Tibia, fibula and knee MA209

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Where should the CR enter the patient for the AP projection of the knee?

1/2 inch below the apex of the patella

How many degrees should the knee be flexed for a lateral projection?


Which of the following kVp ranges is appropriate for imaging the knee?


What is the correct amount of knee flexion for the PA axial projection (Holmblad method) of the intercondylar fossa?

70 degrees

Which of the following radiographic methods are used to demonstrate the intercondylar fossa?

Holmblad method and Camp Coventry method

Which of the following methods will demonstrate the patella in the sunrise view?

Settegast and Hughston methods

Which of the following radiographic methods is used to demonstrate the patella and the femoropatella joint space?

Settegast method

A tube angle of 5 degrees cephalic is used when taking:

a lateral projection of the knee

When the patient is prone, the knee is flexed to form and angle of 80 degrees between the femur and the lower leg, and the central ray is directed approximately 15-20 degrees cephalad through the inferior margin of the patella, the resulting radiograph will demonstrate:

a tangential projection of the patella

What is a flabella?

an additional sesamoid bone that can develop in the posterior portion of the knee

What is the relationship of the tibia to the fibula?

anterior and medial

Which of the following must be included on the AP projection of the lower leg?

entire tib/fib, knee joint, ankle joint

On a lateral projection of the knee, what anatomy is used to determine if the knee joint is properly positioned?

femoral condyles should be demonstrated superimposed

Which bone of the lower leg is located on the lateral side?


When taking a lateral projection of the knee, flexion of the knee joint should be limited to 10 degrees when there is a suspicion of:

fracture of the patella

What is the name given to the distal end of the fibula?

lateral malleolus

Which surface of the knee is in contact with the IR for the lateral projection of the knee

lateral surface

Which surface of the lower leg is placed in contact with the IR for the lateral projection of the lower leg?

lateral surface

The palpable portion at the distal end of the tibia is called the:

medial malleolus

Where is the intercondylar fossa located?

on the distal, posterior aspect of the femur

Where is the medial malleolus located?

on the medial aspect of the ankle joint

Where is the tibial spine located?

on the superior aspect of the proximal tibia

The anatomical name for the bone commonly known as the kneecap is:


The sesamoid bone that is anterior to the distal femur is the:


The patella is classified as a ___ bone.


Which of the following is true about the patella?

the base is located superior to the apex, it is the largest sesamoid bone, and it lies slightly above the knee joint

What anatomy articulates to from the knee joint?

the condyles of the femur and the tibial plateaus to form the knee joint

In the AP projection of the knee

the film is centered just distal to the patellar apex, there should be no pelvis rotation, and the patella and femur are superimposed

Which of the following are true regarding the correct position for an AP projection of the lower leg?

the leg should be extended and resting on the IR and ankle should be dorsiflexed so that the foot forms a 90 degree angle with the lower leg

If a knee x-ray is made while the patient is wearing denim jeans, which of the following is likely to occur on the image?

there will be an artifact

Which bone of the lower leg is on the medial side?


Which bones are located in the lower leg?

tibia and fibula

What name is given to the articular surface of the proximal, superior aspect of the tibia?

tibial plateau

What is the name of the palpable, bony protuberance on the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia?

tibial tuberosity

Which of the following are parts of the tibia?

tibial tuberosity and medial malleolus

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