The Lymphatic and Immune Systems Part B

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__ T cells attack and destroy infected body cells, cancerous cells, and the cells of transplanted tissues by secreting perforins and granzymes


List some cells that are classified as lymphocytes

- B cells - NK cells - T cells

Anaphylactic shock is characterized by:

- Dyspnea - systemic vasodilation - bronchoconstriction - circulatory shock

Describe a clonal population of T cells:

- are self-tolerant - react to the same antigen - are identical

List 2 blood cell types that secrete histamine, heparin, leukotrienes, and kinins, thus inducing the inflammatory response

- basophils - mast cells

List the features of the skin that offer immunoprotection

- continuous barrier to external environment - presence of defensins - presence of lactic acid

List possible causes for lack of self tolerance

- cross reactivity b/t similar antigens - alteration of self antigens - abnormal exposure to self antigens

Which cells induce cytolysis by secreting perforin?

- cytotoxic T cells - NK cells

The cardinal S/S of inflammation include:

- edema - redness - pain - heat

Name some beneficial effects of fever

- elevated metabolic rate - inhibition of bacterial and viral replication - elevated interferon activity

List some characteristics of lysozyme

- found in saliva, tears, and other body fluids - capable of destroying bacteria - an enzyme

The respiratory burst by neutrophils leads to the production of highly toxic __,__, and __.

- hydrogen peroxide - hypochlorite - superoxide anion

The function of complement is to induce pathogen destruction by several mechanisms. list 4

- immune clearance - cytolysis - inflammation - phagocytosis of pathogens

The immunological benefits of inflammation include:

- initiate tissue repair - limit the spread of pathogens - remove debris of damaged cells

List 3 examples of antimicrobial proteins

- interferon - defensins - complement

A particular T cell will only become activated if __ and __.

- it binds to foreign antigen presented on an MHC protein - costimulated by other surface molecules

Name the cells that release inflammatory mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes, and heparin

- mast cells - basophils

List the mechanisms used by eosinophils to kill parasites:

- producing hydrogen peroxide - producing superoxide

Hyperemia is the basis for which cardinal inflammatory signs?

- redness - heat

The great diversity in the specificity of antibody molecules is produced through:

- somatic recombination - somatic hypermutation

Which are possible routes by which HIV can be contracted?

- vaginal secretion - semen - blood - breast milk

List the events of B cell recognition and attack in the correct order:

1. Immunocompetent B cells bind to antigen 2. B cell internalizes/displays antigen on MHC-II to TH cell 3. TH cells secrete interleukins which activate the B cell 4. B cell undergoes clonal selection 5. Differentiation of B cells into plasma cells and memory cells 6. plasma cells produce and secrete antibodies

Name 3 inflammatory mediators released by basophils and mast cells

1. leukotriene 2. heparin 3. histamine

Natural passive immunity

A baby acquires resistance to a virus thru antibodies obtained thru breast milk

Natural active immunity

A person develops resistance to a virus picked up from a drinking fountain

Artificial active immunity

A person is given an attenuated smallpox virus and develops resistance

Define artificial active immunity

Acquiring one's own immunity against an attenuated pathogen

artificial passive immunity

An antibody injected into a person who has been bitten by a snake. The antibody infers resistance

A patient who is immunodeficient would have:

An under active immune system

An elevated eosinophil count is called:

Eosinophilia- allergy or parasitic infection

Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies secreted by __ cells

B cells

A __ is too small to be antigenic by itself, but can induce an immune response when bound to a larger molecule


__ T cells perform a central coordinating role in both humoral and cellular immunity

helper T cells

Name the chemical secreted by basophils and mast cells that stimulates vasodilation


B cells are the primary cell of __ immunity and T cells are the primary cell of __ immunity

humoral cell-mediated

An excessive immune response and harmful reaction to antigens is called an __ response


The __ is the part of the central nervous system that regulates and maintains body temperature


Type III

immune complex

B cells or T cells that are mature and are capable of recognizing antigens presented by APCs are described as:


Name the antimicrobial protein that interferers with viral replication in host cells


Name the class of cytokines secreted by a variety of cells which function to promote the development and differentiation of T, B, and hematopoietic cells


Which byproduct of fermentation is excreted in the sweat where it inhibits microbial growth?

lactic acid

During the inflammatory response, leukocytes traveling thru the blood adhere to the blood vessel walls. Name the process


The characteristic of immunity termed __ describes how, when reexposed to the same pathogen, the body reacts so quickly there is no noticeable illness


The fixed macrophage in the central nervous system is the:


A(n) __ is an agranulocyte specialized to migrate into the tissues and transform into a macrophage


A T cell which has undergone positive and negative selection but has not become activated by an antigen is said to be __.


