution in another. OR the author might choose to write one solid paragraph, containing both the problem and the solution, but use one font for the problem and a different font for the solution.

nitrogenous base

A _________s ___e is a molecule found in DNA and RNA that encodes the genetic information in cells.

quarternary structure

A ________y structure is made of many tertiary structures held together (ex: Hb)


A _______e is a group of words that contains a subject and at least one action word.


A _______l is a polynomial with two terms.


A _______l is a term or combination of terms (which is a constant, a variable, or a product of a constant AND variable...)


A _______l, for example, is a polynomial with one term.

dependent clause

A _______t clause is one that depends on other words to be added to it to make sense. It cannot stand alone because it does not form a complete thought. Examples: until the third shift comes on duty Because she missed punching in by 15 minutes


A ______n is a homogenous mixture that combine a solute and a solvent.

covalent bond

A ______t bond is a form of chemical bonding that involves electron sharing between atoms; the valence electrons of both aroms are being shared cooperatively to form a stable outer shell for both atoms.

phosphate group

A ______te ___p is a molevule in the backbone of DNA and RNA that links adjoining bases together.


A ______y inclused many different organisms living in the same area.

chemical reaction

A _____al _____n, or a dynamic event that alters the chemical makeup of an atom, may cause an imbalance in the charge, resulting in excess protons (or electrons).


A _____e changes shape when dissolved.


A _____e is a molecular surface acted upon by an enzyme.

fission reaction

A _____n reaction is a nuclear reaction in which a nucleus of nuclei is/are split.

fusion reaction

A _____n reaction is a nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of atoms are joined.


A _____pe is an organism's underlying genetic makeup or code. It is a blueprint for building and maintaining all structures within the cells of the body, from small proteins to metabolic activities.


A _____t does not change its phase.


A ____b is a word that expresses action or says something about the condition of a subject.

phase transition

A ____e _______n is an alteration of the physical state between a solid, liquid, and gas.


A ____e is a sentence part that contains a subject and a verb.


A ____e is a sentence part that lacks a subject and a verb. Examples: to the store in the street on the roof


A ____e is any standard instrument of measurement that has markings at established intervals. Example: weighing ____e, thermometers, blood pressure monitors, Geiger counters, and altimeters

solute solvent

A ____e is the substance that dissolved in the ______t.


A ____n is a word that names a person, a place, or a thing. It can be a subject in a sentence.


A ___e is any compound with a hydrogen activity less than water at a pH of 7.


A ___l can be considered to be the basic unit of life.


A ___m is a constant, a variable, or a product of a constant AND a variable. They are separated by a plus or minus sign.


A ___ose is a type of sugar.


A blood protein that is converted to fibrin during blood clotting.


A chain of amino acids then form a _____n. It is the _____ns that are responsible for the expression of genetic traits.

Protein catalyst:

A chemical that changes the rate of a chemical reaction in living tissue without itself being chemically altered.

noun clause

A clause that functions as a noun is a ___n clause. It can be the subject of a sentence or it can receive the action of the verb.

Alpha Particle:

A cluster of 2 protons and 2 neurons emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity.


A compound the yields H+ ions in solution.


A conducting substance that connects an electrolyte to an external circuit.

"Inverse" Correlation

A contrary relationship between two variables such that they move in opposite directions. In an inverse correlation with variables A and B, as A increases, B would decrease. (r= -1)

adjectival clause

A dependent clause that modified a noun or pronoun is called an _______l clause.

adverbial clause

A dependent clause that modified a verb is called an _______l clause.


A descriptive word that modifies nouns or pronouns.

difference of 10

A difference of one unit on the pH scale represents a difference of 1/10/100/1000.


A figure of speech comparing two unlike things using like or as.


A figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated.


A gene is a piece of DNA on a chromosome that controls a particular genetic trait, and there are multiple forms of a gene. These alternative forms are called ____es.


A group of bacteria cells.


A group of organisms of the same type living together is called a _______n.


A heading or subheading always covers a _____ of the larger topic and only a _____.

Action Potential:

A large transient depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve fiber.

cones and rods

A layer of light-sensitive cells called the ____s and ___s make up one of the layers of the retina. Individuals with defects to this portion of the eye are color-blind and usually cannot see shades of greens and/or reds.

Diameter of a circle:

A line that passes through the center of the circle, connecting any two points.

metallic ion = cation nonmetallic ion = anion

A metallic ion (which tends to be a ____n, or positive ion) and a nonmetallic ion (which tends to be an ____n, or negative ion) may also form chemical bonds due to their electrical attraction.

Bowman's Capsule:

A network of capillaries encased in a membrane in the kidney for the purpose of filtration.

Deoxyribonucleic acid:

A nucleic acid found in all living cells which carries the organism's hereditary information.

pure trait

A plant shows a ___e trait if its offspring always have the same trait.

objective case

A pronoun must be ________e case if it is "on the receiving end" of the action of a verb or if it follows a type of word called a preposition.

nominative case

A pronoun must be ________e case if it is the subject of a verb or if it follows a form of the verb, "to be."

possessive case

A pronoun must be in the ________e case if it is used to indicate ownership.


A protein catalyst.


A protein molecule that is released by a plasma cell and binds specifically to an antigen; an immunoglobulin.

audit check

A review or inspection

Afferent Nerve:

A sensory nerve that contains processes of sensory neurons and carries nerve impulses to the Central Nervous System or CNS.

Complex Sentence

A sentence that contains an independent clause and a dependent clause


A series of these indicates omission in quoted material.


A small portion of a typical map is devoted to a _____d, which is a small area that explains the symbols and notations used on the map. The actual information provided is sometimes called the key.

crystalline order

A solid's fixed shape may range from possessing a ________e order, in which that atoms are arranged in a highly ordered state, to a state in which the atoms lack true order.


A solution with water as the solvent.

.70 x 35 = answer

A student needs 70% to pass a test that is worth 35 points. How should this question be formatted in equation form? (Oh come on, you know this! You do it all the time!)

abbreviation for LDL

A type of lipoprotein

E + S --> ES --> E + P

A typical chemical reaction, involving an enzyme (E), substrate (S), and product (P) may be identified symbolically as what formula?


A white, insoluble protein.


A word that imitates the source of the sound it describes.


A word's _____t consists of surrounding words, sentences, or paragraphs that usually help to reveal the word's meaning. Interpreting the _____t of a word not only helps the reader decide which definition is correct, but it can also suggest the meaning of words the reader down not understand at all.

Area of a Circle:

A= Pi x r ^2


Able to kill bacteria.

The atomic number is found _____the chemical symbol.



Absorption of ____r, which affects water and electrolyte balance, occurs in the colon, and the storage and formation of feces also occurs.


Absorption of the nutrients occurs in the small intestine through finger-like projections called ___i.

Mendel's Law of Segregation

According to ____'s Law of _______n, allele pairs separate during gamete formation and then randomly unite at fertilization. The new allele pair then determines how the trait is expressed in the new organism.

reproductive and integumentary systems

Acidic secretions in both the _________e and _________y systems prevent bacterial growth.

Catalyst increase chemical reaction rates by lowering:

Activation energy

third line of defense

Adaptive responses are known as the first/second/third line of defense, or the specific defenses.

Square Feet Review - Finding Total Square Feet

Add up all four sides to find total square feet A fence that is 25 feet by 30 feet means Total SqFt = 25+25+30+30 = 110 square feet

Uracil bond with _ in RNA?


The three nitrogenous bases found in DNA & RNA are:

Adenine, Cytosine, and Guanine


Advanced ________y is used to generate graphs, as well as to provide numerical models to describe mathematical relationships.

diapedesis, CAMs (cellular adhesion molecules)

After chemotaxis, ________s, which is the process of white blood cells squeezing through capillary slits in response to cytokines occurs, followed by the ____s guiding white blood cells to the site of damage or infection.


After leaving the bronchial tubes, air travels into the _____i, which are tiny air sacs that are surrounded by capillaries.


After passing the small intestine (nutrients being absorbed there), the colon then removes ____r from the waste that remains.


After sperm are produced in the testes, they are then stored in the ________s where they mature.


After transcription, proteins are made by ribosomes from the information and sent our to the entire cell. This process of protein production from messenger RNA is called ______tion.

periodic table

All known elements are arranged in a specific order on the _____c table.

methionine codon AUG

All protiens originally begin with the same amino acid, __________ which is the start codon.


Alleles are represented using ____s.


Although Joules are the larger of the 2 units (Joules and calories), both are considered large/small quantities in most real-world applications.

water and salts acid + base = salt + water

Although acids and bases do not generaly undergo oxidation and reduction, their reaction will produce ___er and ___ts.

mismatch repair

Although proofreading reduces the overall error rate, the cell has another back-up plan in place: _____ ____r. After the new DNA has been replicated, this mechanism scans over the DNA to find any mismatches of bases. If any are found, it repairs the mismatch by removing the incorrect base and replacing it with the proper one.


Although stars do have internal sources of energy, their distance from us (measured in ____-____s, or the distance that light will travel within 1 year of time) is so vast that Earth receives only a tiny fraction of light from them in comparison to what the Sun provides.

exercising and keeping active

Although the normal aging process is unavoidable, ____ing and ___ing ____e assist with maintaining adequate lung function.

archaea eubacteria eukarya

Although the root of the taxonomy tree of life is controversial, one interpretation of the tree has the taxonomy heirarchy starting at the broad domain level, wiith a_____, eub_____, and e_____.

Building blocks of proteins:

Amino acid

Genetic code:

Amino acid sequences.

Complemental air:

Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled.

independent clause

An _________t clause can stand on its own as a sentence. It has a subject and a verb and makes a complete thought.


An _______e is a next step or logical conclusion that is not actually written in the text; rather, it is deduced by the reader, based on information that IS in the text; without making these, the reader runs the risk of accepting opinionated writing as fact. This is to "read between the lines."


An _______t is a number written as a superscript that is used to denote the number of times a number should be multiplied by itself.


An _______y passage introduces or explains a subject, gives groundwork information that is necessary for understanding later ideas, or analyzes information objectively.


An ______m includes a community and the biotic and abiotic factors that govern the exchange of living and nonliving parts within that ecosystem.


An ___d is any compound with a hydrogen ion activity greater than water at a pH of 7.


An ___m is the smallest part of an element that still retains all the original properties of the element.


An atom's ____e refers to the positive or negative distribution within it.

protons and electrons neutrons do not contribute

An atom's charge is uniquely identified by its _____s and _____s (while _____s do not contribute to the charge, as they are neutral).

Beta Particle:

An electron emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity.


An enzyme changes the ____e of its active site slightly to accomodate a substrate.

glucose to carbon dioxide oxygen to water

An example of metabolism in cellular respiration is the oxidation of ____e to ____n _____e and the reduction of ____n to ___er.

paradigm shift

An explanation of natural law may not only require refinement, but may require an entirely new ______m ____t, which is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

voluntary response

An individual's ability to physically move away from danger is an example of a _______y response.


An ionic substance that has high electrical conductivity.


An organism that is able to produce its own food is termed an ____troph, and most ____trophs use photosynthesis to live.

A standard position in which the body is facing forward, the feet are parallel to each other, and the arms are at the sides with the palms facing forward;

Anatomical Position

Atom or molecule with a negative charge


distance scale

Another typical feature of maps is a _______e ____e, which is information in the legend that tells the reader how to interpret distances on the map; usually appearing as a line with a distance marking.

Towards the front of the body or the body structure;


Adrenergic fibers:

Any fibers that transmit impulses to other nerve cells, smooth muscle, or gland cells by norepinephrine.


Any good that is not digested is _____ed through the anus.


Any increase in an object's _____y (in units of meters per second in the metric system) will result in a dramatic increase in the object's KE.


Any of the alternative forms of a gene.

food processing brewing manufacturing

Applications of enzyme reactions include what three things?


As DNA polymerase makes its way down a DNA strand, ____rs may occur. When DNA polymerase adds DNA bases along a strand, ____rs may occur.


As a result of enzymes lowering activation energy, the potential barrier between the products and reactants is lessened, allowing a greater/lower reaction rate to occur.

metabolic pathways

As enzymes are highly selextive, only a few ______c ______s (chemical reactions with a cell) are preferred, and they depend on the needs of the cell.

new data

As improvements in technology are made, collection of new data often leads to more refined, alternative explanations.


As long as the positive contribution (1+) from each proton in an atom is balanced by the negative contribution (-1) from each electron, an atom is said to be electrically unstable/neutral.

orbital shells

As seen in the periodic table, each row (or period) displays elements according to an increasing number of systematic _____l ____s (the arrangement of electrons within orbits around the nucleus).


As the development continues in the uterus, the fetus receives nutrients from the mother via the umbilical cord, which is attached to the ______a.

remains the same

As the phase of the sample changes, the temperature changes/remains the same.

seminal and prostate glands

As the sperm travel through the vas deferens, a number of glands, including the s____l and _____e glands, secrete fluids to create semen.


As the temperature of the sample increases/decreases, the phase remains the same.


As you move from left to right across a period on the table, each element has a bigger/smaller atomic radius than the one before.


As you proceed from left to right in a period, the electronegativity of the elements increase/decrease.


As you proceed from left to right in a period, the ionization energy of the elements increase/decreases, indicating their greater ability to attract or "hold on to" electrons.


As you proceed from top to bottom in a group/family, the ionization energy of the elements increases/decreases and electrons are lost more easily.

deoxyribose in DNA ribose in RNA

Aside from the differences in the pyrimidine bases, the other fundamental difference between the two nucleic acids of RNA and RNA is their pentose component, which is _________e in DNA and _____e in RNA.

What are the 6 steps of scientific method?

Ask a question, do background research, hypothesis, test hypothesis/experiment, analyze data and make a conclusion, report results.


At the _____ level, two or more tissue types work together to perform a specific function, and at this level it is possible to perform extremely complex functinos.

carbon dioxide

At the end of cellular respiration, ____n _____e is expelled, but can be used by autotrophs during photosynthesis.


At the ribosome, the RNA code is translated into an amino-acid chain. A chain of amino acids results in a _____n.

Smallest part of an element that still retains all the original properties of the element:



Atom or molecule with negative charge.

Protons + neutrons inside the nucleus =

Atomic mass

The number of protons in the nucleus of the chemical element; the number of protons that defines a specific atom:

Atomic number


Atoms combine to form _______s. It is a chemical bonding of atoms that possesses its own characteristics independent of the atoms themselves.

Covalent bond:

Atoms linked together by sharing valence electrons.


Attraction between similar molecules.

Example of Adhesion:

Attraction between water molecules and molecules that make up the inside of a xylem tube.

A organism that is able to produce its own food:


scale reading

Because a scale shows its results along a numerical scale (say, from 1 to 10 pounds, or from -20 degrees to 100 degrees), the information obtained from it is called a scale ______g.

temperatures and pH

Because enzymes can be denatured by certain ________s and ___ values, different structures of enzymes can function in various parts of the body and under different conditions.

food web

Because many animals can consume a range of living organisms, we can combine the many food chains together to produce a food ___b.


Because the chest cavity is sealed from air, the downward movement of the diaphragm creates a _____m that causes air to flow into the respiratory system and fill this available space.

abdominal and pelvic cavities

Below the diaphragm are the ________l and _____c cavities.

R group

Besides an amine group and a carboxylic acid group, each one of the 20 amino acids has a special __ ____p that makes it one of the distinct amino acids.

The opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make fair, unclouded judgments or decisions:


in the liver stored in the gallbladder

Bile, produced by the ____r and stored in the ________r, is released to emulsify fats and oils.

skeletal system

Blood cells are formed in the marrow of bones in the _______l system.


Blood vessels that conduct blood flow away from the heart and into circulation.

Appendicular skeleton structure contains:

Bones of the arms, feet, hands, legs, hips, shoulders

hydrogen oxygen nirtogen carbon phosphorus

Both nucleic acids include what five elements in their structure?


Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have DNA as the material that carries the genetic code, but a prokaryotic cell does not have a ______s.

Bronchioles or Bronchioli:

Branching air passageways inside the lungs.


Branching neurons that transmit the nerve impulse toward the cell body.


By contrast to the alkali families, the ______s (seventh column) may accept one electron for bonding.



Circumference of a circle:

C=2 x Pi x r

Charles Darwin

C_____ D_____ was the first to study and write about species adaptation. In 1859, he wrote "On the Origin of Species" after spending time in the Galapagos Islands studying the native wild life, and was the first to coin the term "natural selection."


C________s in eukaryotic cells are microtubule-organizing centers that help to form and organize the mitotic spindle during mitosis.

Irrational Number - Define

Cannot be written as fractions. Common ones are some square roots, cube roots, and pie

The tiny blood vessels that transport blood between arteries and veins within the body:


oxygen carbon dioxide fluid nutrients

Capillaries serve as the location for exchange of what four things?

four valence electrons

Carbon possesses ___r valence electrons, which are available for bonding with other carbon and hydrogen atoms within the hydrocarbon structure.

The substance that controls the rate of a chemical reaction:


primary reaction

Catalysts are generally not consumed in a ______y reaction.

activation energy

Catalysts increase reaction rates by lowering _________n energy.

secondary reaction steps

Catalysts may be destroyed or regenerated in ______y reaction steps.

