Theatre Chapters 1-2 Questions
A group of people who work together cooperatively is ______________
Evaluation- assessment of strengths and weakness; Performance Evaluation-Given before an audience; Authentic Evaluation- an evaluation involving real-life situations and role playing to test skills ad abilities for the real world
Define and understand the differences between each of these vocab terms: evaluation, performance evaluation, & authentic evaluation
Two or more people taking a step by step course of action that takes place over a period of time and is aimed at achieving goals
Describe "group process."
A critique must be based on a predetermined criteria
Explain the difference between criteria and critique
Self confidence is belief in your worth and abilities as a person. Self-image is the way we see ourselves
Explain the difference between self-confidence and self-image.
It is an essential ingredient in perfection an actor's craft; hard work, commitment and dedication are all a part of an actor's artistic discipline
Explain the importance of having artistic discipline.
Being organized will help you feel much better about yourself, even when you're under pressure; being organized is part of self-discipline; it helps cut down on wasted time and frustration.
Explain why it is important to be organized in theatre
Historians believe theater may gave began with myths and rituals; primitive people told about what happened to them, believed acting out would make it happen
Give a theory for the beginning of theatre
"I can do this!'
Give an example of self-talk.
Dialogue is not set in quotation marks. Instead the character's name appears before the spoken part
How is dialogue set up in a script?
Trust is needed in order to take the risk expressing yourself in front of your classmates without the fear of being ridiculed
How is trust related to risk?
Help students and teachers learn each other's names and get to know each other in an enjoyable way; learn to work as a group; help students respond to the teacher as a leader; help you learn to listen and pay attention
How will "getting-to-know-you" activities help you?
Refers to the writing or performing of plays, to the building where those plays are performed, and to you activities and experiences in this class.
How will the term theatre be used in this class?
respect for each other, avoid put-downs, share responsibility, don't let your teammates down
List 4 guidelines for building an ensemble:
Try different experiences, become more self-confident, develop self-discipline, make good decisions, enhance your creativity through self expression, and learn to work with others as a part of a team
What are some of the life skills that are used in theatre?
Be Fair, Friendly, Firm, Flexible
What are the 4 "F's" of success?
Group Work, Voice, Body, Characterization, and Overall Performance
What are the 5 categories listed for a Performance Evaluation?
C-for Checker, O- for Observer, P-for Praiser, E- for Encourager, R- for Reader (The checker makes sure everyone understands the activity. The observer records what the group is doing)
What does the acronym COPER stand for?
The audience
What is an essential ingredient in live theatre?
The special interactive and "live" relationship that exists between the performances and the audience, connecting and bonding them into team
What is meant by the player-audience relationship?
Respect is being considerate and accepting of yourself and others, including other people's property, backgrounds, and opinions. It is important for the safety and welfare of others for success and order in theatre class
What is respect and why is it an integral part of theater class?
It is linked to respect
What is self-image linked to?
Stage directions
What is the information called that is provided by the playwright that gives actors instructions?
What is the name of a person who writes a play?
It results in success ad happiness, leads to extraordinary accomplishments and lasting friendships
What is the value of positive self-talk?
The word theatre comes from the ancient Greek word theatron meaning "a place for seeing"
Where did the name theatre come from, and what was the early meaning?
It is apart of our identities
Why is it important that we call each other by our given names in theatre?
Young children learn to use dialogue, act out different characters, and create and solve problems
Why is pretending an important part of growing up?
t help's determine an actor's progress in evaluating others, and actor learns from another's strengths and weaknesses in improving his or her own skills
Why should students learn how to evaluate their own work as well as the work of others?
_____________ are the evaluation guidelines to use in judging or grading an activity.
feel included
one of our most important social needs