Terrorism Exam One

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On November 5, 2009, U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on a shooting spree at __________, killing thirteen people

Fort Hood, TX

______________ was thrown out of the communist party for opposing Stalin and was assassinated by communist agents in Mexico City in 1940

Leon Trotsky

One of the first criminal justice scholars to study media contagion was _______

M. Cherif Bassiouni


The ruling family of Brandenburg and Prussia that ruled a united Germany from 1871 to 1914.

Reporting frame

The simplest form of a news frame. It is a quick, fact-driven report that summarizes the latest information about a story. It does not need to contain a beginning or an end, and it assumes that the consumer understands the context of the facts.

Social Geometry

The social space occupied by a structure and the direction in which it moves


The subjective interpretation people give to events or physical objects. These are developed by individuals and groups, and different meanings can be attributred to the same event or physical object because the definitions are always influenced by interpretation. Social scientists in this tradition believe that these cause actions

Terrorist organizations can be modeled mathematically and projected by computer simulations


Terrorists use the internet for target selection


The National Strategy for Combating Terrorism endorses investigation into terrorist organization finances, targeting the source of funding, and the mechanisms to transfer money


The definition of terrorism fluctuates according to the interests of the group defining the term


The french revolution was much more violent than the American revolution


An estimated ninety percent of the weapons used by the cartels are purchased in _________

United States

The purpose of a __________ is to assemble words and pictures to create a pattern surrounding an event

news frame

Karl Marx

1818-1883. Was the founder of communism. He believed that social structure is arranged by the material circumstances surrounding existence. Wanted gvt to stop exploiting the lower class


1809-1865. He was an advocate for modern anarchism. He was not a man of violence, wanted extension of democracy to all classes by eliminating property of government. Believed that the government was evil

The French Revolution

1789-1799. Based on the same Enlightenment principles as the American Revolution, but way more deadly. Nobles and Clergy paid no taxes but workers, middle class, and poor did. King Louis XVI called an assembly of Notables of the Estates General to raise taxes. The Estates General gave way to national Assembly, which dissolved and formed an assembly to create a new gvt in 1791. Europe declared war on this country to stop revolution.

American revolution

1775-1783 War began when colonists clashed with British soldiers in Lexington Massachusetts and later in concord. Independence was gained in 1776. Continental gvt became allies with France, Spain, and Netherlands. October 1781 a major British force surrendered in Yorktown, VA.

Vladimir Putin

1952. A former KGB officer and second president of the Russian Federation from 1999 to 2008. He began serving as Russia's prime minister after the end of his presidential term

Carlos Marighella

A Brazilian communist legislator and revolutionary theorist. Popularized urban terrorism as a method for ending repression and eliminating U.S. domination of Latin America. He was killed in a police ambush in Sao Paulo in 1969

Who said the word terrorism first and what did it refer to

A British political philosopher in 18th century used it to describe the situation in revolutionary Paris

Leon Trotsky

A Russian revolutionary who led foreign affairs in Stalin's government and later became the commander of the Red Army. He espoused terrorism as a means for spreading White revolution. He was thrown out of the communist party for opposing Stalin and was assassinated by communist agents in Mexico City in 1940

Which of the following statements would Proudhon likely disagree

A centralized government is a necessary evil


A common global economic network, ideally uniting the world through production and international trade. Proponents believe it will create wealth. Critics believe it creates corporate wealth and increases distance between rich and poor

Academic consensus

A complex definition based on the work of Alex Schmid. It combines common elements of the definitions used by leading scholars in the field of terrorism


A controversial term that links drugs to terrorism in one of two ways: Either drug profits are used to finance terrorism or drug gangs use terrorism to control production and distribution networks.


A group that shelters, supports, and inspires smaller terrorist groups. The RAND Corporation refers to this as a hub.

Freedom of information act

A law ensuring access to governmental records

Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE)

A method for converting illegal profits in US currency to Columbian pesos in an effort to hide the illegal funds. Terrorists have frequently used the system, although they launder less money than organized crime or drug networks

Shell state

A political situation where a government nominally controls its own state but where large regions are either anarchic or under the control of others. A government is unable to enforce law or provide for other forms of social order in this


A practical criminological process designed to identify the behavioral attributes of certain types of criminals.