The basic unit of all life:


cell differentiation

Cell ________n produces a more-specialized cell from a less-specialized cell. It determines what cell type each cell will become.

temperature, pH, and substrate concentration

Cell processes require the use of enzymes for rapid reactions. The activity is driven by external factors such as ________e, ___, and ______e concentration.

stem cell

Cell that remain undifferentiated produce ___m cells. Examples of this are totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent.

What surrounds the cell membrane and is made of cellulose and composed of numerous layers?

Cell wall


Cells combine in terms of function and type to form _____s.


Cells copy the instructions in the DNA into RNA (a process called ______tion) and send the messenger RNA to the ribosomes.

protease hydochloric acid intrinsic factor absorption of Vitamin B12

Cells in the stomach lining secrete mucus for lubrication, an enzyme to begin protein digestion (_____e), _________c acid, and ______c ____r, which increases the stomach's absorption of vitamin ___.

DNA polymerase

Cells speed up the process of DNA synthesis by using an enzyme called ___ _______e.


Cells use ________a (an organelle within the cell) to carry out this cycle (cellular respiration).

The process in which glucose is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP);

Cellular respiration


Cellular respiration is used by ____trophs, which are organisms that cannot produce their own food.

The metric temperature scale defined (at standard pressure) by the melting point of ice (0 C) and the boiling point (100 C) of liquid water:


skin diseases

Certain ___n diseases are a result of the excision repair mechanism not functioning properly.


Certain prokaryotic cells contain _____a for movement. They are long and whip-like, and project outward from the cell.


Certain radioactive isotopes (__________s) have medical uses. These substances are used by the body as usual because the body cannot distinguish between isotopes of elements. Once in the body, they can be used via a scan to create pictures of the body's internal organs.

economy politics medical care natural resources food land climate

Changes in a population rate are also affected by the country's... (list!)


Chemical _____________s pass through the synapse to transmit an impulse to another neuron; a transmission that happens at about 90 meters per second.

ionic and covalent bonding methods

Chemical bonding primarily occurs through ____c and ______t bonding methods.

Acetylcholine (ACH):

Chemical transmitter substance released by some nerve endings.

The green pigment in plants:


The organelle in plants that allows photosynthesis to occur is the _____, which contains the chemical _____ to trap energy from the sun.

Chloroplast; Chlorophyll

Threadlike rods of DNA:



Chromosomes consist of subunits of genes, and genes consist of ___.

Transportation highway for the entire body (also known as the cardiovascular system):

Circulatory system


Clumping of foreign cells; induced by crosslinking of antigen-antibody complexes.

propane C3H8

Combustion involves the burning of _____e (C_H_)


Comparison of two numbers by division.


Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structures are termed ______s.

has; ligaments

Connective tissue common has/does not have it own supply, with the exception of _______s.


Connective tissue is found throughout the body, and it serves to _____t different structures of the body.

All muscle tissues have the ability to contract or shorten


aortic valve, thru aorta

Contraction of the left ventricle forces the blood through the _____c valve, through the ____a, and then out to the entire body.`

Somatic nervous system:

Controls voluntary actions.

The sharing between atoms:

Covalent Bonds


Covalent bonding is greatest between atoms of similar ____________s, or similar attractions for electrons.

peripheral nervous system

Cranial and spinal nerves that extend beyond the central nervous system make up the _______l nervous system.

crude birth rate

Crude ____h rate is defined by the number of births per 1,000 people per year

crude death rate

Crude ____h rate is defined by the number of deaths per 1,000 people per year.

____ is found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.


In DNA Guanine always pairs with:




Deoxyribonucleic acid


The genetic blueprint of the cell is known as:


The major enzyme responsible for DNA replication in cells is:

DNA Polymerase

double helix

DNA is most often seen in a structure known as the _____e ___x. This complex is able to form because weak bonds are able to form between the hydrogen atoms and oxygen or nitrogen atoms between bases in the complementary strands of DNA.


Darwin did not know the mechanism of heredity, but today we know that ____s (stretches of DNA on a chromosome that provide information for an organism's characteristics) are responsible for heredity.

The ratio of mass per volume for a substance=


superior and inferior vena cava

Deoxygenated blood enters into the heart through the superior and inferior ___a ___a.

The pentose component, or sugar found in DNA is:


Represents output or effect:

Dependent variable


Developed countries that have a fertility rate less than 2 ill see a increase/decrease in the number of their population.


Developmental stage from 9 weeks to birth.


Different words with identical meanings.

During meiosis, a _____ cell will give rise to 4 _____ cells.

Diploid; Haploid

Fraction to decimal:

Divide numerator by denominator. Example: 3/4 = 0.75


Do you remember how to do proportions?

Biological Classification System

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

dominant = capital letters recessive = lowercase

Dominant alleles are represented by capital/lowercase letters, and recessive alleles are represented by capital/lowercase letters.

Endocrine glands:

Ductless glands that empty their hormonal products directly into the blood.

mistakes! (Eek!)

During DNA replication, a cell must double its DNA and made a duplicate copy of the entire genome, a task not accomplished without mistakes.


During anaphase of mitosis, _______s, the division of the cytoplasm, begins with the "pinching" of the cell membrane.


During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down by the process of ______s, which transfers some of the energy in glucose to ATP.


During fertilization, the cells do not grow during this time; instead they continue to _____e.

chemicals to UV rays from the sun

During its life, a cell may be exposed to certain substances capable of damaging DNA. These mutagens can be anything from harmful ______ls to ___ rays from the sun.

mitotic spindle

During mitosis, the _____c _____e helps organize and segregate the chromosomes during cell division.

fat-laden chyme longer than carbohydrate-laden chyme thru pyloric sphincter

During the churning in the stomach, ___-laden chyme remains in the stomach longer than __________e-laden chyme, which advances more quickly into the small-intestine (duodenum) through the ____c sphincter.


During the process of ______n (the mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods), teeth grind, chew and tear food into smaller pieces to increase the surface area upon which enzymes can act.

oxygen used up, water and carbon dioxide are by-products

During the processes of cellular respiration, ____n is used up, while both ____r and ____n _____e are formed as by-products.


During this phase, with help of the centrioles, asters, and spindle fibers, the chromatids line up near the equator of the cell.

amino acid

Each codon matched to a specific ____o ___d.


Each enzyme has a specific ______e on which it acts. Because of this, the fitting of a ______e into the active site of an enzyme is often compared to a lock and a key.


Each horizontal row in the periodic table is called a _____d.


Each hydrocarbon and its molecular formula have a special geometry associated with them. However, a given formula may possess two or more molecular structures known as ____ers. So although the bonding is identical, a different geometric structure can lead a widely differing properties.

phosphate group, pentose, nitrogen base

Each nucleic acid contains a _______e group, ___ose, and a ______ base.


Each piece of the genetic code is called a ____n.

arterioles and lymphatic vessels

Each villus contains _______s and ______c vessels through which absorption occurs.


Early development of an animal or plant after fertilization.

Real Number - Define

Either rational or irrational

same side

Electronegativity tends to increase from left to right on the periodic table, so covalent bonding often results between atoms on the opposie/same side of the table.

A chemical bond is primarily determined by:


energy shells increase

Electrons are found farther from the nucleus as the number of filled energy shells increases/decreases.

electrons increase

Electrons increase/decrease from left to right across a period on the periodic table, as they are added to the outer energy shell one at a time


Electrons tend to gravitate toward the _____n in a water molecule.


Elements can bond together to form _______s.


Elements that have high ionization energies have high/low electronegativity due to the strong pull exerted on electrons by the nuclei.


Elements that have ionization energies have high/low electonegativity because their nuclei do not exert strong attractive forces on electrons.

All muscles share the capacity to elongate or relax


Joules (J) or calories

Energy and its ability to do work (the results of any change in energy) are often quantified in units of the metric system called _____s or _____ies.

battery or gasoline

Energy may be stored in several ways, as in a common _____y cell or the _______e in a fuel tank.


Energy required during building phase of metabolism in which simpler substances are combined to form more complex substances.

______ act as catalysts for special chemical reactions within the human body.



Enzymes act to raise/lower activation energy.


Enzymes are ______s that aim to lower the amount of energy it takes for a reaction to occur. Once the activation energy of the reaction has been lowered, the reaction can take place at a _____r rate.

forward and reverse reactions

Enzymes can also catalyze _____d and _____e reactions equally so that equilibrium is maintained.


Epithelial tissue can _______e easily if well nourished.

sheets; does not

Epithelial tissue commonly exists in ____s and does/does not have its own blood supply.


Epithelium is dependent on ______n from nearby capillaries for food and oxygen.

Avogadro's Law:

Equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules.

eukaryotic cells

Eukarya have _______c cells, which are not only more complex than prokaryotic cells, but are also many times larger. Some live as single cells, but many exist as part of a larger complex of cells comprisinga multicellular organism.

plasma membrane

Eukaryotic cells have a _____a _______e which envelops the cell and is semipermeable to allow certain substances and water in and out. Within, it also hold cytoplasm which holds all of the organelles.

germ cells

Even though an individual may accumulate mutations over his or her lifetime that lead to certain diseases, disorders, or cancers, those mutations will only pass on to future generatins if they are present in the DNA of ___m cells, which are reproductive cells that give rise to sperm and ovum. FOR EXAMPLE! An individual may develop skin cancer due to excess sun exposure, but that individual's offspring will not also have skin cancer unless those mutations are also found in the gametes.


Eventually, the bronchial tubes have divided and branch out so much that they become very small tubes called ________s which reach the alveoli.


Every gene exists in different forms called _____s.


Example: He is as fast as a speeding bullet.


Example: I am a rainbow.


Example: These books weight a ton.

All muscle tissues have an electric gradient which can reverse when stimulated


inform or explain

Expository writing uses facts to ____m or ____n something to the reader in a more general sense.


FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


Facts in techinical writing are written to ____h the reader how to use a specific object or perform a specific action


Fats can also provide our bodies with _______n, preventing heat loss.

carbon chains

Fats can contain _____n chains that contain single or double bonds.



replacement rate

Fertility rates are significant because they coincide with the _________t rate, which is the number of births needed to maintain the population at its current number.


Fetal membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac around the embryo.

electron transport chain 32 ATP molecules along with water

Finally, in aerobic respiration, the NADH2 and FADH2 work with the electron transport chain to pass the hydrogen atoms present to free oxygen. During this process, ___ ATP molecules are formed along with w____.

except after c or when sounded like a

Finish this basic spelling rule: i before e except after __ or when sounded like __ as in neighbor and weigh.

1 atom of N 3 atoms of I

For NI3, how many atoms of N and I are there?


For a text feature to be useful, it must be applied ________ly.

8 neutrons

For oxygen, the mass number is 16 and the atomic number is 8. How many neutrons are there?

inference: because electricity involved, take precautions conclusion: main electrical switch in house should be off before working with home's elecitiy

For the following example, what is the inference and what is the conclusion? Consider a set of poorly written instructions on how to rewire an electrical outlet, not saying a word about safety.


Formulas on the left side of the reaction sign (-->) are substances consumed or altered in the chemical reaction. These are called ______s.


From the fallopian tube, the egg then passes into the ____s.

four sperm one egg cell three polar bodies

Gametogenesis is different for males and females. In spermatogenesis, the primary spermatocyte develops into ____ sperm. In oogenesis, just ___ egg cell is formed from the oocyte along with ____ polar bodies.

high temperature, low pressure

Gases are found to exist at high/low temperatures and high/low pressure.

Chromosomes contain stretches of DNA called_____ that contain information that control particular traits from an individual.


base pairing

Genes send messages within the cell and to other cells in form of a code, which is made possible through complementary ___e ___ing.

will remain the same

Given a fixed amount of total energy in a system, an increase in KE will result in a decrease in PE (and vice versa), but the total amount of energy will chnange/remain the same.

Cell cycle

Go Sally Go, Make Children! 1) growth phase 2)DNA synthesis 3) growth phase 2 4) mitosis 5)cytokinesis


Google inequalities, because you forgot all about them.


Green plant pigment found in chloroplast; necessary for photosysthesis.

ion would you expect to dominate in water solutions of acids


covalent bonding

H2O molecules are stable due to the sharing of electrons between the hydrogen and oxygen by _______t bonding.


HOW a text is written - in other words, its ____ - is also part of its historical context.

Quoted expressions:

He said, "I will be ready on time."

table of contents

Headings and subheadings are often listed in a book's _____ of _____s, along with the chapter's listings.

nonfiction documents

Headings typically only appear in ________n documents.

If the offspring are given different alleles for a particular trait they are known as:


higher concentration

Higher/lower concentration cause the molecules to collide more frequently

higher pressure

Higher/lower pressure allow gas molecules to collide more frequently, as they are packed more tightly together.

If offspring are given the same allele from each parent they are known as:


endocrine system

Hormones from the _______e system regulate hair growth and hydration.

endocrine system

Hormones released form the ______e system influence blood pressure.


Hormones that stimulate female secondary sex characteristics.

1.) If no charge, the # electrons = # protons 2.) If + charge... atomic # - # of charge (2+ charge --> atomic # of 20 - 2) 3.) If - charge... atomic # + # of charge (3- charge --> atomic # of 6 + 3)

How do you determine the number of electrons?

1.) round atomic weight to the nearest whole number (this is the atomic mass) 2.) subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass

How do you determine the number of neutrons?

1.) add up known fractions over least common denominator 2.) subtract from 1, which is the common denominator 3.) simplify if needed!

How do you find a missing fraction (in an equation... think nickel!)?

You add 273 to -196 degrees C to get 77 degrees C

How do you find the Kelvin temperature of a gas at -196 degrees C?

1.) Find the valence electrons for the two elements 2.) put them together!

How do you make a Lewis Dot Structure?

1.) put the smaller (divisor) under each monomial in the dividend to make fractions 2.) once fractions, simplify

How do you simplify division polynomials?

percent decrease = (original value - new value / original value) x 100

How do you solve for percent decrease? (What is the equation?)

percent increase = (new value - original value / original value) x 100

How do you solve for percent increase? (What is the equation?)

1.) Multiply all fractions within the equation with least common denominator 2.) simplify each fraction to get a regular equation with whole numbers 3.) solve for x!

How do you solve for x with fractions?


How many amino acids are there?


How many codons are there (3-letter combinations)?


How many organ systems are in the human body?

.15 x 500 = answer

How should the following word problem be written as an equation? 15% of 500 is what number?

0.25 x n = 8

How should the following word problem be written as an equation? 25% of what number is 8?

n x 250 = 10

How should the following word problem be written as an equation? What percent of 250 is 10?

saturated and unsaturated categories

Hydrocarbons are generally subdivided into _____ed and un_____ed categories.



Roman Numerals

I-1 V-5 X-10 L-50 C-100 D-500 M-1000 ex.MMMDCXXI= 3621

DNA = genetic blueprint RNA = messenger

If DNA is the genetic _______t of the cell, then RNA can be thought of as the ______er within the cell.


If a country's birth rate is higher/lower than its death rate, the population in that country will decrease unless immigration occurs.


If a country's birth rate is higher/lower than its death rate, the population in that country will grow unless emigration occurs.


If a fat chain contains all single bonds, the fat is classified as _______d.


If a map does not have a compass rose, it will usually have an arrow pointing ____h so that the map can give the reader a sense of compass direction.


If a mutation is able to pass through the cracks of the repair systems of DNA replication, the DNA sequence from then on is altered. Certain forms of ____r arise because of failure in these repair mechanisms.


If a system is considered ____ed (no mass or energy is entering or leaving), then energy may only be converted from one form of energy to another.


If a thermometer only goes down to -10 degrees fahrenheit, and it currently seems to be showing -10 degrees, there is a good chance that the actual temperature is higher/lower than 10 degrees fahrenheit.

pH indicator

If activity values are not readily known, a __ _____r is used to qualitatively determine the pH.


If both organisms benefit, the relationship is called ______m.


If each parent gives the offspring a different allele for a particular trait, the offspring is ____zygous for that trait.

Direct Correlation

If large values of one variable match large values of the other, and small values of the first variable match the small values of the other


If mathematics was not used, the best scientific descriptions would be purely ______ive in nature.


If population growth occurs in a country that currently does not have enough resources for its residents, there will be a abundance/shortage of resources.


If the egg is fertilized, it remains at the uterine ___l to develop into a fetus.


If the pathogen enters the body again, the body's response will by much quicker/slower than the first time the pathogen invaded the body.


If the pathogen is virus, ______n is produce so that other cells in that region of body can block the virus from attacking any healthy cells.

car = automotive TV = television

If there are two or more logical choices for a category name, look for the more formal one. Example: Instead of "Car," use _________; instead of "TV," use _________.


If there is a double bond in the fat chain, the fat is classified as __________d.


Immigration/emigration is the act of an individual moving into a region or country to live, or migrate into.


Immigration/emigration is the act of an individual moving our of one region or country to live in another, or migrate out of.


Impulses reach a gap between neurons called a _____e which is where neurotransmitters cross the gap and transmit the impulse to another neuron.

adenine with thymine guanine with cytosine

In DNA, _____ always pairs with _____, and _____ always pairs with _____. (Nitrogenous bases, doesn't matter which order!)


In RNA, the pyrimidine base of ____l is used instead of the _____ne base found in DNA.

passive immunity

In ____e immunity, the antibodies have been obtained from outside the body, either from another animal or person.