During __, self reacting T cells are eliminated or inactivated by clonal deletion or they become anergic

negative T cell selection

A __ is a granulocyte that functions to nonspecifically destroy bacteria by means of phagocytosis, intracellular digestion, and secretion of bactericidal chemicals


A(n) __ is the type of granulocyte with a multi-lobed nucleus that serves especially to destroy bacteria by means of phagocytosis, intracellular digestion, and secretion of bactericidal chemicals


The type of defense that guards against a broad range of pathogens is __ resistance


When the body acquires antibodies from another person or an animal that has developed its own immunity to the pathogen, this type of immunity is classified as __ immunity


_ _ produce and secrete antibodies

plasma cells

Name the secretion of platelets and endothelial cells that stimulates the synthesis of collagen and multiplication of fibroblasts

platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)

Name the process whereby several hundred DNA segments are shuffled and combined in various ways to produce antibody genes unique to each clone of B cells


B cells are produced from hematopoietic stem cells in the:

red bone marrow

B cells complete maturation in the:

red bone marrow

Name the external barrier that is coated with antimicrobial chemicals such as lactic acid, dermicidin, and defensins


Name the characteristic of immunity describing how it is directly against a particular pathogen


Eosinophils secrete:


Name the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Name the proteins on the surface of APCs that function to present antigens to other cells.

MHC proteins

__ proteins occur on all nucleated somatic cells and may trigger a cytotoxic T cell response if displaying a viral protein


__ proteins occur only on APCs and may trigger a helper T cell response if displaying a foreign antigen


__ T cells are descended from the cytotoxic T cells and are responsible for memory in cellular immunity


A disease-causing organism or chemical is generally called a:


The accumulation of dead cells, fluid and tissue debris is called:


__ T cells inhibit multiplication and cytokine secretion by other T cells, and thus limit immune responses


T lymphocytes originate in the red bone marrow, then finish maturation in the:


A peripheral blood smear indicated that a pt was lacking both B and T cells. This pt likely has:

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

Cellular immunity is mediated mainly by __ cells, while humoral immunity is mediated mainly by __ cells


The __ line of defense is the immune system, which not only defeats a pathogen but leaves the body with a memory of it, enabling us to defeat it so quickly in future encounters that the pathogen causes no illness


Name the term for an accumulation of pus in a body cavity


When the body makes its own antibodies or T cells against a pathogen, it is exhibiting __ immunity


Type I


The clumping of cells by antibodies is called:


Antigens which induce hypersensitivity responses are called:


After being injected with a vaccine the pt developed a hypersensitivity reaction characterized by swelling and inflammation. This is an example of local:


Molecules that function to render antigens harmless by neutralization, complement fixation, and precipitation are called:


Type II

antibody dependent cytotoxicity

Any large molecule capable of triggering an immune response is called a(n):


Interferons, complement, defensins and granzymes are examples of:

antimicrobial proteins

The 2nd line of defense against pathogens

antimicrobial proteins, leukocytes, and macrophages

Aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins and are generally called:


A mast cell is very similar to the type of leukocyte called a(n) __. both secrete histamine, heparin, and other chemicals involved in inflammation


Name the complement pathway that is antibody-mediated

classical only

The process called __ __ results in a formation of a clone of identical T cells programmed against the same epitope that stimulated the process

clonal selection

The proteins found in blood that are involved in nonspecific defense against pathogens are called:


__ T cells function to attack and destroy target cells by secreting perforins and granzymes


Exocytosis of lysosomal contents by neutrophils is called:


Type IV


Name the leukocyte that would help a patient combat a parasitic tapeworm infection


Name the cell that functions by phagocytizing antigen antibody complexes, allergens, and inflammatory chemicals and secretes histaminase and other molecules that combat parasitic infections


The region of the antigen which stimulates an immune response is the:


The first line of defense against pathogens consists of:

external barriers

Name the term for an abnormal elevation in body temperature

fever (pyrexia)

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