Infotainment Telesector

A sarcastic term to describe cable news networks. It refers to news organizations producing stories to entertain their audiences under the guise of presenting objective information.

Hawala system

A system of exchanging money based on trust relationships between money dealers. A chit, or promissory note, is exchanged between two Hawaladars, and it is as valuable as cash or other traded commodities because the trust between the two parties guarantees its value.


A term used by Carlos Marighella for armed robbery.

Capone discovery

A term used by James Adams to explain the Irish Republican Army's entry into organized crime.

New economy of terrorism

A term used by Loretta Napoleoni to describe the evolution of terrorist financing from the beginning strategies of the cold war to the present. Economic support and antiterrorist policies interact to form the new economy.

Selective Terrorism

A term used by Michael Collins during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). Collins did not launch indiscriminate terror attacks. Rather, he selectively targeted the British Military, and the police who supported the United Kingdom.

Cuban Guerrilla war

A three-step process as described by Che Guevara: (1) Revolutionaries join the indigenous population to form guerrilla foco, as Guevara called them; (2) small forces form columns and control rural areas; and (3) columns unite for a conventional offensive to overthrow government.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

According to a federal indictment, he smuggled a chemical bomb and chemical igniter in a syringe onto a northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on december 25th 2009. He was born into a family that practiced islam but became radicalized while attending school in the UK. He was trained by terrorists in Yemen, who supplied the explosive compound

What did the word terrorism first mean

Actions against the government

What did 19th century terrorism describe

Actions of revolutionaries

Karl Heinzen

Advocated for political murder and wrote Freheit (freedom)

Following the 2002 takeover of a moscow theater by Chechen terrorists, the chechens delivered a prepackaged video tape to the ________ television network

Al Jazeera

Which of the following statements might NOT be popular among the philosphers during this period

All writings are to be subjected to censorship by Church and State


An 18th century intellectual movement following the scientific revolution. Also called the age of reason, it was characterized by rational thought and the belief that all activities could be explained.

James W von Brunn

An American white supremacist and anti-Semite. He entered the Holocaust Museum on June 10, 2009, and began shooting. He killed a security officer before he was wounded and subdued. He died in federal custody while awaiting trial.

Omar Hammami

An american leader of Al shaabab, under the name of Abu Mansoor al-Amriki

Nidal Malik Hasan

An american soldier of Palestinian descent. He was an Army psychiatrist who apparently White became self radicalized, embracing militant islam. He went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5th 2009, killing 13 people and wounding almost three dozen others. He was wounded, arrested, and charged with several counts of murder.

Failed state

An area outside a government's control. Failed states operate under differing warlords, criminal groups, or competing governments.

Estates General

An assembly in prerevolutionary france consisting of all but the lowest class. This had not been called since 1614, but Louis XVI assembled them in 1789 in response to demands from the Assembly of Notables, who had called to address the financial problems of France. Radical elements in this revolted and the disruption led to the French Revolution


An illustration of the way terrorists organize themselves into hierarchies. It is an analogy showing a large base of support, culminating in a small group of terrorists at the top.

Al Jazeera

An international Arabic television network.

Forensic accounting

An investigative tool used to track money used in illegal activities. It can be used in any crime involving the exchange, storage, or conversion of fiscal resources.

Routes to terrorism

As used by John Horgan, refers to the psychological and social factors that motivate people to join and remain in terrorist groups.


As used in this context, refers to the psychological process of adopting extremist positions.

al Aqsa Intifiada

An uprising sparked by Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount with a group of armed escorts in September 2000. The area is considered sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Muslims were incensed by the militant aspect of Sharon's visit.

What is Al Qaeda's underground video network

As Sahaab

Committee of Public Safety

Assembled bu Maximilien Robspierre (1758-1794) to conduct the war against invading monarchal powers, it evolved into the executive body of France. This inciated the Reign of Terror

Virtual organizations

Associations that develop through communication, financial, and ideological links. Like a network, a virtual organization has no central leadership.

Theory of Action

Assumes human beings take action based on the subjective meanings they attribute to social settings


Basic unit of a traditional terrorist organization. Groups of cells form colums. Members in different cells seldom know one another. In more recent terrorist structures, describes a tactical group dispatched by the network for selected operations.


