test 2

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ideas, problems

brainstorming is a technique used to help groups generate multiple _________ and alternatives for solving _________


bullying and interactional injustice are forms of

one day per month

according to researchers, about how much time do employees spend on conflict in a month


according to the contact hypothesis, the key to decreasing intergroup conflict is

better performance

according to the definition of positive OB, which is its desired end result


an intention represents an end point or desired _______ you want to achieve

devils advocacy

assigning someone in an organization or group the role of critic is known as


attempts at positivity that lack sincerity can erode __________ as they undermine your credibility


attentional deficit and attentional hyperactivity are two key inhibitors of:


belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self is


both willpower and way power are needed to have


converts win-win to win-lose


deciding to select a solution that meets some minimum, adequate qualifications is ________


elimination specific negative interactions such as name calling is a method of conflict________


enhanced self esteem, self-efficacy and mastery are a result of pursuing


escalation of ______ leads to increasing intensity and cycles of provocation that results in the replacement of substantive debate with extreme positions


exaggerating the value of what is being given or given up, the importance of issues

attentional hyperactivity

frantically trying to figure out how you will balance all of your work, study, and family commitments during a class is an example of


greater ____________ makes youu both more confident and more positive

the delphi technique

group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgements from physically dispersed expert is


if the chosen ______ fails to solve the problem, managers can try another solution

make people defensive

in resolving conflict using judgmental languageL

personality conflict

interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement is an

decision tree

is a graphical representation of the process underlying decisions that shows the consequences of making various choices

creative outcome effectiveness

joint novelty and usefulness of a product or service as judged by others is


judgmental heuristics are the ____ shortcuts we use to simplify the decision making process

support a decision made intuitively

least effective way to use evidence based decision making is to


members interactions aimed at working through task and interpersonal disagreements are conflict _________


occurs when a group perceives that its interests are being disputed by another


paying focused attention to what a co-worker is saying is an example of how _______ improves interpersonal communication


people who have a high tolerance for ambiguity and focus on people and the social aspects of a work situation have the _________ decision making style


people who have a high tolerance for ambiguity and focus on tasks and technical concerns have the ________ decision-making style


people who have a low tolerance and focus strongly on people and the social aspects of a work situation have which of the following decision-making styles?


people who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are task oriented when making decisions have which decision-making style

social support

positive relationships fuel the giving and receiving of


promises or threats, excessive initial demands careless misstatements of facts

victorious leadership

recent research has shown a relationship between outcomes like financial performance, customer satisfaction, positive organizational climate and


research on the contact hypothesis has shown that intergroup friendships are desirable, but are readily overpowered by ______ intergroup reactions


research with students from germany, Belgium, and England demonstrated that ______ did reduce prejudice


subject matter includes limits, authority to bargain, time pressures, and available resources


takin a break is a good way to regroup and recover your _____ in a negotiation

availability bias

tendency to base decisions on information that is recent and easily recalled from memory is

escalation of commitment bias

tendency to stick to an ineffective course of action when it is unlikely that a bad situation can be reversed

framing bias

that customers prefer meat that is sold as "85% lean" instead of "15% fat" is an example of


the ability to abandon justified resentment and adopt positive, forward-looking approaches in response to harm or damage is

hindsight bias

the bias that occurs when knowledge of previous outcomes influences decisions about the probability of fututre occurrences is


the capacity to foster collective abandonment or justified resentment, bitterness, and blame and instead adopt forward-looking approaches in response to harm or damage is


the characteristic that is the minds way to motivate us to move forward in the face of uncertainty is


the collaborative decision making process involving two or more parties with different preferences is

well being

the combined impact of positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement is

amplifying effect

the concept that positive practices escalate positive outcomes because of their association with positive emotions and social capital is known

between groups

the contact hypothesis is concerned with interaction


the extent to which our lives contain PERMA is

bounded rationality

the idea that decision makers are limited by various constraints during the decision-making process is the non-rational model know as

attentional deficit

the inability to focus on what is happening right now is

involuntary; voluntary

the intuition model is based on two distinct processes a _______ one and ________ one that is its opposite


