TEXES EC-6 Social Studies

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13th,14th,and 15th Amendments

"Reconstructive Amendments," passed in the years following the Civil War in order to end slavery and guarantee African Americans the right to vote


100 years


1000 A.D, led by Leif Eriksson sailing from Greenland and established fishing and hunting bases in 'Vinland' in Canada

Missouri Compromise

1820, stated that Missouri would be allowed to join the Union as a slave state, Maine would join as a free state, thereafter states north of an imaginary line would be free states and those south would allow slaves, an attempt to keep the union together

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854, law that repealed the Missouri Compromise, allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves if they wanted slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

1863, signed by Lincoln, freed the slaves in the Confederate States


African man who accompanied Cabeza de Vaca, killed by Zuni tribe who were protesting the presence of others on their sacred ground

Key Components of 1st Grade Social Studies Curriculum

Child's Relationship to the Classroom, School and Community 1. The concept of chronology developed by distinguishing among past, present, and future 2. Anthems and mottoes of Texas and the United States 3. Relationship among the classroom, school, and community.

Key Components of Kindergarten Social Studies Curriculum

Child, Home, Family, and Classroom. 1. The child as an individual. 2. Home and Families 3. State and national heritage 4. Patriotic holidays and the contribution of historical character

Stamp Act

English tax on American colonists for written/printed materials, colonists had not agreed on taxes and cried "no taxation without representation"

Jacques Carter

French explorer in Canada who established trade with the Native Americans, searched for the Northwest Passage (doesn't exist)

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer who established a fort at Rubec which later became Quebec (an important fur-trading center)

Rene-Robert Cavelier a.k.a. La Salle

French explorer who sailed the entire length of the Mississippi River and claimed it and all it's tributaries for France, named the large area 'Louisiana'

Pierre Charles L'Enfant

French volunteer in the Continental Army, Revolutionary War, who designed the capital city of the new country, the United States in Washington D.C.

Key Components of 4th Grade Social Studies Curriculum

History of Texas 1. History of Texas from its beginning to the present 2. Events and individuals of the 19th and 20th centuries 3. Human activity and physical features of regions in Texas and the Western Hemisphere 4. Native Americans in Texas and the Western Hemisphere 5. European exploration and colonization 6. Types of Native American governments 7. Characteristics of Spanish and Mexican colonial governments

Key Components of 3rd Grade Social Studies Curriculum

How Individuals Change Their Communities and the World 1. Past and present heroes and their contributions 2. People who overcame obstacles 3. Economic, cultural, and scientific contributions made by individuals.

Literature Based Approach

Ideal way to integrate Social Studies with language arts. Through the use of authentic multicultural literature, teachers can expose children to quality reading as well as the cultures of the many ethnic and linguistic groups living in the United States. Social studies is strongly linked with English Language Arts and Reading. It not only requires strong reading and writing skills but also support reading by providing an understanding of the history as well as the physical and cultural characteristics of a place.

Thematic Instruction

In this approach, a teacher or teachers select a theme and organize content area instruction around it. It can be done in a self-contained classroom or in a departmental format in which several teachers teach the content. Ideal for ELL's because the use of a common theme in multiple content areas makes content more cognitively accessible for them.

Key Components of 2nd Grade Social Studies Curriculum

Local Community 1. Impact of significant individuals and events in the history of the community, state and nation 2. Concepts of time and chronology by measuring calendar time by days, weeks, months, and years 3. Relationship between the physical environment and human activities 4. Functions of government and the services it provides.

Boston Tea Party

One of the best known boycotts in which the colonists dumped tea in the Boston harbor to pretest taxation. One of the events that led to the American War of Independence.

Key Components of 6th Grade Social Studies Curriculum

People and Places of the Contemporary World 1. This part of the curriculum is designed to introduce students to the concepts of cultural geography. The discipline of geography explores patterns, relationships, and processes at least to global scale. 2. People and places of the contemporary world 3. Societies from the following regions in the world: Europe, Russia and the Eurasian republics, North America, Middle America, South America, Southwest Asia-North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Pacific realms. 4. Influence of individuals and groups from different cultures on selected historical and contemporary events 5. Different ways of organizing economic and governmental systems

Hernando de Soto

Spaniard, claimed Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Kansas, and Louisiana for Spain, first European to see the Mississippi River

Hernando Cortez

Spanish conqueror of the Aztec Empire in Mexico

Francisco Coronado

Spanish explorer who traveled north from Mexico through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma into Kansas looking for the fabled seven cities of gold

Maps; Globes

Symbolic representation can pose challenges for children in kindergarten through grade 4 and occasionally in grades 5 and 6. _________ and __________ are tools for representing space symbolically.

