Theo ch2

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Arianism (3rd C)

-Arius denied Jesus' divinity -Jesus was God's greatest creature

Church's response to sola fide ("faith alone")

A person could not be reunited without faith, but Baptism is the first step towards Salvation.


A term meaning "bridge-builder" -refers ot the bishop of Rome (pope)

St. Thomas Aquinas- God "pure being"

God is above any category or anything imaginable -He is the creator and source of everything

Monophysitism (5th C)

-eastern monks and theologians -Christ possessed only a divine nature-- human nature absorbed into divine nature

Nestorianism (5th C)

-some of Christ's traits fully human, others divine -Mary was mother of Jesus's human self, and could not be called Theotokos/ Mother of God


A Christian virtue of charity and friendship where members of the human family share material and spiritual goods


A gift from God created by Him that unites us with others and brings us closer to him

Episcopal synods

A representative body of bishops assembled periodically by the pope to advise him on important Church concerns -not a legislative body

Schism vs Heresy

A schism is a break in Church unity when a group of Christians separate themselves from the Church -a heresy is an obstinate denial to believe a truth of the dogma after Baptism; false teaching, come from question "Who is Jesus?".


A split in Christian unity that happens when a group breaks union with the pope

Church's response to solo gratia ("grace alone")

Agreement- People are saved from the grace of God, but people receive this grace through Baptism

Episcopal collegiality

All bishops of the Church with the pope as their head -have supreme power and full authority over the universal Church only with the pope

Apologist vs evangelist

An apologist defends the faith, and evangelized spreads the Gospel at all times through their lives

Protestant reformation

An effort to reform the Catholic Church in 16th century which led to the separation of Christians from communion with Rome and each other


An obstinate denial after Baptism to believe a truth (dogma) within the divine Catholic faith -denial of dogmas -false teaching about Church beliefs

Why was it incorrect in the early Church to view a local church as an independent congregation?

Because of the role of the bishop to preside over the Sunday Eucharist and preach, baptize, govern and forgive sins -bishops were united with one another as descendants of the Apostles, their churches were united too -communion through bishops

Belonging and believing

Best friends belong and believe in each other

Blessed Trinity

Central mystery of the Christain Faith -teaches there are Three Divine Persons in one God (father, son, holy spirit)


Central truths of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe


Conciders Christ's substance to be the same as the Father's -Christ always human and always divine -Christ has two natures and wills; both human and divine

Church's response to Monophysitism

Council of Chalcedon -doctrine of hupostatic union -Jesus is one Divine Person with two natures: human and divine

Church's response to Apollinarianism

Council of Constantinople confirmed Jesus was fully man and fully God

Church's response to Nestorianism

Council of Ephesius -Jesus is one person with 2 natures -everything Jesus experienced was with whole person -from moment of conception, fully human and fully divine

Why are the Eastern Churches united with the Roman Catholic Church while the Orthodox churches are not?

Eastern Churches and the Roman Catholic Church are linked to the Apostles and are in full communion with the pope, whereas Orthodox churches are not


False doctrine taught by John Calvin that God determines people for Salvation or damnation before they are born and that no human effort can merit Salvation

Ecumenical Councils

Gatherings of all Catholic bishops in the world -determine things that all local churches (diocese) will hold in common -ecumenical= theological recognition of and willlingness to learn from different faith traditions

Deposit of Faith

Heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed down in Church since Apostles -preserved by Magisterium

St. John Paul II's use of the title "Servant of the Servants of God" signifies?

Humble service; those who wish to be greater than you will be your servant, those who wish to be first among you will be your slave -humility -church= high up, first to serve others

How is the Church united (parts of Church)

In love (God), profession of one faith (belief), sacraments (worship), apostolic succession (JC's authority)

What makes the Second Vatican Council's document "The Decree on Ecumenism" a landmark on the ecumenical efforts?

It acknowledged both sides shared in the blame of the Eastern Schism -the decree focused on similarities between Catholics and other Christians rather than differences--- unifies

How did the Second Vatican Council reemphasize the role and authority of the bishop in the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

It consecrated (declared) ordained bishops for the highest priesthood -taught that the bishop was not a representative of the pope, but the vicar of Christ in his own diocese -bishop represents GOd, not pope

Apollinarianism (4th C)

Jesus has a human body, but not a human soul

How is Church united and one?

Jesus is the bridge between humanity and God; his purpose is to reconcile us with God through the Holy Spirit -unity is modeled on relationship of Blessed Trinity

St. Paul's description of relationship between Christ and Church

Jesus is the head of the body (the Church); through the sacrament of Baptism, a person is baptized into Christ's body and shares the unity with the Father

Motu proprio

Latin term for "of his own accord" -signifies words in papal documents that were decided personally by the pope

What is the fundamental structure of the Mass that is the same throughout the world?

