Tech 6

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Consisting of a network of 500 sensors used to collect data to improve quality of life, The Array-of-Things in the city of ___ feeds data such as pollution levels and traffic patterns to an open site on the Internet.


James Bond used to carry a secret spy camera. That would not be necessary if he wears the new contact lenses being developed by ______. They can record and play video as well as take photos.


Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) enables Internet-connected coffee makers to order filters from ___ when supplies are running low.


Isn't it annoying when your printer runs out of ink? With Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) your printer would automatically order cartridges from _____ when it is running low.


The amount of time taken by data to travel from devices to a data center and back is called __________.


The algorithms used in Investigating Technology were developed to assist medical students and doctors to prepare for board exams. This technology is called adaptive _____


The field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed is called ___.

machine learning

An electronic element that stores data by changing its resistance based on the current that has passed through it (similar to RRAM) is called a(n) ___.


An electronic element that stores data by changing its resistance based on the current that has passed through it (similar to RRAM) is called a(n) ______


Replacement body parts that interact with a person's nervous system is a technology called ___


Using replacement body parts that interact with a person's nervous system is a technology called ___.


Machine learning that utilizes the power of information technology, geospatial technologies, and evidence-based intervention models to reduce crime and improve public safety is called _____ policing.


A qubit is a basic unit of information that is similar to the 0s and 1s (bits) that represent transistors in today's computers. Using qubits in processors and memory is called ___ computing.


Using atoms to create binary digits (bits) to replace transistors in processors and memory is the basis of _____ computing.


Though this city (and its state) may be going through significant financial challenges, Chicago is implementing a system of 500 sensors to serve as a "fitness monitor" for the city. This network is called the:

Array of Things

Using refracted laser light to store data on a photoreceptive substrate is essentially how ___ storage works. Theoretically this could store gigabytes of data within a cubic millimeter


Using refracted laser light to store data on a photoreceptive substrate is essentially how ___ storage works. Theoretically, this could store gigabytes of data within a cubic millimeter.


Facebook's Building 8 is an innovation-driven business unit that is working on a Brain- _____Interface.


To assist patients with diabetes to monitor their glucose levels, Google and Novartis International Global Healthcare Company teamed up to create a smart_____ lens.


It will be even more difficult to know if students are paying attention when they are wearing the ___ that Sony is developing. They play and record video!

contact lenses

In its Building 8 labs, Facebook has been developing a technology that may one day allow deaf people to hear through their _____


Because it has no motor and is made from cardboard, the _____ is a lower cost and disposable delivery option.


Named for the man in Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun, the ___ drone can deliver urgent medical supplies to remote areas.


Self-driving trucks may soon be a common sight on interstate highways thanks to pulsed laser technology known as:


An electronic element that stores data by changing its resistance based on the current that has passed through it (similar to RRAM) is called a(n) ____


A big problem when travelling is not being able to converse in a foreign language. To address this issue, Waverly Labs developed ___, a smart earpiece that links by Bluetooth to a translation app.


Google Advanced Technology and _____ (ATAP) is an in-house technology incubator.


Executives rely on:

decision support

A refracted laser beam striking a photoreceptor from many different angles allows ___


5G cellular technology offers the promise of download speeds as high as 20 Gbps. This will likely require more antenna arrays with each antenna sending out ___ microwave signals.


Bitcoin, Etherium, and LiteCoin all use blockchain algorithms to control quantity and verify the validity of transactions. They are referred to as ___.


Taryn Southern released an album called I AM AI after having composed and produced the music using artificial intelligence algorithms with a program called ___.


With billions of IoT devices installed at disparate geographies and operating at the Edge, from autonomous cars and drones to door openers, air-conditioning units, and refrigerators, a major challenge for designers of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is that there is too ____


Which of the following are the concepts behind adaptive learning?

1. Adaptive learning platforms provide a unique learning experience for each student. 2. Adaptive learning platforms use questions and algorithms to ensure students are provided with needed information.

Which of the following three are examples of cryptocurrency?

1. Bitcoin 2. Litecoin 3. Ethereum

Which of the following statements are true about medical robotic checkups?

1. Can be used to perform routine checkups and to access health records 2. May help to reduce healthcare costs 3. InTouch Health manufactures medical robots

Which of the following statements are true about Nanorobots?

1. Can build and manipulate things precisely where components are at a scale of a nanometer 2. Have the capacity to carry medication or miniature tools 3. Used to constantly monitor our bodies for maladies and other symptoms

Which of the following statements are true about Digital Twin technology?

