Topic 4: Social Media Marketing & Digital Marketing

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Some more fun digital marketing facts from

>50% of under 35's trust online reviews more than their friends' or families' opinions. Also, online reviews are more trustworthy than expert reviews or celebrity endorsements, o That is why tourism boards pay for "influencers" to visit and make videos and write reviews, 9 out of 10 online shoppers say reviews influence their purchases, Consumers who read reviews online are 127% more likely to buy than the people that read the reviews on a desktop, o So we need to make sure we have mobile version of our site and reviews, 90% of consumers say they would try a 4 star reviewed product, while only 17% would try a one or two star reviewed product, o So make sure you get a lot of positive reviews,

What is a social media plan?

A social media plan is your road map for your company's social media, It gives you direction and purpose, o What are our objectives on social media, o What should we be posting? o What content do we create and what content do we curate? o Who should I target with my social media posts? o What social media platforms should I use? o When should I be posting?

Social Media in Crisis

Acknowledge the crisis when it happens, o When you notice something get the plan in motion, o Let customers know that measures are being taken to resolve the issues and how often you will update, Be Honest & Explicit, o Don't blow smoke or sugarcoat things, that will only make them more mad later, o Do not be vague (more frustration) been on a delayed plane? o Respond in calm calculated manner, o Show you understand their needs and putting that first, o Honesty best policy ☺ Keep the information flowing, o Have updates on the schedule so you know and customers know (think IDOT roads), o If nothing new to report let them know that, not knowing is the worst, o Make sure audience knows what steps are being taken and what step you are on, o Doing this on multiple platforms makes audience feel you really have things under control, and are working hard Apologize and close the loop, o Once crisis is over find out what happened! o Make an apology email and explain what went wrong and how you will make sure it never happens again, it shows you care, Prevent crisis from happening again, trick me once shame on you, trick me twice, I AIN'T EVER WORKING WITH YOU AGAIN!

Issues with Digital Marketing

Annoying Customers with too many emails/posts etc - do you like getting an email everyday from Old Navy? Fraudulent schemes like fake charities or financial scams like "I have a financial opportunity for you," "I can build you an automated YouTube channel that will make you millions!" Phishing - identity theft where they try to trick people into giving out their personal information so they can use it to obtain credit cards, bank information, etc. Online Security - Customers are wary of giving away too much information as many sites have been compromised, Restricting access to specific groups - under 21's viewing Budweiser's website or other adult oriented websites

Service in a Digital Marketing World

As few clicks as possible to buy (four max/some say seven, but four is best) Fast load times so they see products, prices, info, otherwise they leave Should be able to go from the homepage to the product site in ONE CLICK. No extra BS Browsing, Searching, Buying should be simple and easy, don't make it complicated they will walk away Option to have their information saved or need to fill in all forms each time Three step check out at MAX. Delivery should be when promised, Mom thinks you are horrible if your mother's day gift arrives on the Monday after mother's day

Social Media During a Crisis

Bad stuff happens, products get mis-shipped, network fails, etc., Customers WILL BE upset, o And they will let you AND EVERYONE ELSE know, o You don't have to ask people to share bad experiences and reviews, they will do that, so make sure you ask for happy reviews from satisfied customers when they are happy, not just after you mess up, Develop a strategy: o Get key team members together and come up with best strategy for response in a crisis, o Have someone draft the various communications, o Want all platforms telling the same story so same person, o Set how often will follow up posts, o Email, blog, social media to deliver updates, o Write the plan down so you have it ready so if it does happen,

Big Data = Big Opportunity or Big Headache

Big Data: All the information that is generated, collected, analyzed, stored by all the technology we use today. o Your Facebook profile + Gmail account + Instagram account + Snap Chat + google search criteria + credit card statement = a pretty good idea about who you are and what you do with your time and money. o But it is very difficult to dig through all of the data, but companies are working on ways to improve that. o Facebook ads let you pick age, location, hobbies, etc. Thus companies can use the data that Facebook has collected on you and have more detailed specific sales pitches to you. o When I was engaged every ad on Facebook was for wedding stuff, now I get ads on travel and kids stuff All of the data that is collected can help firms, but also leads to privacy concerns, especially when that data is compromised (ever have to get a new credit card?)

