Top 200 Drugs (Brand Name, Generic Name, & Classification)

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Zolpidem Generic Name

Brand Name: Ambien Class: Hypnotic (Sleep Aid) Function: treat insomnia

Amoxicillin Generic Name

Brand Name: Amoxil Class: antibiotic Function: Treats infections

Meclizine Generic Name

Brand Name: Antivert Class: Antivertigo Function: treat motion sickness and vertigo

Hydalazine Generic Name

Brand Name: Apresoline Class: Antihypertensive Function: vasodilator, rear high blood pressure

Donepezil Generic Name

Brand Name: Aricept Class: Anti-Alzheimer's Function: treats Alzheimer's

Olmesartan/HCTZ Generic Name

Brand Name: Benicar HTC Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure

Dicyclomine Generic Name

Brand Name: Bentyl Class: Anti-Spasmotic Function: Treats IBS irritable bowl syndrome

Clarithromycin Generic Name

Brand Name: Biaxin Class: Antibiotic (Macrolide) Function: Treats duodenal ulcers caused by H pylori

Ibandronate Generic Name

Brand Name: Boniva Class: Antiresorptive Function: treat or prevent osteoporosis

Buspirone Generic Name

Brand Name: BuSpar Class: Anxiolytic, Hypnotic Function: Treats Anxiety

Diltiazem Generic Name

Brand Name: Cardizem Class: Antihypertensive Function: treats high blood pressure and chest pain

Doxazosin Generic Name

Brand Name: Cardura Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat urinary problems caused by enlarged prostate, high blood pressure

Mirtazapine Generic Name

Brand Name: Remeron Class: Antidepressant Function: treat depression

Hydroxyzine HCL Generic Name

Brand Name: Atarax Class: Antihistamine Function: Treat anxiety, nausea, vomiting, allergies, skin rash, hives, and itching.

Ropinirole Generic Name

Brand Name: Requip Class: Parkinson's Function: treat Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS)

Lorazepam Generic Name

Brand Name: Ativan Class: Antianxiety (Benzodiazepine) Function: teat seizure disorders, used before surgery to relieve anxiety

Amoxicillin+Clavulanate Generic Name

Brand Name: Augmentin Class: Antibiotic Function: Treats infections

Irbesartan/HCTZ Generic Name

Brand Name: Avalide Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure

Irbesartan Generic Name

Brand Name: Avapro Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treat high blood pressure, diabetic nephropathy

Dutasteride Generic Name

Brand Name: Avodart Class: Urinary tract agent Function: rest enlarged prostate

Mupirocin Generic Name

Brand Name: Bactroban Class: Antibacterial (Topical) Function: treat skin infections

Bupropion Generic Name

Brand Name: Wellbutrin, Zyban, Budeprion Class: Antidepressant Function: Treats depression, can help people quit smoking

Lantanoprost Generic Name

Brand Name: Xalantan Class: Antiglaucoma (Opthalmic) Function: treat glaucoma

Tizanidine Generic Name

Brand Name: Zanaflex Class: Musculoskeletal Function: treat muscle spasms

Diphenhydramine Generic Name

Brand Name: Benadryl Class: Antihistamine Function: treat allergic reactions, pain and itching, cold symptom, hay fever, and insomnia

Ibuprofen Generic Name

Band Name: Motrin, Advil Class: NSAID Function: Treats fever and mild to severe pain

Prednisolone Generic Name

Bran Name: Prelone, Pred Forte (Ophthalmic) Class: Corticosteroid Function: treat many diseases and conditions, especially those related to inflammation. It's often used to treat chronic illnesses such as colitis, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis

Quinacrine Generic Name

Brand Name: Accupril Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treats hypertension and congestive heart failure

Rabeprazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Aciphex Class: Antacid/Antiulcer (PPI) Function: treat heartburn, stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and esophageal damage

Risedronate Generic Name

Brand Name: Actonel Class: Atiresorptive Function: It can treat or prevent osteoporosis. It can also treat Paget's disease of the bone

