Test 3

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From an Aristotelian perspective, one can learn to be virtuous simply by reading a book or listening to one's elders.


Given Aristotle's commitment to equality, it is surprising that he thought women could not live the highest form of the good life.


If we know something a priori, it is knowledge we can acquire through experience or observation


Which of the following terms is BEST used to draw attention to the many ways by which different types of disadvantage can manifest themselves in the same individual?


Which of the following, for Aristotle, is an element of habituation into virtue?

the knowledge why

In Frank Capra's 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life, there is a scene where residents of the town of Bedford Falls are frightened that they will lose all their money if they do not withdraw it from the savings and loan. Several characters insist upon getting all of their money immediately, in violation of the agreement they signed when opening the account. In contrast to this, Ms. Davis asks for only $17.50—far less than others request. While not exactly the same, the actions of Ms. Davis are comparable to which example from the chapter?

the widow's sacrifce

Which of the following is the only group to which Kant attributed the full capacity for rationality required of full moral subjects?

white males

What is the difference between autonomy and heteronomy?

An autonomous person acts freely, whereas a heteronomous person acts out of self-interest or concern for others.

What is one way in which Aristotle fails to anticipate Christian morality?

Aristotle does not advocate for poverty and self-sacrifice

Which of the following is one of the main points the textbook author takes away from Aristotle?

Ethics is about individual character as well as action

What were the findings of the telephone booth study?

Participants who unexpectedly found a dime almost always helped a conspirator in distress, while those who didn't almost always did not.

According to the textbook's author, why is it impossible to will the universalization of a maxim permitting casual theft?

Such a maxim would result in the institution of owning property breaking down, and so there would be no such thing as theft.

Judith Jarvis Thomson's "violinist example" is intended to argue for which of the following?

The right to life is not a right to be kept alive at the cost of another person.

Imagine that you are in Poland during the Holocaust, and you have been hiding Jews in your house to protect them from the concentration camps. One evening, two Nazi soldiers knock on your door and ask if there are any Jews in your home. You know that if you tell the truth, the Jews will be killed. However, if you lie, the Nazis will leave, and you all will be safe. According to Kant, it is morally permissible to lie in order to save their lives.


One important distinction between perfect and imperfect duties from a Kantian perspective is that the breach of a perfect duty could become a universal law, though it would be against our rational nature.


Robert Nozick's approach to social justice includes the belief that it is in the interest of all to ensure that the divide between the wealthy and poor is as small as possible. To bring this situation about it would be morally correct to tax those who have higher incomes to supplement those who have lower incomes.


Sex and gender are synonymous terms, so they can be used interchangeably.


What, according to Aristotle, is the function of human beings?

to live a life in conformity with human excellence and virtue

A number of care ethicists ground the "ethics of care" in the natural caring relationship that exists between a mother and child.


According to the textbook, Kant's formula of humanity rules out some of the injustices that utilitarianism seems forced to accept.


In Kant's view, deception and coercion are morally unacceptable because they undermine the autonomy of the deceived or coerced party.


The Stoics suggested that happiness could be achieved without external goods or outward success, in part to avoid the influence of luck in being able to live a good life.


The formulation of the categorical imperative as a kingdom of ends is intended to emphasize that each one of us is both ruler and ruled, and the system of moral law binds us together.


Which of the following is an example of using someone merely as a means and not an end in themselves?

using laborers to produce goods without compensating them in any way

Which of the following major ethical theories is MOST closely related to care ethics?

virtue ethics

For Kant, the only thing that has unconditional instrumental value is a good will.


Which of the following is a possible translation of the term eudaemonia?


Which broad question is Aristotle interested in answering in the Nicomachean Ethics?

How should I live

Which of the following insights does the textbook author take from the work of Bentham and Mill?

If something cannot be shown to be harmful to sentient beings, it is hard to understand why it should be thought to be wrong

Which of the following is among "the four most significant figures in moral philosophy," according to the textbook

Immanuel Kant

What is one reason that suicide is impermissible, in Kant's view?

It violates a perfect duty to oneself

In the example offered by Carol Gilligan, how do Jake and Amy reason differently about whether Heinz should be permitted to steal life-saving medication for his wife?

Jake applies a general principle, while Amy engages in multifaceted reasoning

Why does Gilligan argue that moral philosophies like Kant's are gendered

Kant's focus on rules as the basis for moral thinking ignores the typical ways that women think about moral problems.

Why does Schopenhauer suggest that Kant smuggles a religious conception of ethics into his moral theory?

