The General Senses

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These corpuscles are also called Type II tactile disks

ruffini corpuscles

The ___ interprets the sensory information entirely on the basis over which line it arrives


Along the inner margin of the eyeball are _______ ____ which secrete a lipid-rich substance which prevents the eyeballs from sticking together.

Meibomian Glands

These corpuscles are abundant in the eyelids, lips, fingertips, nipples, and external genitalia and provide fine touch and pressure, and low frequency vibration sensations

Meissner's corpuscles

are sensory dendrites which are highly coiled and interwoven. They are surrounded by modified Schwann cells and fibrous capsule surrounds the entire complex and anchors it within the dermis.

Meissner's corpuscles

Also called Type 1 tactile discs

Merkel's discs

are specialized epithelial cells found in skin surfaces that lack hair. They are sensitive to touch when compressed or disturbed.

Merkel's discs or Type 1 tactile discs

This is known as the tympanic cavity.

Middle Ear

This type of adaptation occurs when the receptor of sensory neurons alter their levels of activity. In this situation, the receptors respond rapidly at first and then their activity decreases. These receptors are also called fast acting receptors.

Peripheral Adaptation

Where are the receptors for taste located?

The receptors are located in taste buds which are on the tongue, the soft palate, and the throat.

What are tears composed of chemically?

The secretions are watery, slightly alkaline, and contain the enzyme lysozyme- burst bacterial cell walls.

are free nerve endings which detect changes in temperature.


carry sensations of slow pain or burning and aching pain

Unmyelinated Type C Fibers

monitor changes in pressure in the walls of blood vessels (aorta, carotid arteries, lungs, and vena cava), the digestive tract, urinary tract, and reproductive tract


probably produce new olfactory cells

basal cells

produces new gustatory and supporting cells

basal cells

The rods and cones synapse with approximately six million ____ cells which in turn synapse with a layer of ____ cells. The axons of these cells exit the back of the eye to form the optic nerve.

bipolar, ganglion

The breakdown of rhodopsin into retinal and opsin is called?


The area where the axons exit the eyeball and lacks photoreceptors for vision is called?


A thin membrane called the ______ covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the sclera up to the margin of the cornea.


the inflammation of conjunctiva membrane due to trauma or pathogenic infection


By binding to presynaptic membrane, endorphins are preventing the release of substance P. Thus, they are reducing the ______ perception of pain, although the painful stimulus remains.


medial rotation of eyes as object approaches you


It contains many free nerve endings which make it very sensitive to chemicals, touch, and drying.


_____ is clear and transparent, a vascular continuation of the scera.


is a transparent surface on the front of the eyeball


The greatest amount of refraction occurs when light passes from the air into the ____ tissues which have a density close to that of water.


taste buds are monitored by which cranial nerves

cranial nerve seven (facial), cranial nerve nine (glossopharyngeal) and cranial nerve ten (vagus)

Where are receptors for temperature found?

dermis of the skin, skeletal muscle, hypothalamus, and liver

The distance between the center of the lens and the focal point is called?

focal distance

Refraction takes place when light passes from the aqueous humor into the relatively dens lens. The lens provides the extra refraction needed to focus the light rays from an object towards a specific _____ ____.

focal point

The primary function of the lens is to _____ an ____ on the surface of the retina. In order to do this, it must be continually reshaped. there is a capsule around the lens to which the suspensory ligaments attach.

focus, image

A pocket called the ____ is formed where the palpebral conjunctiva meets the ocular conjunctiva.


how many opsin are there?


a shallow depression called the _____ can be found on the posterior surface of the eye

fovea centralis

The simplest receptors are what?

free dendrites of sensory neurons

are sensitive to touch and pressure; are found between adjacent epidermal cells and on the corneal surface of the eye

free nerve endings

These papilllae are located on the tip and sides of tongue

fungiform papillae

knob like or mushroom shaped papillae are called

fungiform papillae

What is the word that describes excessive intraocular pressure which causes degeneration of the retina and blindness.


the sense of taste


There are forty to fifty of these cells per taste bud.

gustatory cells

The greater the number of receptors being affected by the stimulus, the ____ it is to localize a stimulus.


allows us to perceive and interpret sound waves


"farsightedness" This results if the eyeball is too short or the lens is too flat, the image of a distant object will focus behind the retina.