Typical Goals of Social Media

Build awareness of our brand, o We want consumers to learn more about our brand, see what we are doing, share their experiences with our products so others can see, HEY LOOK AT US! Drive traffic to our website or landing page, o Ever clicked on a link on twitter? It took you to a landing page, we want to get people to visit our website for some reason, learn more, buy stuff, sign up, Drive traffic to any destination, o It is not just about driving traffic to the main website, it could be to drive people to specific social media pages, to destinations (think social media posts for a flash mob in a certain spot), Engage with our fans, o We do live feeds in order to have a chance to talk with our fans, comments by followers allow us to learn from them and interact with them, it can be a gold mine of information, Grow our fan base, o You may like a band, but if they have a social media page, and they send you a message don't you like them even more? Generate leads, we may use our social media to inform people about our products and give them a chance to let us know they are interested in our products/services, Generate sales, sometimes we may generate sales directly from our posts, buy a T-Shirt now! o Though you want to try and avoid "selling" too much on social media, as people tune out, Generate a community feeling among our customers and potential customers, o This is probably the most important and impactful part of social media. It gives firms the opportunity to personally connect with their clients and build a community spirit. This then influences future purchasing as clients see our brand as more than just a product, but a community, Recruit potential employees, LinkedIn has been quite successful here, Establish thought leadership in various areas, people may follow your social media as you are a market leader or a thought leader, "What is Bill Gates saying about this?" Improve our Search Engine Optimization, o Go ahead and search for yourself online, I bet if you put your name and your business in your LinkedIn profile shows up, social media can really help boost SEO, Improve the perception of our brand - Public relations, fun, helpful events, Help launch new products or services, o Our social media can

Comparing Social & Traditional Media

Criteria: Ability to reach both large & niche audiences o Traditional Media (& Social Media): Both TM & SM can reach large & niche audiences. Billboard, TV, Newspaper, as well as Facebook, YouTube & Instagram. Millions reached or niche reached. Key is to have good content & even good work does not guarantee people will see it (ad blocker, World Cup doesn't have commercials during the games), Criteria: Expense & Access o Traditional Media: Pricey & customers have to purchase the right magazine or watch the right show (no cable) o Social Media: Cheap and accessible where internet is available (basically everywhere) Criteria: Training & Number of people involved o Traditional Media: Skilled labor to put together many aspects, filming, art design, media buy, actors, o Social Media: Limited technical skills or training needed. How many of your parents have Facebook or twitter? Criteria: Time to Delivery o Traditional Media: Can be large time to delivery. Need to find actors, director, write script, film it, edit it, wait for Super Bowl to show, o Social Media: Instant content - think the flashmobs a few years ago, or live updates trying to buy Taylor Swift Tickets from her last tour, Criteria: Permanence o Traditional Media: Permanent, cannot change after printing, typo in a textbook o Social Media: Instant changes, the edit button is there for a reason Criteria: Credibility & Social Authority o Traditional Media: Traditional media has credibility, he was on PBS, Wall Street Journal, etc. o Social Media: SM tends to have little credibility or social authority, must continuously put up good credible content to be believable. "I saw it on the internet"

Your website can develop goodwill with your customers though

Do your marketing research and look at your analytics and see what people want from your site, o ESPN knows in the Fall, Fantasy Football is top dog, so they adjust the layout of their homepage to highlight fantasy football, o Ask yourself what are the three most important things people do on my website and make quick links to each of those things on the homepage, Make sure you tell visitors what they want to know, o Be upfront with costs: shipping, taxes, timelines, o When there are strikes or travel bans people want to know how it impacts them, so have that information available as easy to find as possible,

