The shot

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Slow motion/Fast motion

- More frames per second shot, the slower the action will appear - Film is exposed at fewer frames per second than the projection rate, the screen action will look speeded up Example, In the Untouchables slow motion is used in hectic gun fight

Long takes

-Lengthy shots, represented a powerful creative resources -A take is one run of a camera the records a single shot -When entire scene is rendered in only one shot, the long-take is sometimes called a sequence shot Example, the opening sequence of Touch of evil, the bomb being placed in the car, and then the car driving away and going to cross the boarder back to america.


-One that viewers notice most, means "putting into the scene", Includes: setting, lighting, costume, makeup and staging and performance Example, in His girl Friday, Williams sitting in chair, camera focuses on him. Williams is shaking his head and he looks scared and bored. There is high key lighting, he is wearing a an old shirt and is slouched down.

Onscreen and Offscreen Space

-The Frame shapes our experiences calling attention to what the filmmaker wants us to see -More aware of offscreen space when it creates suspense or surprise Oncscreen is what you see and offscreen is what you dont see. Example, Hannah, and her sisters start speaking before the camera is on her. Example, in the documentaries we viewed those who were interviewed were interacting with offscreen space aka. the people filming

Aspect Ratio

-The Ratio of frame width to frame height Example, Citizen Kane, shown in academy ratio, 1.33:1.


-The optical printer can freeze the action by printing the same frame over and over - It can underscore a piece of action or a line of dialogue or suggest a character's memory -Can linger on a situation imprinting it on a viewers mind Example, In the final shot of 400 blows the movie ends on a freeze frame of a boy


3 light sources per shot. Key light, Fill light and back light. Example, in Citizen Kane when Kane is finishing up the write up about his wife's singing, three point lighting is used here. There is backlight coming from behind kane, key light coming diagonally from front, and fill light near the camera.


A crucial way to alter the tonalities in an image. Exposure regulates how much light passes through the camera lens. - We notice exposure when an image seems too dark (underexposed) or too bright (overexposed) Example,

Deep Space

Arrangements of mise-en-scene so that there is much distance between foreground and background Mise-en-scene Example, Citizen Kane, deep space is used throughout the movie. One key part is when Kane is finishing a review about his wife's singing, and Leland comes up and stands behind him, and you can see the rest of the set cleary, with people in the background looking tiny.

Tracking Shot

Camera as a whole changes position, going in any direction along the ground, forward, backward, diagonal, in circles or from side to side. Cannot go up and down. Example, the Shinning, in the scene where Danny is riding his bicycle and the camera is moving with him but staying behind his bike. It is tracking him

Crane Shot

Camera moves above ground level may move vertically, like an elevator or at some angle forward and back. Example, in Touch of Evil, a kid puts a bomb in a car and a crane is used to keep track of the car whilst introducing us to the main protagonists all in one shot.


Canted. Framing tipped to one side Example, Inception, the hallway scene, Arthur is running in the hallway and the camera is canted looking to the side.


Choosing the photographic qualities such as exposure and frame, choosing how to frame the shot and whether to move the camera, deciding how long the shot should run. Example, Citizen Kane, in this movie, deep focus is used a lot. It affects the understanding of the movie, and helps create a sense of realism. There are also many long takes used in this film and this helps the film create the feeling of realism.


Comparative difference between the darkest and lightest areas of the frame - Strive for a middle range of contrast -High contrast images can seem stark and dramatic -Low contrast ones suggest more muted emotional states Example,

Low-Key lighting

Creates stronger contrasts and sharper, darker shadows, often the lighting is hard, and fill light is lessened or eliminated altogether. Example, In the film The Exorcist and other horror movies low-key lighting creates many shadow which induce a horror effect to the movie


High angle, straight-on, low angle High: above, looking down Straight-on: horizontal, same level Low: below, looking up Example, In his girl Friday, When the camera is being pointed out the window, to show what Hildy is looking at, it is at a high angle showing the nooses being set up. Example, in HGF, when Williams is being questioned he is sitting down in a chair and that is straight-on looking at him. Or the shot in Citizen Kane when he receives a sled for Christmas and the low angle shot is him looking up at Walter, making Walter look powerful. Example, In Citizen Kane, when Kane goes back to his office after losing becoming governor there is a low angle shot looking up at him, and it shows him going to the counter to prepare a drink for himself.

Depth of field

Is what and how much is in focus. Shallow depth of field has a shallow range of what can be in focus, so the background is often blurred. Deep depth of field is much rarer and a lot more can be in focus. Cinematography Example, In citizen Kane there is a lot of deep dpeth of field to show a lot going on. One scene is when Kanes mother is sitting at table with Walter signing paperwork and Kanes dad is next to the table and we are able to see even further out the window at Kane building a snowman.

High-key lighting

Lighting design that uses fill light and backlight to create relatively low contrast between brighter and darker areas. Example, HGF when Williams is sitting in chair and Doctor and Mayor are asking him questions about his execution, there is high key lighting used here. In the film HGF high-key lighting is used to convey a realistic tone during conversations


Movement rotates the camera on horizontal access. As if the camera head were swiveling up or down. Example, Citizen Kane, when Kane receives a sled at Christmas, and the camera is tilted upward to look at Walter who is standing above him. It shows how Kane is feeling, Walter, is just starring down at him, showing that Kane is missing family and lonely.


Related to camera angle, since some angles demand that you position the camera higher or lower than the subject. Example, in The Conversation, the beginning shot is filmed from a high location as it tracks protagonists movements, also a scene in The Exorcist where we see the park from a high location


Swivels the camera on a vertical axis. The camera does not move to a new position. On-screen the pan scans space horizontally, as if the camera is "turning its head" right or left. Example, in his girl friday, when doctor and mayor are talking and walking over to Williams who is in the chair, the camera pans right and captures the whole room while the men are moving.

Shot Scale

The distance, between the camera and the subject. Such as Establishing shot, extreme long shot, long shot, medium long shot, medium shot, medium close-up, close up, and extreme close up. Example, in His Girl Friday, when Williams escapes from jail and the reporters run to the phone to make calls, the shots of the reporters on the phone are close ups and the shots on Hildy during the scene are medium long shots.

Deep Focus

This is Deep Space and Depth of field put together, resulting in a lot of space the viewer is able to see. Use of camera and lens to keep both close and distant planes in focus, combining lighting, composition, and camera lens. Example, Citizen Kane, when Kane's mother and Walter were talking at the window in the background there was Kane building a snowman and as Kanes mother and Walter started walking further away from the window making Kane look smaller, he was still in focus

Special Effects

Various photographic manipulation that creates fictitious relations in the shot Example, Cabin in the Woods relies on special effects when all the monsters are released. Speed Racer uses many special effects by using CGI in the racing scenes


Zoom lens - to enlarge some part of a shot, lens changes framing but also focal length, zoom changes image perspective Example, Raiders of the lost ark, the camera slowly zooms in on the articaft that Indiania Jones is walking towards.

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