1. It is a dynamic software representation of a piece of equipment or system that emulates the original operational behavior. 2. It contains smart components that use sensors to gather data about real-time status and working conditions. 3. The components are connected to a Cloud-based system that receives and processes all the data monitored by the sensors.

Which of the following are true about predictive policing?

1. It is a type of machine learning that utilizes the power of information technology. 2. It allows law enforcement to predict and react to crimes. 3. It can also help to predict conditions in the financial markets.

Which of the following statements are true about Google's health-tracking wristband?

1. Measure a variety of inputs including heart rhythm, pulse, and skin temperature 2. Are intended to be a medical device prescribed to patients or used for clinical trials 3. Are designed to change the relationship between physicians and patients with real-time diagnostics

The Google X health-tracking wristband is designed to measure which of the following?

1. Pulse 2. Heart rhythm

Machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Which of the following three are categories of machine learning?

1. Reinforced 2. Unsupervised 3. Supervised

Which of the following are true about Project Soli, the new touchless sensing interactive technology being developed ATAP?

1. The Soli chip will be embedded in wearables, phones, computers, cars, and IoT devices. 2. ATAP envisions a future in which the human hand becomes a universal input device for interacting with technology. 3. Project Soli is a microchip that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions.

Which of the following statements are true about the Brain-Computer Interface?

1. The goal is for the system to allow humans to type even faster than with their physical hands. 2. It uses optical imaging to scan your brain one hundred times per second to detect how you are speaking silently in your head. 3. It allows for the user to communicate with a computer using only thoughts.

Which of the following are true about license plate reading cameras?

1. They can be affixed onto police cruisers, utility poles, or on freeway overpasses. 2. They give law enforcement officers a quick and effective way to track and find stolen vehicles. 3. They work in both daytime and nighttime conditions.

Which of the following are true about 3D crime scene imaging cameras?

1. Using 3D scanning forensic scientists can analyze line of sight, blood spatter, and bullet trajectories. 2. 3D forensic technology replicates the entire crime scene before it is altered. 3. These cameras allow law enforcement officers to verify witness testimony or evaluate plausible hypotheses.

select what's true about predictive policing

1. can also help to predict condition in financial markets 2. advanced anayltics are monitored to allows law enforcement to predict and react to crimes 3. a type of machine learning that utilizes the power of info tech

Select three translation devices.

1. ili by Logbar 2. One2One by Lingmo 3. Pilot by Waverly Labs

Considerations must be made in order to successfully integrate the usage of business intelligence systems in a company. These considerations include:

1. the system must be accepted and utilized by the users in order for it to add value to the organization. 3. if the system does not add value to the users' mission, they simply would not use it. 2. success can be improved by involving senior management to help make BI a part of the organizational culture.

License plate cameras can capture up to __________ license plates per minute.


More cellular antenna arrays with each antenna sending out weaker microwave signals will most likely be a key factor in the creation of _____ cellular networks.


More cellular antenna arrays with each antenna sending out weaker microwave signals will most likely be a key factor in the creation of ____ cellular networks.


When talking about business decision making, the acronym BDA stands for _____.

Big Data Analytics

A gene editing technique called ___ may one day provide a cure for cancer.


A technology called ___ may change the way doctors treat HIV, cancer, and antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.


AviCenna is smart software being developed by IBM that will be used to assist radiologists with interpreting medical images such as ___.

CT scans

Magenta, currently in development, uses artificial intelligence algorithms to create music through inputs such as stories, colors, and feelings. Magenta is being developed by programmers at ___.


Rather than replace surgeons, the magnified 3D high-definition vision system and tiny wristed instruments are used to operate the _____ robot.


One of Google's companies that is investigating AI and Machine Learning is called __________.


_____ Twin technology, smart components that use sensors gather data about real-time status, working conditions, or positions and are integrated with a physical item. The components are connected to a Cloud-based system that receives and processes all the data monitored by the sensors.


An example of software that has antiplagiarism features as well as grammar checking is ___.


A major challenge facing software designers and database managers involved with ERP is that, with the Internet of Things, the amount of ___ becomes unmanageable.


With the advent of the Internet-of-Things, more and more devices are connected to the Cloud. To increase the transmission speeds between Internet-enabled devices and the Cloud, servers are placed between the primary Cloud servers and the users and portions of the Cloud services are downloaded onto these servers. This is called _____ computing.


_____ is exploring language learning through feel, where the deaf can hear through their skin. Prototypes let skin mimic the ear's cochlea to translate sound into specific frequencies for the brain.