Do's and Don'ts of Word of Mouth

Do's o Use Feedback to pay your customers, o Talk & listen to your customers & they will talk about you to their friends, o Be Open, o Allow for the good & the bad to be shared, only good seems like an itunes reference, o Demand Honesty, o Help Customers tell their stories, Don'ts o Do not script! o If it seems even a bit fake it will backfire, o Do not plan! o If you force it, it will not seem spontaneous, o Do not sell, o Let your clients tell their stories, you have a sales force to sell stuff, o Do not ignore, o Listen to the clients, if you ignore them then you can lose out (wing place in Champaign),

Dynamic Pricing - why you should wait for Uber

Dynamic Pricing - continually changing pricing of products or services based on demand and market conditions and situations. o Uber pricing depends on demand at that time o Plane tickets and hotel rooms will change depending on day, proximity to stay, season, o a hotel friend had nine different prices for the same hotel room on nine different websites o Comparison shopping has led to some e-tailers to set prices based on competition prices.

4e framework for social media

Firms need to Excite customers with relevant offers: o Find out what people like (needs & wants), these things will excite them and get their attention, o To excite the client your offer must be relevant to their needs, I am fat, I need to lose weight, this offer makes it seem easy to get beach body ready, o Use multiple social media platforms, but make sure they are platforms that your customers use (can't excite them if they don't see it), o Use analytics to find out personal info for tailored offerings, this is how Facebook is able to tailor the ads on your profile, they have the info, Firms need to Educate their potential customers about their offering: o Educate customers on what your value proposition is, why should they be buying your product, o You need to educate them on benefits they may know (U of I helps you get a job) and benefits they may not know (your iCard gets you discounts all over CU). o The information you share helps the customers determine if the product is right for them,

Some SEO Tips

Have a unique and accurate page name: search engines look for specific things, make sure each page has a good description, o Where to buy page, how the product works page, our story page, each serves a purpose and people search for those things, so SEO helps people find it, Design a simple and intuitive site: search engines like easy to navigate sites, so have main menu, sub menu, etc. o Make sure it is giving search engines clues about what the content is on the page, Provide quality content: content is king, have new and relevant content which helps differentiate your content and that will help drive up your search engine results, o Look what pops up on your YouTube suggestions, new, popular, good content,

4e Framework

Help the potential client Experience your products or services, directly or indirectly: o Show how the product should be used, by having someone use the product, and then customers see themselves using the product, o Share customer experiences, then customers can link those experiences with their own potential experience (watch video on Paris, I have an idea about what I would do, I experienced it a little, now I want to go in person), o Demonstrate correct usage of the product, let potential clients live/experience the product through posts, videos, Memes, etc., Give customers an opportunity to Engage with their social network: o We want the customers to do something, o An engaged customer might, buy the book, buy the workout DVDs, subscribe to the most awesome travel YouTube channel ever Wolters World ☺ o Engagement = action! You want the client to do something, so make sure you have a "Call to Action" to know if they are engaging like you want them to,

Social Media and Digital Metrics

Hits: how many times a browser opens a website. o A lot of hits are by automated searches so we cannot assume that all hits are from potential consumers, Page views/visits: the number of people who go to a website, o This is better for marketers as gives a more human response, Visitors: the number of UNIQUE people who visit a website, o We don't want to confuse grandma visiting your site 1000 times for 1000 different visitors, Clickthrough Rate CTR % = Bumber of Clicks online ads receive / People exposed to online advertisements o % of people who actually click on a link, 5% on YouTube is actually not too bad, Page 45 Bounce Rate % = Number of visitors who visit only one page / visitors o Percentage of visitors who navigate away from a site rather quickly with going past the landing page, higher bounce rate shows that what people searched is not being answered on the landing page, Conversion Rate % = Number of visitors who complete requested task / visitors o What % of visitors actually buy something or subscribe, Abandonment Rate % = Number of abandoned web interactions / visitors o % of visitors who start doing something on the website, but do not finish it, think people filling up their cart on Amazon, but do not end up buying,

How to do a social media marketing campaign

Identify Strategy & Goals: What is it we want to accomplish with this campaign, o Build a buzz around an upcoming move, Identify Target Audience: Who are the people that will give us the biggest impact, o Focus on Entertainment Bloggers & YouTube channels, as they will then promote our new movie out to their millions of viewers, Develop the Campaign: see social media plan earlier, Experiment & Engage: see what is working, maybe we need to invite them to the red carpet premiere or send them free stuff to give away to their fans, Develop a Budget: how much will all this cost, Monitor & Change: did it work? What did we learn to do better next time?