Believe that media is spreading incorrect information about terrorism. There are 22 misconceptions about terrorism accepted as truth by many news outlets. These myths come from a variety of sources, including honest mistakes in reporting, American and foreign gov disinformation, and contrived leaks.


Believed in radical Islam and attacked fellow soldiers for global jihad against the west


Believed that human cooperation would dominate the final period of human existence. Advocated for no violence. Cooperation (tribe mentality of mutual aid and altruism) and authoritationism (arrange themselves in hierarchies and give authority to their leaders)

F. Gregory Gause III

Believed that terrorist attacks occur more frequently in democracies than in countries with any other form of gvt

Naco's study

Believes that media ignores domestic security issues, which is dangerous for the country. She surveyed many news stations after 9/11 and found that the stories that were told were focused on foreign threats rather than domestic threats, in majority.

H.H.A. Cooper

Believes there is a problem in the problem defintion. We can all agree that terrorism is a problem, but we cannot agree on what terrorism is

The Triborder region referred to in the text is where these three countries join

Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina

The minimanual of the urban guerrilla was written by

Carlos Marighella

__________ involve small groups linked by some type of communication where members periodically cooperate

Chain organizations

____________ involve small groups linked by some type of communication and whose members cooperate

Chain organizations

Three strains of radical democrats

Communists, socialists, and anarchists

A group of armed and dangerous teenagers are returning home late at night and come across several seemingly unoccupied homes. They enter one home and before taking numerous valuable, spray paint racial slurs on the walls. The suspects would most accurately be classed as a(n) __________



Describing the belief that modernism has ended; that is, some events are inexplicable, and some organizations and actions are naturally and socially chaotic and defy explanation. This news frame leaves the consumer thinking there are many possible conclusions.

Guerrilla warfare

Did NOT originate in Spain


Divergent regional militias and use selective terrorism to support guerrilla operations

Stephen Ulph (2006) sees terrorists increasingly using internet searches to find _______ targets


National Convention

Elected in 1792, it broke from the Estates General and called for a constitutional assembly. The white convention served as the major legislative body of France until it was replaced by the Directory in 1795.

Sonia Liff and Anne Sofie Laegren state that cybercafes ________ because they make communication untracable

Enhance the internets striking power

The main objective of most European middle-class democrats from approximately 1815 to 1848 was to obtain constitutions to

Ensure liberty

According to Barber, what is the largest overriding factor through which the media flourishes


Investigative frames

Exposing corrupt or illegal behavior

According to Ted Robert Gurr, group size is not an important issue for a terrorist organization


Al Jazeera is Lebanons national television network


Alienation is the process that changes a person's socially acceptable behavior into terrorism.


Counterterrorist researchers from the combating Terrorism Center at West point find that literature from violent extremists rarely reveals important information about their organizations and strategies


Guerilla warfare originated in Spain


It is not necessary for terrorists groups to be isolated from mainstream society for social acceptance to work


Luckily for counterterrortist forces, terrorists do not comprehend the power of the Internet


Terrorism came into existence during the American revolution


Terrorism is considered a violation of law in all nations


The most basic type of terrorist subunit is called a column


Mexican drug cartels have established operations in 48 American States


Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Fidel Castro's assistant and guerrilla warfare theorist. Guevara advocated guerrilla revolutions throughout Latin America after success in the Cuban Revolution. He was killed in Bolivia in 1967 while trying to form a guerrilla army.

The ______ aspects of terrorism have had the greatest influence upon the changing nature of the international economy


The harnessing of media power by hezzbollah in the case above is an example a ________ multiplier


Al Shabaab (Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahadeen, the youth and movement)

Formed as a militant wing of a federation of islamic courts in Somalia in 2006. Its senior leadership is affliated with al queda

Chaplains outside of the prison system who spread literature and preach radicalization are referred to as _______

Free-World Converters

During the Napoleonic wars the word terrorism did what transition

From goverment repression to citizens acting against government

Who were the leading forces of the cuban revolution

Fulgencio Batista and Fidel Castro


Happens when an individual or group becomes lost in the dominant social world. This happens to people when they are separated from the dominant values of society at large

Al manar

Hezbollah's television network

Longitudinal studies

In social science, these studies involve examinations of the same subjects over long periods of time

When was the word terrorism first used

In the French Revolution

Al Qaeda

International terrorist group, violent interpretation of 20th century militant Egyptian theologian

