Tour Script

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⁃ Home to the Office of Diveristy and Inclusion ⁃ They have a multicultural center and LGBTQ+ services ⁃ One of the 80 schools in the country to receive the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award

Flag Poles Stop

⁃ This is the heart of campus often filled with a lot of traffic. - Sometimes there are student organizations, local businesses, and community groups around to engage with students

Wrap Up

⁃ This officially concludes our time together today first I would like to say thank you for allowing me to have the opportunity to show you around campus and my experience here as bronco ⁃ You'll be receiving a survey later on at asking about your experience, if you could fill that out that would be great. ⁃ Do you guys have any more questions for me? Or if you'd rather speak with someone else we can return you guys back to the Admissions office to meet you with your admissions counselor ⁃ Otherwise you guys are free to use your coupon in the bookstore or I can direct you back to your cars

Residence Halls Walk Talk

⁃ We offer a variety of different housing options on campus including traditional residence halls and apartments for second year students and above ⁃ The residence hall that we are heading to is Western Heights East which is for first year students, I currently live here ⁃ Freshman can also live in the valley neighborhood which is near the Valley dining center

Western Heights Pod

⁃ We offer a variety of layouts and allows them to choose the hall and even the exact room that they would like to live in ⁃ When finding out a roommate we offer search features that allow students to find a roommate that they are compatible with based on their interests and lifestyles ⁃ Each room comes to two beds instead of drawers two dust two chairs and equipment to loft the bads to great more floor space ⁃ Additional items such as a micro fridge combo futons and carpeting are available to be rented out from the University ⁃ Here are a model of the valley of residence hall ⁃ All the valley rooms are the same size similar furniture listed above suits are single gender but the floors are coed as sue just two bedrooms with a joint bathroom connecting these rooms

⁃ Study abroad

⁃ Western offers more than 90 programs of study in over 40 countries ⁃ The flags up there represents the different nationalities present on campus

Wood Hall Walk Talk

- Is the ology building, holds classes and labs for biology psychology environment studies ⁃ Finch Greenhouse (by Rock Pond) is attached to Wood Hall, plants in there listen to WIDER which is the on campus student run radio station

Richmond Center for Visual Arts

-Home to Frostic School of art ⁃ The building has classrooms study space and gallery spaces to show off artwork

Brown Hall

Houses foreign language classes, English classes, and is our school of communication, these are all apart of College of Arts and Sciences ⁃ One of my friends who's name is also Olivia practically lives in Brown Hall as she is majoring in English to become a teacher and then minoring in Spanish

Sindecuse Health Center

Is a fully staffed medical center with nurses counselors physical therapists along with a fully serviced pharmacy ⁃ Provides free flu shots and Covid vaccines

Everett Tower

Right next to rood hall, where professors who teach in Rood Hall are located ⁃ Here at WMU all professors are required to hold offices hour for each course that they teach

Student Rec Center

• Enter 3rd floor Walk Talk ⁃ The rec center hold classrooms and specialty labs for general education, exercise science, health and physical education, and recreation/sports management courses ⁃ Cost to use the rec center is included in tuition • Continue down the hallway to the staircase/elevators, go down one floor to 2nd floor, go to the lobby and enter the workout areas, stop by rock climbing ⁃ 2nd Floor Stop ⁃ Have an indoor track, basketball volleyball, racquetball, and multipurpose courts ⁃ Designated cardio areas, weight lifting areas⁃ Equipment spaced for social distancing • Head back down towards the F4 studios, pause for a moment⁃ Racketball Overlook Stop ⁃ Offer a variety of fitness classes like F45 which is a high intensity circuit training workout ⁃ Also offer cycle fit, Zumba yoga, and other classes ⁃ If you live in the residence halls you get 18 classes free each semester • Head back to staircase/elevator, go up one floor ⁃ Three levels of sports at WMU ⁃ Intramural: our students can play against each other ⁃ Club: compete against other colleges and universities⁃ Variety: we are a division 1 school

Bernhard Center

• Stop by display case of the new student center ⁃ Is our current student union restaurants consider a relax, do some basic shopping or grab a bite to eat ⁃ The new student rec center will be opening a fall 2021 virtual replace a Bernhard Center and here in this case you can get a site of what some of facilities will look like ⁃ The news from the rec center will have a new dining center a variety of student space including organization center, variety of study spaces ⁃ Multiple restaurants and retail spaces like grab and go options and chains like Starbucks, there will also be hammock lounge a gaming center and meditation room and even a brewpub

