Test and Measures Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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As part of her scholarship application for a summer dramatic arts program, twelve-year-old Sharon completed a test that assessed her potential for acquiring acting skills. Sharon has taken a(n) ________ test.


Suppose you wanted to predict success in graduate school using a combination of three variables: undergraduate GPA, intelligence test scores, and professor ratings. The statistical method that you would most likely use is

Multiple regression

What is "structured" about a structured personality test?

a definite stimulus and specific alternative responses that can be unequivocally scored (multiple choice and true-false questions)

Correlation is a special case of regression in which scores on both variables are


If question is yes/no

Discriminant analysis

In regression, the difference between the predicted Y (Y') and the observed or actual Y is the


Which of the following is a true dichotomous variable?

Right or left handedness

Because we cannot know actual true scores or actual error in measurement, we must estimate them. In practice, the _____ _____ of the observed scores and the reliability of the test are used to estimate the standard error of measurement.

Standard deviation

Created by Robert Yerkes and others, Army Alpha and Army Beta were two group tests of ability. What distinguished these tests?

The Army Alpha required reading ability. The Army Beta measured the intelligence of illiterate adults.

A standardized sample example would be

a comparison group

In the regression equation, a is the ____ and b is the ____.

intercept; slope

if question is how much

multiple regression

The normative group, or standardization sample, is

the group to which current examinees can be compared

Two or more tests that are given in conjunction and relate seemingly diverse topics are called?


Format/Items: 30 items increasing in difficulty Purpose: identify intellectually subnormal individuals Standardization Sample: 50 children who had been given the test under standard conditions (same instructions and format)

Binet-Simon Scale (1905)

Use tests in hospitals and other clinical settings to assess brain injury


If you lined children up according to their weight, from highest to lowest, you would be using a(n) _____ scale.


The correlation between two continuous variables is found using

Pearson's r

Formula for Percentile Rank:

Pr= B/N X 100

What need spurred the demand for the development of large-scale group tests during WWI?

Relatively few trained personal could evaluate the huge influx of military recruits

Test that are relatively free of measurement error are said to be ____, whereas tests that have "too much" error are deemed _____.

Reliable; unreliable

In what way did psychologists play a "secondary role" to physicians?

They could only perform tests by themselves but not psychotherapy without a physician

What is true with the regard to the work of German Psychologists Herbart, Weber, Fechner, and Wundt?

This body of work establishes the idea that psychological testing requires rigorous experimental control

Although the use of ____ is accepted in medical settings, it is much more controversial in educational settings.


Psychological testing

all the possible uses, applications and concepts of psychological and educational tests

structured personality test

in this type of test, the examinee is given an objective statement about his or her thoughts, feelings, or behaviors and is required to choose a response from a limited number of options (e.g., agree or disagree, true or false)

Use test to asses childhood disorders

Child Psychology

Use tests and surveys in a variety of medical settings

Health Psychology

For what reason(s) would you likely transform raw scores on the predictor variables into Z score?

In order to compare the coefficients, they'd need to be in similar units.

projective personality tests

In this type of test, an ambiguous stimulus (e.g., inkblot) is presented to an examinee who must provide a spontaneous response which is believed to reflect his or her unique characteristics

Multivariate analyses use ___ combinations of variables, which are weighted composites of the original variables.


J.R. Guilford

Made the first attempt to apply analytic techniques to test constuction

James McKenn Cattell coined the term ______ in his research based on Galton's work in individual differences.

Mental Tests

The regression line is the ____ straight line through a set of points in the scatter diagram.



enduring characteristics or tendencies to respond in a certain way across situations

equal intervals

the difference between two points at ant place in the scale has the same meaning as the difference between two other points that differ by the same # of scale units; relationship can be described as a straight line; interval and ratio scale have this property

Use tests in the legal system to assess mental state as it relates to an insanity defense, competency to stand trail or to be executed, and emotional damages

Forensic Psychology

______ applied the concept of "survival of the fittest" to the study of individual differences among human beings in his book, Hereditary Genius.

Frances Galton

What the variables in the Percentile Rank mean?

Pr= Percentile rank Xi= the score of interest B= the number of scores below Xi N= The total number of scores

Regression is a technique closely related to correlation that is used to make _____ about scores on one variable from knowledge of scores on another variable.


Multivariate analyses allow researchers to examine the relationship between several ____ and one ___, or criterion.

Predictors; outcomes

What are the primary differences between structured and projective tests of personality?

Projective personality test provide an ambiguous stimulus and unclear response requirements, furthermore the scoring is often subjective

The Civil Rights Act of 1991

made it illegal for employers to use separate race-related norms for employment testing

The score in the exact middle of the distribution of scores, such that equal numbers of scores fall above and below it, is the ___.


The score of a child who took the 1908 revision of the Binet-Simon scale would probably reported as a(n)

mental age

Correlation is a special case of regression in which scores on both variables are in ____ or ___ units. This is useful because it means that in correlation, that intercept is always 0.

standardized; Z


the property of "moreness"; a scale has this property if we can say that a particular instance of the attribute represents more, less, or equal amounts; Ordinal, interval, and ratio scale have this property


the specific condition or status (at a single point time) of an individual

In his research on individual differences in human functioning, Galton didn't examine

verbal comprehension

absolute zero

when nothing of the property being measure exists; ratio scale has this property

What were two important statements about psychological testing made in Shakow et al. report which was the foundation of the first formal training standards in clinical psychology?

Psychological testing was a unique function of the clinical psychologist; recommended that testing methods be taught only to doctoral psychology students

Percentile rank answers what question?

What percent of the scores fall below a particular score (Xi)?