The neural retina's primary function is _____ ____.

image formation

The area responsible for equilibrium and hearing

inner ear

These are also called visceroceptors


monitor conditions inside the body


What pressure is produced by the aqueous humor?


This layer of the eyeball includes the ____, ____ , and ____.

iris, ciliary body, and choroid coat.

The neural link between the receptor and cortical region is called a

labeled line

This apparatus produces, distributes, and removes tears.

lacrimal apparatus

These punctum drain the tears into the superior and inferior ____ ___.

lacrimal canal

is a fleshy pad which contains glands which produce thick secretions which lubricate the eyeball

lacrimal caruncle

The ____ ____ are located on the superior- lateral aspect of the eyeball and produce about 1 ml of lacrimal fluid or tears per day.

lacrimal glands

The canals deliver the tears into the ______ ___ which channels tears into the nasal lacrimal duct which empties into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity.

lacrimal sac

"nearsighted" This results if the eyeball is too deep or the resting curvature of the lens is too great, the image of a distant object will focus in front of the retina


In this vision, the ciliary muscle contracts and the tension on the suspensory ligametns is lessened resulting in the lens beingallowed to become more convex.

near vision

This is also called the retina

neural tunic

detect pain due to temperature and physical or chemical damage to the tissues.



normal vision

Visual sensations arrive at the visual region of the cortex called _____ ___.

occipital lobe

This conjunctiva covers the anterior surface of the sclera up to the margin of the cornea.

ocular conjunctiva

the sense of smell


These cells are bipolar neurons. The distal end has up to twenty free dendrites or olfactory cilia which extend into the surface layers of mucous where dissolved chemicals interact with receptors on the membrane surface; the cell body lies between supporting cells; the axons of these bipolar neurons form cranial nerve I, olfactory nerve. These axons pass through the olfactory foramina of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and synapse with neurons in the olfactory bulb. Axons leaving the olfactory bulb travel along the olfactory tract to reach the olfactory cortex, hypothalamus, and portions of the limbic system.

olfactory cells

what is another name or blind spot

optic disc

are composed of a single dendritic fiber surrounded by concentric cellular layers. They are scattered throughout the integument as well as superficial and deep fascia, joint capsules, the mesenteries, and the wall of the urinary bladder. They are sensitive to pulsing or high frequency vibrating stimuli

pacinian corpuscles

Blinking sweeps tears over the surfaces of the eyeball towards the lacrimal ____, two small openings in the upper and lower eyelids at the medial canthus.


Visual pigments are composed of a compound called ____. This compound contains a protein called ______ which is bound by a pigment called _____ which is synthesized form vitamen A

rhodopsin, opsin, retinal

The ___ are responsible for white and black vision


somewhat cylindrically shaped


the rhodopsin of ____ breaks down quickly in the presence of bright light and reforms slowly


The innermost zone contains photoreceptor cells called _____ and ______.

rods and cones

These receptors are modified ends of dendrites

rods and cones (photoreceptors)

400-700 nanometers

rods and cones vision

are the nerve endings which wrap around the follicle of the hair; when the hair is displaced, the movement of the follicle distorts the sensory dendrites and produces action potentials which may be interpreted as movement or pain.

root hair plexus

function in color vision


somewhat conicaly shaped


There are about ____ rods around the periphery of the retina.

125 million

These are neuromodulators whose release inhibits activity along pain pathways in the brain.

Endorphins/ Enkephlins

carry sensations of fast pain or prickling pain. An injection or deep cut produces this type of pain.

Myelinated Type A Fibers

This is the area being monitored by the receptor

Receptor Field

Each receptor has a characteristic sensitivity. This is called what?

Receptor Specificity

What is an example of a complex receptor?

Rods and Cones of the retina

These are specialized cell that provide the CNS with information about conditions inside or outside the body.