Globe for Kindergarten through 3rd grade

Teachers should use a simplified 12-inch globe that uses no more that 3 colors to represent land elevation and no more than 2 colors to represent water depth. The globe should include only the largest river, cities, and oceans.

TEKS in Social Studies

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) is the state curriculum for kindergarten to grade 12. The TEKS organizes the social studies content inductively, from the known to the unknown. In this alignment, children begin learning about the self in kindergarten and expand their knowledge with each successive grade, eventually encompassing the community, the state, the nation, and the world.

Key Components of 5th Grade Social Studies Curriculum

United States History 1. History of the United States from its beginning to the present 2. Significant events and individuals of the late 19th and 20th centuries, including contributions of important inventors and scientists 3. Regions of the United States that result from physical features and human activity 4. Characteristics and benefits of the free enterprise system 5. Roots of representative government 6. Important ideas in the Declaration of Independence 7. Meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance 8. Fundamental rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights 9,. Customs and celebrations of racial, ethnic, and religious groups in the United States

Anne Hutchinson

a Puritan woman who disagreed with the leadership of the Massachusetts Colony , was driven out and eventually helped establish the colony of Rhode Island

Boston Massacre

a fight between British soldiers and American colonists due to the taxation by England. One of the events that led to the American War of Independence.


a law that required men to serve in the military or be drafted

Clara Barton

a nurse to wounded Union soldiers during the Civil War, established the American Red Cross in 1881


a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially occurred during the empire building of the 19th century when countries of Europe colonized and controlled vast areas of of Africa and Asia


a spear used by early hunters over 10,000 years ago


a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Civil War

a war in which groups of people from the same place or country fight each other

Florence Nightingale

an English nurse who is considered the founder of modern nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods

Mayflower Compact

an agreement signed by all males on voyage, a plan of self-government, the pilgrims agreed to elect their own leaders and make their own laws


are a flat representation of the world and distort the distance, size , or shape of the continents and bodies of water.


are a mathematical model of the Earth and show correct, unaltered (not distorted) distance, size, and shape of continents and bodies of water. They can also help in studying the proportion of land and water.


arrangement of events in order of occurrence

Native Americans vs. Europeans

between 10-25 million natives lived in America, conflict between the Europeans and Native Americans arose over land ownership until the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the last battle in 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota

Harriet Tubman

born into slavery, escaped in 1850, conductor of Underground Railroad believed to have helped over 300 people to freedom


c. 1400-1600 when Europe experienced a rebirth in philosophy, learning art, and science (ex: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus (showed Earth resolved around the sun) and Galileo (inventor of the telescope))

Globes for grades 4 through 6

can be 16-inch globes and contains additional details and usually seven colors to represent land elevation and three colors to represent water depth.

Committees of Correspondence

communication system developed by Samuel Adams to keep the colonists informed about what was happening in other colonies


complex society with a government, religion, writing, and learning

Homestead Act of 1862

declared that any citizen could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land outside the original thirteen colonies, many pioneers filed claims, populated the land, built towns and ultimately opened the West

Steps to the Inquiry Teaching Approach

develop a question, propose a hypothesis, collect and organize data, analyze the collected data, draw conclusions from the data to answer the question, form a generalization based on the conclusions

Plymouth Colony

established in 1620 in Massachusetts by the Pilgrims aka Seperatists, sailed from England to the New World onboard the Mayflower

William Penn

established the English colony of Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and others searching for religious freedom , founded the settlement of Philadelphia

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

explored the Louisiana Territory, the "Corps of Discovery" was commissioned to map the new territory, assess its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants

Native American Group - Inuit

far northern fringe of North America

Christopher Columbus

first European to 'discover' the Americas sailing from Spain with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Mariam in August 1492, found land in the Bahamas in October 1492, Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October, his discoveries opened the way to Western European exploration of the Americas and led to exchanges of people, plants, animals, and ideas between Europeans and Native Americans

Cabeza de Vaca

first European to explore what is now Texas and the southwestern US, wandered for 7 yrs. writing an account of the flora, fauna, and people of the region

Ponce de Leon

first Spaniard to set foot on the US in Florida


first permanent English colony in the Americas, established in Virginia in 1607, Captain John Smith was the leader