Nifedipine Generic Name

Brand Name: Adala, Procardia Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina)

Amphetamine+ Dextroamphetamine Generic Name

Brand Name: Adderall Class: Neuroloic/ADHD Function: Treat ADHD and Narcolepsy

Phentermine Generic Name

Brand Name: Adipex, Fastin Class: Appetite Suppressant Function: promote weight loss when used for a short time

Fluticasone, Salmeterol Generic Name

Brand Name: Advair Class: Respiratory Function: prevent asthma, an COPD disease

Spironolactone Generic Name

Brand Name: Aldactone Class: Diuretic Function: treat high blood pressure. It can also treat fluid retention (edema) and high levels of the hormone aldosterone

Naproxen Generic Name

Brand Name: Aleve, Naprosyn, Anaprox Class: NSAID Function: treat fever and pain

Fexofenadine Generic Name

Brand Name: Allegra Class: Antihistamine Function: Treats hay fever, chronic skin hives an itching

Ramipril Generic Name

Brand Name: Altace Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure

Glimepiride Generic Name

Brand Name: Amaryl Class: Antidiabetic Function: Treat Type 2 diabetes

Diclofenac Generic Name

Brand Name: Cataflam Class: NSAID Function: Treats pain, migraines, and arthritis, in its topical form it can also treat actinic keratoses

Clonidine Generic Name

Brand Name: Catapres Class: Cardiovascular Function: Treats high blood pressure cab also treat ADHD and cancer pain

Cefuroxime Generic Name

Brand Name: Ceftin Class: Antibiotic Function: Treats bacterial infections

Citilopram Generic Name

Brand Name: Celaxa Class: Antidepressant (SSRI) Function: Treats depression

Celecoxib Generic Name

Brand Name: Celebrex Class: NSIAD Function: Anti-inflammatory, treats pain

Varenicline Generic Name

Brand Name: Chantix Class: Smoking Cessation Function: used as part of a support program to help people stop smoking

Tadalifil Generic Name

Brand Name: Cialis Class: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Function: treat erectile dysfunction and enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia). It can also treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension)

Ciprofloxaxin Generic Name

Brand Name: Cipro Class: Antibiotic (Quinolone) Function: Treat Infections

Clindamycin Generic Name

Brand Name: Cleocin Class: Antimicrobial Function: Treats various infections including skin and vaginal infections

Albuterol+ Ipratropium Generic Name

Brand Name: Combivent Class: Respiratory Function: Treat COPD and other respiratory disorders

Prochlorperazine Generic Name

Brand Name: Compazine Class: Antiemetic Function: treat nausea and vomiting. It can also treat anxiety and schizophrenia

Methylphenidate Generic Name

Brand Name: Concerta, Ritalin Class: Neurological/ADHD Function: treat ADHD and narcolepsy.

Carvedilol Generic Name

Brand Name: Coreg Class: Cardiovascular(Beta blocker) Function: Treats high blood pressure and heart failure

Warfarin Generic Name

Brand Name: Coumadin Class: Anticoagulant (Blood Thinner) Function: treat and prevent blood clots

Losartan Generic Name

Brand Name: Cozaar Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treats high blood pressure

Rosuvastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Crestor Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function: treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and related health conditions

Duloxetine Generic Name

Brand Name: Cymbalta Class: Antidepressant Function: Treats depression, anxiety, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and chronic muscle or bone pain

Dexamethasone Generic Brand

Brand Name: Decadron Class: Corticosteriod Function: treats inflammation

Meperdine Generic Name

Brand Name: Demerol Class: Analgesic Function: treat moderate to severe pain

Divalproex Generic Name

Brand Name: Depakote Class: anticonvulsant Function: treats seizures, bipolar disorders, and help prevent migraines