Diminishing goodwill

If you are asking for more personal information than you really need, o Does your pizza delivery place need your income, gender, favorite team, 3rd grade teacher? o Make sure you are only taking what you need, as taking too much can lead to problems later, o Customers do not trust you with their information, If you opt people into programs or make restrictions so they have to be in a program they do not really want, o Hello iTunes, remember when we all got U2's latest album a few years back? If you punish customers for not doing things your way, o The date: what day is 05/07/12? o USA: May 7th, 2012, o Germany: 5th of July, 2012, o Russia: 12th of July, 2005 o That is why airlines and travel sites use calendars instead of you putting in your date, o But... does the week start on Sunday (USA) or Monday (Germany), Not giving autofill or printer friendly options, o If they mess up one field, do you really want them to put all the info in again?

How our website can diminish goodwill & leave us with upset customers

If your site looks like it is straight out of 1995, o Amateur looking websites do not instill confidence in the company, o Make sure you grammar check, spell check, and look for dead links, This isn't the minor leagues, If you hide information that customers want to know, o Make sure you have support numbers available, contact information, etc., o If you have hidden fees or taxes that significantly change the price, think cheap airline tickets, or when car ads show you the $40k version of a car, but quote "from $25.5k), o O'Hare internet when it first started, baggage fees, cleaning fees at AirBnB,

Remember for Social Media Plans to work right

In order to run a successful social media program firms need to spend time and money to get it right, o Many firms used to add social media to interns or as a side job, now more and more firms are hiring people specifically for social media, o Focused social media employees dedicate their time to line up social media posts with marketing & firm objectives o It is not cheap, though posting is free, you pay for what you get, It is OK to ask for help with social media, many firms out there focus on this, Use Social Media to have CONVERSATIONS with your clients, Golden Rules of Social Media: o Comment, subscribe, repost, do unto others as you would have done unto your social media, don't spam, don't troll, add something with each comment or post,

Digital Consumer Culture

Information Rich: both consumers and firms have a lot of information on products, buying habits, etc. Consumer-centric: reviews, ads, information is dominated by the consumer's perspective, firms keep consumer informed of possible needs/wants that products can deliver, Omnipresent: consumer digital culture is everywhere, not just on your computer, but your watch, TV, everywhere, Interconnected: social media keeps us connected at all times, how often have you checked Social Media or email while in this class, Personalized: consumer generated content is usually very personalized, think the ads that show up that are products you just researched,

The basics of social media marketing

Know your audience: all the information that your consumer shares online can allow you to better understand their wants and needs, Stick to your strategy: develop a social media plan and stick to it, build the online brand that people can identify with, Coordinate your messaging: manage and coordinate posts across platforms to maintain a consistent message, o Use the same photos, ads, be consistent so consumers are not confused across platforms, Be simple and visual: KISS, people notice infographics and nice pictures, Respond to customers: it's social media so be social, helps build relationships with your customers, Favor quality over quantity: don'ts just post to post, have good content to share, customers appreciate that more, no one likes the over-sharer,

Stick to the (social media) Plan!