What is factor analysis?

a method of finding the minimum number of dimensions (characteristics, attributes) called factors, to account for a large number of variables

A researcher who wants to find out how many underlying dimensions are represented in his 100-item personality test would uses?

factor anaylsis

overt behavior

this is an observable activity (e.g., crying, fighting, sleeping, eating, etc.)

covert behavior

this is within an individual and cannot be directly observed (e.g thoughts, feelings, etc.)


this relates raw test scores to some theoretical or empirical distribution

group test

this type of test can be given to a large group of people by one examiner or test administrator (e.g., the SAT, an exam in class)

individual test

this type of test can be given to only one person at a time (e.g., a driver's test, some intelligence tests).

intelligence test

this type of test measures a person's general potential to solve problems, adapt to changing circumstances, think abstractly, and acquire new knowledge

aptitude test

this type of test measures an individual's potential for acquiring a certain skill

For what primary reason were group tests of ability and personality developed?

to screen military recruits

The 'birth' of clinical psychology corresponds to a period of increases government funding providing for the training of psychologist who could develop and use applied psychological technology. What date is given for the "birth" of clinical psychology?


Shakow report



A standard error of estimate can be obtained for the relationship between the values predicted by the equation and the values actually observed

Third Variable Explanation

A variable that may account for the observed relationship between two other variables

Format/Items: include nearly twice as many items as the 1905 scale Standardization sample: More than 200 children who had been given the test under standard conditions Mental age concept: as a measurement of a child's performance on the test relative to other children of that particular age group

Binet-Simon Scale (1911 revision)

Evidence suggests that ______ developed the earliest systematic program of psychological testing.


Correlation-Causation problem

Correlation does not equal or mean causation

Restricted Range

Correlation requires variability. If variability is restricted, then significant correlation are hard to find


a measurement tool or strategy used to quantify behavior or aid in the understanding and prediction behavior


a test that measures previous learning (e.g., a statistical exam)

Z scores transform raw test scores into _____ units that are easier to interpret


What were the benefits of standardized achievement test, which were first developed in the early 1920s?

1. They were easy to administer and to score 2. Lack of subjectivity of favoritism that can occur in essay or other written test 3. Identical testing conditions and scoring standards for a large number of children 4. A broader coverage of content and were less expensive and more efficient than essays

The ____, a structured personality test, was developed through factor analysis.


Galton's "Hereditary Genetics" (study individual differences)


Wundt opens 1st lab in Germant (established experimental psych.)


Terman publishes Stanford-Binet Intelligence scale (Supposed to be an aptitude test)


Yerkes develops Army A & B, Woodworth P.D.S (personality), Rorshach published (Projective personality)


T.A.T (2nd projective personality test)


Weschlar-Bellevue Intelligence scale (Aptitude test)


M.M.P.I (Made for inpatients) 1st to use empirical data for interpretation


The stanine system converts scores to a scale ranging from ___ to ___; the term stanine comes from ____. Stanine distributions have a mean of ___ and a standard deviations of ___.

1; 9; standard nine; 5; 2

Deciles divide the frequency distribution into equal tenths, with D2 at the ____ percentile, D5; at the ____ percentile, D7 at the ___ percentile, etc.

20th; 50th; 70th

Quartiles divided the frequency distribution into equal ___, with Q1 at the 25th percentiles, Q2 at the ____ percentile, Q3 at the ___ percentile, and Q4 at the ____ percentile.

50th; 75th; 100th

Suppose you are in the 87th percentile on a test. This means

87% of the students got a score lower than your score.

Coefficient of Alienation

A measure of non-association between two variables (there is an equation so make sure you look over it)

Classical test theory uses the standard deviation of this distribution as a basic measure of error called the ___ ___ of ___. (Same concept as standard error of estimate)

Standard error of measurement

Revised: By Terman for use in the United States Format/Items: Original items were revised, many new items were added. Respectability and momentum were added Standardization sample: 1,000 people

Stanford-Binet Scale (1916)


The amount of decrease observed when a regression equation is created for one population and then applied to another

Woodworth Personal Data Sheet, the first structured personality test, was based on a now-discredited assumption. What is this assumption, and why has it been discredicted?

The content of an item could be accepted at face value, the person responding to the question may not interpret the meaning the same way the test administrator does

Coefficient of Determination

The correlation coefficient squared. Value tells us the proportion of the total variation in scores on Y that we know as a function of information about X.


The difference between the observed and predicted score (Y-Y'); can be positive or negative and will cancel to zero if average

Which of the following statements best captures the reason why the use of psychological testing declined among psychologists beginning in the 1950s through the 1970s?

The public criticized the potentially intrusive nature of psychological testing and feared the misuse of tests, as well as many psychologists rejected psychological testing because they associated the use of tests with a secondary role of technician in service of medical professionals

Standard Error of Estimate

The standard deviation of the residuals (there is an equation so make sure you look over it)

In what important way was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) an advance over early structure personality test such as the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet?

The use of empirical methods to determine the meaning of a test response

What prompted the "sharp decline" in status of testing among psychologists and the public from the 1950s through the 1970s?

They felt like technicians serving the medical profession and started to feel frustrated, so they began rejecting the secondary role

Ability tests

This broad category of tests measures human achievement, aptitude and/or intelligence

Under what circumstances would you be cautious about interpreting regression coefficients (or b's)?

When the predictor variables are highly correlated to one another; only interpret regression coefficients confidently when the predictor variables do not overlap and are uncorrected.

Under what circumstances would you use discriminant analysis, rather than multiple regression, to predict a criterion or outcome variable?

When the task is to find the linear combination of variables that provides a maximum discrimination between categories.

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