Walk towards Re Center University Computing Center UCC Walk Talk

⁃ 2nd floor of the UCC is the current home to walk in information technology help desk ⁃ They are there to help you with issues relating to your WMU log in, email, internet connect eLearning and more

Friedmann Hall Walk Talk

⁃ Behind Knauss and Dunbar is Friedmann Hall, where the office of Advising for the college of arts and sciences is located

Buster Bookstore Stop

⁃ Buster bookstores is there on campus clothing store that sells WMU gear school and our supplies and textbooks ⁃ Downstairs in the Bernhard center we have a bronco mall which includes a big be a subway a PNC branch location along with several ATM machines around campus and bronco express and walk in financial aid offices for students

WMU Seal and Flagpoles Stop

⁃ College of Health and Human Services ⁃ Located on the east side of campus right across from Stadium Drive ⁃ Majors include nursing speech pathology and audiology social work and healthcare services

Dunbar Hall Walk Talk

⁃ Currently under construction/renovation ⁃ For classroom layouts, more students work space ??

Cars and Parking Walk Talk • Walk towards Bernard center

⁃ Freshman can have a current campus you just need to buy a parking pass which is $300 for a year ⁃ Do know that both campus and city buses are available to WMU students by showing the bronco ID badge

Sangren plaza/mall/Construction Walk Talk

⁃ Green space used by students, faculty and other staff members to gather for classes studying or downtime. Often time there will be tables with different community organizations

Ellsworth Hall Walk Talk

⁃ Has many student resources ⁃ One being career and student employment services which helps students look for work during school as well as after graduation ⁃ Resume workshops, mock interviews, and networking opportunities are available ⁃ They have a center for academic success programs that offers a variety of assistance such as advising writing tutoring and many more

Miller Plaza Stop

⁃ Here is Miller Plaza which is a popular spot for studying, lay around or hammock, obviously for when the weather is nice

Student Organization Center Walk Talk

⁃ Here is our student organization center ⁃ The new student center will have a large space dedicated for our student organizations ⁃ ExperienceWMU is out organization website where you can check out all of our clubs and organizations, there's above 300 of them

Kohrman Hall

⁃ Hold classes for studio space for Interior Design, Fashion merchandising and Design and studio art and product design

Rood Hall

⁃ Home for many different classes such as mathematics, statistics physics geology Bronco study zone ⁃ Broncos study zone is a space for all students to receive academic support for highly challenging courses

Dalton Center

⁃ Home to 2 departments in the college of fine arts: music and dance ⁃ Majors including jazz studies music therapy and many more

Gilmore Theatre Complex

⁃ Home to our department of Theatre where students can major in art management acting design and technical production⁃ completely run by theatre students

Haenicke Hall

⁃ Home to the institute for Global Education and sophisticated research ⁃ Any student who is interested in research can get involved, you don't have to be majoring in a specific field in order to do that ⁃ One of my friends is actually doing a rat lab in there for one of his psychology classes

Knauss Hall Walk Talk

⁃ Is a lecture hall building used for College of Arts and Sciences courses as well as many general education classes

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Walk Talk

⁃ Is about a 15 minute ride from main campus at our Parkview Campus in Floyd Hall ⁃ There are many bus routes on campus so you don't need your own car to get around ⁃ Park View campus includes Business and technology research with more than 40 engineering sciences, design and tech firms ⁃ 14 undergraduate majors including mechanical industrial chemical and paper engineering along with computer science and online cyber security major ⁃ WMU is the only university in the world that has a full scale paper plant which gives students first hand experience in pulping or pluming, paper making, printing and recycling

College of Aviation Walk Talk

⁃ Is located in Battle Creek about 30 minutes away at Kellogg airport ⁃ Majors include flight science, technical operations, management and operations ⁃ They recently joined forces with Delta Airlines United Airlines and AAR Corporation to identify elect and develop the next generation of pilots .⁃ We are one of the only three schools in the country to have these formal pathways

Sangren Stop, Walk Talk

⁃ Is the home to the College of education human development, with over 20 majors some include Special Education and Exercise Science. Here on our left is the College of Education and Human Development Advising Office. Each of our seven academic colleges have their own advising office, students are encouraged to meet with their Advisor. I personally meet with mine at least twice a semester to talk about my class, future classes I'm interested in taking and other things like that. ⁃ Walk down Vans way. Here are some classrooms with an average of around 30 students. Most of your gen ed classes with be around that size but know that there are core major classes with more of a large lecture style, ranging from 100-200 students. ⁃ Sustainability is a huge value here at Western and Sangren Hall is one of 11 buildings here on campus helping the environment. As you can see here are large colorful light fixtures assisting heating the building by reflections the sunlight. Sangren also has over 900 rooftop solar panels