Lay out everything in the SM plan and stick to it, Days, times, topics are decided in advance, consistency brings back more followers, Most social media can be pre-created & scheduled for posting, ever wonder why certain channels are posting at the same time every day or every week? Having a social media plan also helps firms stick to social media, can't put it off as it is in the schedule, Theme days do work as they help with trending, It is OK to repost your own posts as with the increase amount of clutter on social media it is easy for followers to miss your content

Steps in setting up: Social media plans

Look over your competition and see what is working in social media and get ideas, Create a social media schedule or calendar, o Setting deadlines and solid numbers helps you to focus on being successful, o Think about just being told there is an exam at the end of the semester, will you prepare anything beforehand? Or just cram at the end and get a bad grade, Don't rest on your social media plan, test it, see if it is working, and make improvements, o Are you getting out of it what you want? o Did you set out for getting 1. Likes? 2. Followers? 3. Leads? You need to have your objective be precise so you know if you succeed,

How can we help our website visitors not think too much

Making customers think: o Having a cluttered site: if there is too much on the page they are not sure where to click, Helping customers NOT THINK: o Group you information: put sections together to help distinguish different parts of the site, Making customers think: o Leave the visitor unsure about what they should do. Ever not sure where to actually click? Helping customers NOT THINK: o Make it clear what is clickable: that is why you have the add to cart button, Making customers think: o Make it unclear how to buy: ever saw a cool thing you wanted to buy online and you weren't sure if you could actually buy it? Helping customers NOT THINK: o Shopping Cart is everywhere: you never know when people will want to buy, Making customers think: o Make people have to really think: if you make people fill out too much information to register, or you use titles that might throw people off, would you know to look at "Jobs-O-Rama" for the employment opportunities? Helping customers NOT THINK: o Make it easy to understand: Careers at, or Jobs, or Employment opportunities is a lot easier to understand,

What are some tips for being successful on social media?

Never forget that CONTENT IS KING, o It has always been true, and will always be true. The reason people don't watch your videos, or go to your blog in the long run is because your content is not awesome, Pay attention to social signals, o Know what is trending or important to society, don't have any faux pas, o Listen to your audience and interact with them, Develop champions and advocates for your brand online, o Fans defend you, protect you, promote you, Make sure you know who your audience is for each platform and cater to them, o Can be very different demographics by platform, WW is YouTube 70/30, Facebook 40/60 M/F, Know who the influencers are and work with them, o People watch and read reviews of products, they can make a big difference, o Collaborations can bring in new audiences, Engage with your audience as much as you can, o This includes responding to their posts/comments, tagging them, using links, hashtags, etc. Think "Images" think visuals, you will need to dazzle the eyes of the customer to focus on you, Have a social media plan & stick to it,

Performance Measures

PM may be Linked to Inputs or Costs: such as CPC, CPA, CPM Can be Linked to Outputs or Revenues as well: o Fans: the number of people who actively register on a firm's social media platform, o Share of Voice: the amount of social media chatter a firm's brands control, o Page views: the number of times a page is loaded, o Bounce Rate: % of people who leave your site right away (if 40% are staying that is great), o Visitors: total number of visits to the website Unique visitors: number of individual IP addresses that visited the site (mom checking your webpage 1000 times only counts as 1 UV) Average Page views per visitor: page views/visitors: determines how many pages people are visiting on your site, Interaction rate: #Likes or Comments/Total Views. Shows how well your social media is drawing interactions with fans, Click-through rate (CTR): clicks/impressions = shows how many people are clicking on things we post, Fan source: where do the fans come from (website, twitter)

Digital Media Advertising Makes $$

Performance Measure: o Cost per click CPC Costs to Advertisers: o I pay $1 for every visitor who clicks on the ad AND then goes from your website to mine Who Provides It: o The most popular form of advertising Google AdWords is an example Who Uses It: o Advertisers who want to pay for results, like traffic, but may not have the tech to follow up on sales data, Advantages: o Only paying for people who actually click and show interest Not wasting time or money on those that don't care Disadvantages: o Won't be effective if not placed on the right website or social media page Performance Measure: o Cost per action CPA Costs to Advertisers: o I will pay $10 for every purchase that comes from our ad on your site Who Provides It: o Run by a third party that both parties trust, again AdSense, Adwords, etc., Who Uses It: o More tech savvy advertisers, Those who want to only pay for successful sales Advantages: o Only pay for what works Gives incentive to sites to place correct ads with content Disadvantages: o Similar to CPC but harder to track & more expensive per action - need better ISIT