Liturgy of the Eucharist and Liturgy of the Word -Homily= concecration of bread and wine -communion

Sacred tradition

Living transmission of the Church's Gospel teaching, life, and worship -preserved, passed on, and interpreted by Magisterium

Jesus' teaching on participating in love of God

Love of God and love of neighbor are inseperable; you love God when you love your neighbor


Movement inspired and led by the Holy Spirit that seeks the union of all Christinan religions and all peoples throughout the world within the Catholic Church

Four marks of the Church

One, holy, catholic, apostolic


Participants in the Crusades -armed Christians that intended to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land -reunites Christians of East and West

How can having the skills of an apologist help you to evangelize?

People will notice how you live a life motivated by love, and will start to ask questions, which you can respond to as an intellectual and passionate believer; can share your faith through your life


Roman emperor who required all citizens to possess a certificate prove they offered sacrifices to pagan gods

Why did the Church offer a new translation of the Roman Missal in 2010?

So that Christ can be present and active in his people; English- speakers could understand the Roman Missal -to make it more similar to Roman translation so meaning didn't get lost

Church's response to sola scriptura ("the bible alone")

The Church teaches that Sacred tradition cannot be separated from Sacred Scripture; God reveals himself through the Deposit of Faith, which Christ entrusted to the Apostles to share.

How did the teachings of the Second Vatican Council about the primacy of the pope differ from those of the First Vatican Council?

The Second Vatican Council began its teaching on the ministry of the bishops first, and then addressed the pope in relation to the bishops (eccumenical council and consent of pope) -bishops rule and unify the Church only in their connection with the pope

What is the principal fruit of the Sacrament of the Eucharist?

The communicant's unity with Christ


The denial of Christ and rejection of the Christian Faith by a Baptized Christian

How do the roles of the pope, bishops, priests, and deacons differ from the laity in defending the faith?

The laity take lead from the pope and bishops and the teaching Tradition of the Church and work to dispel false rumors about Christianity and make Christianity appear more reasonable and acceptable

How are all 3 Churches remembered in Eucharistic prayer at mass

Through the liturgy

Explain how knowing someone as a person is different from distinguishing someone's individuality.

To know someone, you must have a relationship with them and be in communion with them, compared to just knowing facts about them

Church's response to Arianism

issued Nicene Creed -Christ not created God, but begotten by Father -God became human so humanity could be elevated to God -incarnation

Gnosticism (1-2nd C)

secret knowledge of Salvation transmitted y Christ to Apostles -denied resurrestion of Christ -would not accept Son of God took human flesh -material= evil -deny validity of Scripture, authority of pope and bishops

How is the unity of the Church different from people coming together?

The Church's unity is in God's love -Catholics have a deep, blessed relationship with God through the Church

How did the filioque controversy end?

The Western and Eastern Church split


The bringing of the Good News of Jesus Christ to others through words and actions -evangelize by how you behave


"Defender of faith" -Catholic who works to dispel false rumors about Christianity and makes the faith appear more acceptable to non Christians

Dogma vs Creed

-A dogma is a truth of revelations Catholics are obliged to believe (central belief) -a creed is a prayer that recognizes and expresses the faith of the Church, has dogma in it.

What are the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

-Episcopate (bishop) -presbyterate (priest) -diaconate (deacon)

Iconoclams vs idolatry

-Iconoclasm is the destruction of religious images/ idols, -idolatry is worshiping something other than the true God -reason we can now worship objects is because Jesus came in flesh; we worship who it represents, not what it's made of

3 different Churches

-Militant Church (earth): battle of good and evil -Suffering Church (purgatory): purification -Triumphant Church (heaven): trinity, angels, saints, all holy men and women

Four issues that led to Great Schism

-Pope Leo the Great was forced to give up Church authority to make decisions for all territories in the Byzantine Empire -Byzantine Emperor Leo III condemned respect of sacred images (icons) as idolatry (icons = idols), but pope did not agree-- iconoclasm -Western Church's addition of the phrase filioque ("and from the Son") to the Holy Spirit section of the Nicene Creed--- Eastern Church believed Holy Spirit descended through the Son, not from-- led to excommunications -Representative of Pope Leo IX went to Constantinople to persuade patriarch to submit to the pope's authority on the issues. Patriarch refused, a representative of the Pope excommunicated patriarch, who then executed the dead pope-- Constantinople bigger place than Rome, but Peter was in Rome

How do priests and deacons forge unity with the bishop?

-Priests exercise their ministry in dependence to and communion with the bishop -Deacons assist or "serve" the bishop and priest at Mass

Church's response to Gnosticism

-St Irenaeus: importance of Sacred Tradition -God intended to join the physical nature of humans with his spiritual nature -source of right teaching and belief resides with the Church because the Church was dfounded by Jesus and entrusted to St. Peter

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