the limitations under which managers make decisions result in acquiring manageable rather than optimal amounts of __________


the non ______ models of decision making explains how managers really come to decisions


what is the process of producing new and useful ideas concerning products, services, processes, and procedures

virtuous leadership

what organizations and individuals aspire to be when they are at their very best is called

reached consensus

when all members of a group either agree with a decision or are able to support it, they have

flex space

when company polocieis enable employees to work from different locations, companies are using

anchoring bias

when decision makers are influenced by the first information they receive even if it is irrelevant it is


when disputing parties agree ahead of time to accept the binding decisions of a trained neutral third party it is

better performance

when organizations employ the positivity effect, the result is often


when people who are members of a cohesive in-group so strive for unanimity that they fail to realistically appraise alternative courses of action it is

results in work family conflict

when the demands from work and family domains are mutually incompatible

goal displacement

when winning an argument with a rival overshadows the primary goal of trying to solve the problem it is known as


when you can possibly produce results that surpass goals it is an

decision making

when you pinpoint and pick a solution that best solves a problem, this is


when your attention is decreased and expressed as thoughtless behavior, you are experiencing a state of


which type of conflict handling style produces better results in new product development


the ability to bounce back from adversity and sustain yourself in the face of the demands of positive events is

behaviors, feelings

the continual, reinforcing process where your positive ______,________, and attitudes feed your own and those of others is known as an upward spiral of positivity


the decision making model that assumes managers are fully objective and have all information they need to make a decision is the _______ decision model

representatives bias

the decision-making heuristic used when people estimate the probability of an event occurring based on impressions about similar occurrences

tolerance for ambiguity

the extent to which a person has a high need for structure and control in his or her life is known as

value orientation

the extent to which an individual focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns in making decisions is


the extent to which you are physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved with an activity is ______

alternative dispute resolution

the method of dispute resolution that is faster and more user-friendly instead of traditional approaches

evidence based decision making

the process of conscientiously using the best available data when making managerial decisions

anger, fear, rejection

the reason people often avoid conflict are they fear:


the sense of "we-ness" that overrides individual differences and motives in a group is


the state of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake is

has both positive and negative outcomes

Start in the 1970s OB experts came to understand that conflict:

functional conflict

This is a constructive or cooperative altercation characterized by consultative interactions, a focus on the issues, mutual respect, and useful give and take.

finding the desired solution

When members are using the rational model and optimizing as they make decisions, they are


When you make a decision that comes to mind without clear awareness or evaluation of the evoking cues


________ conflict can lead to problem solving

positive; negative

________ emotions help combat ________ emotions


a _______ is the divide between an actual and a desired situation

automated experience

a choice that is made based on a well known situation and a partly subconscious application of previously learned information is

integrative negotiation

a creative approach that seeks mutual gain for all parties is


a form of ________ brainstorming known as brainwriting allows participants to submit their ideas over a computer network

alternative dispute resolution

a more user friendly, constructive and lower cost method of handling conflicts between managers and employers is

prosocial behavior

a positive act that is done without expectation of something in return is

psychological capital

a set of personal characteristics that helps us to be resilient in the face pf difficulties is

psychological safety climate

a shared belief held by team members that the team is a safe place for interpersonal risk taking and that those who do will not be rejected or punished is

holistic hunch

choosing to make a decision because it just feels right is using an

decision support systems

computer-based interactive systems that help decision makers use data and models to solve problems are


conflict can be reduced if employees have a supportive family to share responsibilities at home

programmed conflict

conflict that offers different opinions outside of managers personal feelings is


the symptom of groupthink that protects against adverse information

decision making style

the way an individual perceives stimuli and the general manner in which he or she responds to it us a


those who are both realistic and flexible are


to reduce turnover, which of the following would be the most effective style of conflict handling


true or false Consensus does not require unanimous agreement


true or false the goal of decision making is to find a solution that leads to a desired state of affairs


true or false whether your own supervisor supports the idea of flextime is not important; as long as there is a company policy that does support it, employees will utilize it


true or false: only individuals can demonstrate dominating conflict handling style

dialectic method

using a structured debate to foster opposing viewpoints prior to making a decision is the

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