Developed and designed to help teams collaborate globally in real-time, Canvus Connect collaboration software makes it possible for remote users to share, draw, manipulate, and input information on a single board. It was developed by __________.


_____ Robot is a machine that can build and precisely manipulate things whose components are of a nanometer scale. These machines detect diseases and can repair or manipulate damaged cells, potentially providing humans with longer lifespans.


The May-June 2017 cyberattack, known as the WannaCry ransomware attack, struck hospitals in England particularly hard. British security agencies claim this attack originated in:

North Korea

Because of the significant information it can reveal about the electorate, ___ mining has become increasingly important to campaign managers.


3D scanners and crime scene imaging reduce the risk of losing valuable evidence and give law enforcement a 3D assessment of a crime scene.


Because the Internet makes it easy to plagairize, many colleges and universities purchase antipagiarism software such as:


Because so much information regarding voters' political attitudes is available online, campaign managers increasingly rely on:

data mining

Learning platforms that use algorithms to adjust the content that each student sees in order to maximize learning efficiency is called ___ learning.


Dash replenishment service enables internet-connected coffee makers to order filters from ___ when supplies are running low.


Machine learning—the ability of computers to learn without being programmed. This is a major challenge being addressed by:

artificial intelligence

Natural language processing is when computers can understand human speech exactly as it is spoken. This is a major challenge being addressed by ___.

artificial intelligence (AI)

In May 2017 the WannaCry ransomware attack struck British hospitals particularly hard. This was a type of cyberattack and shows how a nation with less military strength can level the field using technology. This is an example of ___ warfare.


Allowing people to share a digital ledger across a network of computers, ___ uses computer code to create concatenated (linked together) blocks of transactions.


Serving as the technology behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin ____ provides a level playing field for all users.


A technology that allows scientists to test drugs quickly and without the use of animals or humans is referred to as organ on a _____ (OOC).


Hepregen, a company originating at MIT, received a large donation to develop a device that mimics a liver. This technology is called an organ on a ___.


Working with others by using Internet-accessible services such as Software As a Service (SAAS) and shared data storage sites is called ___collaboration.


Google and Novartis International Global Healthcare Company teamed up to create a smart contact lens that can help patients with ___.


To increase Internet transmission speeds and decrease latency (delays), intermediate Internet servers are placed between users and Cloud servers. Portions of the Cloud service are downloaded onto the intermediate servers. This is known as ___ computing.


When referring to business information systems, ERP stands for _____ resource planning.


When referring to business information systems, ERP stands for ___________ resource planning.


Have you ever misplaced your purse or wallet? This may be a thing of the past since some companies are developing personal identification purchasing capability using ___ software.

facial recognition

Who has not suffered the embarrassment of a misplaced debit card? Some companies allow consumers in China to make purchases without cards or cash. The system uses:

facial recognition

A new technology being developed by Fluid Interfaces at MIT enables the blind to access standard text. It uses a camera that is mounted to the user's ___


Fluid Interfaces developed a device that assists the blind to access printed text. The device has a camera that scans text and then reads the text to the user. The device is worn on the user's ___.


Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeatsis (CRISPR) uses bacteria's immune systems to allow scientists to edit individual ____


Engineers at MIT have designed a photonic crystal that works in conjunction with solar cells to double their efficiency. These crystals convert _____ into energy


Under development at MIT, photonic crystals allow solar panels to be twice as efficient by absorbing and converting the sun's ___.


AviCenna, developed by IBM, is smart software that is able to review medical images such as CT scans. If it reaches its potential, there might not be as great a need for:


With the advancements in robotic technologies, a scheduled appointment with a human physician may become a thing of the past. Using medical ______ systems, physicians are able to perform routine checkups and access their patients' health records and status without direct interaction. 


Pulsed laser technology called LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to detect and monitor the environment is an integral part of ___.

self-driving trucks

Currently apps that run on the Cloud are __________ as compared to apps that run on local machines. Edge computing is a method of optimizing cloud computing systems by performing data processing at the edge of the network, near the source of the data and it is possible that cloud computing may take a back seat to edge computing


While every election has its losers, one big winner in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was ___ media.


While every election has its losers, one big winner in the 2016 u.s. presidential election was ____ media.


Until recent elections, candidates were largely dependent on news agencies to deliver their messages to the electorate. Thanks to ___ candidates can now instantly and frequently transmit messages directly to voters.

social media

Featuring a magnified three-dimensional (3D) high-definition vision system and tiny instruments that bend and rotate far greater than the human hand, the Da Vinci machine can actually perform ____


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