test #5

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Compared to Earth's atmosphere, the atmosphere of Mars has surface pressures that are ________.

0.1 times those on earth;major gases are water vapor and carbon dioxide

The amount of energy released during a nuclear reaction was established by ________.

Albert Einstein

As the temperature of a radiating surface is increased ________.

Both A and C

The type of spectrum produced by a common light bulb is a ________.

Continuous Spectrum

The spectra of most stars are of this type.

Dark-Line (absorption) spectrum

In the Ptolemaic (Greek) model of the universe, the ________.

Earth was in the center of the universe

The first successful attempt to establish the size of Earth is credited to ________.


T/F All of the world's largest telescopes are of the refracting type.


T/F Astronomers currently estimate the internal temperature of the Sun at 1500˚C.


T/F Blue stars are cooler than red stars.


T/F Bright centers of solar activity are called filaments.


T/F Comets are thought to be composed of dust and tiny, icy particles encased in small, solidified, metallic fragments.


T/F Patterns or configurations of stars named in honor of mythological characters are called perturbations.


T/F Rayed craters on the Moon, such as Copernicus, formed during an intense, early period of bombardment prior to the formation of the lunar maria.


T/F Solar eclipses are more common than are lunar eclipses.


T/F The Martian polar caps are thought to be mainly frozen methane and ammonia.


T/F The dark tail of a comet is called a coma.


T/F The wavelength of red light is shorter than the wavelength of yellow light.


T/F Tycho Brahe discovered the three laws of planetary motion.


T/F Using the telescope, Galileo discovered that the planet Mars had polar ice caps not unlike those on Earth.


T/F When Earth is the farthest from the Sun, it is said to be in the perihelion position.


T/F A hot (incandescent) gas under low pressure produces a continuous spectrum.


T/F An extreme example of the greenhouse effect is thought to be associated with an abundance of carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.


T/F Earth is closest to the Sun in July.


T/F Galileo built the first known telescope.


T/F Meteorites disintegrate and burn up as shooting stars; meteoroids survive an impact event and a trip through Earth's atmosphere.


T/F Radio telescopes are able to detect very short wave radiation emitted by celestial objects.


T/F Radio telescopes are generally much larger in size than are optical telescopes.


T/F Saturn's rings are clusters of relatively small, individual particles; the rings observed on Jupiter are violent storm clouds swirling above the polar regions of the planet.


T/F Sir Isaac Newton was convicted of heresy for supporting the Sun-centered view of the universe.


T/F The Cassini gap refers to the planetless belt of asteroids between Mars and Earth.


T/F The angular distance north and south of the celestial equator is called right ascension.


T/F The distance from Earth to the Sun is used to measure distances in the solar system and is called a light year.


T/F The length of daylight on the Moon is about one month.


T/F The outermost portion of the solar atmosphere is called the photosphere.


T/F The planets maintain circular orbits around the Sun.


T/F Tycho Brahe discovered the three laws of planetary motion.


T/F Tycho Brahe used a telescope to accurately record the position of the planet Mars.


) This scientist wrote a book that compared the Earth-centered system with the Sun-centered system entitled Dialogue of the Great World Systems.


The first person to use a telescope for astronomical observations was ________.


This scientist was the first to use the telescope in astronomy.


Which of the following is NOT considered a form of electromagnetic radiation?


Which one of the following is not found on Mars?

H2O-rich atmosphere

How did the lunar maria most likely originate?

Huge impact basins that were nearly filled with basaltic lave flows

The true shape of the planetary orbits was discovered by ________.

Johannes Kepler

Three laws of planetary motion were discovered by ________.

Johannes Kepler

________ has the great, dark spot on its surface.


Who wrote the book entitled Of the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres (De Revolutionibus)?

Nicolaus Capernicus

The first modern astronomer to propose a Sun-centered universe was ________.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Any variance in the orbit of a planet from its predicted path is referred to as ________.


The Earth-centered system of the universe that was accepted for nearly seventeen centuries was presented in a treatise called the Almagest that was written by ________.


The apparent westward drift of the planets as compared to the background stars is called ________.

Retrograde Motion

The problems encountered with lenses caused this scientist to build reflecting telescopes of his own design.

Sir Isaac Newton

The study of spectroscopy was begun by ________.

Sir Isaac Newton

This scientist determined the nature of the forces that kept the planets in their orbits.

Sir Isaac Newton

Which of these men formulated the Law of Universal Gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton

T/F According to the Ptolemaic (Greek) system, the planets have circular orbits.


T/F Although current technology will allow the construction of much larger optical telescopes, astronomers see no advantage in building these larger instruments.


T/F An eclipse of the Moon can be seen by anyone on the side of Earth facing the Moon.


T/F Dark-line (absorption) spectra can be used to identify the elements present in stars.


T/F Earth is closest to the Sun in January.


T/F In some instances, light behaves like waves, and in others, like discrete particles.


T/F In the case of light, when a source is moving away, its light appears redder than it actually is.


T/F Large impact craters and large, domal features (probably representing viscous lava flows) have been imaged on the surface of Venus.