In a ______-______ structure, the author normally presents an action first, and then describes the effects that result (or may result) from that action.


In a _______-_______ structure, the author may present two different cases with the intent of making the reader consider the differences (or similarities) between the two cases.

hypertonic solution

In a _______c solution, the outside solution has a higher concentration of solute than the cell. Water moves out of the cell. The causes the cell to shrivel and shrink.

hypotonic solution

In a _______c solution, the solution outside the cell has a lower concentration of solutes than the solution inside the cell. Water moves into the cell. This causes the cell to swell and/or burst.

positive feedback mechanism

In a positive/negative feedback mechanism, a change in a hormone's concentration causes the same kind of change in some other substance.

negative feedback mechanism

In a positive/negative feedback mechanism, a change in the concentration of a hormone causes a change the concentration of another substance opposite to the changge in the concentration of the hormone.

passive immunity

In active/passive immunity, an individual does not produce his or her antibodies, but rather receives them directly from another source, such as mother ro infant through breast milk.

active immunity

In active/passive immunity, an individual receives a vaccine that stimulates an actual infection by a pathogen, stimulating the body to produce antibodies for future protection.

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

In aerobic respiration, acetyl-CoA enters the _____ _____ in which one ATP molecule is produced each time the dydle is performed.

acetyl CoA

In aerobic respiration, after pyruvic acid is formed, the mitochondria of the cell work to convert it to a____-____.

isotonic solution

In an ______c solution, the concentrations inside and out of the cell are the same.

B cells, bindign with T-helper cells.

In antibody-mediated responses, the antigen binds to __ cells (which are types of lymphocytes or small leukocytes) followed by the binding with __-___er cells, which activate the B cells to produce antibodies!

helper T cells

In both viral and bacterial infections, ____r T cells are available to recognize the antigens that have been ingested and displayed by macrophages.

1.) macrophages 2.) cytokine 3.) chemotaxis

In cell-mediated immunity's three-step process: 1.) _______s capture the nonself cell 2.) A T-helped cell binds to it and secretes a ______e that signals the cytotoxic T cell 3.) The cytotoxic T cell responds through _______s and actively DESTROYS the nonself cell

T cells

In cell-mediated immunity, __ cells are primarily responsible for recognizing nonself cells. It is a lymphocyte that triggers the action of other lymphocytes.

cellular respiration, uses glucose

In contrast to photosynthesis, _____r ________n uses one of the end products of photosynthesis, _____e, to produce ATP for cells.

covalent bonding

In covalent/ionic bonding, the electrons are shared between two nonmetals.

ionic bonding

In covalent/ionic bonding, the electrons are transferred from a metal to a nonmetal, causing ions to form. The oppositely charged ions attract one another.

cell plate

In plants, telophase is completed with the formation of a cell ____e between the daughter cells, which is followed by the formation of a new cell wall.


In redox reactions, the oxidation reaction and reduction reaction yield the ___ of reactants and products.


In the DNA double helix, adenine and guanine have TWO rings, and they are classified as purines/pyrimidines.


In the DNA double helix, thymine and cytosine only have one ring, and are classified as purines/pyrimidines.

large intestine

In the _____ intestine, water is reabsorbed along with vitamins.

periodic table

In the _____c table, the different elements are shown in order by increasing atomic number.

antibodies produced for the invading antigens

In the antibody-mediated branch, _______s are produced that are specific for the invading ______n.

DNA to RNA to proteins

In the cell, information flows from _NA to _NA to _____s.

ATP; liberating oxygen

In the chloroplast, carbon dioxide, water, and energy from the Sun are used to produce ___, which is a cellular fuel that provides the energy to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water, liberating _____n in the process.

Henry Moseley; atomic number

In the early 1900s, ____y ______y proposed that the periodic table be modified such that elements would be arranged by atomic _____r rather than atomic mass. His format is recognized as the correct format for the modern periodic table.

The mayor is corrupt and should be thrown out of office

In the example where a political flyer accuses the local mayor of corruption and demands his impeachment, what is the logical conclusion? (Remember the question to ask yourself!)


In the excretory system, the _____s work to produce urine. It is the one million of so nephrons in each ____y that do the filtering.


In the female, eggs are produced in the _____s and on maturation, move with their follicles to the surface of it.


In the following sentence, what is the pronoun? Mr. Clemens reported a high fever for six days, and he added that he had also suffered various aches and pains for as long as he could remember.

less than 1

In the formula for pH, the negative sign means that activity (in scientific notation) must be much more/less than 1.


In the male, the testes are located in the _____m.


In the mouth, ___th grind food as the tongue helps mix food with saliva.


In the mouth, the saliva moistens the food as salivary amylase breaks down _____s.


In the nervous system, _____s are made of a cell body that contains a nucleus.

dendrites axon

In the nervous system, a number of branched fibers called _______s receive impulses that are carried through the axon.


In the presence of oxygen.


In the respiratory system, the air enters the nasal cavities through the _____s.

hydrochloric acid

In the stomach, _________c acid breaks down the food and kills bacteria.


In the stomach, _____n breaks down proteins.


In the stomach, churning helps break down food and mix it with gastric juices to form ____e.

passive reading

In this type of reading, a reader simply absorbs the text and assumes that it contains facts


In women, _____n (a hormone) helps preserve vascular health.

skeletal muscle

Increased ______ muscle activity increases the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

A factor controlled by scientists:

Independent variable

Towards the lower end of the body or the body structure (opposite superior);



Inhibitors (e.d. drugs and poisons) can compete with the substrate by ____ing its active sites, causing a greatly reduced activity.

second line of defense

Innate defenses' first/second/third line of defense includes fever, inflammation, phagocytosis, natural killer cells, interferons, chemotaxis, and the release of cytokines.

first line of defense

Innate defenses' first/second/third line of defense, which includes both physical and chemical barriers (skin, mucous membranes, and digestive enzymes).


Inside the ___e, olfactory cells are embedded in a mucous membrane. When odors enter this, they enter this mucous lining, causing the olfactory nerves to be stimualted and then be interpreted by the brain.

immune system

Inside the lymph nodes, the body's ______e _____m works to respond to and defend against foreign invaders.


Interactions between the genotype and the _________t affect the phenotype of the organism.

The cell prepares for division by replicating its genetic and cytoplasmic material.


Mitosis consists of:

Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase


Introduces or explains a subject, gives ground work information that is necessary for understanding later ideas, or analyzes information objectively.


Introductory words, such as yes and no, are set apart by these.

The electrical attraction between ions of opposite charges.

Ionic chemical bonds

Most chemical bonding occurs through ____ & _____ bonding.

Ionic; Covalent

increase; decreasing atomic radii

Ionization energies increase/decrease moving from left to right across a period while increasing/decreasing atomic radii.

Autonomic nervous system:

Is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. A fight-or-flight response.

Radius of a circle:

Is the line segment connecting the center of the circle to any point on the circle.


Is this a topic, a theme, a main idea, or a supporting detail? A few large factories vesus many small factories

main idea

Is this a topic, a theme, a main idea, or a supporting detail? Microchips are increasingly manufactured in a few giant Asian factories


Is this a topic, a theme, a main idea, or a supporting detail? Technology and industry

supporting detail

Is this a topic, a theme, a main idea, or a supporting detail? The new Asian factories can be trusted to keep major brands' secrets

cultural beliefs

It is important to realize that ______l beliefs directly influence authors' opinions and styles


It is in the lungs where blood picks up _____n.

thru walls, called arterioles

It is through the ___s of alveoli that oxygen and carbon dioxide move in and out of the lungs via small blood vessels called _______s.

monitor progress

Keep an eye on movement

triple point

Kelvin is standardized by what?


Kilojoules are also otherwise known as kilo_____s.



Also called the "Colon", what concentrates, mixes, and stores waste materials?

Large Intestine


Layers of fibrous tissue covering and separating muscle.

Oxygen and blood flow out of ______.

Left ventricle


Ligaments should not be confused with _____s, which connect bones to muscles.


Lipids are stored by the body as an energy reserve, and they can provide about twice/triple as much energy per gram as proteins or carbohydrates.

high temperature, high pressure

Liquid exists at a high/low temperature and high/low pressure.


Liquid that passes through the pores in a filter.

greater volume

Liquid will spread our over a greater/lower volume.

atoms molecules cells tissues organs organ systems organism

List the heirarchy of the structure of the human body, from the smallest to the most complex. (Start at atom, end at organism.)

What system holds the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, acting as a blood filter?

Lymphatic system


Lymphatic vessels carry a clear fluid rich in antibodies called _____.





3 types of white blood cells form the body's immune system

Macrophages, T Lymphocytes, B Lymphocytes

Okey dokey!

Make sure to study the flashcard set for Table 3.8!


Many organisms live in ______s, a relationship in which two or more organisms live close to each other and at least one of them benefits from the relationship.

Active Transport:

Membrane transport processes for which ATP is provided.

Endocrine system regulates:

Metabolism, growth, development, tissue function, and sex function

The spindle moves to the center of the cell and chromosome pairs align along the center of the spindle structure.



Methods of radioactive dating and measuring the decay of certain ______s can provide a better estimate of the age of a fossil.

killing, grow better

Mild to moderate fevers benefit the body by ___ing pathogens that grow better/worse at lower body temperature.

What produces 2 diploid daughter cells?


mitosis = replacement meiosis = producing offspring

Mitosis is for the ________ of cells, whereas meiosis is for ________ _________.

protons, neutrons, and electrons

Modern physics has shown that an atom has smaller somponents within its confines. These smaller bits of matter, called p____, n____, and e____, contribute to an atom's mass and charge in quantifiable ways.


Molecular attraction between dissimilar molecules.



new data

More refined models are a better fit for ___ data.

more surface area

More/less surface area allows a reaction to happen faster

compass rose

Most legends contain a symbol that indicates that cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) as they relate to the map. This is called a _____s ___e.


Moveable joints have _______s, keeping the bones held together.

How does the digestive system function?

Movement, Secretion, Digestion, Absorption

electrons shells increase, valence electrons stay the same

Moving down a group, the number of electrons and electron shells increase/decrease, but the number of ______e electrons remain the same.

political or social issues

Much discussion of bias and stereotype centers on controversial _____l or _____l issues


Muscle that bears the major responsibilty for effecting a particular movement; a prime mover.


Muscle tissue is dedicated to producing _______t.


Mutations can also be thought of as species _______s that can be passed down from generation to generation, as organisms have environmental pressures, like avoiding predators and competing for food, water, and space. If it causes a positive result that makes it easier for the organism to withstand environmental pressures, it is said to be an adaptation.

genome; via a mutagen

Mutations in the _____e (a compete set of DNA for an individual that contains all genes) occur primarily by two mechanisms: errors during DNA replication of via a _____n, which is a substance that induces mutations.




Natural killer cells, or NK cells, produce ______s (or in other words, pore-forming proteins) that target cancer and virus cells, causing them to lyse or rupture.

Electrons carry what charge?



Nerve cells have _______s that receive stimuli from the internal and external environment and bring those stimuli to the neurons (which are specialized cells that make up the nervous system and transmit messages) for interpretation.

sodium-potassium pump

Nerve impulses travel at high speeds and are conducted via a _____-_______ pump.


Neuron process that carries impulses away from nerve cell body.

Neutrons carry what charge?


The nucleus contains only:

Neutrons and Protons

1.) new consumer products 2.) greater standard of living/quality of life

New innovations may arise that not only solve a problem, but may lead to what two great things?


Nonprotein substance associated with activating an enzyme, typically a vitamin.


Not part of the urinary system, the ___n also has a function in the excretion of excess heat. When the body begins to overheat, the blood vessels in the ___n widen, allowing more blood to flow through the capillaries and more heart to be lost through it. It also removes heat from the body by producing sweat.


Not part of the urinary system, the ___r works to detoxify the blood. It does so by working to convert substances into forms that are less toxic or altogether harmless.

can; look the same

Note that organisms can/cannot have different genotypes, but the same phenotype; that is, the organism will look different/the same.

In prokaryotic cells the DNA is located in the:


In eukaryotic cells the DNA is located in the:


Responsible for the passing on of genetic traits between generations, a small structure containing chromosomes and regulates the DNA of a cell:


Atomic Number:

Number of protons in nucleus.

ion would you expect to dominate in water solutions of bases


ion would you expect to dominate in water solutions of neutral solutions or pure water

OH- = H+

Dominant traits:

Occurs when one allele masks or suppresses the expression of its partner.

vas deferens

On leaving the epidydimus, the sperm travel through the ___ ______s.


On the _____e, taste buds pick up tastes that are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. These sensory nerve fibers are located on four regions on the _____e.

cell wall

On the outside of the plant cell, they have a solid ___l ___l that acts as a barrier to the outside and gives structure to the cell.

muscles or glands

Once a threat is detected, the nervous system activates the appropriate ______s or _____s to respond.

excreted (excretion)

Once nutrients have been removed from food in the digestive system, the waste that remains is ______ed from the body using organs in both the digestive system and the urinary system.


Once swallowed, the ____s of food passed through the esophagus and into the stomach.


Once the immune system has produced antibodies against a pathogen, it is able to recognize that pathogen in the future and ____y it more effectively. (HEHE.)

diagnostic test

One that looks for a cause

Scientific method

One= Observe/ask Gorilla= Gather info Chose to= Construct hypothesis Eat=Experiment/test Apples=Analyze (accept/reject)

some, all prokaryotes

Only all/some eukaryotes have a cell wall, whereas all/some prokaryotes have a cell wall.


Open in TEAS folder "TEAS Science Table 3.8" and memorize after this set!

Hierarchy of the structure of the human body

Organism Organ systems Organs Tissues Cells Molecules Atoms


Organisms are able to carry out photosynthesis due to the specialized organelle called _______t.


Other muscles extend joints of the body and are called _______s.


Ovarian structure consisting of a developing egg surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells; colloid-containing structure of the thyroid gland.

sensory, motor, and integrative functions react to stimuli

Overall, the nervous system has three main functions: to provide ______y, ____r, and ________e functions within the body. All of these functions work together with other body systems to react to ______i and maintain homeostasis within the body.

Allergy (hypersensitivity):

Overzealous immune response to an otherwise harmless antigen.

donation and acceptance of electrons

Oxidation-reduction reactions involve the ____tion and _________e of electrons.

cardiovascular system

Oxygen and other nutrients for the skin travel through blood vessels in the __________r system.

Perimeter of a rectangle:

P = 2 Length x 2 Width. The area of a square is the product of the length of its sides.

Perimeter of a square:

P = 4 x s. Where s is the side length.

Perimeter of a triangle:

P = a+b+c

high concentration to an area of low called diffusion!

Particles naturally move from an area of high/low concentration to an area of high/low concentration, in a process called ______n.


Passes along precise information, usually about a specific topic, and usually in a formal or semi-formal style

The energy from the sun supports all life on earth through a process called:


oxygen and sugar

Photosynthesis is carried our by green plants. The plants harnesssunlight energy using a series of redox reactions that produce ____n and ___ar.


Plant cell structures containing light-sensitive chlorophyll.


Plant cells contain ________s, which are organelles that contain chlorophyll (which allows the capture of sunlight to be used for production of glucose during photosynthesis),

central vacuole

Plant cells have much larger vacuoles that contain water compared to eukaryotic cells. They use them to maintain proper cell pressure. They have a distinct vacuole called a ____l vacuole which takes up 3/4 of the whole plant cell.


Please review mitosis and meiosis flashcards before you continue on with this set!

Protons carry what charge?


Towards the back of the body or the body structure(opposite of anterior):


Someone who has first hand knowledge, photos, videos, recent, and credible would be considered a:

Primary Source

a.) may not be accurate b.) may be altered to persuade reader

Primary sources may also be websites, but what are two challenges with these type of sources?

Interest formula:

Principal x rate x time.

food chain

Producers and consumers also pass materials to one another in a ____ chain.

cytoplasm, houses organelles

Prokaryotic cells have an inner layer called ______m, which is a rich protein fluid with gel-like consistency that houses _______es, or "tiny organs"

cell wall

Prokaryotic cells have an outside, rigid layer called the ___l ___l that helps separate the inside and outside of the cell, and an inside plasma membrane that is semipermeable, allowing certain subtances in and out of the cell as needed.

mathematics (including algebra, geometry, and calculus); in numerical form

Proper science would not exist without the associated language of _________s, as data is recorded in _______al form using specified measurments.

The chromatic thickens into chromosomes and the nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate. Pairs of centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell and spindle fibers begin to form.


one gene to one protein

Proteins are the workhorses of the cell, and ___ gene matches to ___ protein.

The atomic number represents:


protons increase

Protons increase/decrease from left to right across a period as well, causing the atomic radius to decrease

age smoking exposure to pollutants & irritating chemicals

Pulmonary function decreases with what three things, which should be avoided?


Pure H2O at 25 degrees Celcius is recognized as the standard of neutrality between acids and bases because it has a pH value of _.0.


Pure water possesses high/low electrical conductivity.

author's intent

Purpose in a writing is also known as _____'s ____t. By considering this, the reader gets a better understanding of what information or emotions the author intends to convey, and can better decide whether she agrees with the author, likes the writing, or belieces the writing effectively did its job.


Quantitative otherwise means what?


REMEMBER! Mass is/is not the same as weight!