College of Arts and Science

⁃ Is the largest academic college on campus with over 70 majors including psychology Spanish African American and African studies Biology Criminal Justice to name a few

Lee Honors College Stop

⁃ It is home to high achieving students⁃ Incoming students are invited based on their application, believe you need a 3.5 or higher ⁃ If you don't qualify upon your arrival that's okay, you can be invited throughout your time here at Western ⁃ Benefits include priority when registering for classes, additional individualized counseling, workshops, scholarship opportunities and many more

Miller Auditorium

⁃ Kzoo is located halfway between Chicago and Detroit so a lot of Broadway shoes and other big names have come to Miller. ⁃ The phantom of the Opera to Lil Yachty to Nick Jonas, The Wizard of Oz

Downtown Kalamazoo Walk Talk

⁃ Located less than a mile from campus⁃ Offers students active, entertaining environment to explore ⁃ There's countless restaurants around, public parks, lakes and ski resorts ⁃ We are all only 45 minutes away from south Haven so hey Lake Michigan, can go for a walk a picnic, swim, or just chill with some friends

Sprau Tower

⁃ Main home to Foreign languages, English and school of communication ⁃ Ground floor has a plaza cafe where you can use dinning dollars ⁃ Can go here to study in between classes ⁃ Top floor has a study longer and a great 360 view of Kalamazoo

The W, Waldo Library Stop

⁃ Oh watch our for the W cause rumor has that if you step on the W, you'll fail all your classes that semester ⁃ But know that it's very hard to do that as there are numerous student success resources provided on campus

Rock Pond Stop

⁃ One of the lowest places on campus as it captures water and then that water is resued around campus, another example for susatibaility - Faunce Student Services ⁃ WIDER plays a variety of music genres and host events, they will be moving to the new student ref center this coming Fall ⁃ The students here at WMU were the first In Michigan to implement a self initiated student sustainability fee ⁃ All incoming students receive a reusable mug or water bottle to promote sustainable living

Kanley Chapel Walk Talk

⁃ Provided non-denominational services and meeting spaces for students ⁃ If you graduate here and ever get engaged you can get married here ha ha

Campus Saftey Walk Talk (maybe mention when walking back from Rec center)

⁃ Safety is a personal thing so there are multiple resources around campus that can help you keep safe ⁃ As you may or may not notice but there are blue light boxes does need all around campus there's over 100 of them ⁃ All you have to do is just go up and push the button and within 60 to 90 seconds an officer respond to the call ⁃ There are at least two please feel cold but I'll try in campus 24 hours a day seven days a week ⁃ Other reasons for pushing the button include locking keys in your car falling spraying your ankle or feeling comfortable walking around campus by yourself or if you need to report a crime

Haworth College of Business (HCOB)

⁃ Schneider Hall, home to Haworth college of business ⁃ one of the largest business schools in the US with 18 business majors some are business marketing personal finance planning

WMU History, The Oaklands Walk Talk

⁃ Some history for ya about Western is that it was founded in 1903 but this part of campus was not developed until the early 1940s. Our original location is what we now Call East Campus, behind the football stadium ⁃ The building right here The Oaklands, was home to many of our school presidents

Chemistry Building Stop • Enter back doors, point out labs posters

⁃ The chemistry building is apart of the college of arts and sciences with pre professional programs such as pre med pre dental pre ver pre law ⁃ Has classes for physical and organic chemistry, as well as biochemistry with lecture halls classrooms and labs ⁃ The periodic table represents donors of the chemistry program

Overview of the College of Fine Arts Walk Talk

⁃ The college of Fine Arts is one of the only eight schools in the country, also the only one in Michigan that is fully accredited in all 4 art areas: art dance music and theatre ⁃ They hold a ton of recitals exhibitions and performances each year

Western Heights Main Lobby Stop

⁃ The front desk is staffed at for 5 PM and over the weekend starting at 8 PM ⁃ After those times residence must show their Bronco ID and to sign in guest they must have a Bronco ID or valid ID ⁃ Guest must be either WMU student or at least 18 years of age

Dinning Henry Stop

⁃ There are two dining halls on campus big low is the currently the most central located one but the biggest is the VDC, Valley Dinning Center ⁃ When is the new student center opens this coming fall Bigelow will be taken down ⁃ We offer a variety of meal plans based on your individual preferences the main difference between is the number of swipes per week⁃ you can either have 14 swipes or unlimited

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