How Social Media Produces Sales & Internet Money

Performance Measure: o Negotiated Costs to Advertisers: o Firm pays website direct, # of days, $500 a month Who Provides It: o Smaller websites with niche audiences, sell their ad space directly Who Uses It: o Those who want to tailor to that specific niche that the site represents Advantages: o Simple Can use exact site you want Can be effective if placed correctly Disadvantages: Not a guarantee Not all sites offer this Not sure which site is perfect for you Performance Measure: o Cost per thousand CPM Costs to Advertisers: o Pay $0.60 for every 1,000 times this ad loads, up to $500 a month Who Provides It: o Small websites that sell ads directly, bloggers, YouTube, Adwords Who Uses It: o Build awareness or product, brand, service (movies, new products) Advantages: o Simple to use and set up Disadvantages: o Impressions and hits do not equal sales

Building goodwill with your website

Save clicks whenever you can, o So simplify things for your visitors, have quick links to main topics, o Buy now buttons, add/delete items on check out, o Have that direct link to the UPS tracking site, instead of just sending them a link and the client has to go to the website and put it in themselves, If you put the effort into building a good website your clients appreciate it, o Keep it updated, check deadlinks, make sure all is working and well organized, Have the little extras, o FAQ pages, forums, printer friendly options, mobile version of website, apologies for mix-ups,

Steps in setting up a social media plan

Set goals and objectives for your social media, o If you do not have an objective you will not know what to focus your social media strategy on, o Make sure your social media goals align with the marketing goals of the firm, o Build interest in the brand, get likes, get subscribers, what is/are the goals? Audit your current status on various social media platforms, basically a social media audit, Know your audience, o You will be engaging with your audience, so you should know as much as you can about them, o What platforms do they use, how do they use those platforms, why do they use them? o Go through your demographics by platform, see what it tells you, o Develop conversations and relationships with your audience to learn more about them, Determine which platforms you should be on, and be on them,

What is social media

Social Media according to the Oxford Dictionary: websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. So it is the social interaction side of the internet, Sharing your stories on IG, that is social media, got to get those likes! Grandma posting a picture of her dinner, that is social media, got to get those go grandma comments from the grandkids! YouTube videos teaching students how to do something, that is social media, got to get those shares and subs! Social media is about creating community, not about selling (directly),

More on what is social media

Social Media: o Media created online where users submit posts, comments, photos, memes, and videos, The media is then usually set up so that people can identify popular topic, think #hashtags o Social media is meant to create a community feeling between firms & followers, o it is not meant to sell products, it builds good will for when customers do buy, you sell on your website, not your social media (that turns people off) o Think of it as more of a way to create goodwill than to sell products, that goodwill gets people to buy from you when they do want to buy, Web 2.0: o The functionalities of the internet that allow people to interact with each other, Web 2.0 is NOT a new technology, no new internet service needed, it is just that we can comment back and forth with each other,

Overall Advice

Social media is about developing a community feeling about your brand, it is not about selling things, Have a Social Media Plan - that is a project my capstone class has Give consumers a reason to follow/like/subscribe to you, o Content is king, good content can mean a lot of things, Have Specific people assigned to social media Free Give Away's - think quad day Send out questions & calls to action: Use the best performance measure that relates to what is important to your overall social media goal: o Is it # of views or # of subscribers?