The messenger within the cell is known as:



Radioactive particles emitted by radioisotopes can be used to fight ____r.

Basal metabolic rate:

Rate at which energy is expended by the body per unit of time under controlled conditions.

increased = promotors reduced = inhibitors

Reaction rates may be increased by the use of _____ors or reduced by the use of _____ors.

endothermic reactions

Reactions of processes that absorb heat are classified as _______c reactions, literally meaning "enter heat."

Rational Number

Real number that can be a fraction, terminating decimal or repeating decimal


Red blood cells.


Reduction in size or wasting away of organ or cell from disease or lack of use.


Release of energy from sugar without the use of oxygen; anaerobic respiration


Repeated patterns of materials being exchanged are called ____s.

If existing procedures fail to solve a technical problem.

Results of an investigation may also be of great value if what?


Rhythmic _________s of the heart enables blood to be transported throughout the body.

The pentose component, or sugar found in RNA is:


Once the transcription takes place they send the messenger RNA to the:


Proteins are made by:


RNA messages

Ribosomes in eukaryotic cells function like ribosomes of prokaryotic cells to make proteins based on __A messages from the cell's genes.

Amino acid sequence:

Rules by which the base sequence of a DNA gene is translated into protein structures

Path of sperm

SEVEN UP -seminiferous tubes -epididymis -vas deferens -ejaculatory duct -urethra -penis

salivary amylase

S_____ _____e, an enzyme from the parotid salivary glands, begins chemical digestion of carbohydrates.

Children not adequately responding to 55 mcg may use 110 mcg daily


alkanes, single bonds, saturated

Saturated hydrocarbons (also known as ____es) are the most basic structure of hydrocarbons, as they are composed entirely of ____le bonds and are _____ed (meaning the carbon is completely connected with hydrogen).


Scientific explanations (or _____s) are offered s direct results of the evidence that currently supports them.

Someone who makes an observation of others, reviews, or outlines would be considered a:

Secondary Source


Secondary defenses bring about _________n. The swelling, redness, and warmth of the infected area cause the body to call in macrophages and neutrophils to consume the bacteria.


Seed leaf that stores food for a plant embryo of seed plants.

inside and outside the body

Sensory receptors detect stimuli that an occur both _____ and ______ of the body.


Several common adjectives are used to explain an author's _______e, or main reason for writing a particular piece.


Sex or germ cell.


Since a larger number of hydrogen ions is associated with an acid than a base, the activity value for acids will be larger/smaller for acids than bases.

over a section, will cut

Since modifications by mutagens often occurs over a ____n of DNA, as opposed to individual bases, the excision repair mechanism will __t the defective strand of DNA, remove those bases that are near, including the mutated ones, and allow DNA polymerase to generate a new, correct piece of DNA.

DNA is double stranded nucleotides and RNA exists as a ___ stranded string of nucleotides.


single-celled = prokaryotes multicellular = eukaryotes

Single-celled organisms such as bacteria are examples of ________es whereas multicellular organisms such as plants and animals are ecamples of ________es.

What are the types of muscle tissue?

Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth

The body's general immune defenses include:

Skin, Ciliated mucous membranes, Glandular secretions, Gastric secretions, Normal bacterial populations

Axial skeleton structure contains:

Skull, Sternum, Ribs, Spine

What absorbs most nutrients, enzymes from the pancreas, liver, & stomach, and aids digestion?

Small Intestine

high pressures and low temperatures

Solids are often considered to exist at relatively high/low pressures and high/low temperatures.


Some alleles contain one or more _______s, which are changes in the DNA that affect the way a gene functions. They are permanent changes in DNA.

alpha beta gamma rays process called radioactive decay

Some atomic nuclei are unstable and lose energy by emitting radioactive a___, b___, and ____a rays. This process is called _______e ___y.


Some eukaryotic cells have whip-like projections called flagella. If there are more than a few, the projections are called ____a. These structures can beat with movements that allow the cells to move.

oxygen = aerobic no oxygen = anaerobic

Some methods for producing energy require oxygen (_____c), whereas some do not (_______c).


Some muscles cause joints in the body to flec and are called _____s.


Some parts of our bodies contain ______e instead of bone, an example being the ear. It is flexible but serves the same purpose as bone, as a type of connective tissue. It allows for some degree of movement so that bones can bend easily at the joints, and also allows from some protection against impacts.

mine yours his hers ours theirs whose

Some possessive pronouns can stand alone. List some!


Some products can be purchased in bulk to reduce the per-unit cost. In such cases it is necessary to calculate the cost based on the number of ____s that will be purchased.


Some prokaryotic cells (bacteria) also have ___i that allow communication and transfer of information between two cells.


Some substances can act like an acid or a base, depending on the environment. Water is one of these substances, and it is termed _______c because of its ability to act as either an acid or a base.

top edge

Sometimes, the top/bottom edge of a map corresponds to the direction north, but this is not always the case.

Culture medium:

Specially prepared nutritious substance used to grow experimental organisms.


Specific molecules combine to form ___s, the basic unit of life.


Specifically, any doubling of the height (in regards to gravity) will double/triple/quadruple the PE.

four times

Specifically, any doubling of the velocity will cause the KE to increase by a factor of one/two/three/four/five times.

Deductive reasoning;

Starts with basic premises that are assumed to be correct, and draws a specific logical conclusion.


Steroid hormones released by the adrenal cortex.

Hippocampus does what?

Stores memories


Stronger acids will have greater/smaller numerical values on the pH scales than weaker acids


Stronger bases will have greater/smaller numerical values than weaker bases.


Student and pupil.


Substances that cannot be broken into simpler types of matter are called _____ts.


Sugar formed by the combination of two simple sugar molecules.

Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds such as:

Sugars and Oxygen


Support cells, such as _____, help protect nervous tissue.


Suspension of two liquids which are incapable of mixing or attaining homogeneity.


Suspension that does not separate on standing.


Synthesis of the complementary strand of DNA could occur solely through base pairing, but this would be exceptionally fast/slow.


Technology in ____-scale have also led to model refinements, as greater computing power and processing speeds have enabled details of weather patterns to be studied that were not known until recently, and in addition the observations of our most powerful telescopes have led to refinements in galactic modeling.


Tells a story, or relates a chain of events.

add meaning, change meaning, or add clarity

Text features typically do one or more of the following things: ___ meaning, _____ meaning, or add _____y.


Text structure makes text easier to read, and helps to emphasize the author's point. This can be accomplished by placing related information in close proximity or by following a pre-established layout, such as presenting a ______e of ideas as a bulleted or numbered list.

Cranial nerves:

The 12 nerve pairs that arise from the brain.


The Earth's _____y may also store energy when an object is held at a certain height.


The PEL number 1 can hold a maximum of __ electrons.


The PEL number 2 can hold a maximum of __ electrons.


The PEL number 3 can hold a maximum of __ electrons.


The PEL number 4 can hold a maximum of __ electrons.

weather and climate conditions

The Sun is ALSO primarily responsible for driving ____er and _____e conditions on Earth.

pH scale

The __ scale is used to measure the strength of acidic solutions and the strength of basic solutions.


The __ value is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration within a solution.

SA node AV node

The ___ node is responsible for starting the cardiac cycle by contracting both atria and by sending a signal that causes the ___ node to signal to contract the ventricles.

noble gases

The ____ ____s (eighth column) are electronically stable (resistant to bonding) due to their full outer shells.

main idea "To erase depression, one must ______ ______ ______" (as this is reflected by the name of the text and what the writer wants the reader to take out of the text)

The ____ ___a of a work is the work's specific message; the overall reason why the text is written. Example: In the case of "Depression: the Rational Solution," it might be what?

alkali Earth family

The ____ ___th family (second column) may donate two electrons that are available for bonding.

alkali family

The ____ family (first column) may donate one electron that is available for chemical bonding.

mass number

The ____ number is the total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucleus of an atom.

smooth ER

The _____ ER is important for numerous metabolis processes in the cell.

rough ER

The _____ ER is studded with ribosomes, causing it to have a gritty appearance.

killer T cells

The _____ T cells have the task of binding to cells that have been infected by viruses.

atomic mass most common

The _____ mass is the average mass of all of the known isotopes of an element. In most cases, it represents the most/least common isotope when rounded to a whole number.

central nervous system

The _____ nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.

table of contents

The _____ of ______s provides an overview of a document, outlining its basic structure and allowing the reader to quickly look up (and skip to) the section she wants to read

topic - depression - mental health - psychology

The _____ of a written work is the general subject matter covered by the work. Example: For a book called "Depression: the Rational Solution," what would some of the book's ____s be?


The ______ of a sentence is the part that contains the action word (verb) that tells what the subject is or does. It tells about the main action word of the sentence.

gaseous state

The ______ state of an atom has a changing volume as well as a changing shape, and movement is nearly random.

immune system

The ______ system (tissues, cells, and organs that fight off illness and disease) is composed of both innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) defenses that are designed to protect the body from pathogens and other foreign invaders.

nervous system

The ______ system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and it serves as the body's control system.

skeletal system

The ______ system provides support and protection for the body and its organs and supplies a framework that, when used in conjunction with the muscles, creates movement.

muscular system

The ________ system consists of skeletal muscles, tendons that connect muscles to bones, and ligaments that attach bones together to form joints.

urinary/excretory system

The ________ system helps maintain the water and electrolyte balance within the body, regulates the acid-base balance of the blood, and removes all nitrogen-containing wastes from the body.

anatomical position

The _________ position is a standard position in which the body is facing forward, the feet are parallel to each other, and the arms are at the sides with the palms facing forward.

parasympathetic nervous system

The ____________c nervous system guides the actions of the body that calm the body down.

reproductive system

The ___________e system influences the shape of the skeletal form.

integumentary system

The ___________y system provides Vitamin D necessary for absorbing calcium into bone.

reproductive system

The __________e system encourages larger muscle size in men.

appendicular skeletal system

The __________r skeletal system includes the legs, arms, shoulder blades, collar bones, and the pelvic bone and girdle.

integumentary system

The __________y system allows heat to escape by dilating blood vessels.

ionization energy

The _________n ____y, is the energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion.

cardiovascular system

The _________r system supplies oxygen and nutrients while removing wastes, such as lactic acid.

circulatory/cardiovascular system

The _________y system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. It supports the circulation and distribution of various subtances throughout the body.

integumentary system

The _________y system consists of the skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nails. It protects internal tissues from injury, waterproofs the body, and helps regulate body temperature. It also serves as a barrier to pathogens

mitochondria folds called cristae

The ________a of eukaryotic cells are the powerhouses of the cell because they are the locations where the cellular fuel ATP is produced. They are kidney-bean shaped, and also have membranes inside in series of folds called ____ae in which enzymes are found which help convert sugar into ATP to power the cell.

endoplasmic reticulum

The ________c _______m of eukaryotic cells is a tubular transport netork ithin the cell. It appears as a stack of flattened membranous sacs, and is responsible for moving proteins from one part of a cell to another, along with moving proteins to the outside of a cell (secretion).

integrative function

The ________e function uses sensory information to make decisions by joining together sensory input with memories already stored within the brain. It also uses sensory information to develop thoughts and feelings upon which decisions may be based at a later time.


The ________e of eukaryotic cells functions to rid the body of toxic components, such as hydrogen peroxide. They are also the major sites of oxygen use and energy production.

peripheral nervous system

The ________l nervous system is composed of sensory neurons that transmit nerve impulses toward the central nervous system, along with motor neurons that transmit impulses from the central nervous system.


The ________m of the brain controls voluntary movements and some involuntary movements.

ionization energy

The ________n energy of an atom is the energy required to remove the outermost electron from the atom.


The ________s are tiny blood vessels that transport blood from arteries to veins within the body.

phosphate groups

The ________te _____s of nucleiuc acids are what join the nucleic acids in a chain.

autonomic nervous system

The _______c nervous system controls automatic body functions, like heartbeat and digestion.

lymphatic system

The _______c system picks up excess fluid from the skin to avoid swelling.

lymphatic system

The _______c system provides a means of transportation for some hormones in the endocrine system.

lymphatic system

The _______c system transports sex homones.

parathyroid gland

The _______d gland is located behind the thyroid gland, and its main hormone is parathormone. It regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism.

absolute value n or |n|

The _______e _____e of a number is the distance between the number n and zero on the number line.

digestive system

The _______e system consists of all of the organs from the mouth to the anus, involved in the ingestion and breakdown or processing of food.

endocrine system

The _______e system helps regulate the reabsorption of water of water and electrolytes in the kidneys.

digestive system

The _______e system provides nutrients necessary for the mineralization of bones.

endocrine system

The _______e system released hormones that regulate growth and the release of calcium.

endocrine system

The _______e system releases hormones that influence muscular strength.

endocrine system

The _______e system serves to control body functions; glands in the _______e system secrete hormones that travel through the blood to organs throughout the body

biological classification system

The _______l classification system was developed by biologists to name, organize, and categorize organisms.

skeletal system

The _______l system provides shape and support to the integumentary system.

nitrogen bases

The _______n bases of nucleic acids pair up with a complimentary base to form the double-stranded DNA.

muscular system

The _______r system aids in breathin by producing volume changes (via diaphragm and intercostal muscles)

muscular system

The _______r system helps place stress on the bones during exercise, which increases the deposit of calcium into bones.

muscular system

The _______r system is involved in childbirth.

muscular system

The _______r system provides protection for some endocrine glands.


The _______s in eukaryotic cells is a small body within the nucleus and functions to produce ribosomes that get moves to the cytoplasm to make cell proteins.


The _______s of the circulatory system have walls that are one cell thick to allow for materials to pass through, and connect arteries to veins

nervous system

The _______s system recognizes painful stimuli in the bones and joints.


The _______t in chemical equations indicates how many atoms of that element are in the formula.

respiratory and digestive systems

The _______y and _______e systems provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin to help it remain healthy.

respiratory system

The _______y system allows for gases to enter and exit as needed by the body.

respiratory system

The _______y system keeps the body's cells supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide as it is released from cells.

medulla oblongata

The ______a _______a is responsible for involuntary commands.

lymphatic system

The ______c system is another passageway by which fluids and wastes can be delivered into the circulatory system.

lymphatic system

The ______c system supports the immune system by housing and transporting white blood cells to and from lymph nodes. It also returns fluid that has leaked from the cardiovascular system back into the blood vessels.


The ______d of prokaryotic cells is the condensed DNA of the cell that contains the genes and genetic blueprints for the formation of proteins that make up the machinery of the cell.


The ______e of eukaryotic cells contains digestive enzymes that are capable of disposing of cellular debris and worn cellular parts

endocrine system

The ______e system releases hormones that regulate the activity of neurons.

adrenal cortex

The ______l ____x is located on the kidney, and its main hormone is cortisol. It governs the rate of metabolism for fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.


The ______m of the brain is responsible for activities such as speech, memory, olfaction, and movement.

posterior pituitary

The ______r ______y gland is located in the hypothalamus, and its hormones are oxytocin and vasopressin. It affects uterine contractions and water reabsorption in nephrons.

anterior pituitary

The ______r ______y gland is located in the hypothalamus. It contains growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone. It controls growth and thyroxine release.


The ______r of the excretory system stores urine until it is ready to be excreted.

muscular system

The ______r system generates heat that is expelled through the skin as sweat.


The ______s of the circulatory system carries blood away from the heart, and are elastic and thick.

nervous system

The ______s system controls the blood pressure, heart rate, and distribution of blood to various parts of the body.

nervous system

The ______s system controls the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland.

nervous system

The ______s system regulates and coordinates muscle activity.

nervous system

The ______s system regulates breathing rate and depth.

nervous system

The ______s system regulates the production of sweat, interprets stimuli, and adjusts the diameter of blood vessels in the skin.

Punnett square

The ______t ____e is a graphical way to show all the possible combinations of alleles given the two parents' genotypes.

primary sequence

The ______y sequence of proteins is the order in which amino acids have formed peptide bonds.

urinary system

The ______y system activates Vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption into bone.

urinary system

The ______y system helps dispose of metabolic wastes and maintains the correct electrolyte balance for proper nerve function.

urinary system

The ______y system helps regulate blood volume and pressure by adjusting urine volume.

urinary system

The ______y system helps with proper lymphatic functioning by helping to maintain proper water/acid-base/electrolyte balance of the blood.

sensory-somatic nervous system ganglia

The ______y-______c nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves and associated _____a, which are collections of nerve cell bodies. This system controls voluntary actions like talking and walking.


The _____a (windpipe) connects the larynx to the bronchi. It uses cilia and mucus to further trap foreign matter before it goes any further into the respiratory tract.

plasma cells memory B cells

The _____a cells in the immune system produce antibodies that bind to antigens, whereas _____y B cells form new plasma cells if the bacteria enter the body again.


The _____a of the excretory system is the passageway which takes urine from the bladder to outside the body.

atomic number

The _____c _____r is the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom.

somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system

The _____c nervous system guides the actions of skeletal muscles, whereas the ________c nervous system guides the actions of organs and involuntary muscles.

thyroid gland

The _____d gland is located below the larynx, in front of the trachea, and its main hormone is thyroxine. It regulates the rate of metabolic activities.


