Trivia - Part 7

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What Was John Lennons First No.1 Single In 1980

(Just Like) Starting Over

How many months are there in a year


Whose only novel was The Cardinals Mistress

Benito Mussolini

What is a group of rooks


What is a Caryatid

Building support woman shaped

What is the bone at the end of the spine


How many peas grace the average pod


Why Is Louise Brown Famous

First Test Tube Baby

What sport would you see at Arthur Park

Grand Prix Racing

___________ has 150 recognized ecosystems.


What was the title of Joe Loss's signature tune

In the mood

A couple dogging are having sex with others watching where

In their car

What is a Dolly Varden

Large Hat

Ranma's father in Ranma 1/2 is transformed into this animal


Nanook is a Canadian word for what animal

Polar Bear

Which creatures transmit Bubonic Plague

Rat fleas

What is the capital of Chile?


Which seed is the basic ingredient for tahina paste ?


What was Eric Claptons Nick Name?


Mother Carey's Chickens sailors slang for what bird(s)

Storm Petrels

What Group Consisted Of Marc Bolan, Steve Peregrine Took


What is hulk hogan's real name

Terry bollea

Which Is The Most Broadcast Record Ever And Has Held This Record Since 1977 And Why

The Carpenters / Calling Occupants, Because It's Broadcast By N.A.S.A Every 3 Minutes

"Sindinology" Is A Well Known Historical Debate Concerning The Origins Of What

The Holy Shroud Of Turin

Which Instrument Of Torture Had a Hinged Case Full Of Spikes?

The Iron Maiden

Name The British Liner That Sunk On Its Maiden Voyage In 1912?

The Titanic

Which band included rock greats Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan?

The Travelling Wilburys

What Dance Is Associated With Vienna

The Waltz

What is the worlds longest race

The Whitbread round the world

Which Gilbert and Sullivan opera is subtitled 'The Merryman and His Maid'?

The Yeoman of the Guard

Hamburg lies on which river

The elbe

What bird is depicted on the Canadian $1 coin

The loon - coin nickname is loonie

Translate into English the opera title "Die Dreigroschenoper"

The threepenny opera

What Is The Function Of White Blood Cells

To Combat Disease And Infection

Concrete And Clay Was A 1964 Hit For Which UK Band

Unit Four Plus Two

Susseration is what


What is 40 in Roman numerals


Which animal has the latin name 'Bos grunniens'


What is an ideo locator

You are here' arrow

Who Was Jailed For His Behavoir On A Flight From Paris To Manchester In february 1998

Ian Brown

Who was Jesus on the LP version of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'?

Ian Gillan

What Sport Are Torvill & Dean Famous For

Ice Skating / Ice Dance

Which European country has the lowest population density


As what was John F. Kennedy airport formerly known


John F. Kennedy Airport in New York used to be called __________.


Reaching No 3 What Was The first Singles Chart Entry For Smokie

If You Think You Know How You Love Me

What Song Features The Lyric "Then Your Children Will Be Next"

If You Tolerate This

What Is The Value Of The Letter (Q) In Scrabble

10 points

The term Centennial represents how many years ?


When did leif erikson set foot on north america

1000 ad

What is 7 days and 10 hours in minutes


How long did Yuri Gagarin's first orbit round the Earth take

108 minutes

Who Released The 70's Album Entitled Sheet Music


For how many radio stations was john cage's 'imaginary landscaper no 4' scored


"What Did My True Love Give To Me On The ""Twelth"" Day Of Christmas"

12 Drummers Drumming

How Many Players In A Rugby League Team

13 Players

What is the current vat rate in south africa


Number of weeks Beatles albums have spent at No. 1


When did Nostradamus live

1503 1566

At which address will you find the White House

1600 pennsylvania avenue

What year was the first commercial opera house opened


How Many Straight Lines Will You Find On An English Football Pitch?


What numbers can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial


What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?


When was flavored soda pop invented


The medical journal The Lancet was established in which year


What year was the first tooth extraction under anaesthetic performed


The island of Krakatoa was almost completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption in which year


IBM was founded in what year


What year did Laurel and Hardy first perform together


What year did was the great stock market crash that lead to the great depression


When was Sean Connery born


A nuclear reactor was built beneath a Chicago football stadium in which year


What year did Chet Atkins release his first solo album?


In What Year Did Neil Armstrong First Step Foot On The Moon


In what year did the Royal Navy's daily rum ration end?


In Which Year Did The Stranglers Achieve Three Top Ten Hits


In Which Year Were The Following All UK Chart Hits: "Solsbury Hill" By Peter Gabriel, "Silver Lady" By David Soul And "Pearl's A Singer" By Elkie Brooks?


In What Year Were Stock, Aitken & Waterman Taking A Ferry Crosss The Mersey


There's Something About Mary' starring Cameron Diaz was released in what year


According to the Christmas song what was the only present asked for? 2 Front Teeth, 5 Bath Cubes, 4 Bars Of Soap, 3 Pairs Of socks

2 Front Teeth

How many children are in the 'american dream'


How many minutes is each period of hockey


How many possible opening moves does white have at the start of a game of chess


How many years in a vicennial?