Most of Hezbollah's funds come from state funding, with __________ acting as the principal sponsor


Paul Wilkinson says there are three choices

Laissez faire attitude, censorship, and media self regulation

Counterterrorist researches from combating terrorism center at west point that _______ from violent extremists frequently reveals important information about their organizations and strategies


It can be argued that religion often helps to produce the ______, a person striking out with an ideology but no group

Lone wolf avenger

During the Enlightenment, Europeans masses sought to increase the political power of the _______ classes


Analyst H.H.A. Cooper was the first to terrorist acts as, ___________ dramas

Made for TV

_________ is the social construct providing defintional boundaries for a particular social meaning

Meaning framework

Terrorist recognize the power of ______ as a weapon


Most democrats in Europe during the early 1800s believed in

Middle class democracy

________ has changed the face of terrorism by shrinking distances and providing weapons

Modern Technology

Which of the following activities are terrorist organizations LEAST likely to pursue to finance its operations

Money Laundering

According to Thussu, the _________ circulated by television news shape the worldview of consumers


Reporting patterns are packaged segments called

News frames

What creates a narrative for a deadly drama

News frames

The term _____ refers to terrorists using either terrorist tactics to support drug operations or drug trade profits to finance terrorism


Blueprints of a main water supply plant and several gallons of toxic chemicals are discovered in a university dorm

National Government

_______ refers to one network fighting another network



One network fighting another network.

Cesare Beccaria

One of the founders of criminology, wrote Of Crimes Of Punishments, is the classical Enlightenment study of the discipline


Organizations of groups, supplies, weapons, and any structure that supports an operation. Much like a traffic system or the world wide web, these do not have central leadership and they operate under a variety of rules.

The term anarchists

Originated several hundred years earlier when Greek philosophers spoke of eliminating gvts. They were concerned with distribution of wealth and they scared upper class

Psychologist Clark McCauley sees four types of personalities: revolutionaries drawn to a cause, people who wander among terrorist groups, people who have a sudden conversion experience, and people who are attracted by _______


Johnny Ryan (2007) posits that radicalization is the result of "Four Ps:" persecution, precedent, piety, and ________.


French Revolution did what

Power was transferred between classes

Terrorists selected targets for maximum ________.


Historically, the violence in Ireland has been largely intertwined with conflict between these two religions

Protestantism and Catholicism


Radical democrats who sought wealth equality in capitalist societies. Some socialists sought governmental guarantees of living standards. Others believed that the state should control industry and divide profits among all members of society. Others believed that people would form cooperative relationships on their own with no need of a government

Tribal areas

Refers to Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan by the Afghan border. Seven areas of Pashtu tribes have control of the region by agreement with the central government.


Refers to God bringing creation to an end. God comes back, end time theology


Refers to embedding a hidden encoded message on an Internet site.

Made-for-Tv dramas

Refers to news stories that will keep viewers attention. H.H.A. Cooper was among the first analysts to recognize the drama that terrorism presented for television

Embeded reporters

Refers to people who are placed into military units during a combat operation to get info

Copy cats

Refers to people who immitate other criminals after viewing, hearing, or reading a story about a crime. Copy the methods and targets of another criminal

News media

Refers to television, radio, and print journalism. It also refers to newer sources on the internet. Including news reporting services, the blogsphere, website pages, and broad propaganda broadcasts


Refers to the process of adopting extremist positions and engaging in violence based on a new set of beliefs

Collective interest frame

Reinforce common values

According to John Horgan, ______ refers to the psychological and social factors that motivate people to join and remain in terrorist groups

Routes to terrorism


Russian Army joined the workers


Separated from Proudhon in 1880, this split caused violence. Called for worker control of industry and a strong, centralized dictatorship.

Although there are many approaches to the study of social explanations of group behavior, two schools of thought dominate the scholarly literature on terrorism. One group tends to focus on the meaning of activity, and the other school looks at the ______

Structure of Action

Terrorists may select targets of opportunity, but the target has a primarily ______ value.


Chain organizations

Temporary associations of diverse groups. Groups in a chain come together for a particular operation and disband after it is over.

North American cars, especially SUVs, are attractive to ________ because they can be heavily packed with explosives and have a high cash value ($100,000+).


