The American Civil War

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When was the the treaty that ended the Civil War signed?

April 9th 1865

Thomas Stonewall Jackson

A famous Confederate general who was killed by friendly fire and got his nickname by not standing down to enemy men

Gettysburg Address

A speech given by President Lincoln at the battle site of Gettysburg. It was very concise and moving, and is still remembered today as one of the greatest American speeches of all time

Emancipation Proclamation

A statement made by President Lincoln that stated all slaves in Union territory would be free 100 days before January 1st. It had a huge impact on the army because now the former slaves could go fight and slavery became a more larger topic that people started to care more and more for.

When was the Battle of Bull Run

July 21st 1861

When was the Battle of Gettysburg?

June 30th 1863

George McClellan

Commander of the Union army, was known for being too cautious, failed to take action. Even though when having large pieces of important information.

Union Plan for Victory

1. The Union planned to use its navy to blockade the southern ports preventing trade between the south and other countries and resulting in manufactured goods to be scarce in the south 2. Union generals from the east wanted to seize Richmond Virginia which was the confederate capitol in hope of political break down 3. The Union wanted to take control of the Mississippi river resulting in prevention of the south to use it as a supply line for troops

Causes of the Civil War

1. economic and social differences between the North and South 2. States versus federal rights 3. slavery 4. growth of the abolition movement 5. election of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States, elected in 1860, Lincoln was able to take in criticism very well and was very good at planning war, abolished slavery in 1865, appointed Grant and other major generals, killed by John Wilkes Booth

how many people died in the civil war?

620,000 Americans died in the civil war

Robert E. Lee

Commander of the Confederate army, was a great general but was famous for his big mistake at Gettysburg. Signed the treaty that ended the Civil War

Battle of Gettysburg

Happened on June 30, 1863. Pickett's Charge was when Lee ordered 15,000 men to charge at the Union lines. It was Lee's biggest mistake that ended the war. The most bloody battles in the war

Battle of Antietam

Happened on September 17th, 1862. Over 23,000 people were killed; General McClellan should have destroyed the Confederacy because he had Lee's battle plans but failed to take action.

When did the Emancipation Proclamation go into affect?

January 1st 1863

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis was involved with the military prior to the war, he'd attended the West Point military academy so he had led his army in very strategic matter compared to Lincoln, he also had been a commander in the Mexican American War and he'd been appointed Secretary of War before the Civil War

African Americans in the Civil War

Later in the Civil War, African-Americans could fight. Also, they set up civil rights movements, and worked in whatever ways they could to help the Union cause.

Women in the Civil War

Many women worked as nurses in the war. They were spies, and some disguised as soldiers to go fight.

Strengths of the South

Most southern men from an early age learned how to hunt meaning they had previous expeirince with weapons and they knew how to ride horses. A lot of the soldiers from the south also went to military school giving them more knowledge and skills that others of the and north didn't have The south was fighting on there home turf so they knew the area fairly well

When was the Gettysburg Address given?

November 19th 1863

Battle of Bull Run

On July 21, 1861, the first major battle of the Civil War. Washingtonians brought picnic supplies to watch the Yankees whip the Confederates, but they fled after the bloodiest battle yet unraveled. This battle had made people realize how terrible the war would be.

When was the Battle of Antietam?

September 17th, 1862

When was the Emancipation Proclamation announced?

September 22nd 1862

When did the Civil War start and end?

Started in 1861 ended in 1865

Weaknesses of the North

The North was fighting on enemy soil so they didn't know the land entirely well Most Northerners didn't have previous experience in war The North had to conquer a huge area to get the south to come back to the North

Weaknesses of the South

The South had a very weak economy because they hardly had any factories which would've produced weapons and other important goods The South also had an issue of transporting troops fast and efficiently because they hardly had any railroads and the a majority of the railroads they did have didn't connect with one another The confederate constitution also favored states rights which limited the authority and caused political problems. The South had a very small population compared to the north (9 M - 22 M)

Results of the War

The South's economy was crippled, the North's economy was phased, but quickly regained. Hundreds of thousands of young men were killed, and both sides still resented each other.

Strengths of the North

The north had a stronger economy than the south by far because they had some farmers to produce crops they also had mills to produce weapons and other things. The north also had a huge advantage in numbers, almost four times as many than the south had because the south didn't let their slaves fight The North had a majority of the nations rail lines which were used to transport goods and men The North had a large navy that were used for trading and war

Confederate Plan for Victory

The south wanted to play a stay at home defensive war hoping that they would tire out the North of fighting

Grant's Total War and Sherman's March to the Sea

Total war was when both citizens and soldiers are affected. Grant ordered General Sherman to capture Atlanta, and then march to the sea destroying anything useful to the Confederates in their path.

Ulysses S. Grant

Union commander who won the war appointed by Abraham Lincoln, signed the treaty that ended the Civil War

William Tecumseh Sherman

Union general who was famous for his "March to the Sea" where he and his army destroyed anything in his path from Georgia to Savannah

Surrender at Appomattox Court House

When General Lee surrendered to the Union army at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. Appomattox Virginia

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