Trazodone Generic Name

Brand Name: Desyrel Class: Antidepressant Function: treat depression

Tolterodine Generic Name

Brand Name: Detrol Class: Urinary Anti-spasmotic Function: treat overactive bladder symptoms such as loss of bladder control (incontinence) or a frequent need to urinate

Glyburide Generic Name

Brand Name: DiaBeta, Glynase, Micronase Class: Antidiabetic Function: treat type 2 diabetes

Fluconazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Diflucan Class: Antifungal Function: treat and prevent fungal infections

Phenytoin Generic Name

Brand Name: Dilantin Class: Anticonvulsant/Neurologic Function: treat and prevent seizures

Hydromorphone Generic Name

Brand Name: Dilaudid Class: Analgesic Function: Treats moderate to severe pain

Valsartan Generic Name

Brand Name: Diovan Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It can also lower the risk of death after a heart attack

Oxybutynin Generic Name

Brand Name: Ditropan Class: Urinary Tract Agent Function: treat overactive bladder

Dimenhydrinate Generic Name

Brand Name: Dramamine Class: Antiemetics Function: treats motion sickness

Fentanyl Generic Name

Brand Name: Duragesic Class: Analgesic (topical) Function: treat severe pain

Triamterene+HCTZ Generic Name

Brand Name: Dyazide (capsule), Maxzide (tablet) Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat fluid retention (edema) and high blood pressure

Aspirin (ASA) Generic Name

Brand Name: Ecotrin, Bayer Class: Analgesic Function: Pain Relief, Inflammation,Reduce the risk of heart attack

Venlafaxine Generic Name

Brand Name: Effexor Class: Antidepressant Function: treat depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder

Amtriptyline Generic Name

Brand Name: Elavil Class:Antidepressant Function: Treat Depression

Raloxifene Generic Name

Brand Name: Evista Class: Osteoporitic Function: treat and prevent osteoporosis in women who have gone through menopause. It can also decrease the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis or a high risk of breast cancer

Ferrous Sulfate Generic Name

Brand Name: Feosol Class: Antianemics Function: treats iron deficiency anemia

Butalbital+APAP+Caffeine Generic Name

Brand Name: Fioricet Class: Analgesic Function: Treat Headaches

Metronidazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Flagyl Class: Antimicrobial Function: treat various infections, including certain types of vaginal infections. It can also treat skin redness and pimples caused by rosacea

Cyclobenzaprine Generic Name

Brand Name: Flexeril Class: Musculoskeletal(muscle relaxant) Function: Treat pain and stiffness caused by muscle spasms

Tamsulin Generic Name

Brand Name: Flomax Class: Urinary tract agent Function: treat an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Fluticasone Generic Name

Brand Name: Flonase Class: respiratory Function: Topically relieve itching, pain, and swelling, and many other skin diseases. Inhaled can prevent asthma attacks

Folic Acid Generic Name

Brand Name: Folvie Class: Mineral supplement Function: treats anemia

Alendronate Generic Name

Brand Name: Fosamax Class: Osteoporitic Function: Prevent osteoporosis

Nitrofurantoin Generic Name

Brand Name: Furadantin Class: Antimicrobial Function: treat and prevent urinary tract infections

Metformin Generic Name

Brand Name: Glucophage Class: Antidiabetic Function: treat type 2 diabetes

Glipizide Generic Name

Brand Name: Glucotrol Class: Antidiabetic Function: treats type 2 diabetes

Terazosin Generic Name

Brand Name: Hytrin Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure and enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Lorsartan/HCTZ Generic Name

Brand Name: Hyzaar Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack

Isosobride Monoitrate Generic Name

Brand Name: Imdur, ISMO Class: Cardiovascular Function: prevents chest pain

Sumatriptan Generic Name

Brand Name: Imitrex Class: Antimigraine Function: treat migraine and cluster headaches

Propranolol Generic Name

Brand Name: Inderal Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and uneven heartbeat (atrial fibrillation). It can also treat tremors and proliferating infantile hemangioma. In addition, it can prevent migraine headaches.

