
Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Tiny chambers were first observed and described from microscope observations by a man named .

Robert hooke

Processes or reactions accomplished without oxygen are called .


The orange color of carrot roots and of marigold flowers comes from cell bodies known as .


The threadlike objects in the nucleus are called and carry the or inheritance units.

chromosones genes

A plant makes its own proteins but an animal synthesizes the proteins it consumes as food. T/F


A seed consists solely of a protected package of elements, nutrients and plant food requiring only water and solar energy. T/F


A simple cell is a good description since most cells are so small and influence so little in life. T/F


The bodies that break down food molecules to form RNA are the ribosomes. T/F


Where do plants obtain the oxygen necessary to utilize foods?

from the atmosphere

Put the four stages of growth in order.

germination growth maturation death

The first part of photosynthesis within the chloroplast occurs in the and the second in the of the chloroplast.

grana stroma

The number of chromosomes within each species of plant or animal:

is constant

The basic food of a plant is:

produced by chloroplasts

A compound containing O, C, H, N is a .


The four parts of a seed include all of the following,

seed coat cotyledon endosperm embryo

The full use of the green plant's built-in design and potential has not yet been reached. T/F


A part of the plant cell that may contain crystal or poisons harmful to living protoplasm is the .


Norman Borlaug developed a drought and disease resistant dwarf _____ which helped the people of Mexico and India during food shortages.


Cell activities are controlled by chemical messengers from the ribosomes. T/F


A seed may be described as a packaged miniature factory. T/F


Many of the hunger problems are caused more by greed and bad politics than plant yields. T/F


Plant cells convert solar energy into chemical energy. T/F


Programs to increase food supply and improve food quality are being started in many parts of the world. T/F


The width of a tree increases through direct growth of the:

vascular cambium

What conditions and/or raw materials are necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

chlorophyll CO2 H2O light

An entirely new plant can sometimes be generated from a few cells. T/F


Current populations experiencing famine are primarily the result of lack of land to grow more plants. T/F


If we are to be better stewards of God's creation, we must have a better understanding of plants and animals that share our world. T/F


India's history of starvation was changed when a new dwarf wheat variety was introduced to Indian agriculture. T/F


One definition of plant life is an uninterrupted succession of cells. T/F


Plant cells are miniature factories that make thousands of chemical compounds for themselves and the whole world. T/F


The basic functions of a multi-cellular plant such as a rose are also conducted by a unicellular alga. T/F


The cell communication system for chemical messages and materials is thought to be the membrane system known as endoplasmic reticulum. T/F


The vascular cambium is one example of cells that are meristematic, that is, staying young or continuing to divide. T/F


The chemical energy stored in ATP during photosynthesis is used to:

produce a carbohydrate from CO2

Match the associations with the "light" and "dark" phases of photosynthesis: solar energy . CO2 intake . release of energy. storage of energy . release of O2 . release of water . ATP . forms carbohydrates .

light dark dark light light dark light dark

Jan Baptista's experiments showed:

loss of soil mass < gain of plant mass gain of plant mass related to water

The sugar beet was developed from a plant root called _____.


The oxygen which is released into the air by a plant originates from:

splitting of water molecules

Malthus, an English economist, predicted worldwide in the 1800's.


Potato tuber cells have leucoplasts which help .

store starch

What is the function(s) of ATP?

stores the initial energy released by respiration provides the energy for all cytoplasmic chemical synthesis

Crop plant programs are being started which feature oil producing plants used for food as well as for fuel oils. Choose the oil producing plants from the following choices.

alfala soy beans legumes

Crop plant programs are being started which feature oil producing plants used for food as well as for fuel oils. Choose the oil producing plants from the following choices.

peanuts sunflower flax cotton safflower

Green plants are the energy link between the sun's energy and the energy needs of .


The building blocks of proteins are .

amino acids

Old phloem cells become:


Green plants utilize solar energy through and release energy through .

photosynthesis respiration

Priestly's experiments explained:

plants are associated with O2 animals require O2

The first chemist to begin quantifying the process of photosynthesis was:

Nicholas de Saussure

Plant respiration occurs:

Primarily at night

The four main zones of a root tip are all of the following

differentiation root cap meristem elongation

The inevitable process causing increase in___________in the universe and loss in useful energy is called entropy.


The protoplast consists of:

everything inside the cell membrane

An annual plant bears fruit or flowers every year. T/F


Between five and ten different types of cells are in the human body. T/F


Photosynthesis and respiration processes show plant cells to be very simple in design. T/F


Photosynthesis consists of only the light reaction. T/F


Problems of world hunger are due to the green plant's inefficiency in food production. T/F


Proteins are made directly from carbohydrates, the first products of photosynthesis. T/F


The facts of why onion cells produce an onion and not a walnut are well known to scientists. T/F


The main difference among plants is size--trees, shrubs, herbs. T/F


The meristematic cells of a carrot could produce a tree or an elephant just as easily. T/F


The root cap cells elongate and differentiate forming phloem and xylem. T/F


Trees get wider when the vascular cambium adds new phloem to the rings of wood inside. T/F


Inherited physical traits are directly related to:


Agriculture was not a developed science in . That country's machinery, technology, and crop varieties did not advance with new developments in other parts of the world.


A dicot may be expected to have:

netted veins vascular rings

ATP is a:

product of decomposing starch chemical associated with photosynthesis a form of chemical energy

) What are the basic processes which use the energy of respiration?

synthesis tissue repair mechanical maintenance reproduction

What do glucose, starch and cellulose have in common?

they are various forms of sugars they are all carbohydrates they are all related to photosynthesis

Why do animals and humans need proteins in their diet?

they break down protein into amino acids needed for their particular protein synthesis

A new food source from the crossing of wheat and rye is called .


Intelligent design is shown in the intricate detail and complexity of microscopic organisms. T/F


It is likely that man had a knowledge of agriculture since his creation. T/F


Meristematic cells of different kinds of plants may look alike, but the DNA messages are different. T/F


One definition of life in a plant is an uninterrupted succession of cells. T/F


hat three parts of plant cells cause them to differ from animal and human cells?

vacuoles chloroplasts cell walls

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