The _____e of eukaryotic cells is a basic storage unit of the cell that can hold various compounds

adrenal medulla

The _____l ______a is located on the kidney, and its hormones are epinephrine and norepinephrine. It increases the rate of metabolism, and causes the liver to release glucose.

spinal cord

The _____l ____d runs along the spinal column and connects and peripheral nervous system to the brain.

ventral body cavity

The _____l body cavity contains all of the structures within the chest and abdomen

dorsal body cavity

The _____l body cavity contains the cranial cavity and spinal column.


The _____m is a wall that separates the left and right side of the heart, whereas valves ensure that blood flows in only one direction through the heart, to and from the lunges, and throughout the body.


The _____s are located in the female reproductive system, with estrogen and progesterone as the main hormones. It affects the development of female reproductive system and secondary reproductive sex characteristics. It also regulates menstrual cycle.


The _____s are located in the scrotum, and its main hormone is testosterone. It affects the development of male reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics


The _____s gland is located in the chest and its main hormone is thymosin. It produces lymphocytes during the childhood years.


The _____s in eukaryotic cells is a very large organelle in the central portion of the cell that is enclosed by a double membrane with pores in it. It is the control center of the entire clel because it contains the cell's genetic material and directs all of the activities in the cell.


The _____s in the digestive system delivers enzymes to the small intestine that aid in digestion.


The _____s temperature scale is based on the freezing and boiling point of water (0 degrees C) and the boiling point of water (100 degrees C)


The _____t is what or whom the sentence is about.


The _____w of the bones is where red blood cells are formed along with white blood cells.


The _____x (throat) is the next step after the nasal cavity. In connects the nasal cavity to the larynx.


The _____x (voice box), which is mostly made of cartilage, contains the vocal cords that can vibrate to produce sounds. Also present is the epiglottic to prevent solids and liquids from entering the ____x while swallowing.

memory T cells

The _____y T cells are ready to produce more killer T cells if the virus enters the body again.

urinary system

The _____y system activates Vitamin D.

liquid state

The ____d state of the same atom generally has a fixed volume of greater size, in addition to a changing shape.

golgi apparatus

The ____i ______ of the eukaryotic cell is involved in the packaging and transport of proteins in the cell, including protein secretion. It is composed of layers of membranes and has multiple functions: refines proteins, sorts proteins and prepares them for transport, and helps in protein movement and processing

axial skeletal system

The ____l skeletal system includes the breastbone, skull, ribs, and vertebrae.


The ____m stores fecal matter before being defecated via the anus.


The ____n helps control the immune response.


The ____n is composed of the cerebellum, cerebrum, and medulla oblongata.

axon synapse

The ____n of nerve cells connects one neuron with another neuron over a fluid-filled gap called a ______e.

Kelvin scale

The ____n scale is baed on the fact that a temperature below absolute zero cannot be achieved.


The ____r of the excretory system is responsible for taking urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

mass number

The ____s _____r is the total number of nucleons in the nucleus of the atom


The ____s of EACH CELL regulate the process of differentiation during all stages of development. The y direct each cell when to form the particular proteins and structures that make it a specific cell type.

Islets of Langherhands

The ____s of ________ds are located in the pancreas, and are responsible for the hormones insulin and glucagon. They lower and raise blood glucose levels.


The ____s of the circulatory system returns blood to the heart, are thin and less elastic, and uses valves to prevent blood backflow.

lens optic nerve

The ____s then focuses the light on the retina, which is attached to the ____c nerve.

light reactions

The ____t _______s of photosynthesis take place in the grana of the chloroplast, whereas the dark reactions take place in the stroma of the chloroplast.


The ____t is an organ that contracts and pumps blood throughout the body.


The ____x provides a way of looking up various topics in the document. It typically consists of a list of names, topics, and ideas mentioned in a text, followed by the page number(s) where those names, topics, or ideas are mentioned.

solid state

The ___d state is considered to have a fixed shape and volume.


The ___er (organ of the body) contains many peroxisomes because toxic substances build up inside of it.


The ___n does not provide its own source of energy. It is but a reflection of the sun's light toward our direction.

axon myelin sheath

The ___n is covered by a fatty substance called the _____n ____th.


The ___r in the digestive system produces bile that helps break down fats.

Law of Conservation of Energy

The __w of _________tion of Energy says that energy is not lost but rather transferred back and forth between KE and PE.

Law of Dominance

The __w of _______e states that if two parents are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait ill appear in the offspring.


The ability to attract electrons is called an element's __________y.

small intestine

The absorption of nutrients actually occurs in the large/small intestine.

humoral and cell-mediated responses

The adaptive (specific) defenses include both the ______l, or antibody-mediated, and ___-_____ed responses.

multiplication principle

The addition/multiplication principle is a rule that makes it possible to isolate the variable in an equation by multiplying both expressions by the reciprocal of the variable's coefficient.

addition principle

The addition/multiplication principle is a rule that makes it possible to move terms from one side of an equation to the other by adding opposites to each expression.

oxygen and carbon dioxide

The alveoli permit the exchange of ____n and ___n _____e to occur in the lungs.

kinetic energy (KE)

The amount of energy associated with an object's motion may be quantified through a calculation of _____s energy, or energy in motion.

potential energy (PE)

The amount of stored energy in an object may be quantified through a calculation of its ______l energy, or stored energy.


The appearance of an organism resulting from its genotype is the ______e.

sympathetic nerves parasympathetic nerves

The autonomic nervous system includes both _________c nerves, which are active when a person is excited or scared, and ____________c nerves, which are active when a person is eating or at rest. Both of these types of nerves have opposite effects on the body, which help to maintain a balanced internal environment.

organic chemistry

The basis of _____c chemistry is connected with the study of hydrocarbon structure. (Some are even found in the solar system!)

with proportions 1 yard/3 feet = 4 yards/? feet

The best way to convert between the different measuring scales is with what?


The biomolecules recognized as enzymes perform their functions by ____ing to substrate molecules and subsequently convert these molecules into products.

pulmonary valve into pulmonary artery and lungs

The blood is when pushed through the _______y valve into the _______y artery and ____s when the right ventricle contracts.

right atrium, thru tricusipd valve, into right ventricle

The blood travels into the right ____m and, during contraction of the ____m, flows through the _____d valve into the right ______e.


The body receives, interprets and responds to internal and external stimuli via the nervous system.

primary defenses

The body's ______y defenses against infection include the skin, tears, stomach acid, urine, sweat, mucus, and saliva. By having this range of both physical and chemical defenses, the body is able to defend against a range of pathogens.

third line of defense

The body's ____d line of defense is the way the body remembers specific pathogens and their structures.

peptide bond

The bond for proteins is a _____e bond.

skeletal system

The bones of the _______l system provide levers for muscular activity.

central nervous system

The brain and spinal cord are part of the _____l nervous system.


The bronchioles arrive at a group of tiny air sacs called _____i. These one-cell-thick air chambers are thin and moist to allow for maximum gas exchange.


The calculation of pH is based on the ____y of hydrogen ions dissolved in solution.

1.) from preexisting cells 2.) carry out processes of life 3.) make up organisms

The cell theory states that: 1.) cells are from... 2.) carry out... 3.) make up...

morula, then blastula, then gastrula

The cells in fertilization form a ball of cells called a ____a, and then a hollow ball called a ______a. A second layer of cells forms then, and the resulting cells make a ______a.

eukaryotic cells

The cells in the human body are ______ic cells, which means they are surrounded by a membrane as are the organelles inside the cells.


The circulatory system takes on this huge task and can adjust the rate at which it performs to help maintain _________s.


The code on the DNA strand is copied into RNA within the cell nucleus and transported to the _______e of the cell.

Alkali metals:

The colum of elements from lithium to francium.

dehydration synthesis

The combination of monosaccharides to form disaccharides and starches occurs with the removal of water via ________n _______s.


The conduction of nervous impulses along nerves is extremely fast/slow, making it possible for immediate reflexive responses to protect the body from threats.

less-developed = higher developed = lower continue to rise

The current fertility rate in less-developed countries is much higher/lower than 2.3 and the fertility rate in developed countries is higher/lower than 2.1. For example, the fertility rate of Africa is 7 children per woman, while the fertility rate in eastern Europe and developed Asian countries is closed to 1. The implication of these numbers is that the population in less-developed countries will continue to rise/fall, straining the resources in each particular country.

dependent variable

The dependent/independent variable is the output based on the input.

independent variable

The dependent/independent variable is the variable that is put into the set of data, or the input.

thoracic cavity

The diaphragm divides the central cavity into the _______c cavity (which is above the diaphragm)

alimentary canal and accessory structures

The digestive system is composed of the ______y canal and _______y structures.


The digestive system manufactures ______s that break down food so that the nutrients can be easily passed into the blood for use throughout the body.


The displacement is said to be v____ quantity because it involves a direction, ex: one mile west.


The distance is said to be s____ quantity if it involves just a number (ex: three miles total)

fallopian tube

The egg is then moved through the ______n tube via the action of cilia. If a sperm is present, it meets the egg here!

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

The eight levels in the taxonomy hierarchy are as follows: d____, k______, p_____, c____, o____, f_____, g____, and s_____.

- short, stronger - gamma xray UV visible infrared microwave radio waves - longest and weakest -

The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into bands of wavelengths, ordered from short to long... (list them!)

principal energy levels (PEL)

The electrons are located in regions around the nucleus called orbitals, and are arranged in a series of _____l ____y ____ls.


The element _____m is a metallic element, which accounts for the hardness of bones and teeth. It must be obtained from foods to keep bones strong and healthy.

citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)

The end-products of glycolysis are fed into the ___c ___d ____e to produce even MOOORE ATP. This and glycolysis constitutes cellular respiration.


The energetic input from _______s can chemically split the liquid water molecule into gaseous components.


The energy from the ___ supports almost all life on Earth by the process of photosynthesis, which converts carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds (usually sugars) and oxygen.


The eye features the ____a, allowing light into the eye.

amniotic fluid

The fetus continues to develop while surrounded by ______c fluid.


The fetus then passes through the birth canal (____a) during birth.

secretin and CCK

The first section of the small intestine, called the duodenum, releases two hormones: _____n and __K.


The fixed point on which a lever moves when a force is applied to it.


The flexibility of an enzyme allows its active site surface to _____e when placed in contact with a substrate.

What is blood pressure?

The fluid pressure generated by the cardiac cycle.


The following formula is an example of what type of reaction? A + B --> AB

single replacement

The following formula is an example of what type of reaction? AB + C --> AC + B

double replacement

The following formula is an example of what type of reaction? AB + CD --> AD + CB


The following formula is an example of what type of reaction? AB --> A + B


The gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines) is a long, muscular tube lined with smooth muscle in which _______s, rhythmic contractions that propel food towards the colon and anus, occurs. These contractions move food along the gastrointestinal tract as the food is mechanically and chemically broken down.

both parents

The genotype (genetic makeup) of an organism consists of alleles inherited from one/both parents.

ectoderm mesoderm endotherm

The germ layers then form what are called the ___derm, ___derm, and ___therm. These layered will develop into the different organ systems of the body.


The greater the electronegativity of an atom, the greater/weaker its attraction for bonding electrons.

birth and death rates

The growth and decline of a population in a country is a result of the difference between that populations ____h and ____h rates, as well as the number of people who immigrate to or emigrate from that country.

involuntary response

The hand's ability to withdraw from painful stimuli before the brain perceives the pain is an example of an ________y response.

heart attack

The hardening of the arteries as they close can lead to a ____t _____k.

atriums and ventricles

The heart consists of four chambers: the right and left ____s and the right and left _______s

atria, ventricles

The heart contains four chambers, the upper twon being labeled ___a, and the bottom two labeled _______s.


The heart has four _____s that prevent the flow of blood back into the heart's chambers after a contraction.


The heart, made almost entirely of _____e, works to pump blood through the body.

higher temp

The higher/lower the temperature, the more frequently molecules will collide to initiate a reaction faster


The highest level of anatomical organization is the ______m. It is the result of all organ systems working together within the body.

voluntarily and involuntarily

The human body has the ability to sense and respond to environmental stimuli, both _______ly and __________ly.


The imbalance of charges produces a positively or negatively charged atom called an __n.

maintaining boundaries

The integumentary system that surrounds the entire body protects it from environmental stimuli and pathogens, which is an example of the human body's function of ______ing _______es.


The iris has an opening called the ____l, which can become larger or smaller depending on how much light is present.

C-14 living organisms U-235 rocks

The isotopes usually used are __-___ for living organisms and __-____ for rocks.

nucleic acids

The job of _____c ____s is to store and transmit hereditary information. It is a chain of nucleotidesthat consists of a pentose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.

Articulation (joint):

The junction of two or more bones.

digestive system

The liver from the _______e system synthesizes urea that must be excreted by the kidneys.


The lungs in the respiratory system house tiny air sacs called _____i.

lymph nodes

The lymph is cleaned and filtered by _____ nodes.

reproductive system

The main purpose of the __________ system is to produce offspring.


The membrane of cells, which is ___________e, allows substances to pass through while restricting others.

active immunity

The memorization and production of antibodies is called ____e immunity.


The message stored in the bases of DNA must be transferred to the ______es of the cell in order to make proteins.

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

The molecule that supplies energy is called _______e _________e.

organic and inorganic

The molecules needed for life to carry out its functions can be classified being both _____c (carbon-based) and ______c (without carbon).


The most critical stage of development is called _____tion, in which individual tissue layers begin to form.


The motor function serves to carry electrical impulses from the CNS to the e_____s, which are most commonly the glands and muscles of the body. In this way, decisions that are made in the integrative function are acted upon by other parts of the body.


The movement from the muscular system is voluntary/involuntary.


The movement of air into the lungs first starts with the movement of the diaphragm upward/downward.


The muscle cells present are tightly locked together to provide ________s strong enough to force the blood to all areas in the body.


The muscles in the ________s push food into the stomach via the process of peristalsis.


The muscular tissues in the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, urinary, and respiratory systems also supports movements, and this movement is voluntary/involuntary.


The negative electrode at which oxidation occurs.

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

The nervous system contains the ____l nervous system and ________l nervous system.


The next step or logical conclusion that is not actually written in the text, it is deduced by the reader based on information that IS in the text.

proteins and nucleic acids

The nitrogen-containing wastes in the urinary system are by-products of the breakdown of ______s and ______c ____s.

atomic number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element is the ____c number of the element; it serces as an ordering device for the periodic table.

atomic #

The number of protons is equal to what number?


The organic compounds, rich in ____n, act as a major source of biomass on Earth.

mouth esophagus stomach small & large intestines rectum anus

The organs along the digestive system's path include...? (list them from mouth to anus)

ingesting and digesting

The organs in the digestive system work to remove nutrients from food and transport those nutrients to other parts of the body using the cardiovascular system. This is an example of the body's ability/function of _____ing and _____ing.

Gregor Mendeleev

The original design of the periodic table of elements is credited to ____r ________v.

red blood cells

The oxygen (from the lungs) is then transported by __d ____d cells into the bloodstream.

by pulmonary veins, into left atrium, thru mitral valve, into left ventricle

The oxygenated blood from the lungs is then carried back to the heart by the ________y ____s, into the left ____m, through the _____l valve, and into the left ______e.

pH = -log(activity) whereas activity is in scientific notation

The pH range of numbers is based on a logarithmic scale (what is it? a formula)

autonomic and sensory-somatic nervous sytem

The peripheral nervous system is divided into the _______c and ______y-______c nervous system.


The point where one bone meets another is called a ____t.


The positive electrode at which reduction occurs.

less energy

The potential barrier of products compared to reactants is reduced due to the lowering of activation energy, resulting in a reaction path requiring more/less energy.

1/100 (tinier meter)

The prefix centi means what? (1/10,1/100, or 1/1000?)

1/10 (tiny meter)

The prefix deci means what? (1/10,1/100, or 1/1000?)

10 (meters)

The prefix deka means what? (1,10,100, or 1000?)

100 (meters)

The prefix hecto means what? (1,10,100, or 1000?)

1,000 (meters)

The prefix kilo means what? (1,10,100, or 1000?)

1/1000 (tiniest meter)

The prefix milli means what? (1/10,1/100, or 1/1000?)


The primary function of the ____s is breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.


The primary purpose of muscular tissue is to support _________t of the body.

secondary structure

The primary sequence causes the protein to form an alpha helix or beta pleated sheet, creating its _______y structure.


The process by which semen exits the penis is called _______n.


The process of _______n is the point where the egg is released from its follicle.


The process of breathing out.


The process of differentiation occurs within cells in the developing embryo, but can ALSO occur in a____s.

during inspiration, through expiration

The processes of the respiratory system begins when the diaphragm, an abdominal muscle that contracts, pulls air into the lungs during ____ion, which is the act of taking in oxygenated air. When the diaphragm relaxes, carbon dioxide is forced out of the body through ____ion.

carbon dioxide

The rate at which respiration occurs is governed by the level of ____n _____e.


The rate of motion at which an object travels in a certain amount of time is called the object's ____d.

reactants with catalysts increasing substrate surface area

The reaction rates depend largely on the frequency of the contact of ______s with catalysts. This may be articificially accomplished by increasing the ______e (the molecular surface acted upon by an enzyme) surface area.


The remaining products of digestion that are not absorbed are transported to the ____n.

death rates

The replacement rate in developed countries is approximately 2.1, while the replacement rate in less-developed countries is approximately 2.3, mainly due to higher infant, child, and adult ____h rates.