Sitagliptin Generic Name

Brand Name: Januvia Class: Antidiabetic Function: treat type 2 diabetes

Cephalexin Generic Name

Brand Name: Keflex Class: Antibiotic(Cephalosporin) Function: Treats infections

Levetiracetam Generic Name

Brand Name: Keppra Class: Anticonvulsant Function: treat seizures

Clonazepam Generic Name

Brand Name: Klonpin Class: Anti-anxiety(Benzodiazepine) Function: Treats seizures, panic disorders, and anxiety

Lamotrigene Generic Name:

Brand Name: Lamictal Class: Anticonvulsant Function: treat seizures and bipolar disorder

Digoxin Generic Name

Brand Name: Lanoxin, Digotek Class: cardiovascular Function: Treats heart failure and heart rhythm problems

Furosemide Generic Name

Brand Name: Lasix Class: Antihypertensive Diuretic Function: treats fluid retention (edema) and swelling

Levofloxacin Generic Name

Brand Name: Levaquin Class: Antibiotic (Quinolone) Function: Treat infections

Varedenfil Generic Name

Brand Name: Levitra Class: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Function: Treat erectile dysfunction

Escitalopram Generic Name

Brand Name: Lexapro Class: Antidepressant (SSRI) Function: Treats depression and generalized anxiety

Lidocaine Generic Name

Brand Name: Lidoderm (Patch), Xylcaine (Injection) Class: Anesthetic Function: treat irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). It can also relieve pain and numb the skin

Baclofenac Generic Name

Brand Name: Lioresal Class: Musculoskeletal Function: Treats muscle spasms

Atrovastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Lipitor Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function:Treats high cholesterol, reduces risk of angina, strokes, heart attack, and blood vessel problems

Diphenoxylate, Atropine Generic Name

Brand Name: Lomotil Class: Antidiarrheal Function: ai in the treatment of diarrhea

Gemfibrozil Generic Name

Brand Name: Lopid Class: antihyperlipidemic Function: lower high cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Metoprolol Tartrate Generic Name

Brand Name: Lopressor Class: Antihypertensive Beta Blocker (B1) Function: treat high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and heart failure. This may lower the risk of death after a heart attack

Hydrocodone+Acetaminophen Generic Name

Brand Name: Lortab, Vicodin, Lorcet Class: Analgesic, Opiate Function: Pain relief

Benazepril Generic Name

Brand Name: Lotensin Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treats High Blood Pressure

Clotrimazole+Betamethaone Generic Name

Brand Name: Lotrisone Class: Anti-fungal, steroid Function: Treats fungal infections

Omega-3/Fish Oil Generic Name

Brand Name: Lovaza Class: antihyperlipidemic Function: lower levels of a certain blood fat (triglyceride)

Eszopiclone Generic Name

Brand Name: Lunesta Class: Hyponotic Function: treat insomnia

Pregabalin Generic Name

Brand Name: Lyrica Class: Anticonvulsant/Neurlogic Function: treat nerve and muscle pain, including fibromyalgia. It can also treat seizures

Methylorednisolone Generic Name

Brand Name: Medrol (Tablets), Depo-Medrol (Injection) Solu-Medrol (Injection) Class: Anti-Inflammation Function: treat inflammation, severe allergies, flares of chronic illnesses, and many other medical problems. It can also decrease some symptoms of cancer.

Lovastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Mevacor Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function: treats high cholesterol and triglyceride level, may reduce risk of stroke, heart attack and blood vessel issues

Hydochlorothiazide (HTZ) Generic Name

Brand Name: Microzide Class: Diuretic (Thiazides) Function: Treat high blood pressure and fluid retention

Minocycline HCI Generic Name

Brand Name: Minocin Class: Antibiotic Function: treat infections

Meloxicam Generic Name

Brand Name: Mobic Class: NSAID Function: treat osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Nabumetone Relafen Generic Name

Brand Name: NSAID Class: Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory Function: treat pain and arthritis

Memantin Generic Name

Brand Name: Namenda Class: Anti-Alzheimer's Function: treat dementia associated with Alzheimer's disease

Triamcinoline Generic Name

Brand Name: Nasacort, Kenalog, Aristocort Class: Corticosteroid Function: treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders

Mometasone Generic Name

Brand Name: Nasonex Class: Corticosteroid Function: prevent asthma attacks when inhaled. In its topical form it can also treat rashes and other skin problems.