Sensory Receptors

Rods and Cones, complex receptors are protected by what?

accessory cells and layers of CT

these structures offer support and protect the eyeballs

accessory structures

The process of reshaping the lens to compensate for near and far vision


is a reduction in the sensitivity of a receptor in the presence of a constant stimulus


The handle of the malleus attaches to the tampanic membrane and the head connects to the incus. The incus in turn attaches to the stapes which fits its oval surface into the oval window of the inner ear. An auditory tube leads from the pharynx to the middle ear and functions in equilization of ambient ____ in the middle ear.

air pressure

The fluid called ___ ___ is secreted by the epithelium of ciliary processes

aqueous humor

This fluid helps to nourish the lens and cornea

aqueous humor

If a lens has minor imperfections or irregularities, it will not be able to uniformly refract the light entering the eye and therfore the image on the retina will not be uniformly focused. This issue is called


This type of adaptation occurs in the central nervous system as a result of inhibition of sensory nuclei along neural pathways.

central adaptation

Bacterial infections of the meibomian glands produces a small lump called


are receptors which respond to water-soluble and lipid-soluble substances dissolved in the surrounding fluids


The _____ ___ is a heavily pigmented layer which seperates the fibrous and neural tunics.

choroid coat

This layer contains many capillaries that supply the retina with oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products

choroid coat

begins at the junction of the sclera and cornea and extends posteriorly to the ora serrata

ciliary body

circular, doughnut shaped papillae arranged in an inverted V on the posterior portion of the tongue.

circumvallate papillae

___ require more light in order to function in comparision to the other photoreceptor


informs us to our position relative to gravity as well as our movement through space


How quickly is aqueous humor being replaced?

every ninety minutes

consists of the external pinna or auricle which captures sound waves and channels them into the external auditory canal. This canal is lined with ceruminous glands which produce a waxy secretion to trap dust and debris. It also acts as a bacteriacidal agent and short hairs which keep larger debris and insects out of ear. the sound waves eventually cause the thin concave membrane called the tympanic membrane or eardrum to vibrate back and forth.

external ear

provide information about the external environment

exteroceptors (smell, hearing, vision, taste, temperature, pain)

They are located in the two orbits of the skull, are about one inch in diameter and share the orbit with the extrinsic eye muscles, fat for padding and insulation, the lacrimal gland, blood vessels, and several cranial nerves.


the visual organs which contain the receptors for vision


These are short stiff hairs embedded in the outer margins of the eyelids. They prevent dust and debris from falling into the eye and will cause a blink reflex to occur if touched.


Also called palpebrae


a skin flap which slides over the eyes periodically. It shades the eyeball, spreads fluid over the surface of the eye, and protects the eyeball from debris and drying out


In this vision, the ciliary muscle relaxes and the tension on the suspensory ligaments increases resulting in the lens being pulled which reshapes the lens into a lesser biconvex shape.

far vision

They give a friction surface to move food around in your mouth

fibriform papillae

slender, thread-like pointed projections which cover the anterior 2/3 of the tongue

fibriform papillae

the outermost layer of the eyeball which consists of the sclera and cornea

fibrous tunic

a layer of loose CT which holds the nasal epithelium to bone. It also contains nerves and blood vessels which bring oxygen and nutrients to the epithelium and remove carbon dioxide and waste products

lamina propria

Radial muscle fibers (pupillary dialator muscle) make pupils smaller or larger


____ and ____ ___ divide the interior of the eye into anterior and posterior cavities.

lens and ciliary body

Where are endorphins found?

limbic system, hypothalamus, and reticular formation

The junction between the sclera and cornea is called ?


The fewer the number of receptors being affected by the stimulus, the greater the ability to _____ a stimulus.