T/F Sir Isaac Newton built and used reflecting telescopes.


T/F The Moon has highland areas which approach the height of mountains on Earth.


T/F The apparent annual path of the Sun upon the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic.


T/F The cycle of phases of the Moon is the basis for our month.


T/F The same side of the Moon is always visible from Earth.


T/F Carbon dioxide is the major gas in the atmosphere of Venus.


T/F Galileo believed in a Sun-centered view of the universe.


T/F Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system.


T/F Lunar eclipses last longer than solar eclipses.


T/F Lunar regolith breccia contains crystalline rock fragments and glassy fragments.


T/F Of the terrestrial planets, Mercury exhibits the greatest lateral variations in surface temperatures.


T/F Radio telescopes have an advantage over optical telescopes in that they can be used during daylight hours.


T/F Rays in the rings of Saturn are bright, radial streaks that converge inward toward the planet's surface.


T/F Shorter wavelengths correspond to more energetic photons.


T/F Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding solar surface.


T/F The Sun is considered an "average star."


T/F The Sun's energy results from the conversion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.


T/F The ancient Greeks proposed an Earth-centered view of the universe.


T/F The atmosphere of Mars is less dense than Earth's, but dust storms and sand dunes indicate wind action occurs on Mars.


T/F The four largest moons of Jupiter are known as the Galilean moons.


T/F The mechanism that produces energy on the Sun involves the conversion of matter to energy.


T/F The planets maintain elliptical orbits around the Sun.


T/F The very large, lava-covered areas of the Moon are called maria.


T/F Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons.


T/F Galileo discovered that the Sun has "blemishes," which we call sunspots.


A very slow motion of Earth's axis that requires 26,000 years to complete is called ________.

axial Precession

________ is the principal gas in the Venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmospheres of Earth and Mars.

carbon dioxide

In the Ptolemaic (Greek) model of the universe, the stars are attached to the ________.

celestial sphere

Because lenses act like a prism to separate the colors of the spectrum, they produce a troublesome effect known as ________.

chromatic aberration

The layer of the solar atmosphere directly above the photosphere is referred to as the ________.


________ refers to the bright head of a comet.


The outermost layer of the Sun is called the ________.


Pluto is now classified as a ________ in our solar system.

dwarf planet

The apparent path of the Sun upon the celestial sphere is called the ________.


One of the discoveries which led to the modern view of the solar system was that the orbits of the planets are ________.


________ are found both on Mars and Earth.

erosional features related to flowing water

________, a moon orbiting Jupiter, has an unusually smooth, uncratered, ice-covered surface.


The Sun produces energy by converting ________.

hydrogen nuclei and helium nuclei

________ meteorites are thought to be analogous in composition to Earth's core.


Which one of the following is most likely to be associated both with impact craters and with volcanic calderas that originate by collapse?

landslides and other mass wasting movements along the walls of the depression

Which of these lunar features is the oldest?

lunar Highlands

Vast, circular to elliptical dark-colored, smooth areas of the Moon are known as ________.

lunar maria

________ are small, extraterrestrial particles that glow brightly and burn up as they travel through Earth's atmosphere.


The ________ explains how our solar system probably formed from a giant cloud of gases and dispersed solid particles.

nebular Hypothesis

The source of the Sun's energy is ________.

nuclear fusion

The largest known volcano in the solar system is ________.

olympus mons on mars

The layer of the Sun that radiates most of the light that reaches Earth is called the ________.


During periods of high solar activity, huge cloudlike structures that appear as great arches extending from the Sun are often produced. These solar features are called ________.


Which of the following colors has the longest wavelength?


Nearly all large optical telescopes built today are ________.


The apparent westward "drift" of the planets compared to the background stars is called ________.

retrograde motion

________ has atmospheric pressures at its surface that are roughly comparable to those at Earth's surface.

saturn's moon Titan

According to the Ptolemaic (Greek) model of the universe, how many "heavenly" bodies could be observed wandering along the background of stars?


The ________ day is the time it takes for Earth to make one complete rotation with respect to a star other than our Sun.


The most explosive events to occur on the Sun are ________.

solar flares

The Sun's surface has a grainy texture produced by numerous bright markings called ________.


The most conspicuous features on the surface of the Sun are dark areas called ________.


The period of time required for the Moon to complete a cycle of phases is called the ________ month.


To determine whether a celestial body is approaching or receding from Earth, astronomers employ ________.

the Doppler Principle

Most of the Moon's craters were produced by ________.

the impact of debris (meteoroids)

Streams of protons and electrons emitted from the Sun produce ________.

the solar wind

Galileo observed several features using the telescope. Which one of the following did he NOT discover?

the two moons of mars

Which of the following is NOT an advantage that radio telescopes have over optical telescopes?

they have better resolution

Which one of the following statements is believed to be true of comets?

they have highly elliptical orbits around the sun.

The length of daylight on the Moon is about ________.

two weeks

The high surface temperatures of this planet have been attributed to the greenhouse effect.


The surface features of ________ are known only through satellite radar mapping.


The belt of constellations through which all the planets move is called the ________.


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