Gabapentin Generic Name

Brand Name: Neurontin Class: Anticonvulsant Function: treats seizures and pain caused by shingles

Esomeprazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Nexium Class: Antacid/Antiulcer (PPI) Function: Treats GERD

Niacin Generic Name

Brand Name: Niaspan Class: Antihyperlipiddemic Function: treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as niacin deficiency. It can also reduce the risk of heart attack and slow narrowing of the arteries

Nitroglycerin Generic Name

Brand Name: NitroStat Class: Cardiovascular Function: treat and prevent chest pain (angina) in its oral form. When used rectally, it can treat pain caused by tears in the skin around the opening for bowel movements (anal fissures)

Ketoconazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Nizoral Class: Antifungal Function: treats fungal infection

Amlodipine Generic Name

Brand Name: Norvasc Class: Calcium Blocker Function: Treat high blood pressure/chest pain(angina)

Cefdinir Generic Name

Brand Name: Omnicef Clas: Antibiotic(Cephalosporin) Function: Treats bacterial infections

Oxycodone Generic Name

Brand Name: OxyContin Class: Analgesic, Opiate Function: treat moderate to severe pain

Nortriptyline Generic Name

Brand Name: Pamelor, Aventyl Class: Antidepressant Function: treat depression

Paroxetine Generic Name

Brand Name: Paxil Class: Antidepressant (SSRI) Function: treat depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Penicillin Generic Name

Brand Name: Pen-VK Class: Antibiotic Function: treats bacterial infections

Famotidine Generic Name

Brand Name: Pepcid Class: Antacid/Anti-ulcer Function: treat ulcer, GERD, and heartburn

Oxycodone+ APAP Generic Name

Brand Name: Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet, Tylox (capsules) Class: Analgesic, Opiate (Pain Relief) Function: treat moderate to severe pain

Promethazine Generic Name

Brand Name: Phenergan Class: Anti-Nausea/Anti-Emetic Function: treat allergies and motion sickness. It can be used as a sedative before and after surgery and medical procedures. This medication can also help control pain, nausea, and vomiting

Hydroxychlorquine Generic Name

Brand Name: Plaquenil Class: Musculoskeletal Function: Treat and prevent malaria, lupus, and arthritis.

Clopidogrel Generic Name

Brand Name: Plavix Class: Cardiovascular Function: Prevent strokes, heart attack, and other heart problems

Pantoperazine Generic Name

Brand Name: Potonix Class: Antacid/Antiukcer (PPI) Function: treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and a damaged esophagus. It can also treat high levels of stomach acid caused by tumors

Pravastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Pravachol Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function: treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and related health conditions

Conjugated Estrogen Generic Name

Brand Name: Premarin Class: Hormone replacement Function: Treats symptoms of menopause

Lansoprazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Prevacid Class: Antacid/Antiulcer (PPI) Function: Teats stomach ulcers, GERD, and high levels of stomach acid

Omeprazole Generic Name

Brand Name: Prilosec Class: Antacid/Antiulcer (PPI) Function: treat heartburn, a damaged esophagus, stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Lisinopril Generic Name

Brand Name: Prinivil, Zestril Class: Anihypertensive (ACE Inhibitor) Function: treat high blood pressure

Finastreride Generic Name

Brand Name: Proscar Class: Urinary Tract Agent Function: treat enlarged prostate, hair loss in men

