"The last lecture" by Randy Pasuch

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What does Randy think of when he thinks of someone Ernest?

A Boy Scout who works hard and becomes an Eagle Scout.

What did randy's dad learn from randy at disney world when he wanted to sit in the front car?

sometimes you just have to ask.

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

Experience is what you get in return when you make mistakes. So its like creating lessons for ourselves so we don't make mistakes.

What does Randy think of his NFL dream?

He thinks he got more from pursing that dream and be accomplishing it than many of the ones he did accomplish.

Why did Randy want to bring Crayons to his Last Lecture?

He wanted to ask everyone to close their eyes and think about their childhood dreams. (Well sniffing them to bring back their childhood)

What was Randy's outlook on his cancer diagnosis?

He wanted to live the rest of his remaining life to the fullest and make each day wonderful.

"The Man in the Convertible" Randy's friend Robbe Kosak emailed him and told him how she saw him in his convertible looking happy and healthy but she was confused because he has cancer. What did this mean to him?

He was thrilled other people, including her, noticed he was happy and he was doing okay.

What was Randy's teaching goal?

Help students learn how to judge themselves

What does pasuche not want his lecture to focus on and why?

His cancer and how he copied with it because that's a very typical topic. He also feels his cancer shouldn't define him and he should focus more on a topic that does define him.

Who does Randy call his "strength and support"?

His father

What was the biggest head fake at the end of the lecture?

The presentation and the book are for Randy's kids

What is the communitarian movement?

The idea that you have responsibilities to your community to go along with the rights that are guarenteed by the community

what did Randy say about Alice's progress?

"I won't get to set foot in the promise land, it's still a wonderful sight."

What is the title of pasche's lecture

"Really achieving your childhood dreams."

Why did the people at Disney world give Randy a new salt and pepper shaker

"There is more than one way to measure profits and losses" he spent 100,000 on the whole trip and the shakers are $10

What was Randy thinking In the hotel room the day before his lecture.

"This is exactly what you get when you try to tell your whole life story in an hour!"

What did the doctor respond with after being asked by Randy "how long before I die?"

"You probably have three to six months of good health."

What are the 3 parts of a proper apology

1) what I did was wrong. 2) I feel badly that I hurt you 3) how do I make this better?

What were Randy's childhood dreams?

1. Being in zero gravity 2. Playing in the NFL 3. Authoring an article in the world book encyclopedia 4. Winning stuffed animals 5. Being a Disney Imagineer

What would students seek a ranking on in Randy's multicolored bar charts?

1. Did his peers think he was he was working hard? Exactly how many hours did his peers think he had devoted to a project? 2. How creative was his contribution? 3. Did his peers find it easy or hard to work with him? Was he a team player?

where was Randy when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon

At camp (he never got to see it and felt slighted bc the camps priorities were bedtime over a once in a life time event that could fuel kids to have childhood dreams.)

What does mean if you screw up and none says anything?

It means that they've given up on you.

Why did Jai not want Randy to give the last lecture?

It would take away time that he could spend with his family

What import day was it when pasuche left to prepare for his lecture

Jai (his wifes) birthday (the last birthday of Jai's pasuche would be alive for)

What happened on "The Day Jai Managed to Ahcieve the One-Driver, Two-Car Collision."

Jai pulled out the minivan from the garage without realizing the Volkswagen convertible was in the driveway. The result was an instantaneous crunch, boom, bang!

What good quality dose Kirk from "Star Trek" have in Randy's eyes?

Leadership! Randy describes him as such "He was the distilled essence of the dynamic manager a guy who knew how to delegate, had to the passion to inspire, and looked good in what he wore to work." These are all the quality's That Make Kirk a good leader in Randy's eyes.

In chapter 24, a recovering jerk, what did Randy say was a lost art in teaching and learning

Listening and understanding feedback

what's the best thing to say to a friend who is going to die?

Love your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him where ever he goes, also he will never be alone. Don't let someone suffer alone

At what hospital did Randy seek chemotherapy treatment?

MD Anderson

Did Randy want to be an astronaut

Not he just wanted to float and zero gravity

What does Ch.2 "My Life in a Laptop" mean?

Randy had all of these dreams and goals that he completed, and he didn't know how to put it all into one lecture.

As Jai and Randy cried together in the hospital realizing the cancer was back and Randy would die. What did Randy realize?

That there were no boxes of tissues in the room. He found himself thinking "shouldn't a room like this at a time like this have a box of Kleenex? Wow, that's a glaring operational flaw.

Whom was William Shatner

The actor for Captain Kirk whom Randy had the honor of meeting

What type of Girl Scout cookies are mentioned in the book?

Thin mints.

What is a tigger versus an eeyor

Tigger- a happy/optimistic person. Eeyor- a sad/pessimistic person.

In chapter 15 why does randy pour soda all over the back seat of his new car?

To show that people are more important than things

What is the reason brick walls are there?

