Theology Test 2 - 11/10

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You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

Tenth Commandment

You shall not steal.

Seventh Commandment


"to take on flesh"; God becoming man in the person of Jesus

False. The Analogy of Faith can be seen in many ways.

T or F? The Analogy of Faith can be seen in only one way.

Divine Image

God created man and woman in his ____________ ____________.

Eternal Word of the Father.

God the Son is also the __________ _________ __ ____ ____________.

Jesus is the New Adam and Mary is the New Eve, both of whom played a role in the redemption of man.

How are Adam and Eve and Jesus and Mary connected?

Although David's royal house only lasted a few centuries, Jesus came from King David's descendants, thus establishing a perpetual royal line through his followers.

How did David's royalty last?

He took on human flesh.

How did God the Son fulfill God's plan of human Salvation?

We have fallen from our states of holiness and justice through Adam and Eve's sins and all subsequent human sins.

How has humanity fallen from the states of Original Holiness and Original Justice?

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin/suffering into the world, whereas Jesus and Mary made things right.

In what ways were Adam and Eve and Jesus and Mary different?

human and divine.

Jesus is both ___________ and ___________.


Jesus was like us in all things but _______.

Paschal Mystery

Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection which was God's plan to save humanity


New Testament event that describes an angel visiting Mary to tell her that God wishes her to be the Mother of God; Mary agrees and Jesus is conceived in the virgin's womb

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

Ninth Commandment

You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain.

Second Commandment

You shall not commit adultery.

Sixth Commandment


T or F? Although we say that the Christian Era began at Jesus' conception, some say that the Christian Era has no true beginning.

True. God will never turn his backs on us.

T or F? Even though we have turned our backs on God, He has not turned his back on us.

False. Mary had free choice with the matter, and showed courage and obedience by agreeing to the plan.

T or F? Mary was forced to go along with God's plan at the Annunciation.

False. Throughout the history of Israel until the coming of Jesus, God kept his relationship with his Chosen People.

T or F? Through the history of Israel until the coming of Jesus, God broke his relationship with the Chosen People.

Keep holy the sabbath.

Third Commandment

The Blessed Mother, Mary

Who is a central character in the story of Christianity?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God

Who was present in Mary's womb?

She remained a virgin.

Why did Mary have no other children but Jesus?

Ark of the Covenant

a special container that the Jews constructed during the time of Moses to hold the tablets on which could be found the Ten Commandments

Analogy of Faith

one of the beautiful aspects of the Catholic Faith that each doctrine, or belief of faith, is connected to the Revelation and other doctrines


represented in the New Testament/New Covenant


represented in the Old Testament/Old Covenant

Immaculate Conception

special grace given to Mary at her conception in Anna's womb that kept her free of Original Sin

10 Commandments

the laws that God gave his people to guide them, along with the rest of Mosaic Law


title meaning the anointed one; similar to chrism, which anoints us at Baptism and confirmation


when God promised humanity redemption and the defeat of Satan almost immediately after Original Sin

You shall not bear false witness.

Eighth Commandment

You shall not kill.

Fifth Commandment

I am the Lord your God, you shall not have others before me.

First Commandment

Honor your father and mother.

Fourth Commandment

1) To reconcile us with God through the forgiveness of sins 2) So that we could know the depth of God's love for us 3) To be a model of holiness for us 4) To make us partakers in Divine Nature. God allows us to glimpse the divine, thus raising our human dignity. 5) To destroy the power of Satan

What are the 5 reasons God took flesh in the person of Jesus?

A growing desire among God's people for a Messiah developed.

What began to happen as the royal line of David began to weaken and wear out?

God promised redemption and the defeat of Satan.

What did God promise almost immediately after Adam and Eve's sin?

That God uses the weak and powerless to fulfill his plans.

What did the Annunciation show?

The Ark of Covenant foreshadowed the Blessed Mother, Mary. Just as the Ark held the presence of God, so too did Mary when she was pregnant with Jesus, the Word of God made flesh.

What did the Ark of the Covenant foreshadow and how?

The presence of God with them.

What did the Ark of the Covenant represent to the Jews?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has always existed for all of eternity.

What evidence proves that the Christian Era had no beginning?

God established his Chosen People (the Jews) through whom he would set in motion his plan of redemption.

What happened in God's covenant with Abraham?

God promised that David's royal line would last forever.

What happened in God's covenant with David?

God gave his people laws to guide them.

What happened in God's covenant with Moses?

The Analogy of Faith connects Christianity in the New Testament to Judaism in the Old Testament.

What is one interesting way in which the Analogy of Faith connects Scripture?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

What people have existed for all of eternity?

He would never again flood the world.

What was God's covenant with Noah?

The Conception of Jesus Christ.

When does the Christian Era in time on Earth begin?

His title Christ

Where is Jesus' role of savior and Messiah embodied in?

The town of Nazareth

Where was Mary from?

The Ark of the Covenant was housed in the Holy of Holies in the Temple until it was lost during the Babylonian Exile.

Where was the Ark of the Covenant housed?

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