The reproductive organs also house _______s that encourage or suppress activities within the body and influence the development of masculine or feminine body characteristics.

testes penis ovaries vagina breasts

The reproductive system consists of what organs? (list them)

men = sperm women = eggs (or ova)

The reproductive system is specialized in men to produce ____m and in women to produce ___s.


The reproductive system plays a key role in the body's function of ______ion, and hormones regulate this process.

trachea, into R and L bronchial tubes

The respiratory process begins as air is inhaled through the nose into the ____a, passing into the right and left _____l ___s.


The respiratory rates increases/decreases during birth.


The row of elements below the periodic table.

chemical bonding

The rules of ______l ____ing (the chemical merging of atoms due to their electron arrangements) are determined by an element's location within a given row.

sensory neurons

The sensory functions includes feeling pain, heat, and other stimuli. The face, fingers, and toes are more sensitive to stimuli because they have a greater number of ______y ______ns than do other parts of the body.


The simplest sugars are called ____________s; examples are glucose and fructose.

calcium and phosphorus

The skeletal system also serves as a storage for minerals such as ______m and _________s.

reproductive system

The skin serves to protect internal organs, including those delicate ones in the _________e system.


The substances formed as the results of a chemical reaction are called ______s and are located to the right of the reaction sign.

Free energy:

The thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a reaction to proceed.

tertiary structure

The three-dimensional shaping of a protein is called its ______y structure.

systole disatole

The time during which the heart is contracting is called _____e, whereas the time during which the heart relaxes is called the _____e.

Circumference of a circle:

The total distance around the circle.

latent heat

The transitions between solid, liquid, and gas phases are achieved by adding or subtracting energy from the system. The amount of energy necessary for the transition depends on the value of the ____t heat, which is related to the energy needed to cause a phase transition at a fixed temperature.

hydrogen bond

The type of weak bond found between nitrogenous bases on the DNA double helix is called a _______n bond because one partner in the bond is always a hydrogen atom.

tricuspid and pulmonary = right mitral and aortic = left

The valves of the heart include the _____d and _______y on the right side of the heart and the _____l and _____c on the left side of the heart.

-ly, with the exception of the adverb not

The vast majority of adverbs end in -ly, with the exception of the adverb ___.

replication errors

The vast majority of such mutations passed down from parent to offspring will arise spontaneously due to _____tion errors and may then be passed on to future generations.


The vertical columns on the periodic table are called ____s/______s.

- long and weak - red orange yellow green blue indigo violet - short and strong -

The visible part of the spectrum can be further subdivided by color bands from long to short: (list them!)

Charles' Law:

The volume of a gas varies directly with temperature.

Boyle's Law:

The volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure.


The voluntary movements caused by skeletal muscle are controlled by the ____n.

Calculation of Percents

The word "of" = multiply. 15 of 500 = % --- > 15*500 =25% What percent of 250 is 10? ---> set up equation and solve 250X = 10 -->X = 4%

exothermic reactions

There are reactions, such as fusion and fission reactions, that can release energy. These reactions are classified as _______c reactions, literally meaning "exit heat."

adenine cytosine guanine thymine uracil

There ware five types of nitrogenous bases: a_____ c_____ g_____ t_____ u_____


These are areas near the body's surface


These are areas of the body that are not near the body's trunk


These are areas that are away from the body's surface


These are areas that are closer to the body's trunk


These are areas that are more toward the middle of the body


These are areas that are more toward the outer portions of the body


These are areas that are near the back of the body


These are areas that are near the front of the body


These are areas that are near the upper end of the body

primary sources

These are firsthand records of events, theories, opinions of actions; may come in the form of either published or unpublished documents, recordings, or artifacts, and they must be contemporary to the events, people, or information that is at issue

like terms

These are terms that have the same variable and with the same exponent.


These are the areas that are closer to the lower parts of the body


These are used to enclose supplementary or explanatory material which interrupts the main sentence.

Quotation marks:

These are used to enclose titles of chapters, articles, short poems or stories, songs and essays.


These taste bitter, turn red litmus paper blue, feel slippery, and yield OH- ions.


These taste sour, turn blue litmus paper red, and produce H+ ions.


These two passageways (vas deferens and epidydimus) lead the sperm into the _____a.

oxidation-reduction reactions

These/this type of reaction yields the sum of the reactants and products

If a patient is being counseled what is happening?

They are being advised


This RNA is found as part of ribosomes and helps in the formation of polypeptides


This follows a declarative sentence.


This follows accepted abbreviations.


This follows an indirect question.


This function of the human body is its ability to allow voluntary and involuntary movement of the body via the musculoskeletal and neurological systems


This function of the human body is its ability to recieve, interpret, and respond to internal and external stimuli via the nervous system


This function of the human body is its ability to remove metabolic wastes from the body via the renal system


This function of the human body is its ability to take in a break down nutrients to be used for metabolism via the digestive system


This function of the human body is its ability to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide via the respiratory system


This function of the human body is its ability to transport oxygen and other nutrients to tissue via the renal system


This function of the human body is its ability to use hormonal control of the body functions via the endocrine system


This function of the human body is its abillity to produce offspring via the reproductive system

transition metals

This group.family is located between groups 3 and 10, and is made up of metals that usually form colored ions and colutions. They have multiple ocidation states.

alkali metals

This group/family is located in group 1, and it is made up of metals with one outermost electron. It forms 1+ ions.


This group/family is located in group 17 and is made up of nonmetals with seven outermost electrons, forming -1 ions.

noble gases

This group/family is located in group 18, and is made up of nonmetal gases that do not react because they have full outermost PELs/shells.

alkaline earth metals

This group/family is located in group 2, and it made up of metals with two outermost electrons. It forms 2+ ions.


This happens after glycolysis has taken place, and the pyruvic acid can be further used to carry out anaerobic processes. Yeast, for example, changes the pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol.


This has an atomic mass of 1 amu, has a charge of 0, and is found in the nucleus.


This has an atomic mass of 1 amu, has a charge of 1+, and is located in the nucleus.


This has an atomic mass of 1/1836 amu, has a charge of -1, and is found on the principle energy levels (shells).


This indicates an interruption or an abrupt change of ideas in a sentence.


This indicator is colorless if in the presence of an acid, and pink/magenta when in the presence of a base.

litmus paper

This indicator turns red in the presence of an acid, and blue in the presence of a base.

transverse/cross section

This is a cut made along a horizontal plane to divide the body into upper and lower regions

sagittal section

This is a cut made along a longitudinal plane dividing the body into right and left parts

frontal/coronal section

This is a cut made along a longitudinal plane that divides the body into front and back regions


This is a metric temperature scale that is defined by the melting point of ice (0 degrees) and boiling point of liquid water (100 degrees)

real number

This is a number that appreas either as a rational or an irrational number


This is a quantity that does not change.

critical reading

This is a reading style in which the reader carefully analyzes the text, judging its credibility and the author's intentions, rather than simply accepting the material as fact, and is generally preferable to passive reading; the reader analyzes the material as it is read, considering both the text itself and the author's possible biases in order to decide what is fact, what is opinion, and ultimately, how much trust to place in the written material

rational number

This is a real number that can be a fraction or a decimal

irrational number

This is a real number that cannot be written as fractions; includes pie, square roots, and cube roots

deductive reasoning

This is a reasoning method whereby conclusions follow from general principles. It goes from general to specific. Is illustrated by the following example: 1.) all men are mortal 2.) Sultan is a man

midsagittal section

This is a sagittal section made down the median of the body


This is an explanation formulated to answer the questions being investigated.


This is an unknown quantity in an expression, usually in the form of a letter such as x, y, or z.


This is away from or below the body surface


This is away from the origin of the body part or point of attachment


This is between medial and larteral


This is close to the origin of the body part or point of attachment


This is each piece of the code made up of the sequences of nitrogenous bases (A,C,G,T,U)


This is one of more terms consisting of any combination of constants and/or variables.


This is the answer to the division problem; for example, in 14/2, 7 is this.


This is the denominator in a division problem; for example in 14/2, the 2 is this.


This is the exponent or sum of exponents of the variable(s) of a term.


This is the numerator in a division problem; for example, in 14/2, 14 is this.


This is the numerical part of a term; the number that is being multiplied to the variable


This is the ratio of mass per volume for a substance

inductive reasoning

This is the reasoning method of arriving at general principles from specific facts (specific to general), illustrated by the following example: 1.) I observed the Sun setting this evening. 2.) I have observed the Sun set daily, hundreds of times in my lifetime.


This is toward or at the body surface


This is toward the back of the body or body structure


This is toward the front of the body or body structure


This is toward the lower end of the body or body structure.


This is toward the middle of the body or body structure


This is toward the outer sides of the body or body structure


This is toward the upper end of the body or body structure.

tape measures

This measuring tool for length or height is used for larger measurements (room for house) that are usually no more than 50 feet long.

meter sticks

This measuring tool for length or height is used for measurements no longer than 1 meter.


This measuring tool for length or height is used for measurements no longer than 12 inches.

yard stick

This measuring tool for length or height is used to for measurements no longer than 1 yard, 3 feet, or 36 inches.


This measuring tool for length or height is used to measure very small lengths, usually 6 inches or fewer with greater precision than a ruler.


This part of the respiratory system is where the trachea separates into two pathways, one going toward each lung. They further divide and branch out into bronchial tubes.


This phase change is from gas to liquid, and is when energy is removed (exothermic)


This phase change is from gas to solid, when energy is removed (exothermic).


This phase change is from liquid to gas, when energy is added (endothermic)


This phase change is from liquid to solid, and is when energy it removed (exothermic)


This phase change is from solid to gas, when energy is added (endothermic)


This phase change is from solid to liquid, and is when energy is added (endothermic)

Prophase II

This phase in meiosis is a brief stage in which the spindle fibers being to reappear, and centrioles move to opposite poles

Telophase I

This phase in meiosis is when cytokinesis has occurred, and two haploid daughter cells are the result.

Telophase II

This phase in meiosis is when four haploid cells are the result of cytokinesis

Prophase I

This phase in meiosis is when homologus chromosomes condense and link in the process-forming tetrads. This allows crossing over or recombination to occur.

Metaphase I

This phase in meiosis is when homologus chromosomes move to the metaphase plate.

Anaphase I

This phase in meiosis is when homologus chromosomes separate, but the sister chromatids stay together

Anaphase II

This phase in meiosis is when sister chromatid separate again!

Metaphase II

This phase in meiosis is when sister chromatids align at a new metaphase plate


This phase in mitosis is when the chomosomes align midway along the spindle fibers.


This phase in mitosis is when the chromosomes begin to separate from their daughters, and cytokinesis begins!


This phase in mitosis is when the spindle fibers form and the centrioles move to the opposite sides of the cell. The nuclear membrane also disappears.


This phase of matter has a definite shape, has a definite volume, and have molecules in a fixed position


This phase of matter has no definite shape, has no definite volume, and have molecules far apart


This phase of matter has no definite shape, have a definite volume, and have molecules touching but not fixed in position


This phase of mitosis is when identical sets of chromosomes are at opposite ends of the cell. Spindle fibers disappear, nuclear membranes reappear, and cytokinesis completes.

acid-base reaction

This reaction involves an acid + base yielding salt + water


This reaction involves cellular respiration, and is the oxidation of glucose (C6H12O6) to carbon dioxide, and the reduction of oxygen to water... glucose to CO2, oxygen to water


This reaction involves the production oxygen and sugar (glucose)


This structure (_______s) of the mouth prevents food from entering the larynx as the food is swallowed. The food can enter only the esophagus.

This symbol reads as "is greater than or equal to, is AT LEAST."


This symbol reads as "is greater than, is more than."

This symbol reads as "is less than or equal to, is AT MOST."


This symbol reads as "is less than, is no greater than."


This symbol reads as "is, was, measures, becomes."


This symbol reads as "less than."


This symbol reads as "more than."


This symbol reads as "twice."


This type of RNA compliments mRNA via an anticodon that corresponds to an amino acid that __RNA will carry


This type of RNA copies DNA's genetic code via a process called transcription

combustion reaction

This type of reaction involves the burning of propane; propane + oxygen

alkynes CnH2n-2

Those unsaturated hydrocarbons containing triple bonds are called ____es, with the general formula _______.

alkenes CnH2n

Those unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called ____es with the general formula _______.


Through mutations and combinations of alleles, some individuals of a species are better able to survive and adapt to the environment in which they live. This process is called ________n.

In DNA Adenine always pairs with:


What nitrogenous base is unique to DNA?


improper fractions; numerator is greater than the denominator

To add or subtract fractions, first convert any mixed numbers into ______ fractions. In other words, convert any number that represents the sum of a whole number and a proper fraction into a fraction whose numerator is greater/less than the denominator.

What is the purpose of a catalyst?

To control the rate of chemical reactions.

multiplication sign, flip the second fraction

To divide fractions, first convert any mixed number into improper fractions. Then, you keep the first fraction as it is written, but change the division sign to a ________ sign, and ____ the second fraction. Then, simplify the factors and multiply through. (Simplify final answer!)


To form an embryo (an animal or a plant in the early stages of development after fertilization), a fertilized egg called a ____e begins dividing and becomes a mass of cells.

proofreading, mispairing

To lessen errors in DNA replication, DNA polymerase performs _______ing of the newly synthesized strands. If it recognizes a ______ing of bases, it attempts to correct the problem by insertion of the proper base.

genus and species

To name organisms, scientists use a binomial system that includes the organism's ____s and _____s.


To translate the complementary code on DNA into a protein, ___ is required.

lymphoid tissue

Tonsils in the lymphatic system are made of a special tissue called ______d tissue.

Cells copy instructions in the DNA into the RNA is a process called:



Transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues via the cardiovascular system.

Layers of atmosphere (starting closest to earth)

Troposphere-ranges from Earth's surface to between 9km an 17km above Earth > stratosphere > Mesosphere > Thermosphere


True or false; cells can divide and remain undifferentiated.

False; they need BOTH mitochondira and chloroplasts to function

True or false; chloroplasts have many structural similarities to mitochondria, but plant calls only need chloroplasts to function


True or false; two phases can exist at the same temperature...


Two equal ratios.

liver and the pancreas

Two other important organs of the digestive system include the ___r and the _____s.

The element is named _______ the chemical symbol.


The atomic mass is located ______ the element.



Unit of energy equal to 4.184 joules.

single-stranded string

Unlike the double helix structure of DNA, for the most part, RNA exists as a _____-stranded string of nucleotides.

double or triple

Unsaturated hydrocarbons have one or more ____le or ____le bonds between carbon atoms.


Upon _______n, the sperm and egg become a zygote, which begins a number of cell divisions called _____e.

In anatomy the word "Superior" means:


What nitrogenous base is unique to RNA?


DNA has the base Thymine (T) but not Uracil (U); RNA has

Uracil but not Thymine


Use of relative amounts of reagents & products in reaction to find quantities of those reagents & products

Question mark:

Used after a direct question.


Used medically as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Used to divide a word that won't fit on the same line.

Quotation marks:

Used to enclose slang words, technical terms or other expressions that are unusual.


Used to form new words beginning with self, ex, all, trans and great.


Used to separate quoted expressions.


Used with compound numbers.


Using two nouns and comparing or contrasting them.



Volume of a Cube or Prism:

V = Length x Width x Height or S^3

Volume of a circular cylinder:

V = Pi x Radius ^2 x Height

Action verb

Verb that shows an action performed by the subject of the sentence.

Vitamin D

Vitamin __ also helps with the body's uptale of calcium to maintain overall health in the bones.


Water can diffuse across a membrane in a process called _____s.

high specific heat

Water chemically possesses high/low specific heat.


Water has a high/low heat of vaporation.


Water is a necessity for the formation of __e!


Water is a universal _____t, as it dissolves many solids, liquids, and gases into aqueous solutions.

star formation

Water is abundant throughout the universe as a byproduct of ___r formation.

4 degrees Celcius

Water is characterized by a maximum density of __ degrees Celcius.

polar molecule

Water is considered a ____r molecule (a molecule that possesses both positive and negative atomic structure) of H and O, with O possessing the higher electronegativity.


Water is considered to be the universal solvent and can dissolve a range of substances that are ____r, or contains ions. They themselves are ____r, too!

metabolic processes

Water is important in many ______c processes, catabolically and anabolically.

cohesive forces

Water molecules are polar and can attract other water molecules via ______e forces (forces between the same molecules).

adhesive forces

Water molecules can also attract other polar molecules via ______e forces (forces between different molecules).


Water's polarity results in high/low surface tension and adhesion.

0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

What are examples of whole numbers?

1.) polar molecule 2.) density at 4 degrees C 3.) 2nd highest specific heat 4.) pH of 7

What are four characteristics of water?

ions iron calcium water

What are four inorganic compounds?

beakers graduated cylinders measuring cups pipettes measuring spoons

What are some appropriate measuring tools for volume?

around between by in of to with

What are some common prepositions?

bones cartilage ligaments joints

What are some components (parts) of the skeletal system? (list them)

bone cartilage adipose (fat) blood vessels

What are some examples of connective tissues?

religion culture economy employment government education literacy infant mortality rates abortions accessibility to family planning

What are some factors which can affect birth and fertility rates? (list them)

calipers rulers yard sticks meter sticks tape measures

What are some measurement tools suitable to measure length or height?

oxygen hormones nutrients (from food)

What are some of the substances distributed throughout the body via the circulatory system?

nasal cavity pharynx larynx trachea bronchi lungs

What are some organs in the respiratory system?

birth death role in society role of government marriage

What are some themes are treated differently from one culture to the next?

crowded and loud

What are the adjectives in the following sentence? The doctor's part was crowded and loud.

colorful and distinctive

What are the adjectives in this sentence? Their new uniforms were colorful and distinctive.

