Test Two

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A banded or foliated metamorphic rock, usually of the same composition as granite.


A blocky, poorly blended, fine-grained sedimentary rock produced by the lithification of mud.looks like hardened clay and, depending upon circumstances under which it was formed, it may show cracks or fissur


A felsic, coarse-grained, intrusive igneous rock containing quartz and composed mostly of potassium- and sodium-rich feldspars. light colored


A metamorphic rock that is both sparkly and foliated. It is made when minerals and rocks undergo great heat and pressure.


A sedimentary rock made up mostly of grains of salt (smaller than sand-size particles, but still gritty, not smooth like clay or mud).


An igneous plutonic rock made of the same minerals as basalt, but, because the minerals cooled slowly underground, they are coarse-grained.

Typical Sedimentary Rock Sequence during Marine Regression

Beach Sandstone on top then mud in the middle and Limestone in the bottom


CaCO3 occurs in water related environment cream or gray colored effervesces Ex coral reefs limestone


Coarse-grained igneous rock of intermediate composition. Up to half of the rock is plagioclase feldspar and the rest is ferromagnesian minerals.


Describes magma or igneous rock that is rich in feldspars and silica and that is generally light in color.


Describes magma or igneous rock that is rich in magnesium and iron and that is generally darik in color


Felsic to intermediate. Glassy froth (foam). Gray to white. Very light weight, often floats in water. Forms from explosive eruption of gas-saturated magma froth.


Fine-grained igneous rock of intermediate composition. Up to half of the rock is plagioclase feldspar with the rest beingferromagnesian minerals.

What is used for sheet rock?


Typical Sedimentary Rock Sequence during Marine Transgression

Limestone on top and then mud and then beach sand on the bottom


Metamorphosed shale. It still breaks into thin layers like shale, but the layers are much harder and more durable. In fact, slate is hard enough to use for roofing tile.




NaCl salt clear to yellow in color

which mineral is not composed of calcium carbonate?


What is a mineral?

Solid, Natural on earth not man made, inorganic, ordered internal structure, specific chemical composition


The metamorphic rock texture in which mineral grains are arranged in planes or bands.

Which environment would most likely have sediment formed by evaporation of sea water?

Tidal Flat


Very fine-grained. Thinly layered. Soft crumbly and easily weathered. Mostly tiny bits of clay and quartz. Most common sedimentary rock. Forms from mud deposited in nonturbulent conditions_ often deep water.


a dark coarse-grained igneous rock consisting principally of olivine


a downward fold in rock formed by compression youngest rock is in the middle


a form of igneous rock consisting of extremely coarse granite resulting from the crystallization of magma rich in rare elements slow cooling when water is involved


a geological formation in which all strata are inclined in the same direction


a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals


also known as volcanic slag is formed in teh same fashion as pumice but has lager pores and a darker color its texture is partly crystalline and partly amorphous (glassy)


an upward fold in the rock formed by compression of Earth's crust oldest rock is in the middle


arises from things like landslide debris composed of angular fragments of minerals or rocks in a matrix (cementing material), that may be similar or different in composition to the fragments

independant tetrahedra

bound to other elements EX olivine do not break along defined planes


brittle structure formed by pulling rock apart


circular uplift in all directions old rock in center


clastic sedimentary rock formed from sandsized sediments (grains of minerals quartz and feldspar that can be compacted or cemented together)


coarse grained igneous rock is made mostly of the minerals feldspar and quartz coarse crystals


color of powder left on a surface after the mineral has been rubbed on it


dark-colored igneous rock that is low in silica fine grained

What Physical processe occur during metamorphism?

deformation flattens rocks, rotation makes rocks parallel, shearing causes minerals to break, folding, fracturing


describing an igneous rock composed of both large and small crystals

What are the different types of stress

displacement, rotation, strain

fine grained

fast cooling magma at shallow depths


fine grained, felsic, igneous rock made up of feldspar and quartz.


foliated metamorphic rock made of fine grained mica

medium grained

form when magma solidifies a bit deeper

how do sedimentary rocks form?

from other locations formed by weathering and transport

Normal Fault

hanging wall moves down, due to displacement

Reverse Fault

hanging wall moves up, due to compression


hard metamorphic rock consisting of interlocking quartz crystals

What tests can we perform to help us identify a mineral?

hardness, streak, effervescence, magnetism, density


igneous glass and is usually black sometimes it may be slightly grayish or greenish- may include white crystals breaks and chips like glass-

increase temperature

increase melt of rock

lower pressure

increase melt of rock

Single chains

link in a single chain sharing two oxygen atoms, strong difficult to break EX: pyroxene

coarsly crystalline

magma cools at rate slow enough to allow large cystals to form


metamorphosed limestone, consisting chiefly of recrystallized calcite or dolomite, capable of taking a high polish, occurring in a wide range of colors and variegations and used in sculpture and architecture.


mineral Fg, Fe, Ca, Na, Al, SiO2, double chain black or dark green or white, long compared to width


mineral K, Al, SO2 pink cream colored


mineral black, brown, green, or white contains Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, Cr, SiO2 single chain silicate


mineral form of iron colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red


mineral part of mica family perfect cleavage


mineral transparent cleavable masses white sands hardness of 2


mineral transparent, 7 in hardness, no cleavage


most common in upper mantle olive color no cleavage Fe rich and Mg rich

in what tectonic setting do basins form?

oceanic and continental plates

In what environment do siltsonte and shale form?

on land slow moving or stagnant water and wind

Which is least likely to deposit sand?

open ocean away from land


opposite of dome dip toward center in all directions center is younger layers

When melting forms magma:

partial melting produces a magma that is more felsic than the source

How does a crossbed form?

piling of sediment down in the front dike

difference between mineral and rock

rock is made up of several minerals

Strike Slip Fault

rocks move side to side parallel


sedimentary- looks like a mixture of sand and different sizes of rounded pebbles can be found in a stream


share all four oxygen, complex stacked sheets EX: quarts feldspar


share three oxygen in continous sheets weak bond parallel sheet structures EX: mica

double chains

share three oxygens EX: amphibole

What is a covalent bond and give an example

sharing electrons, strongest bond EX: Diamond


silicate mineral dark mica Mg and Fe perfect cleaves

What are the major group of minerals?

silicates, carbonates, oxides, halides, sulfates, sulfides, native materials

igneous rock form by

solidification of magma

Which results in angular clasts?

steep slope mountain

SiO4 shape silica


what causes elevated regions

thickness of crust

What is a ionic bond and give an example?

transfer of electrons, moderately strong EX: Halite

does water increase melt


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