The identity of the active labeled line indicates the ___ and ___ of the stimulus

location and nature

When sensory information arrives at the CNS, it is routed according to the _____ and ____ of the stimulus.

location and nature

Critical vision occurs at the __.

macula lutea

The visual axis is always focused on the _____ _____.

macula lutea

There is an area of the retina which covers the fovea called the ___ which is composed mostly of cones.

macula lutea

detect physical stimuli which result from the physical distortion of a cell's membranes. These membranes contain mechanically gated ion channels whose gates open and close in response to stretching, compression, twisting, vibrations or other distortions


The two eyelids join at the corners of the eye. these areas are called the

medial and lateral canthus

What are the general senses?

pain, pressure, proprioception, touch, temperature, and vibration

This conjunctiva covers the inner surface of the eyelids.

palpebral conjunctiva

the opening between the upper and lower eyelids

palpebral fissure

Touch, pressure, pain, temperature, and taste sensations arrive at the primary sensory cortex called _____ ___.

parietal lobe

What are the two types of adaptation?

peripheral and central adaptation

What type of receptor are thermoreceptors? are the phasic or tonic

phasic (since they are temporarily inactive)

These receptors are normally inactive. They become temporarily active when there is a change in the condition they are monitoring.

phasic receptors

a loss of the elasticity of the lens which usually occurs in the older individuals and results in hyperopia.


Endorphins bind to the _____ ______ and prevent the release of substance P

presynaptic membrane

receive information concerning body position and movement


These corpuscles are located deep in the skin and are sensitive to pressure and distortion. They consist of a capsule, which contains interwoven dendrites surrounded by collagen fibers.

ruffini corpuscles or Type II tactile disks

The fluid used to suspend or dissolve a food source so it may be tasted, soften to swallow, and begin carbonate digestion via amylase- breaks down carbohydrates to glucose in mouth


______ is a dense white fibrous coat (contains collagen and elastic fibers) which is tough enough to prevent puncturing, maintains the shape of the eyeball, and is a point of insertion for the six extrinsic eye muscles


provides information about the strength, duration, variation, and movement of the stimulus

sensory coding

There are about ____ cones on the posterior retinal surface.

six million

Circular muscle fibers (pupillary constrictor muscle) make the pupil smaller or larger


What are special senses?

smell (olfaction), taste (gustation), balance (equilibrium), hearing, and sight (vision)

Which of the following are not a general sense? pain, temperature, touch, pressure, smell, hearing, vibrations and proprioception

smell, hearing

To taste something, the material must be in a _____.


The Ciliary Muscle is a _____ muscle which lays under the finger-like epithelial folds called ciliary processes


An infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelashes, a Meibomian gland, or sweat gland of the eye produces a painful localized swelling called a ___


What is the neurotransmitter in the limbic system, hypothalamus, and reticular formation called?

substance P

a specialized epithelium which forms the capsule of a taste bud and supports the olfactory cells

supporting cells

columnar epithelial cells of the mucous membrane; some of these columnar cells have differentiated into goblet cells

supporting cells

The _______ _______ of the lens extend from a capsule covering the lens to the ciliary processes

suspensory ligaments

These ____ help to hold the lens behind the iris and centered with the pupil.

suspensory ligaments

monitor touch, pressure, and vibrations. Can be free nerve endings to specialized structures

tactile receptors

Which of the following is not a general sense? pain, pressure, proprioception, taste, touch, temperature, and vibrations


Each hair-like process called microvilli or taste hair will project out of the taste bud by way of a ____

taste pore

auditory and olfactory sensations arrive at their receptive regions of the cortex called

temporal lobe

The lateral portion of the superior fornix receives____ to ____ ducts from the lacrimal gland.

ten to twelve

This area contains blood vessels, the intrinsic eye muscles, and lymphatics.

vascular tunic

Why are corneal transplants possible?

they are possible due to the fact that there are no blood vessels to carry white blood cells to this area to attack the foreign tissue

There are____ zones of neurons in the neural retina


What is the job of tears?

to reduce friction, remove debris, prevent bacteria infection, and provide nutrients/oxygen to conjunctiva.

These receptors are always active. When the stimulus increases or decreases, the rate of their action potentials change accordingly.

tonic receptors

The translation of a stimulus into an action potential is called?


This consists of an inner neural retina which contains photoreceptor for _____ and an outer pigmented layer


the ability to detect light and form detailed images


The posterior cavity contains a thick, jelly-like fluid called ____ humor.


This fluid helps to prevent the eyeball from collapsing and holds the retina flush against the interior of the eyeball. It is crystal clear and not replaced quickly by the body.

vitreous humor

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