If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you come across?


What is 32 decimal expressed in hex


In what year did Bob The Builder have a U.K. Xmas No1 hit with "Can We Fix It"?


Which date starts the astrological year?


The earth's circumference is approximately how many miles


What is the escape velocity from the earth's gravity (mph)

25,000 mph

What Is The Official Circumference Of A Football

27-28 Inches

How many children did JR Ewing knowingly have that lived on "Dallas"?


What is the 'perfect score' in a game of Ten Pin Bowling?


Solve this: 10*3+2?


How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today


What planet position is the Earth from the Sun?


How many bits are in a nibble ?


To The Nearest 100 Million Years How Old Is The Earth

4,540 Million Years

What is the answer to the meaning of life according to Douglas Adams in 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?


How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)?


Film title' 'fahrenheit ______'


In Imperial measurement, how many square yards are in a square chain


What Is The Value Of (K) In Scrabble

5 Points

What Is The Longest Athletics Race In The Olympic Games?

50 Km Walking Race

What was the number of the squadron which flew the Dambusters mission in 1943


How many large holes are in your head


How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'?


By How Many Degrees Does True North Vary To Magnetic North In Britain

8 Degrees West

What number is by the side of the number 16 on a dart board? (either Side)

8 or 7

How many seconds are in a day ?


How Many Gallons In A Firkin

9 Gallons

What is the distance from earth to the sun

93 million miles

To within 30 feet, how tall is the Eiffel Tower


What did the person chained to wall in Goonies want?

A Baby Ruth candy bar

Jewish boys have a Barmitsva at 13 what do girls get at 12

A Batmitsva

What Is A CarCinogen

A Cancer Producing Substance

A university has a campus what does it literally mean

A Field

This was the Beatle's first film.

A Hard Day's Night

What Is Caused Through A Spasm In The Diaphram

A Hiccough

In Baseball, What Name Is Given To The Completion Of A Circuit Of Bases On One Hit

A Home Run

In Which Shakespeare Play Does A Ghost Not Appear

A Midsummer Nights Dream

Bohemian Rhapsody was on what Queen album

A Night at the Opera

What can you shag in Georgia but its illegal in Florida

A Porcupine

What in reality was Dr McCoy's medical scanner in Star Trek

A Salt Shaker

What Frightened Miss Muffet Away

A Spider

Strabismus is the correct name for what condition

A Squint

According To The Beatles What Did "The Girl That's Driving Me Mad" Have

A Ticket To Ride

What Is A Mashie

A Type Of Golf Club

What was The poem A night before christmas originally called (The Night Visitor, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, A Visit From St Nicholas, A Christmas Visit)

A Visit From St Nicholas

Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once ?

A Void

Who would use a hammer & tongs

A blacksmith

After what were the B52 bombers named?

A fifties hairdo

What kind of animal was Cleo in the famous story of "Pinocchio"

A fish

From which Shakespeare play does the line 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' come

A midsummer night's dream

What animal is Snowball in George Orwell's book Animal Farm?

A pig

In "Penny Lane", what did the Fireman keep in his pocket?

A portrait of the Queen

Agar-agar is often used in cooking. What is it?

A type of gelatine

What is an arras

A wall hanging e.g. tapestry

What sort of bone is broken as wishes are made

A wishbone

An average_size __________ weighs about 150 pounds.


This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia


How is the mathematically related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known ?


What is the original meaning of the word Shambles

Abattoir butcher)

Is right music: who recorded "sos"


If you practice Encraty what are you doing

Abstinence or Self Restraint

What medical treatment was first used by chinese emperor shen-nung in 2700 bc


Apollo 9 Was A Hit In 1984 For Whom

Adam Ant

Which sportswear company was founded in Germany by a certain Dr. Dassler


Which company produces PageMaker, Photoshop and Acrobat


Whose cat was sold for $153000 in an Arizona auction

Adolf Hitler's

What's the name of Disney's Little Mermaid


Who Recorded The Albums "Toys In The Attic" & "Draw The Line"


What continent is sierre leone in


Who created the character Parker Pyne

Agatha Christie

In Which Indian City Is The Taj Mahal


Ceres was the Roman goddess of what


At Which Sporting Venue Would You Find Melling Road?

Aintree Race Course

What sort of ship has a runway on its deck

Aircraft carrier

Who was the pop-up figure in the fun house in The Man With the Golden Gun


Alphonso D'Abruzzo became famous as who

Alan Alda

Who Was The Original Baasit In The Bay City Rollers

Alan Longmuir

Who hit the first golf shot on the moon?

Alan Sheppard

Who Had A Massive Hit With Her 3rd Album Entitled "Jagged Little Pill"

Alanis Morissette

What did the Victorians call servant regulators

Alarm Clocks

In what country was Mother Theresa born


Who was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952 (turned down)

Albert Einstein

Who built the Lambarene missionary station?

