Theology chapter 2

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Explain what it means to say that God inspired the writers of the Bible.

"Inspiration" means that while God is the true author of the Bible,he worked through many different human authors to reveal himself. (God inspired human authors to write those truths that are necessary for your Salvation, and to do so without error.)

What makes the bible different from other books?

-It is inspired -It is the inherent word of God. -It is the living word of God

Write the name of the literary genre described below.

14. A statement of religious beliefs: Creed (1) 15. A record of one's lineage: Genealogy (1) 16. The development of a people: History (1) 17. A protracted story in which elements of a story stand for moral qualities or spiritual realities: Allegory 18. A story which reveals the reason why something is the way it is: Etiology (1) 19. A short story in which animals speak like humans: Fable (1) 20. A story which conveys religious truths: Parable 21. An idea that mirrors God's will: Prophecy (1) 22. A standard of behavior established by authority: Law (1) 23. A statement that teases the mind requiring thought and application: Riddle (1)

Literal Sense

Exegesis; to help us interpret what God wanted to communicate through the original Bible writers.


"Measure" The official list of inspired books of the Bible

In summary, what are the four senses of Scripture?

(1.) The literal sense: helps you understand what the biblical authors intended to communicate to their audiences. (2.) The allegorical sense: teaches what individual passages mean in the larger context of Salvation History. (3.) The moral sense: teaches you how to live your life. (4.) The anagogical sense: reminds you where you are going, building up the virtue of hope while leading you to Heaven.

Explain how Catholics and Protestants differ in the way they refer to the seven Greek books of the Bible.

-Sometimes you will find a Protestant Bible that also contains the seven Greek books; they are usually put in the back of the Bible in a section called the apocrypha. - Catholics call the seven Greek books deuterocanonical, which means "second canon," to acknowledge that they are not part of the Jewish canon

Order of translation

1. Original;Autograph Inspiration 2. Copy;Manuscript Preservation 3. Translation

Importance of Dead Sea Scrolls

Compare the oldest copies with the translation

What is the critical interpretation of Sacred Scripture? What are some examples of questions it seeks to answer?

Critical interpretation, or exegesis, means studying the passages in depth in order to learn what God is revealing.

What are the three ways of interpreting Scripture in accordance with the Holy Spirit?

FIRST, read specific passages with the whole content and unity of Scripture in mind. SECOND, "read the Scripture within 'the living Tradition of the whole Church'" (CCC, 113). THIRD, pay attention to the analogy of faith: the unity "of the truths of the faith among themselves and within the whole plan of Revelation."

True or False? Historical criticism identifies literary genres and seeks to determine how each biblical book took shape in the period of oral tradition before the authors put it into writing.


True or False? The Bible's literal senses depend on the spiritual sense achieved by good exegetical work.


True or False? The Catholic Church teaches that God dictated the Bible to the authors.


Heretical Teaching

False Teachings


First witness of Jesus Christ

A type of literary criticism that studies how a biblical book was developed


Common language of Roman Empire

From Greek to Latin

How did God inspire the authors of the bible?

God inspired the authors of the Bible to reveal religious truths through their writing. It is a written record of Divine Revelation, not a science or history book. God inspired its authors to reveal religious truths in their writing which reveal who you are in relation to God and the world he created.


Greek translation of the Old Testament

Using archeological information, along with past events, to determine the particular time period of a specific text


What is the meaning of this quote from Dei Verbum: "Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written?"

In other words, if you want to understand the Bible, you must ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit while reading it

Most popular Protestant version of the Bible

King James


Latin translation of the Bible

Most popular Catholic version of the Bible

New American Bible

Difference between Old Testament Greek and New Testament Koine Greek

OT Greek - More academic NT Koine Greek - More practical, simplified grammar.

What is one of the Magisterium's responsibilities?

One of the Magisterium's responsibilities is to identify the truths of the Faith revealed in Sacred Scripture and explain how they relate to academic, scientific and historical research.

Why should prayer always accompany your growing knowledge of Scripture?

Prayer should always accompany your growing knowledge of Scripture so that, through Scripture, you can talk with God and God can talk with you.

Why is the Bible relevant to you?

The Bible is relevant because you are not simply reading words that God "once said." Instead, God speaks to you directly now through the Bible.

Why does the Catholic Church welcome and encourage the research of historians and scientists?

The Catholic Church welcomes and encourages the research of historians and scientists because "truth does not contradict truth"—scientific evidence does not conflict with religious beliefs.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, what does it mean to seek the literal sense of Sacred Scripture?

The Magisterium and Catholic Scripture scholars search for the literal meaning or literal sense of the biblical text. "The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation"

The Christian Church believes that

The concept of the sacred scripture does not stand by itself but rather Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are two inseparable parts of the deposit of faith.

Differences between Bibles

The differences stem from the processes of translating ancient texts into modern languages.

The result of inspiration is

The inherent word of God

Explain an important difference between a literal and a literalist reading of the Bible.

The literal interpretation considers what the author intended to convey.But a literalist interpretation takes into account only the exact meaning of the words without considering any other factors.

Why are there so many English translations of the Bible? In what languages was the Bible written?

The nature of the original languages is the primary reason for the variety. Books of The Old Testament were written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Books of The New Testament were written in Koine-Greek

What does it mean to say the Bible is the inerrant Word of God?

The product of the Inspiration is the inerrant ("without error") Word of God

Explain the meaning of the word canon.

The word canon comes from the Hebrew for "measure"; in this case, it refers to the standard list of books recognized by a religious community to be genuine and inspired

Evidence that God is the true author

The writers of the Bible; Saint Paul says that all scripture is inspired The fulfillment of the prophecies; Many of the prophets were true.

True or False? God respected the freedom of the human writers, but in every case, the Holy Spirit guided the author in the truth.


True or False? Scientific research and Christian faith do not contradict one other; they neither prove nor disprove one another.


True or False? The Church discerned the inspired books for the Bible through her Sacred Tradition.


What is vital to understanding scripture

Using good translation

Exegesis examples

What is the type, or literary genre, of writing? What does this tell me about how to understand the text's content? ● What occurred historically at the time this was written that might shed light on what this passage means? ● Who first wrote this material?

critical interpretation

exegesis; Studying the passages in depth in order to learn what God is revealing

Read the bible

Carefully, Critically, and prayerfully

Type of criticism that focuses on how the writer's understanding of God influenced his writings


New Jerusalem Bible

Scholarly translation from the original languages.

What is an integral part of every Mass and all sacraments?

Scripture Readings

Type of criticism that identifies the origins of biblical material


What is the Vulgate? What is its significance?

St. Jerome's fourth-century translation of the Bible to Latin, known as the Vulgate, It was the Church's official translation for many centuries

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