Morality, for Kant, takes the form of a law or command

Trey has never liked the idea of mousetraps. It doesn't matter if the trap was designed to kill the mouse or to leave the mouse stuck to the trap, he doesn't like the idea of the mouse suffering. He decides that it is best to capture and release the mice living in his garage so that they do not feel pain. In making this decision, Trey is relying upon ideas of animal rights MOST similar to those of

Peter Singer

Which justification does Aristotle offer for his view that some non-Greeks are "slaves by nature"?

Some non-Greeks have lower powers of deliberative rationality than Greeks.

Why does Hursthouse believe that the prevailing central concerns in the abortion debate are inadequate

They do not get at the heart of the difficulty of the decision women contemplating abortion often face.

Which of the following is one of the primary criticisms levied against virtue ethics?

Virtue ethics rests on a false assumption if social psychology is correct in suggesting that character doesn't impact our action as much as external factors.

What is the doctrine of volenti non fit injuria?

Where there is consent, there is no injury

What theory of responsibility is Young's political responsibility model intended to replace?

a "liability" theory of responsibility

DeeAnna is a volunteer firefighter in her community. As part of her training she has learned a lot about when it is safe to enter a burning building and how to enter it safely. When she is called out to a fire one day, she rushes into a building without first considering whether it was safe. Her action, which some would call foolhardy, is one extreme of a possible virtue of bravery. Which other extreme would fit into Aristotle's understanding?


For Kant, the only actions that have genuine moral worth are done from what?


According the author, that does care ethics include in its moral philosophy that the other ethical systems included in the textbook seem to leave out?

emotional relationships

Which of the following traits would Aristotle likely consider a vice?


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a medical diagnosis used to describe individuals who have otherwise unexplained difficulties feeling rested despite sufficient sleep and who become exhausted from routine activities. The root cause of CFS is unclear and there is as of yet no known cure. Women are diagnosed with CFS at a much higher rate than men. Which topic discussed in the chapter is most relevant to a consideration of CFS?


Under what conditions did Locke suggest that one group could legitimately enslave another

if one group is the victor in a just war

Which of the following is an example of a morally wrong action from the textbook offered by Kant?

making fake promises

The view that our moral duty is not to maximize pleasure but instead to minimize pain is known as

negative utilitarianism

Which of the following is a formulation of Kant's categorical imperative?

not: Act such that your behavior maximizes benefit for humanity FEEDBACK: Kant's categorical imperative has three formulations: act in accordance with the maxims of a member giving universal laws for a merely possible kingdom of ends; act only on that maxim through which you can at the same will that it should become a universal law; and so act that you use humanity always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means. Meanwhile, "Act such that your behavior maximizes benefit for humanity" is consistent with consequentialism, not deontology. Formulations of the Supreme Principle of Morality, p. 247-248.

Why does neglecting to nurture and grow one's talents fail the test of the categorical imperative?

not: We will not be considered virtuous if we do not grow our talents FEEDBACK: Categorical imperatives are absolute and unconditional. Nurturing one's talents could be the means to a moral end, but as it is not unconditionally needed to meet a moral end, it is a hypothetical imperative and not categorical. Hypothetical and Categorical Imperatives, pp. 241-242.

What does the Greek term phronesis mean?

practical wisdom

W. D. Ross, in his The Right and the Good, proposes an understanding of ethics that focuses on the ways in which moral reasoning occurs. For Ross, there are a number of factors that need to be considered when making a decision about what action is morally right. These factors include

prima facie duties

Which of the following is the BEST example of indirect discrimination in the workplace?

requiring late working hours and short-term flexibility of all employees

In Mexico, Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is observed every year. Families gather together to celebrate and remember those who have died by decorating graves, displaying photographs of the dead, telling stories of ancestors, and sharing food particular to the celebration—rolls decorated with bones, for example, and candy sugar skulls. This observation/celebration is an example of what aspect of life that is present in Confucius's thought but missing in Aristotle's?


Kant's deontology is taken to have influenced the development of which of the following philosophical theories?

rule utilitarianism

For what hypothesis is Darley and Batson's Good Samaritan experiment thought to provide evidence?

situational ethics

Which of the following ethical concepts would MOST emphasize the need to look for long-term solutions to world hunger instead of emphasizing immediate support of those in need?

structural injustice

Which characteristic does Plato consider irrelevant to the ability to rule?

the ability to bear children

What metaphor does Frye use to illustrate the unequal experience women and people of color typically have of the world?

the birdcage

What is the name of Kant's supreme moral principle?

the categorical imperative

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