Test 2

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A hemocrit measures

Percentage of RBC in packed blood

Once released from the bone marrow into the circulation, the average life span of a red blood cell is about

4 months

The normal tidal volume in an adult is

500 mL

The average resting volume of ventilated air per minute in a human being is about

6 liters

The total lung capacity in a normal human is about

6000 ml

What is normal blood pH?


Which event occurs after HCO3- (bicarbonate ion) is manufactured in the blood?

Cl- enters the red blood cell as HCO3- exits the red blood cell.

Which of the following plasma proteins plays a role in blood clotting?


Which of the following plasma proteins plays a role in disease resistance?


Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about proelastase, chymotrypsin, and procarboxypeptidase?

They are activated in the small intestine by trypsin.

The laboratory measurement of all erythrocytes, platelets and white blood cells is called

a complete blood count

Which of the following is a function of the large intestine?

absorption of water and electrolytes

How is carbon dioxide (CO2) mostly carried by the blood?

as bicarbonate ion

Which leukocyte is NOT correctly matched with its description?

basophil - typical kidney-shaped nucleus, largest white blood cell

The enzyme called salivary amylase functions to begin digestion of

break down starch

The appendix is attached to the


The role of the epiglottis is to

close off the larynx during swallowing

The portion of a tooth visible in the mouth is the neck


Which digestive process involves movement elimination of waste products?


A function of alveoli is to

exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood

In which choice is the plasma protein correctly matched with one of its functions?

globulins - transport minerals, lipids, hormones and vitamins

Blood vessels, bronchi and lymphatic vessels enter each lung at the


The major chemical digestion that occurs in the adult stomach is

hydrolysis of proteins by pepsin

Rapid, deep breathing is called


Each body function on the left is correctly matched with the corresponding function of the blood on the right EXCEPT

immune defense - platelet factors initiate clotting

The amount of air that can be maximally inhaled after a normal exhalation is called the

inspiratory capacity

Which cell is NOT classified as a granulocyte?


Which of the following is an example of mechanical digestion?


The small intestine is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by a fold of the peritoneum called the


A person's blood type is determined by

mixing the blood with different antibodies to see which ones cause the red blood cells to agglutinate

Which of the following is a phagocyte?


Where is the myenteric plexus?


In which choice are the leukocytes correctly arranged in order from most common to least common?

neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils

What kind of risk exists when a woman who is Rh+ carries an Rh- fetus?


A blood transfusion reaction will

occur when plasma antibodies contact red blood cells carrying the antigen with which they react

Which of the following lists parts of the G.I. tube in the CORRECT order of food movement?

oropharynx, laryngopharynx, esophagus, stomach, pyloric sphincter

Which of the following would be considered an accessory organ of the digestive system?


Other than water, the most common component of plasma is


Blood leaves the lungs via the

pulmonary veins

The residual volume in the lungs is the amount of air

remaining in the lungs after forced expiration

The horizontal fissure is located between the

right superior and middle lobes

The folds of the gastric mucosa are called


A substance released by the duodenum in response to the acidic pH of chyme is


Apparatus used to measure air flow into or out of the lung


The pyloric sphincter is located at the junction of the

stomach and duodenum

The right lung is composed of ______ lobes; the left lung is composed of ______ lobes.

three; two

Blood helps to maintain homeostasis by

transporting materials between the tissue fluid and the external environment

Projections on the mucosa of the small intestine that are covered by absorptive and goblet cells and contain lymph vessels and capillaries are called


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