Radical Democrats became known as what

Terrorists because they hoped to achieve social revolution by terrorizing the capitalists class and its supporters

Spain in 1807

The Peninsula War (1808-1814), which began when Spanish and French forces divided Portugal in 1807, Napoleon, whose army entered Spain in 1807, attempted to use his forces to capture the Spanish throne in 1808. British forces under Sir Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, joined Spanish forces loyal to the King of Spain and Spanish partisans to fight the French.

Vladimir Lenin

The Russian revolutionary who led a second revolution in October, bringing the communists to power. He led the communists in a civil war and set up a dictatorship to enforce communist rule in russia

The taliban is also referred to as

The Students

Triborder region

The area where Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina join. The major city is Cuidad del Este.

Supreme Council of the IRB

The command center of several Republican terrorist organizations, including the Irish Republican Army, the Official Irish Republican Army, and the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The name was transposed from the Irish Republican Brotherhood.

Who were called terrorists by French nobles, their families, and their sypathizers

The committee of Public Safety because the French gvt did tens of thousands of illegal executions

Nations change approach to combating terrorism (Law Enforcement and defense) based on

The definition of terrorism

Meaning framework

The definitional boundaries for a particular social meaning. Individuals and groups create boundaries around their experiences and perceptions, and they define issues within them. These are the social boundaries surrounding those definitions. Juergensmeyer sees the clash between modern values and traditional culture as one of the reasons for terrorism. Religious terrorists look at the modern world and reject it. This world is evil, in this ___, of religious terrorists, and they refuse to accept the boundaries of the secular modern world.

Joseph Stalin

The dictator who succeeded Lenin. He solidified communist control of Russia through a secret - Police organization. He purged the government of all suspected opponents in the 1930's, killing thousands of people

Social Context

The historical, political, and criminological circumstances at a given point in time. It affects the way terrorism is defined

Structural framework

The idea that social constructs are based on systems that provide order. The systems are social structures that accomplish functions necessary to survive. Human activity occurs to accomplish the functions required to maintain the social structure of the system.

According to Ross, terrorists will increasingly use ________ to communicate as the relationship between the media and terrorism grows stronger in the future

The internet

Workers Councils (or Soviets)

The lowest-level legislative body in the Soviet Union following the October Revolution. Soviet is the Russian word for "council."


The manner in which a group is organized and its purpose. Social scientists from this tradition feel that a group structure and purpose cause it to act. They also believe that groups are created for specific functions


The middle class in marxist terminology refers to merchants, tradespeople, artisans, and other nonpeasants excluded from the upper class in medieval Europe. Marx called the European Democracies after the French Revolution (these people) governments, and he advocated a democracy dominated by workers

Free State

The name given to newly formed Republic of Ireland After Irish independence

Reign of Terror

The name given to the repressive period in France, 1794-1795. The revolutionary government accused thousands of French nobles and clergy of plotting to restore the monarchy. Executions began in Paris and spread throughout the countryside. Large mobs attacked and terrorized nobles in rural areas. Summary executions (executions on the spot without trial) were quite common


The points in a system where critical components are stored and transferred. The importance is determined by its relationship to the network

Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)

The police force established by the United Kingdom in Ireland. It was modeled after the London Metropolitan Police, but it represented British interests. After the Free state was formed, this became the Royal Ulster Constabulary. In turn, the Royal Ulster Constabulary gave way to the Police Service of Northern Ireland as part of the Irish and British attempts to bring peace to Northern Ireland after 1995

Sinn Fein

The political party of Irish Republicans. Critics claim it represents terrorists. Republicans say it represents their political interests. Despite the debate, Sinn Fein historically has close connections with extremism and violence


The ruling family of Austria (1282-1918), the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Holy roman empire. Another branch of the family ruled in spain.

Critical media consciousness

The public's understanding of the media and the way stories are presented. A critically conscious audience would not simply accept a story presented in a news frame. It would look for the motives for telling the story, how the story affected social constructs and actions, and hidden details that could cause the story to be told in another way.

The violence of the French Revolutionary period is colloquially known as

The reign of terror

When period did the term terrorism appear

The reign of terror

Social Construct

The way people view reality. Groups construct a framework around a concept, defining various aspects of their lives through the meanings they attribute to the construct.