1 2 3 4 5 6

What are the characters used in the Arabic numeral system?


What are the characters used in the Roman numeral system?

Na Cl K

What are the electrolytes maintained in the urinary system?

lipids carbohydrates proteins nucleic acids

What are the four organis compounds?

epithelial connective muscle nervous

What are the four tissue types?

cytosine and thymine

What are the nucleic acids classified as pryimidines?

adenine and guanine

What are the nucleic acids classified as purines?

lymph nodes lymph vessels spleen thymus tonsils

What are the organs and parts of the lymphatic system?

1.) problem identification 2.) question asking 3.) hypothesis 4.) data collection and experimentation 5.) analysis 6.) conclusion

What are the six steps of the scientific method?

pineal pituitary thalamus hypothalamus thyroid thymus adrenal

What are the the glands of the endocrine system? (list them)

duodenum jejunum ileum

What are the three parts of the small intestine?

squamous cuboidal columnar

What are the three shapes of epithelial cells?


What are the three stop codons?

skeletal cardiac smooth

What are the three types of muscle tissue?

1.) # cell layers 2.) cell shape

What are the two classifications of epithelial tissues?

1.) provide covering 2.) produce secretions

What are the two functions of epithelial tissue?

growth and metabolism

What are the two main goals of the glands of the endocrine system?


What are the units for density?

a.) may be written hundreds of years ago b.) may not always be accurate c.) difficult to analyze

What are three challenges of primary sources?

combustion photosynthesis metabolism

What are three examples of oxidation-reduction reactions?

pancreas testis ovaries

What are three organs of the body which serve endocrine functions, as well as other functions (in other systems) of the body?

vacuoles lysosomes peroxisomes

What are three types of vesicles?

Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

What does PEMDAS stand for?

"out of 100"

What does percent literally mean? (hint hint! "cent")

animalia fungi plantae protista

What four kingdoms are part of the eukarya domain?

-273 degrees C

What is Kelvin?

"Based on the ideas in the text, what is the author's point?"

What is a good question to ask yourself when seeking logical conclusions?


What is an appropriate measuring tool for weight?


What is an example of a journalism primary source?

1st amendment

What is an example of a law primary source?


What is an example of an archaeological primary source?


What is an example of an art primary source?


What is propane's formula?

"...when I find a decent parking space..."

What is the adjectival clause in the following sentence? "It never rains on the days when I find a decent parking space."

"...who is not from New York..."

What is the adjectival clause in the following sentence? "The only nurse on the shift who is not from New York is Angelina."


What is the adverb in this sentence? The elderly patient stated that she had unfortunately lost 20 pounds.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy Glucose + Oxygen ----> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?

6CO2 + 6H2O + Sun Energy --> C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon dioxide + Water + Sun Energy ---> Glucose + Oxygen

What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?

M1V1 = M2V2

What is the equation for changes in molarity?

H = -M x L

What is the equation for condensation?

D = m/v

What is the equation for density?

d = m/v

What is the equation for density?

H = -M x L

What is the equation for heat removed?

H = M x L M = mass L = latent heat

What is the equation for heat?

KE = 1/2mv^2 m = mass v = velocity

What is the equation for kinetic energy?

ph = -log(activity) insert scientific notation into activity

What is the equation for pH?

PE = mgh m = mass g = standard gravity constant h = height of object

What is the equation for potential energy?


What is the equation for saturated alkanes?


What is the equation for unsaturated alkenes?


What is the equation for unsaturated alkynes?

H = M x L

What is the equation for vaporization (liquid to gas)?


What is the formula for sugar, or glucose?


What is the general formula for saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)?

1.) X + C --> XC 2.) XC + Y --> XYC 3.) XYC --> CZ 4.) CZ --> C + Z

What is the general reaction of catalysts? (4 steps)


What is the implied subject in the following examples: Give me a sterile needle now! Call the doctor STAT! Close the patient's curtains. Call for a wheelchair, please.

independent = exercise dependent = blood pressure

What is the independent and dependent variable in the following statement? A person exercises to control their blood pressure.

"...why they have to put up with outdated supplied and equiptment."

What is the noun clause in the following sentence? "The nurses simply do not understand why they have to put up with outdated supplied and equipment."

"Where the patient's chart has gone..."

What is the noun clause in the following sentence? "Where the patient's chart has gone is anyone's guess."


What is the power of 10 for 1?


What is the power of 10 for centi (1/100)?


What is the power of 10 for deci (1/10)?


What is the power of 10 for deka (10)?


What is the power of 10 for hecto (100)?


What is the power of 10 for kilo (1,000)?


What is the power of 10 for milli (1/1000)?


What is the power of ten for centi?


What is the power of ten for kilo?


What is the power of ten for micro?


What is the power of ten for milli?


What is the power of ten for nano?

"...struggled to explain what had led him to select his chosen profession."

What is the predicate in the following sentence? "The cardiologist struggled to explain what had led him to select his chosen profession.


What is the prefix for eight carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for five carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for four carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for nine carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for one carbon atom?


What is the prefix for seven carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for six carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for ten carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for three carbon atoms?


What is the prefix for two carbon atoms?

K = C + 273

What is the relationship between Kelvin and Celcis? (equation)


What is the subject in the following sentence? Determined to score better on this test than on the last one, Shiela started studying weeks earlier.

Sharon AND Kimberly

What is the subject of the following sentence? Sharon and Kimberly offered to take the night shift for me this week.


What is the subject of the following sentence? The cardiologist struggled to explain what had led him to select his chosen profession.

1.) Decide what qualities are important 2.) Get product information to compare against the list of qualities 3.) Sort through the product information and decide which product or retailer best matches desired qualities

What is the three-stage process when making any well-thought purchase?

meter (m)

What is the unit of metric measure for length?

liter (L)

What is the unit of metric measure for volume?

gram (g)

What is the unit of metric measure for weight?

verb = was pleased adverb = not

What is the verb and adverb in the following sentence? The hospital staff was not pleased with the new payment rules.


What is the √16?


What is the √1?


What is the √25?


What is the √36?


What is the √3?


What is the √49?


What is the √4?


What is the √5?


What is the √64?


What is the √6?


What is the √7?


What is the √81?


What is the √8?


What is the √9?


What is √2?

adenine, cytosine, and guanine = DNA and RNA thymine = DNA uracil = RNA

What three nitrogenous bases are found in both DNA and RNA? What two nitrogenous bases are only found in DNA and RNA?

detectives, medical personnel, engineers

What three types of professional individuals would be interested in finding solutions to problems within a given time frame, and benefit from the advancement of mathematical and technological skills?

hydrogen bonds disulfide bridges

What two things hold together the tertiary structure of proteins?

(25/1000) and don't forget to simplify! would be (1/40)

What would the fraction be for the decimal 0.025?

inversed relationship (negative correlation)

When a graph shows a curve, what type of relationship is this?

46 chromosomes diploid

When a sperm cell and an egg cell join, the resulting zygote now has ___ chromosomes (___oid).

least common denominator

When adding or subtracting fractions, after converting any mixed number into improper fractions, you must then determine the ____ ______ _______ (LCD), which is the smallest common multiple of the denominators, or the least number that both denominators divide into evenly.


When alcohol is used as a solvent, the solution is termed a _____e.


When both parents give the offspring the same allele, the offspring is ____zygous for that particular trait.

proportion, then subtract

When calculating the rate of change, you must set up a _______n between the two "students" and then ______ to get the answer (rate of change).

written in italics, genus capitalized and species not capitalized. This is the binomial nomenclature. ex: /Homo sapiens/

When classifying individual species, the Latin name of the genus and species is written in ____cs, with the genus capitalized/not capitalized and the species capitalized/not capitalized. This is the bi_____ n_________e.

left to right

When completing the multiplication and division part of PEMDAS, work from ___t to ____t, as well as with addition and subtraction. (No parentheses!!)

vertical 125|3.000

When converting fractions (3/125) to a decimal, you should use the line between the denominator and numerator and flip it clockwise, so that it is horizontal/vertical, and use that as the line for when you manually divide on paper ex: (3/125) to a decimal, when written on paper, will be what?

divide the denominator into the numerator

When converting fractions into percents, you divide the denominator/numerator into the denominator/numerator.

over 100, the numerator

When converting fractions whose denominators can be written as powers of 10 (i.e.,10,100,1000, etc.), first write the fraction as an equivalent fraction over ___ (may need to multiply for this) and then write the denominator/numerator of this fraction with the % symbol.

right two places

When converting from decimals to percents, you move the decimal point left/right two places.

left two places

When converting from percents to decimals, you move the decimal point left/right two places.

over 100

When converting from percents to fractions, you remove the % symbol and write the number in the numerator of the fraction and write ___ in the denominator. Then, you just simplify!

denominator see page 101

When dividing polynomials, if the divisor (right of the division sign) is monomial (-4xy), make it the denominator in a fraction under each monomial in the dividend (left of the division sign)

hours to minutes

When expressing the ratio 30 minutes to 4 hours, you turn hours to ______s and simplify the fraction/ratio.

You subtract the numerator from the denominator, and then put the final number over the denominator to get the answer "out of 1"

When given a set of fractions (within a nickel), after you add all of the fractions together after putting them under their least common denominator, you subtract the denominator/numerator from the denominator/numerator, and then put the final number over the denominator/numerator to get the answer "out of 1."

multiply 6.5 inches x 15 miles = answer

When given the question: "Suppose that 1 inch on a map represents 15 miles on the ground. If a desired distance measures 6.5 inches on the map, how far is this distance on the ground?" the way to solve it is by taking 15 miles and 6.5 and ______ them together to find the distance in miles.


When looking for a summary sentence, look near the beginning/end of the given text first.

1.) should be to the point 2.) credible or authoritative

When looking for appropriate sources, appropriate means two things: 1.) The information should be __ ___ _____ 2.) The information should be ______ or authoritative.


When looking for the topic sentence of any piece of text, look near the beginning/end of that text first.


When making an estimation of the solution to a problem, round each number so that there is only one/two nonzero digit in each number. Then, you solve.

criss-cross simplification

When multiplying fraction, after converting any mixed numbers into improper fractions, you must simplify or reduce factors in the numerator (top) with fractions in the denominator (bottom) in a ____-___s type of simplification. Then, you can multiply the numerators and denominators together (and simplify!)

organ system

When organs work together to perform a task, the result is an ____n _____m.

government (.gov) organization (.org) educational (.edu)

When picking internet primary sources, what three types of websites are nonbiased, and are the most reliable?

multiply each term by the least common denominator see page 106

When solving for x with fractions, divide/multiply each term by the ____t _____n _______r and then simplify until they are not fractions. Then, solve for x.


When the body senses pain, it may automatically withdraw from it. This response is called a ____x and occurs when neurons transmit a message to the spinal cord, which in turn sends a message back to the muscles to react before the message is transmitted to the brain.

stop codon

When the ribosome recognizes a _____ ______ it releases the new protein and the mRNA

1 (meter)

When there is no prefix...

work on innermost, then work outwards

When working on parentheses in the order of operations, work on the ____most set of parentheses first, and then work ____ards.

8 into 5 8|5.0

When you convert (5/8) into a percent, you divide __ into __. (Show how you should write on paper to solve)


When, how, why, how much, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.

"Whenever the doctor operates..." verb = leaves

Which part of the following sentence is the adverbial clause, and which is the verb? "Whenever the doctor operates, he leaves virtually no scar."

present tense

Which tense is the verb in this sentence? (past, present, or future?) The chiropractor adjusts a patient.

proton and neutron = same electrons = less

While a proton and a neutron have approximately the same mass, an electron's mass contributes much more/less to the atom.


While larger atoms have larger mass numbers, a given atom may also have several versions called ______s that also differ by mass number. These are atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.

physical bonding

While the atoms within the liquid still maintain intermolecular forces with one another, the ______l bonding, or the physical connection between atoms (or molecules) that does not alter the chemical nature of the atoms (or molecules) is of a weaker attractive nature.

23 chromosomes haploid

While the human cell has just 46 chromosomes, the sex cell needs to be produced so that each sex cell has just ___ chromosomes. These cells are terms _____d.


With regard to the vaporization of liquids, liquids that evaporate at a very high rate, given the same temperature, are called _____e.


Within the bronchial tubes are tiny hairs called ___a, which keep airway clear by removing unwanted matter from the lungs.


Without the presence of oxygen.

1.) inform 2.) persuade 3.) entertain 4.) express feelings

Writing usually serves a specific purpose, and that purpose usually falls into one of four categories. The writer may want to: 1.) _____m the reader about some fact or event; newspaper articles often fall into this category 2.) _______e the reader to a particular viewpoint; this sort of writing is often called persuasive writing 3.) _______n the reader; for example, most fiction novels serve the purpose of entertainment 4.) _____ ______s; a large amount of poetry is concerned with evoking a feeling or emotion in the reader



addresses and phone numbers

Yellow book pages typically include ______s and _____ _______s.


Yellow pages list businesses by ______y.

DNA, RNA, and ribosomes

_NA, _NA, and r______s work hand in hand to produce the proteins necessary for life in cells.

B cells

__ cells have antigen receptors and antibodies, and they work to fight off bacteria. They can form plasma cells and memory cells.


__K is released from the duodenum as well and initiates bile release from the gallbladder, while decreasing motility and acid production by the stomach.

red blood cells

___ blood cells are responsible carrying oxygen via the hemoglobin present in the cells.

T cells

___ cells are responsible for recognizing nonself cells. On engagement with nonself cells, they produce killer T cells and memory T cells.


___ is the macromolecule in cells that codes for how amino acids form proteins. It is a double-stranded helic that had complimentary nucleic acids that are hydrogen bonded to each other.

white blood cells

____ blood cells defend the body against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses.


____-scale behaviors have been observed to differ from large-scale behavior; therefore, more precise data often leads to further understanding.

cardiac and smooth muscle

_____ and _____ muscles are not included in the muscular system.

cardiac muscle

_____ muscle is found only in the heart, and its movement is entirely involuntary.

smooth muscle

_____ muscle is under involuntary control, which means it cannot be consciously controlled. It is found in the walls of hollow organs, such as intestines, blood vessels, the bladder, and the uterus.

litmus paper

_____ paper, which is a pH indicator, will indicate red for acidic solutions and blue for basic solutions. Though, they may not always be accurate, but will do the job.

skeletal muscle

______ muscle supports voluntary movement since it is connected to bones in the skeletal system.

topic sentences

______ sentences express the main point of a paragraph, or of a larger text structure (such as an essay or a book chapter). Usually it is at the start of a paragraph, and is supported by supporting ideas. It appears early in the structure and then the remainder of the text goes on to explain upon and illustrate it.

fertility rates

_______ rates refer the average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years, which occur between the ages of 15 and 44.

summary sentences

_______ sentences generally appear at (or near) the end of a paragraph, chapter, section, or document; they sum up the point of the earlier text, driving the message home so that the reader does not forget it or miss it. They draw a conclusion that does one step further than the topic sentence. Are also useful for providing closure to a piece of text; without it, a document may feel chopped-off or unfinished.

nervous tissue

_______ tissue provides the structure of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

historical context

________ context means that the time and place in which the piece was written will ifluence the work i some way; these factors may affect what is written (the text's content) and HOW it is written (the text's style). It is crucial to understanding the writing itself!

supporting details

_________ _____s flesh out and help explain the main idea. Without these, the reader has very little reason to believe the main idea. Example: In "Depression: the Rational Solution," it would be hard to believe the main idea if the only words in the book were, "Try to be more logical and less emotional, and you will then be less depressed. The End." Hard to believe, huh?


____________y is a measure of an atom's attraction on electrons in a chemical bond.

electromagnetic waves

___________c waves are waves of radiation that are characterized by electric and magnetic fields.


__________m is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected.


__________n occurs through a phase transition from a gas to a liquid.


__________s are formed hen two substances that have opposite polarities are mixed.


__________s are organic compounds that contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. They are major sources of energy in the body.


__________s is the process carried out by green plants, green algae, and certain bacteria, in which the energy from the sunlight is trapped by the green pigment chlorophyll and used for the synthesis of glucose.

mechanical churning

_________l churning of the stomach also continues to break the food down into smaller pieces.

inflammation redness, heat, swelling, and pain

_________n occurs as a response to irritating chemicals, heat, trauma, or infection by pathogens. ___ness, ___t, ___ing, and ___n are four cardinal signs of this.


_________s are headings that appear below other headings, within the same category. They typically appear in a smaller typeface than headinds so that they may easily be distinguished.


_________s contain sections called genes, which contain information that specifies the production of proteins.


_________s is the act of engulfing pathogens by white blood cells.


_________s, like methane, propane, and butane bond to hydrogen and carbon atoms.

pancreatic juice

________c juice containing amylase, proteases, and lipase is secreted from the pancreas.

incomplete dominance

________e dominance is when the dominant and recessive genotypes interact to produce an intermediate phenotype; a mix of the two traits!


