Theater midterm

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Theater grew out of ritual which is

A reenactment of actions that have acquired special meaning

At the heart of the theater experience is the

Actor audience relationship

The degree of separation between the object or an event, which an artist creates an audience observed it's called

Aesthetic distance

Stanislavskis early research into realistic acting techniques with conducted while he was directing many plays by

Anton chekhov

Elaborate scenery on/in a doing is impossible because it would block the view of audience member

Arena stage

The program developed by Meyerhold that emphasizes physical exercise in circus like control of the body is known as


Which tragic form are the central figure of the play caught in a series of tragic circumstances

Both traditional and modern tragedy

Because of the power of an audience mental and emotional participation in a theatrical event, those in authority Mayfire the affected theater can have. This fear sometimes results in


And which type of genetic structure the construction of the plot is very tight

Climatic structure

Medic structures that feature the restricted number of scenes

Climatic structure

Which type of dramatic structure requires extensive exposition

Climatic structure

Semi professional and experienced amateur group the present plays that appeal to their specific audience

Community theater

Circle of attention

Concentration on some object person or event while on stage

Special interest to experimental or Avent Gaarde practitioners

Created or found space

Which type of dramatic structure features large numbers of locales

Episodic structure

Which type of dramatic structure often truth many characters

Episodic structure

Which type of dramatic structure uses the technique of juxtaposition in contrast to connect scenes

Episodic structure

Imparting of details about the past that are not covered by the action on stage is known as


Importance of specific

Expressing an emotion in terms of concrete activities

Because it is important that the audience not be distracted while character speaker dinner for Vasche believed that the actors should in in Athens stop acting when they were not the main focus on the scene


Diversity it in theater turns to reflect the homogeneity with melting pot philosophy of our culture


Dramaturg comes from a French word for dramatic advisor


Fight global influences, contemporary theater tends to maintain the uniform and traditional style of the country of production


If a play right is writing about a historical event it is inappropriate for the play right to change the order of events to suit his or her purpose


If a review or dislike the particular production I just probably best to avoid it


In order for an actor or actress to probably prepare for a roll here she should always begin with and outer aspect three for a walk a posture a peculiar voice delivery three fourths and then develop the inner life of the character


It is wise to always agree with the theater critic when deciding to purchase a ticket for a play or musical


It was not until the 21st-century but yet chuckle techniques were affected by global influences


Many of the plains of playwright George Bernard Shaw can be placed under the special heading of comedy of ideas


Performers must not mix acting methods


Summers must not mix acting methods they should find a method that works for them and then strictly adhere to their methods approach


The realistic portrayal of characters in the life like fashion has been characteristic of theater throughout history


The word genre mean in ability to generalize about all human beings by observing a small portion of their actions


Exaggeration is one of the main ingredient of


Which comic form has few intellectual prententious, its humor arises as the result of ridiculous situations?


Comic form requires a temporary suspension of the natural laws of probability and logic

Farce, satire, burlesque

What kind of theater first to theater not just in the Western tradition but theater from around the world such as India China Africa Latin America and Native American cultures


Theater from around the world not just in the Western tradition

Global theater

Which way is the approach of lee Strasberg different from the approach of acting teachers like Stella Adler Sanford meisner And Uta Hagan?

If uses past emotion as a springboard into action

Magic if

Imagining how the actor would feel in a particular situation

In order for a performer to convincingly play a role here she must synthesize the inner and outer aspect of training through a process called


Inner truth

Internal or subjective world of the character

In response to the new realistic drama of the late 19th century what devised a system to teach performers how to chief the necessary believability

Konstantin Stanislavaski

Which of the following is not a convention of common climatic dramatic structure

Limited conflict

Non-mediated theater

Live theater that has not been observed through an electronic medium

Centering involves finding the place where all the lines of forth in the body come together it is located directly in the

Middle of a Torso

What is akin into a three ring circus

Multi focus theater

Techniques for developing personal charisma were developed by Stanislavaski, Boggart, Wilson

None of these answers are correct

Typically Hiali individual and prevented by only one person the content of which is usually highly personal and may be combined with our dance film or music

Performance art

Regional theater

Permanent professional mom Papa theaters offering first class productions to their audience

Site-specific theater

Presentations and nontraditional theater setting such as warehouse is churches firehouse the street corners and public parks

Order to throw the boys in to the audience so that it penetrates through the upmost reaches of the theater the actor must


Fourth wall theater describes

Proscenium stage

The Salle des machine or hall of the machine is which type of configuration

Proscenium stage

Psycho physical action

Purposeful action undertaken to for fillet characters goal as the most direct route to the characters the emotion

Permanent, professional, nonprofit theaters that offer a first class to their audience is called

Regional theater

Which one of the following is not an example of experimental form of advant-grade theater

Regional theater


Release of unwanted tension

Another term pray through line is


Which of the following best characterizes acting and classical Asian theaters

Stylization and symbolism

Given circumstances

That situation in which a character exists


The playing together of all performers

What is the blueprint for a production and which the playwright transforms the wrong material the incident the biographical event the myth into a drama, if he quits of events that features character speaking and interacting with one another

The script

What is a characteristic that each performance is unique and occurs in the presence of an audience


Developed by the Greeks what with also the type of theater space used by Shakespeare time

Thrust stage

Typical Elizabethan play house with which type of performance space

Thrust stage

What have been the most widely used up all theaters spaces

Thrust stage

Which type of space our Chinese and Japanese drama performed

Thrust stage

Viewpoint theory is an approach the acting that originated in the United States and combines dance in stage move it with concept of

Time and space

Which of the following is not one of the responsibility of a performer in theater? To create and project the Emerald life of the character, to move on stage with even authority, to interact with other performers on stage, to coordinate the elements and vision of the production

To coordinate the elements in the vision of the production

We often attend theater performances because of their sheer excitement as well as to be amused however another often overlooked reason is

To learn about the human condition

Any traditional tragedy the hero or heroine is caught in a circumstance from which there is no escape and which inevitably lead to a fateful end


One of you of a dramatic text help to determine its genre


Realistic portrayal of characters and I like fashion has been characteristic of theater throughout history


Roman domestic comedies are the prototype of modern-day situation comedy


The audiences desire to believe and the reality of what is happening on sages called willing suspension of disbelief


The configuration of audience and stage space in outdoor Shakespearean performances can be traced to the ancient greeks


The size and type of theater space affects audience perception there for the spec to make a big difference to both actors in the audience


The term deus ex machina "god from a machine" is used contemporary to describe a playwriting device that allows for an arbitrary or coincidental resolution to the central to the central conflict of the play


Theater is the Fountainhead of all drama


Theater may be referred to as the lively art because they did a live in a way that other forms of dramatic presentation or not


Two ideas essential to tragic drama are the concept that human beings are capable of extraordinary come push with and that the notion that the world is potential cruel and Unjust


Wall there have been changes and modifications over the years to stand up for Vasquez approach to realistic acting his theories continue to form the basis for most acting training


Super objective

What the character ones above all else during the course of the play

We're the three questions stanislavaskie associated with psychophysical actionsoff the associated with physiologic

What why how

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