The Protestant Reformation

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Martin Luther believed that

-Faith saves people -The ultimate authority for Christians is the Bible -All are equal in the eyes of God

John Calvin

1509-1564. French theologian. Developed the Christian theology known as Calvinism. Spent a portion of his life in exile writing a doctrine on the Institutes of the Christian Religion

Luther's 95 Theses were created in


The Thirty Years War alone, a result of the Reformation, is said to have cost Germany

40 percent of its population.


A body of religious teachings based on the ideas of the reformer John Calvin.

The Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.

Why was Martin Luther made an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire?

Because of his calls for Church reform and other radical ideas.

Why was Luther's translation of the Bible into German so controversial?

Before his translation, the Bible was only accessible to priests because of the Latin writing.

What did the Protestant Reformation in Northern Europe cause?

Decades and decades of wars and violence because of diverging religious ideas and radical behaviors on the many sides of the conflicts.

Who was the best known Christian Humanist?

Desiderius Erasmus

What was the Catholic Church Responsible for during the Middle Ages?

Educational services and orphanages

Which direction did Elizabeth I take the Church of England during her reign?

Elizabeth the first lead the Church of England into the middle way, a combination of Calvinism, a Protestant denomination, and of traditional Catholicism.

What was the Parish Priest responsible for during the Middle Ages?

Every crucial part of a person's life, (Baptisms, marriages, confessions, and funeral services.)


First Protestant faith

Who offered opposition to the rule of Charles V?

Francis I King of France, the rivalry lasted over 20 years.

The Catholic Church Hierarchy

God -> Pope -> Cardinals -> Archbishops -> Bishops -> Priests and Monks -> Laity-attend the services

Why did Albert of Prussia remove his nation from the influence of the Catholic Church?

He became a fan of the Lutheran ideals and theses and traveled to meet Lutheran priests. This decision might also have been influenced by the economic rewards that came with parting from the Church.

What statements did Luther make in regards to the Catholic Church during debates with fellow clergymen?

He claimed that christians would only be able to be saved through their faith in God, that the church had no power over who was saved and who wasn't, and that the priests and Church itself were capable of making mistakes

What did Martin Luther do in response to indulgences?

He posted a document on the walls of the local church, "The 95 Theses."

Why did Charles V oppose the Reformation?

He wanted to keep the Church's power and money under the control of his dynasty.

When Luther traveled to Rome in 1505, what concerned him about what he saw?

He was concerned about church members exercising inappropriate habits, and the general filth and corruption of the city.

Why was Luther sent way to the University of Wittenberg?

He was constantly confessing his sins, and was obsessed with the uncleanliness of the city. His superiors grew tired of him.

What caused Martin Luther to join the Catholic Church?

He was struck by lightning

What did Henry VIII do following his split from the Pope?

He worked hard to make sure the common people had access to the power of God's word, and demolished the monasteries of the Pope and reaped their wealth and resources.

Why did many more princes and kings follow Albert's example?

It allowed them to seize the land and resources that had previously belonged to the Church, benefiting the kingdoms and contributing to the resources the monarchs and their families could live from.

How did the Protestant Reformation unfold in Switzerland?

It began in 1519, with a man who matched many of Luther's ideals named Ulrich Zwingli, and continued with the work of John Calvin, whose work initiated the practicing of his ideas throughout Scotland, France, and the "Low Countries" for the hundreds of years that followed.

How did the Catholic Church respond to the Reformation?

It had a slow reaction to the Reformation, but grew more spiritually inclined and globally educated.

Other contributors to the Reformation

John Calvin, King Henry VIII

Why did the Reformation spread to England?

King Henry the eighth longed for a male heir, and wanted to divorce Katherine of Aragon in order to wed his next wife, Anne Boleyn, in hopes of having a son.

King Henry VIII of England

King of England from 1509 to 1547 and founder of the Church of England; he broke with the Catholic Church because the pope would not grant him a divorce.

Why did Luther become so influential when other clergymen had criticized the Church before?

Luther became so influential because of the new access to the printing press, specifically the Gutenberg printing press which helped spread Luther's ideas throughout Europe.

Did Luther support the German rebellion against nobility?

Luther did not support this rebellion because of the instability and violence it was causing, and sided with the princes and nobility on the issue.

What was the first Protestant religion?


Who initiated the Reformation?

Martin Luther

What happened as a result of Luther's translation of the Bible?

New denominations of Christianity began to form throughout the world as people began to interpret God's word in their own ways.

Where did Luther post his 95 Theses?

On the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg

Why did the Reformation turn into a social revolt?

People began to radicalize the ideas Luther spoke about, burning churches and committing violent acts, using Luther's ideas to justify their behavior.

What was the Catholic Church the caretaker of?

People's souls

Which nation established the first Lutheran state church?

Prussia, parts of what is now Poland.

Ideas of the Renaissance

Secularism, Individualism, Christian Humanism

Ulrich Zwingli

Swiss reformer, influenced by Christian humanism. He looked to the state to supervise the church. Ideals matched many of Luther's.

Why did the Church disagree with Luther's belief of Sola Fide?

The Church believed that people had to perform righteous acts as well as pay to the Church to be forgiven for their sins, and that was the only way.

What was the result of the German Peasants Revolt?

The German peasants were crushed, with an estimated 100,000 dead. This revolt was the largest of its kind in history before the French revolution.

Who was Luther called before in 1521 to defend his ideas?

The Holy Roman Emperor, Charles the Fifth.

Prior to the Reformation, what Christian denomination did the majority of Europeans belong to?

The Roman Catholic Church

What were the 12 Articles?

The Twelve Articles were a proclamation by German peasants claiming that serfdom was invented by men, not by God, and had no basis supporting it in the Bible, therefore nobility and royalty were unsupported by God.

One of the reasons Luther's ideas were spread so easily throughout Europe

The creation and use of the Gutenberg printing press

How and when did the end to religious warfare in Germany come and what did this mean for Christianity?

The end to the warfare came with the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, and freed the German states to choose between Catholicism or Lutheranism.

What did Desiderius Erasmus believe?

The life and lessons of Jesus should be the model for Church doctrine

What did all of the new Protestant Religions believe?

They all believed that only their ways of living were right and that every other denomination would be going to hell.

Why did Christian Humanists call for Church reform?

They knew that Church officials were more concerned with advancing their own careers than helping the people.

Martin Luther

a German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Church

Luther's 95 Theses were

a list of things Luther believed were wrong with the Catholic Church

Christian Humanism

a movement that developed in northern Europe during the renaissance combining classical learning with the goal of reforming the catholic church


acceptance into heaven


basic; primary; essential

What does Sola Fide mean?

by faith alone

Many Catholic churches were formed during the Inquisition to

crush the Protestant heretics.


founded on fact or evidence




pardon sold by catholic church to reduce one's punishment


someone who battled against corruption in the Catholic Church

Luther criticized

the power of the Pope, the practice of selling indulgences, and the Church's extreme wealth.


when people demand change

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