Fluoxetine Generic Name

Brand Name: Prozac Class: Antidepressant (SSRI) Function: treats depression, OCD, bulimia nervous, and panic disorders

Phenazepyridine Generic Name

Brand Name: Pyridium, AZO standard (OTC) Class: Analgesic Function: relieve symptoms caused by urinary tract infections and other urinary problems

Metoclopramide Generic Brand

Brand Name: Relan Class: Gastrointestinal Function: treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It can also treat gastroparesis in patients with diabetes

Cyclosporine Generic Name

Brand Name: Restasis Class: immunosuppressant Function: prevent transplant rejection, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and chronic dry eye

Temazepam Generic Name

Brand Name: Restoril Class: Seative/Sleep Aid (Benzodiazepine) Function: treat insomnia

Risperidone Generic Name

Brand Name: Riperdal Class: Anti-psychotic Function: treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and irritability caused by autism

Methocarbamol Generic Name

Brand Name: Robaxin Class: Musculoskeletal, Muscle Relaxant Function: treat muscle spasms and pain

Guaifenesin Generic Name

Brand Name: Robitussin, Mucinex, Cheritussin Class: respiratory (expectorant) Function: Thins mucus

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (SMX/TMP) Generic Name

Brand Name: Septra, Bactrim Class: Antibiotic Function: treat or prevent infection

Quetiapine Generic Name

Brand Name: Seroquel Class: Anti-psychotic Function: treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression

Montelukast Generic Name

Brand Name: Singular Class: Respiratory Function: treat allergies and prevent asthma attacks

Tiotropium Generic Name

Brand Name: Spiriva, Anticholineric Class: Respiratory Function: prevent bronchospasm caused by COPD and reduce flare-ups of serious symptoms

Prednisone Generic Name

Brand Name: Sterapred, Orasone, Deltasone Class: Corticosteroid Function: treat many diseases and conditions, especially those associated with inflammation

Atomoxetine Generic Name

Brand Name: Straterra Class: Neurological, ADHD Function: Treats ADHD

Levotheroxine Generic Name

Brand Name: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levohoid Class: Hormone replacement Function: treat hypothyroidism, enlarged thyroid gland, and thyroid cancer

Oseltamivir Generic Name

Brand Name: Tamiflu Class: Antiviral (Flu) Function: treat and prevent flu (influenza)

Clobestasol Generic Name

Brand Name: Temovate Class: corticosteroid Function: Treat various skin disorders, eczema and helps relieve itching of the skin

Atenolol Generic Name

Brand Name: Tenormin Class: Antihypertensive Beta Blocker (B1) Function: Treats high blood pressure, reduce risk of death after heart attack

Benzonatate Generic Name

Brand Name: Tessalon Peres Class: Cough Suppressant Function: Treats cough

Topiramate Generic Name

Brand Name: Topamax Class: Anti-Convulsant Function: treat and prevent seizures. It can also prevent migraine headaches

Metoprolol Succinate Generic Name

Brand Name: Topol XL Class: Antihypertensive Beta Blocker (B1) Funtion: treat high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and heart failure. This may lower the risk of death after a heart attack

Fenofibrate Generic Name

Brand Name: Tricor Class: Antihyperrlipidemic Function: Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Chlorpheniramine+hydrocodone Generic Name

Brand Name: Tussionex Class: Respiratory Function: Relives allergy symptoms including cough

Acetaminophen (APAP) Generic Name

Brand Name: Tyenol Class: Analgesic Function: Pain Relief, fever reducer

Codeine+APAP Generic Name

Brand Name: Tylenol 3 Class: Analgesic CIII Function: Treat pain and cough

Tramadol+APAP Generic Name

Brand Name: Ultracet Class: Analgesic Function: treat moderate to severe pain

Tramadol Generic Name

Brand Name: Ultram Class: Analgesic Function: treat moderate to severe pain

Diazepam Generic Brand

Brand Name: Valium Class: Sedative/Anti-anxiety (Benzodiazepine) Function: treats anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures

Valacyclovir Generic Name

Brand Name: Valtrex Class: Antiviral Function: treat herpes virus infections, including shingles, cold sores, and genital herpes. It can also treat chickenpox, does not cure herpes, but may prevent herpes sores or blisters

Carisoprodol Generic Name

Brand Name: Vasotec Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treats high blood pressure

Albuterol Generic Name

Brand Name: Ventolin,ProAir,Proventil Class: Respiratory Function: Treats asthma and breathing problems

Verapamil Generic Name

Brand Name: Verelan, Calan, Isoptin Class: Antihypertensive Function: treat high blood pressure, severe angina, and arrhythmia

Sildenafil Generic Name

Brand Name: Viagra Class: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Function: treat erectile dysfunction. It can also treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension)

Doxycycline Generic Name

Brand Name: Vibramycin Class: Antibiotic (tetracycline) Function: Treat and prevent infections, rosacea, severe acne, and prevent malaria

Moxifloxacin HCI Generic Name

Brand Name: Vigamox (Ophthalmic), Avelox (Tablet), Avelox IV (Injection) Class: Antibiotic (Quinolone) Function: treat infections

Hydroxyzine Pomoate Generic Name

Brand Name: Vistaril Class: Antihistamine Function: Treat anxiety, nausea, vomiting, allergies, skin rash, hives, and itching.

Enalapril Generic Name

Brand Name: Voasotec Class: Antihypertensive Function: treats high blood pressure, diabetic kidney disease, and heart failure

Ezitimibe, Simvastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Vytorin Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function: Lowers high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and blood vessel problems

Lisdexamfetamine Generic Name

Brand Name: Vyvanse Class: Neurological/ADHD Function: treat ADHD and binge-eating disorder

Ranitidine Generic Name

Brand Name: Zantac Class: Antacid/Antiulcer Function: treat and prevent heartburn. it can also treat stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and conditions that cause too much stomach acid

Ezetimibe Generic Name

Brand Name: Zetia Class: Antihyperlipidemic Function: lowers cholesterol level

Simvastatin Generic Name

Brand Name: Zocor Class: Antihyperlipidemic (statin) Function: treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and related health conditions

Sertraline Generic Name

Brand Name: Zoloft Class: Antidepressant Function: treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder

Acyclovir Generic Name

Brand Name: Zovirax Class: Antiviral Function: Treats Herpes and Shingles

Allopurinol Generic Name

Brand Name: Zyloprim Class: Antigout Function: Treats Gout and kidney stones, Uris acid reducer

Olanzapine Generic Name

Brand Name: Zyprexa Class: Antipsychotic Function: treat mental disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Cetirizine enteric Name

Brand Name: Zyrtec Class: Antihistamines Function: Treats allergy symptoms

Docusate Sodium Generic Name

Brand Name: colace Class: Laxative (stool Softener) Function: Used for treatment of constipation

Glyburide+Metformin Generic Name

Brand Name: glucovance Class: Antidiabetic Function: Treats type 2 diabetes

Aripirazole Generic Name

Brand Name:Abilify Class: Anti-psychotic Function: Treats bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, depression and Tourette syndrome

Alprazolam Generic Name

Brand Name:Xanax Class: Anti-Anxiety Function: Treat Anxiety and Panic disorders

Bisoprolol Generic Name

Brand Name:Zebeta Class: Antihypertensive Function: Treats high blood pressure

Azthromycin Generic Name

Brand Name:Zithromax, Zmax Class: Antibiotic Function: Treats infections

Methotrexate Generic Name

Brand name: Rheumatrex Class: Anti-Rheumatic Function: treat cancer of the blood, bone, lung, breast, head, and neck. It can also treat rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis

Carisoprodol Generic Brand

Name Brand: Soma Class: Muscle relaxant Function: treat muscle pain and stiffness, from muscle spasms

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