Paul Revere

folk hero of the American Revolution, participated in the Boston Tea Party, made famous by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's narrative poem "Paul Revere's Ride" describing his ride to Concord, New Hampshire to warn colonists that the British troops were on the move

Sojourner Truth

former slave born as Isabella Baumfree, one of the earliest and most passionate female abolitionists, escaped her owners in 1820 and by 1840 had become a powerful speaker against slavery

Roger Williams

founded the colony of Rhode Island with its settlement of Providence, founded the colony on the idea of religious toleration for all, and a separation of church and state

Manifest Destiny

idea that the US should stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, doctrine used to rationalize the western expansion from 'sea to shining sea'

Native American Group - Aztec

in present day Mexico

Native American Group - Inca

in present day Peru and Chile

Native American Group - Mayas

in present day southern Mexico and Central America

Johan Gutenberg

invented the printing press, books could now be printed in large numbers, and became less expensive, new ideas spread more quickly

Mercator projection

is a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569.

Social Studies

is an umbrella term encompassing the disciplines of history, geography, civics and government, economics, and psychology.

Rosetta Stone

large black stone found in Egypt containing a hieroglyphics message in Greek, Egyptian Script, and Egyptian which allowed archeologists to use Greek to decode and read the recorded history of the ancient Egyptians

Slave Codes

laws in Southern states that spelled out what kind of lives slaves could live and essentially stripped slaves from any protection of the law

Benjamin Franklin

leader of Colonial America, published Poor Richard's Almanac, invented bifocal lenses, signed the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution

Nathan Hale

lieutenant in the Continental Army of the Revolutionary War, volunteered to gather intelligence on the British Army, captured by the British and interrogated, executed as a spy in 1776

Isaac Newton

mathematician and physicist who developed the idea of the scientific method, Principa Mathematica (1687) described laws of motion and of gravity (*one of the most important scientific books ever published)

Native American Group - Sioux

north central plains of North America

Native American Group - Iroquois

northeastern North America

Native American Group - Blackfeet

northwestern plains of North America

Thomas Jefferson

one of the main authors of the Declaration of Independence, third President of the US

James Madison

one of the main authors of the US constitution (1787) which created a strong Federalist government, fourth President of the US


people who settled on the Great Plains between 1862-1890.


people who wanted to abolish slavery


period before writing was developed

Industrial Revolution

period in the 1800s during which machines instead of hand tools began to be used to produce goods resulting in the factory system creating a fundamental shift in the way goods were produced, farmers moving to urban areas to work in factories, capitalism was made possible

Indentured Servant

person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time, used by many early settlers to pay for their passage to America

Domestication of Plants

plants required that people stay in one place, food surpluses made it possible for community to specialize in activities besides farming, skills were traded for food, farming societies formed settlements that led to more complex economies

John James Audubon

prominent wildlife artist whose book, Birds of America (182-1838) contained portraits of 1,065 individual birds published in four volumes

Evaluating Internet Materials

purpose? url? author? accuracy? objectivity?

Crispus Attucks

runaway slave who led the charge against British troops at the Boston massacre, was killed in the attack

Magna Carta

signed by King John of England in 1215 establishing the kings recognition of the rights of his nobles, kept the power of the English king from becoming 'absolute' - limiting his power

Abraham Lincoln

sixteenth President of the US, elected in 1860 and inaugurated in 1861, reelected in 1864, was assassinated and died on April 15, 1865

Native American Group - Cherokee

southeastern North America

Native American Group - Navajo

southwestern North America

Daniel Boone

spent most of his life exploring and settling the American frontier

Underground Railroad

system of slave escape routes leading to freedom, escapees were helped by "conductors" who provided food and shelter along the way, reached its peak activity between 1850 and 1860

Louisiana Purchase

territory purchased from France by Thomas Jefferson in 1803 stretching from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from New Orleans to Canada


the belief in many gods


the belief of one Supreme Being

Cold War

time period after World War II when the US and Soviet Union prepared for war, lasted from the end of WW II (1945) until the end of the Soviet Union (1991)


time period after the Civil War when the South was rebuilt

Declaration of Independence

written mostly by Thomas Jefferson, passed on July 4, 1776 declaring independence of the 13 colonies from England and gave the reasons the Colonists wanted their own country. It pronounced the colonies free and independent states. It provided the foundation to establish equal rights for all people.

Thomas Paine

wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense (1776) which advocated an immediate declaration of independence from Great Britain who were causing suffering for Americans, the first work to openly call for American independence from Great Britain

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