Types of Social Media Platforms

Social networking sites: websites to connect informally with others to share social interests, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, QQ, Interest-based networks: SM network focused on user interests where consumers can focus on current trends in the topic, think your comic book fan club forums, Online review sites: set up for reviews on a variety of products, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Rate my Professor, Social Publishing Platforms: written content with various topics to be shared like Blogs, Blogger, WordPress, Media-sharing sites: website for publishing photos/videos to be shared publicly or privately in other social media networks, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Bookmarking sites: share interesting information with others and from others, Pinterest,

How to Run Your Social Media

Step one is to develop and use a social media plan o SM Plan defines and clarifies what should and should not be in social media posts, as well as when posts will be posted, what social media platforms should be used, o States what a firm wants to do with each social media outlet o States which social media tools a firm will use and why they will be used, o Which target groups will be focused on in each social media platform, o State what new forms of social media a firm should take up if it arises, Foursquare yesterday, Snapchat today,

What Goes Into a Social Media Plan

The different social media platforms you will use & the justification for using those plans How each social media platform will be used o Twitter for use in class, YouTube to post summary videos, Facebook for announcements, Compass for grades, o Criteria, target group, sharing, follow backs, postings, What target group is each platform being used for o Twitter - young & fun, YouTube - all fans, Facebook - more mature, The posting schedule for each social media, o Throwback Thursday, Travel Tuesday, Fun Friday, Sit on my Behind Sunday,

More SEO tips

Use images with descriptions: images are worth a thousand words to people, but not to search engines, o Add alt text that search engines can use to determine what your image is, "man eating an apple" can help, Promote your site accurately and often: more links and mentions helps your SEO, o Share on social media, o Each time you do a major update on your site always promote it to help boost it, o Don't use click bait as if people bounce off quickly it tells search engines that the content of the post is not relevant to the search people had, and the search engine will not suggest the post anymore for queries similar to the original query,

Simple ways to easily connect with your target audience

Use the web 2.0 features of social media: BE SOCIAL, Become a helpful member in various chats, twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, o Over time people notice who are the helpful commenters and who are not, Survey your social media platform audience, o We ask our fans where they want us to go every year, Spend the time to reply to comments on all platforms, o It shows you care, it means a lot to the person who commented, it builds those advocates,

Digital First Consumer

We are all digital first consumers, o Hear about a movie, we watch the preview on YouTube, o Want to get food from a restaurant, we look at their menu online & see if Grubhub delivers, o Want to go on vacation, you watch Wolters World travel videos to get honest travel tips, o Buying a plane ticket, you go online to search for offers and may never even talk to a travel agent, Digital first consumers "use digital media as their preferred FIRST source to acquire information when making purchasing decisions," Digital first consumer are not just GenZ or Millennials, Boomers will search online too, Think about it, you watch TV, movies, Instagram, play games on your phone, all while going to the toilet, It is not limited to B2C content either, this works for B2B marketing as well, people want info, So make sure the important information your customers use to make decisions is online for them to find,

How do we decide which Social Networks to use?

We need to assess: o The number of daily visitors to the website or social media platform: o The characteristics of the visitors to the websites: look at the demographics, o Grandma is on Facebook, Little cousin is on SNAP, boss is on LinkedIn, o Fun fact: we have a Wolters World LinkedIn page, as well as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, and probably more, o The focus of the website: see earlier slides on types of social media platforms, Some markets have their own niche social media platforms, o Photo/infographic focused - Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn o Professional clout - LinkedIn o Viral video - YouTube, TikTok, Instagram,

Omnichannel marketing

What is omnichannel marketing? We need to be everywhere the customer may want to shop or gain information, Brick & Mortar store where they go and hold the product, Website needs to have all the information customers need to make decisions since they are deciding before they even show up at the store, or just buying online, Mobile friendly websites as people are searching on their phones and buying on their phones, Social media, apps, phone calls, the possibilities are endless and we have to be ready on all channels to work with our customers,


What is the 4E Framework for social media? What entails a social media plan? Develop a social media plan for a group or RSO you work with or job you have, How do you develop a social media campaign? What are some apps you use and what are they marketing to you? THIS IS THE LAST TOPIC FOR EXAM 1, Wolters. Decision Making in Marketing. Stipes Publishing. Grewal & Levy. Marketing, 4th edition. McGraw Hill Publishing. Kotler & Armstrong. Principles of Marketing, 16th edition. Pearson Publishing. Peter & Donnelly. Marketing Management Knowledge and Skills, 11th edition. McGraw Hill Publishing



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