To show us how bad we want something

What types of things did Randy paint on his childhood walls?

elevator, quadratic equation, "disco sucks", pandora's box, submarine periscope, snow white's mirror, "I'm trapped in the attic", rocket ship

According to the book, why did they buy a new house?

to be closer to Jai's family when he passed

What entry did Randy write about in the world book encyclopedia?

A virtual reality Entry.

Chapter 53: When Randy was advised to get his PHD from his mentor/professor Andy Van Dam what school was he rejected from? moral of this particular story?

-Carnegie Melon -never give up "if you want something bad enough, never give up (take a boost when offered)".

What was his weight before and/or after chemotherapy?

182, 138 he lost a significant amount of weight (around 50 pounds)

How did Randy prove he wasn't lying about having cancer when the officer pulled him for speeding.

He showed him his cancer operation scars

What did Shatner do for Randy after learning about his Diagnosis

He sent Randy a photo of himself as Kirk. On it he wrote "I don't believe I The no win scenario"

Who calls Randy his poster boy for "the healthy balance between optimism and realism."?

Dr. Zeh

what did Andy Van Dam say to Randy when he told him about his students virtual worlds?

Go in there and tell them, "guys this is good, but i know you can do better."

How did Randy Convince the audience that he really won the stuffed animals in the photos and didn't photo shop them in or pay the carnies so he could take photos with the stuffed animals?

He brought his stuffed animals to the lecture and asked everyone to take one on a first serve first get bases.

Did randy choose to be a tigger or an eeyore?

He chose to be a tigger

Why does Randy admire Jackie Robinson?

He did not complain.

What childhood dreams did Randy not achieve

He did not make it to the Nfl and well he meet the actor of Kirk from "Star Trek" he never physically became Kirk.

What surprise did Randy arrange for Jai during the last lecture?

He presented her with a birthday cake and got the whole crowd to sing her happy birthday as she blew out the one candle on the cake.

Who was Randy directing the advice "watch what guys do not what they say?" At the end of book to?

His Daughter Chloe

What problem did Randy face when he was trying to become a Disney Imagineer?

His boss didn't think it was a good idea for him to go.

Who or what is the elephant in the room?

His cancer

In chapter 36 who gave him the advice to look for the best in everybody?

Jon Snoddy

What are the 7 pieces of advice Randy gives in chapter 35 (talks about working with a group)?

Meet people properly, find things you have in common, try for optimal meeting conditions, let everyone talk, check egos at the door, praise each other, and phrase alternatives as questions.

Who does the first penguin award go to?

The group that took the biggest risk trying the hardest but ultimately failing

"When the kids are older. They're going to go through this phase where they absolutely achingly need to know; who was my dad? What was he like? This last lecture could help give them an answer to that."

Pausch wanted to go out with a bang. He didn't just want to leave his kids a video with some dying last words. He wanted them to see him in a crowded auditorium telling his speech to people who would have a real reaction to it. So his kids could truely see in a video the diffrence he made on people.

At the end of the lecture, the audience sings "Happy Birthday" to Jai. As she hugs him, what does she whisper?

Please don't die

What does Randy do to show his audience he is still in good health?


Where were Jai and Randy married?

Under a 100-year-old oak tree on the lawn of a famous Victorian Mansion in Pittsburgh.

Fill in the quote: It cool when you meet your boyhood idol, but it's even cooler

When he comes to see the cool stuff you made.

Although his parents were frugal, what gift did they spend a princely sum on (at the time) to give to Randy and his sister?

World Book Encyclopedia

We would all be 33% more effective if we would clear this from our brain.

Worrying what other people think

Did Randy have his own real hair during the lecture?


What did Jai give Randy for his 47th birthday?

a big-screen TV and a watch

Randy Pausch

author of The Last Lecture

Why did Randy sign-up for and endure the hardest anti-cancer therapeutic tx possible?

he wanted to be able to tell his kids that he did everything he could, and he wanted to survive for as long as possible

What family member does Randy regret being rude to when he was younger?

his mother

After he dies, who has he asked the favor of taking his kids for a weekend here and there?

his niece and nephews because he would always take them out on weekends when they were kids.

why would Randy take an earnest person over a hit person?

hit is short term, earnest is long term.

How did they depart from their wedding?

hot air ballon

"My dad always taught me that when there's an elephant in the room..."

introduce it

"Want to have a short phone call with someone? Call them at 11:55 a.m. You may think you're interesting but you're not more interesting than ______


Fill in the quote: Tenacity is a good virtue, but not everyone

needs to see how hard you worked at something.

What was Randy diagnosed with?

pancreatic cancer

what is the best short cut, according to Randy?

work hard, this in turn, makes you more efficient, more able and even happier.

Who is dennis Cosgrove?

undergrad student at university of Virginia in the early 1990

Carnegie Mellon University

university that Randy taught at and gave his Last Lecture

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