What happened during the Enlightenment

Theology, Isreal say, lost its monopoly on providing answers to all human questions. Outram said that it meant changes in political power, international intellectual movement, and brought an increase in demand for democracy

_______ is a social science theory based on the assumption that human beings take action based on the subjective meanings they attribute to social settings

Theory of action

Why does this situation present special challenges for counterterrorism efforts

There is no way to trace the flow of funds

Violent Anarchism

This did not occur until after the 1848 revolutions. The press deemed anarchists as terrorists in 1880. New members of this group didn't care about Proudhon's no violence approach. Economic changes and labor movements also started this change

Social process

This is the way individuals and groups structure themselves, interpret reality, and take action based on those interpretations


Those in the 19th century who advocated the creation of cooperative societies without centralized governments. There were many forms of this. In the popular understanding of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these people were seen as violent socialist revolutionaries. Today, anti globalists calling themselves this have little resemblance to their earlier counterparts

Radical Democrats

Those who tried to bring democracy to all classes. They sought a more equitable distribution of wealth throughout all economic classes, believing that concentrated wealth and class inequities prevented societies from becoming truly democratic.

American revolution did what

Transferred power from the British upper class to the American Upper class

Which of the following was never a formal ruler of russia


Carlos Marighella believed that all violence could be urban based and controlled by a small group of guerrillas


Censorship, regulation, and gathering data from communication threaten the basis of democracy


Counter-terrorism efforts need to share information over broad geographical regions to be successful


Criminals become involved in terrorist groups for economic gain, and they have a low level of commitment to a cause


European governments and capitalists came to fear class revolution as a series of uprising swept across Europe in 1848


Government repression in France was first but then transformed to refer to guerrilla tactics in the Napolenic wars


Hezbollah and Hamas use the Latin American drug trade to raise funds


Many scholars agree that the narcotics trade is a primary source of money for terrorist organizations


Modern Terrorism surfaced with violent anarchists in the late 1800s


Nodes are critical target for counterterrorist operations


Sending unsecure email is the most common usage of the internet by terrorists


Television generates the same stereotypes for female terrorists and politicians


Terrorism develops when a group with inferior power moves against a superior group, inducing mass civilian casualties


Salafi movements

Used by orthodox muslims to follow the prophet and elders of the faith. Militants narrow the use of the term and use it to justify violence. This refers to those people who impose islam with force and violence


Used tactics of the anarchists to fight the foreign powers occupying their lands. Europe's group turned to the philosophy of the bomb

According to Mario Ferrero, what do modern radical Islamic groups use as a means of providing economic stability?

Violent activity

___________ exist through computer and information networks

Virtual Organization

News frames

Visual, audible, or written packages used to present the news. Communication scholars do not agree on a single definition, but news frames generally refer to the presentation of the news story. They contain a method for beginning and ending the story, and they convey the importance of characters and actions as the story is told.

Most democrats

Wanted to create constitutional monarchies and evolve into a system of democracy as the US had done

Irish Republic Army (IRA) nationalistic

Wanted to nationalize gvt control. They believed that Ireland was entitled to self government

Mikhail Bakunin

Wanted violence "propaganda of the deed" bombings and individual assassinations as a means of awakening the masses to reality. However after 10yrs in prison he took on Proudhons lack of violence ideas

Cultural recognition frames

a group's values and norms

Contention frames

a variety of positions

Media focuses too much on foreign military ops and not on

domestic security issues

Mythic tales frames

hero stories

Reportage frames

in-depth coverage with background

Community service frames

information for viewers

Fall of anarchism was teaming up with

labor movement

Televsion, radio, print journalism as well as newer sources on the internet, including news reporting services, the blogosphere, web site pages, and propaganda broadcasts are collectively referred to as ___________

news media

Dominant frames

one authority's view


socialist who believed in a strong centralized economy controlled by a strong central government. Their ideas were summarized in The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848

Reporting frames

superficial, short, and laced with facts

The Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) was the police force established by ____________________ in Ireland

the United Kingdom

Campaigning frames

the broadcaster's opinion

According to Alex Schmids academic consensus definition of terrorism, most definitions of the term have two characteristics: (1) someone is terrorized and (2) the meaning of the term is derived from

the terrorists targets and victims

Conflict frames

two sides, with experts

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