________e is a meaure of the average kinetic energy of a sample.


________es in eukaryotic cells are cellular tracks that, during mitosis, form the mitotic spindle.


________g may be used to enhance text structure, so it may be maintained by using bold words, new paragraphs, and lists to draw the reader's attention to the text structure, helping them to differentiate where a thought ends or where an important piece of information may be found.


________n is a type of text structure that almost never appears with any special formatting; it usually just appears in the middle of a paragraph. Passages that use ________n tend to describe or characterize a person, thing, or idea.


________s are conducted to identify potential problems and to create solutions to those problems before the actually occur.


________s are oversimplified opinions that do not account for individual differences, about an entire group of people or things


________s are words that describe or modify nouns; they give you more information about the subject and other nouns in the sentence, and gives you details that helps guide your response.


________s break down the remains of dead animals and plants.


________s conduct electricity in solutions.

chemotaxis, through cytokines

________s is the method by which the leukocytes (WBCs) respond to damaged body tissue. This is accomplished in part through _______s, which are chemical messengers that are released by damaged tissues.


_______ds, which are found next to the stairstep line on the periodic table, are considered to have transitional properties between metals and nonmetals.


_______e tells a story, or relates a chain of events.


_______e writing tries to get the reader to agree with the author.


_______es are the physical expressions of genetic traits. In some organisms, such as pea plants, these include the seed color, pod shape, or flower color. In organisms like humans, it may be a body characteristic such as brown hair or blue eyes.


_______l (land-based) biomes include deserts and tropical rainforests.


_______l is known to cause a buildup of a plaque in the arteries causing atherosclerosis.

skeletal muscle

_______l muscle is attached to the skeleton of the boyd and is used for voluntary movements.


_______m is a symbiotic relationship in which an organism benefits while harming another.


_______m is the use of energy by cells as a result of chemical reactions within the cells. The digestive and respiratory systems supply the nutrients and oxygen that the body needs to support _______m.


_______n occurs through a phase transition from a liquid to a gas.

globular proteins 3D structure

_______r proteins (proteins that are water soluble) are built from amino acids that form chains ranging from a few dozen to thousands of members. Each amino-acid sequence produces a specific __ structure.


_______s are blood vessels that transport blood away from the heart to the capillaries.


_______s are different forms of the same element (ex: diatomic oxygen O2, or ozone, O3)


_______s are microorganisms capable of producing disease.


_______s are performed to determine the concentration of an acidic or basic solution.


_______s are substances that change color to indicate the presence of an acid or a base, or the pH of a substance.


_______s are the body's response to viral infection, activating macrophages and NK cells, and prevent the replication of the virus after 7 to 10 days.


_______s are titles that preface a section of text. They advertise the subject of the text that is found beneath them, making it easier to skim the text or to search for a particular topic. They also give the text extra structure, always following a pattern.


_______s in prokaryotic cells manufacture proteins for the cell from the DNA messages. They are very small bodies that are free-floating within the cytoplasm.


_______s is an anaerobic process that splits a six-carbon glucose molecule into to three-carbon pyruvic acid molecules. Two ATP molecules are needed to start the process, but four ATP molecules are produced, yielding a new of two ATP molecules. Also formed are two molecules of NADH2, which can be used to form more ATP, provided it enters an aerobic process.


_______s is carried out in the chloroplasts of the plant cell.


_______s is the opposite of dehydration synthesis, in which larger starches or polysaccharides have water added to them to break down into simple sugars for use by cells.


_______s, specific to each pathogen, are ready to respond should this occur.


_______t is the temperature scale that is used in the United States; 32 degrees freezing point and 212 degrees boiling point


_______tion of energy occurs when a total constant energy is maintained by the conversion of energy between kinetic and potential.

accessory structures

_______y structures include the teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.

bacteria; type of cell is prokaryotic

______a have the most basic types of cells that can exist independently of other cells. This type of cell is called ______ic.

passive transport

______e transport is transportation that occurs from high concentration to a low concentration naturally without any additional energy input.


______l writing passes along precise information, usually about a specific topic, and usually in a formal or semi-formal style; its purpose is to pass along very specific information to the reader; uses lists, text boxes, varying font sizes and colors, and text formatting; the goal is to make individual bits of information easier to read, and also to make them easier to find quickly


______n involves electron acceptance to produce a more negative ion.


______n involves electron donation to produce a more positive ion.


______ns are small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not sound overly repetitive and tedious.

enzymes, found as protein molecules

______s act as catalysts for special chemical reactions within the human body. These enzymes are found as ____n molecules within body tissue.


______s are elements that may accept or donate electrons readily, and possess a mixture of metallic and nonmetallic properties.


______s are examples of complex proteins that function to regulate the rate at which reactions occur.


______s are responsible for helping the blood clot and seal breaks in the walls of blood vessels.


______s are small, circular portions of DNA in prokaryotic cells, and are not associated with the nucleoid, which has a larger number of genes in comparison.


______s are substances that cannot be broken down chemically.


______s control the rate of chemical reactions, or reactions in which atoms react to come to a stable state.


______s in eukryotic cells are small membrane-bounded sacs within the cytoplasm. They are used to transport proteins or other substances in or out of the cell.


______s isthe study of heredity or how traits are passed on from parent to offspring.

covalent bonding

______t bonding is the sharing of electrons between atoms.


______y is the study of the function of the organs and body systems.


______y is the study of the structure of organs and body systems.


______y takes into account the speed and direction.


_____c (water-based) biomes incluse oceans and lakes.

nucleic acids

_____c ____s are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. They contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, along with nitrogen and phosphorus atoms as well!

specific heat

_____c ____t is the energy required to raise one unit of mass of a substance by 1 degree Celcius.

abiotic factors

_____c factors are the factors that are not living, such as amounts of light available, temperature, amounts of water available, and levels of minerals present in the soil.

cardiac muscle

_____c muscle is present in the heart.

Kinetic theory

_____c theory states that atoms (or molecules) are always in motion.

active transport

_____e transport takes place when materials need to be moved from an area of low concentration to one of higher concentration. Requires energy!

smooth muscles

_____h muscle is used involuntarily and is present in the diaphragm, digestive system, and arteries.

Measuring and observational

_____ing and _______al devices have been developed so that smaller increments of time and length have become accessible.

natural selection

_____l _______n occurs when some individuals of a species are better able to survive in their environment and reproduce than others; otherwise known as survival of the fittest.

excision repair mechanisms

_____n ____r mechanisms inspect the DNA for these types of damage (chemicals, UV rays) and attempt to repair it.


_____n travels to the pancreas to trigger the release of bicarbonate, which neutralizes the stomach acid entering the duodenum. It also triggers the release of pancreatic enzymes that further aid chemical digestion in the small intestine.

Gregor Mendel

_____r _____l began researching how characteristics of pea plants were passed to offspring from parent plants in the 1800s.


_____s are beliefs based on personal judgements, rather than on indisputable facts.


_____s are chemicals that break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into nutrients that can be absorbed through the wall of the intestine into the bloodstream.

lipids glycerol and fatty acid molecules

_____s are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are made from the dehydration synthesis of ______l and ___y ___d molecules.


_____s are made up of specialized cells called neurons that send electrical impulses throughout the body.


_____s are negatively charged subatomic particles found in various energy levels (orbital shells) around the nucleus.


_____s are neutral subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom.


_____s are positively charged subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom. The number of these distinguishes one atom from another.


_____s are subjects that a written work frequently touches upon; they are simply ideas or concepts that the book comes back to again and again Example: For "Depression: the Rational Solution," the _____ would be despair, hope, redemption, self-improvement


_____s are substances that are added to a solution so that the solution resists changes in pH.


_____s contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. They are long chains of amino acids joined via dehydration synthesis.


_____s do most of the work in prokaryotic cells.


_____s tell you when or how something happened, or how something looks or sounds or feels.


_____s within rocks, amber, and ice provide the remains of organisms that were once on earth but are now extinct.


_____tion of a liquid is often achieved due to the high heat, low humidity, and fast movement of the surrounding air mass; occurs by physical collisions at the surface layer of a liquid, and it acts to remove the faster-moving liquid molecules.


_____y is the study of relationships between organisms and between organisms and their surroundings.

ionic bonding

____c bonding is the electrical attraction between ions of opposite charges.

biotic factors

____c factors are factors that are living.

basic solutions

____c solutions are solution with a pH value greater than 7.

acidic solutions

____c solutions are solutions with a pH value less than 7.


____d is composed of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.


____e is the mixture of food, chemicals, and enzymes in the stomach.


____es are large regions inhabited by ecologically similar communities of living organisms.


____ls are elements that donate highly conductive electrons to their environment.

Kelvin triple-point of water

____n is a metric temperature scale defined by an absolute zero reference point, and is standardized by the t____-____t of water (the temperature and pressure at which water will coexist as a solid, liquid, and gas)

Lewis Dot Structures

____s ___t ______s provide visual representations of covalent bonding between atoms of a molecule.


____s are blood vessels that transport blood from the capillaries back to the heart.


____s are information based on real, provable events, or situations


____s are opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make fair, unclouded judgments or decisions


____s are the smallest parts of elements that still retain all the original properties of the element

text features

____t _______s include such formatting devices as bold or italicized fonts, indented text, and bulleted or numbered lists. They can be meaningful (and useful) if they are used consistently to achieve a distinct purpose


____th occurs due to changes in several body systems. 1.) skeletal & muscular = change shape 2.) digestive = removes needed nutrients from food 3.) cardiovascular = transports nutrients to cells 4.) endocrine = releases hormones that signal when ____th should occur!


___er is anything that takes up space and has mass.

villi and microvilli

___i and _______i increase the surface area within the small intestine, increasing the area from which absorption can take place.

villi and microvilli

___i and ______i increase the surface area of the small intestine and greatly increase the level of absorption of nutrients.


___s is the quantity of matter an object has.


___t is the flow of energy due to a difference in temperature.

heat of vaporation

___t of _______n is the amount of heat necessary to cause a phase transition between a liquid and a gas.

Acidic solution

a pH < 7

Basic solution

a pH > 7

Neutral solution

a pH of 7.0


a state of uncertainty

pythagorean theorem


Pythagorean Theorem:

a^2 + B^2 = C^2 Hypotenuse is denoted by letter C.


able to see the future


about, above, according to, across, after, against, along, along with, among, apart from, around, as, as for, at, because of, before, below, beneath beside, between, beyond, by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, during, except, except for, excepting, from, in, in addition to, in back of, for, in case of, in front of, in place of, inside, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, next, of, off, on, onto, on top of, out of, outside, over, past, regarding, out, round, since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, up to, with, within, without
















act of refraining


add to








agreement after a quarrel



all right

all right









vivify someone is to

animate them









to critique something is to

appraise it







A truculent patient is





arrogant, condescending








away from the median plane























abbreviation YOB in a medical chart is




A UTIs likely to involve the


an infected swelling with liquid inside


medicine that is given in inhalant form is

breathed in





To cauterize a wound is to

burn it.








calm, casual

"Scattered" Correlation

can suggest various kinds of correlations between variables with a certain confidence interval. For example, weight and height, weight would be on x axis and height would be on the y axis





A patient who is heedless is
















area & perimeter

circle- A=pieXR2 P=2pieR=pieD triangle- A=bXh/2 P=s1+s2+s3 square- A=s2 P=4s rectangle A=lXw P=2l+2


closer to the body surface


closer to the point of attachment or origin






































confinement away from the general population













a condition that is ongoing is



controlled, restricted



another word for paroxysm




DNA is self-replicating, RNA is

copied from the DNA so it is not self-replicating








crowd of people



another word for panacea






4 nitrogenous bases

cytosine, guanine, thymine, adenine.























The abbreviation DT on a patient chart

delirium tremens (alcohol consumption)

one muscle in the shoulder is


To censure something is to

denounce it











A treatment that is detrimental is








N.B. ATP is also a nucleotide, with ribose as the pentose sugar

differences between RNA and DNA




diplomatic, polite
















dishonor, disgrace




displaying wealth









another word for deluge



dried up





Apply the gel on the gingival margin













elusive, sly, ambiguous

medicine to induce vomiting












A&P prefixes

epi- on/upon hyper-over hypo-under intra- within para- beside per-through peri- surrounding sub- under
































expected outcome


expecting a child







frontal (coronal) plane

extends vertically, but it is perpendicular to the sagittal plane and divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions.




extremely dry

the patient is lying prone next to the monitor

face down






farther from the body surface




fearless, adventurous

the outer bone in the lower leg is








plastic mean



flushed, ornate


follow an example


follower of customs














friendly, helpful

anterior refers to which part of the human body


ventral refers to which part of the body




Something that is viscous is thick and sticky



getting worse
















guilt diminishing




















high praise


high spirited


higher/lower levels will trigger the body to increase breathing rate to dispose of this excess carbon dioxide.






honesty, decency


















improve, augment

If a patient condition is upgraded, he is

improving in status


impulsive action












indirect, roundabout















another word for paltry







instinctive, untaught






















irritation, frustration

a restricted diet

is limited


joining of parts


joy, exultation

formula of momentum

kg x m/sec (product of velocity and mass)


lacking in depth

The voice box






Unit conversions

length- inch/foot/yard/mile OR meter mass-ouce/pound/ton OR gram volume- cup/pint/quart/gallon OR liter force- pound-force OR newton pressure- pound-force per sq.in OR pascal work & energy- cal/British thermal unit OR kelvin temperature- Fahrenheit OR kelvin charge- faraday OR coulomb






light then passes through the ___s (the colored portion of the eye).






long life




made worse


make susceptible

the jawbone maybe called the


yard stick

measures no longer than 1 yard, 3 feet, or 36 inches



Asexual reproduction:

method of reproducing from one parent by means of mitosis.






momentary, fleeting


more than enough



HPV is likely to involve the

mucous membrane

nonspecific defenses

nonspecific/specific defense mechanisms occur the same way every time, regardless of the type or number of pathogens that are present.

An overt symptom is


This is a disease that is likely to recur in a patient's progeny



on opposite sides of the body


on the same side of the body




ordinary, common








overused, cliched

Acid-base balance:

pH of blood is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45.




parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction

what is the best description for selected plants

particular plants

transverse (horizontal) plane

passes across the body or an organ perpendicular to its long axis. Divides body or organ into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions.

sagittal plane

passes vertically through the body or an organ and divides it into right and left portions (but not into equal halves)






persistent, resolute


persuader of legislator


pertaining to beauty


phony, false


pleasure seeker

another word for toxin



pompous, self-important






profound respect


provisional, contingent




quick to recover


rabble-rousing leader


rash, impulsive


read thoroughly




related to nourishment


respectable due to age

What is another word for deferentially






simple epithelium

s_____ epithelium contains one layer of cells, and is found in body structures where absorption, secretion, and filtration occur.

stratified epithelium

s_______ epithelium has more than one layer of cells and serves as protection.

median (midsagittal) plane

sagittal plane that divides the body or organ into equal halves



another word for cicatrix



secret, stealthy




sharing of feeling


short account of event


short-lived, as an image


shorten, abridge

DNA is double stranded while RNA is

single stranded

DNA is very long (billions of bases); RNA is

smaller (hundreds to thousands of bases)

palliative care




What is the central nervous system is made up of?

spinal cord;brain


state of being renewed


straying from main point





A blood vessel that is distended is



sympathy, mercy


talented beyond one's age


temporary, fleeting

units of measure

tera- T- 1,000,000,000,000 (12) giga-G- 1,000,000,000 (9) mega-M- 1,000,000 (6) kilo- k- 1,000 hecto- h- 100 deca- da- 10 ----base unit----- deci- d- 0.1 centi-c- 0.01 milli- m- 0.001 micro- u- .0000001 (6) nano- n- .0000000001 (9) pico- p- .0000000000001 (12)

another word for gonads might be the



the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number. For example, 1000 to base 10 is 3.

DNA contains the pentose sugar deoxyribose; RNA contains

the pentose sugar ribose

a recall policy in pharmaceuticals

the withdrawal of products


theory requiring proof

When directions are convoluted, what is wrong with them?

they are confusing




tiring, weakening


to attribute to someone


to clear from blame


to criticize harshly


to delay unnecessarily


to end an activity


to observe carefully


to regard with scorn


to settle differences


to verify, confirm


to work together

Contact dermatitis occurs through the sense of



toward the back* or spine


toward the dorsal side*


toward the forehead or nose


toward the front* or belly


toward the head or superior end


toward the median plane


toward the tail or inferior end


toward the ventral side*




trust among friends

A sore with disintegration of tissue might be called



unable to work together


unavoidable, certain

another word for asymmetric








The crystalline compound that is a product of protein metabolism is known as



variant, moving apart

Pulse, temperature, and respiration are

vital signs


watchful, alert


wealth, success








wise, careful cautious


withdrawn, hermit-like

|n| = n when is it a positive number |n| = -(n) when n is a negative number

|n| = n when when n is a negative/positive number |n| = -(n) when when n is a negative/positive number

|x - n| = x - n when x - n is positive |x - n| = -(x - n) when x - n is negative

|x - n| = x - n when x - n is positive/negative |x - n| = -(x - n) when x - n is positive/negative

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