Albert Schweitzer

Methyphobia is the fear of


Zymase and Glucose combine to form what drug


Who wrote Brave New World (full name)

Aldus Huxley

Who discovered Penicillin ?

Alexander Fleming

The black and white episode of Chicago Hope is a tribute to who

Alfred Hitchcock

Which British Director Attempted To Appear In All The Films He Directed

Alfred Hitchcock

As who is Vincent Furnier known?

Alice Cooper

Who had a hit with Schools Out in 1972?

Alice Cooper

Which is the closest town to Ayres Rock

Alice springs

What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet?


What's the worlds widest river


The food of the Greek & Roman gods


Which song did Don McLean write about the death of Buddy Holly

American Pie

What is the flower that stands for: simplicity

American sweet-brier

After which Italian is America named

Amerigo Vespucci

Where did Guinevere retire to die?


What's known as the bishop's stone


What Is The Fluid Which Surrounds A Foetus Known As

Aminiotic Fluid

Urea is essentially made up of carbon dioxide and which other chemical


Where were the 1928 Olympics held ?

Amsterdam, The NetherlandsERROR: Ret: amsterdam, (the netherlands|holland)

Which is the heaviest, An Ice Hockey Puck or a Baseball?

An Ice Hockey Puck

A sufferer from boanthropy believes he is what

An Ox

What's the curved line between any two points on a circle

An arc

Pablo picasso was abandoned by the midwife just after his birth because she though he was stillborn. by who was he saved

An uncle

Large South American constrictor snake


What is the heaviest snake?


What country has the highest voting age 25


What is the capital of Andorra

Andorra la vella

Whats the nearest galaxy to our own


Who did Valerie Solernis shoot on Jun 3rd 1968 in New York

Andy Worhole

Desire what mouseketeer's first hit song was "tall paul"

Anette funicello

These rabbits are prized for their long, soft fur, used to make very expensive sweaters


What is the other ingredient in a pink gin?

Angostora Bitters

Who did Sitting Bull call little sure shot

Annie oakley

Psychologist say when a woman wears red she wants what

Another Woman

What type of animal lives in a formicary?


At seven inches long, the Wilson's storm petrel is the smallest bird to breed on the __________

Antarctic continent

What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for

Ante meridian

The pronghorn __________ can run up to 61 miles per hour.


System of winds producing fine weather


Where were the 1920 Olympics held ?

Antwerp, Belgium

Dutchphobia is a fear of ______

Anything dutch

Teutophobia is a fear of ______

Anything german

Japanophobia is a fear of ______

Anything japanese

What's the capital of western samoa


Mary Hopkin's "Those Were The Days" & The Beatles "Hey Jude" Were Early Hits For Which Label

Apple Records

A person learning a trade by working for an agreed period


What is the English equivalent of the Spanish boob day

April fool's day

Portable underwater breathing apparatus


Whats the official language of Morocco


A series of arches supported by columns or piers, or a passageway formed by these arches.


English law males should do it 2 hours week watched by vicar

Archery Practice

What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?

Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific

What are the worlds four oceans _ alphabetically

Arctic, atlantic, indian and pacific

Which Queen Of Soul Did George Michael Team Up With For The Song "I Knew You Were Waiting For Me"

Aretha Franklin

Which U.S. singer is nicknamed the 'Queen of Soul'

Aretha franklin

Who sang 'respect'

Aretha franklin

Which two fighting ships other than the 'utah' were sunk at pearl harbor

Arizona and oklahoma

Who on the F.A. Cup the most times during the 70's?


Were Cabaret Voltaire Named After A French Fashion Magazine Or An Art Movement

Art Movement

Any sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic

Arthur C Clark - Report planet 3

What Are Globe And Jerusalam Both Examples Of


In egyptian mythology, who is known as the god of the desert


Which bottled water originates in Dovedale


In which continent would you find the Yangtze river ?


In Astronomy What Are Pallas, Vesta & Davida?


What is the oldest known science


Goddess sprang full grown from the forehead of her father Zeus


With what sport was mildred ella didrikson associated


General Sherman burned this city in 1864.


Name the home city of the US football team nicknamed Falcons


On which city did Charles Darrow base his original game of Monopoly

Atlantic city

French for until we meet again

Au revoir

What is the main ingredient of a moussaka


What is the main vegetable ingredient of moussaka?


Us Captials - Texas


In which country is the Great Victoria Desert


Which country administers Christmas Island


Which countrys does one associate with the following foods or drinks: 'Sachertorte'


Who, in literature, is eligible to be nominated for the annual award called the Carnegie Medal

Authors of children's books

To what is the harvest moon nearest

Autumnal equinox

Where is King Arthur supposed to be resting


In the animal kingdom, if reptiles are in class reptilia, then birds are in class ____


Which Term Is Used For Electronic Intruments For Use In Aviation


What was the name of Eddie Murphy's character in Beverly Hills Cop?

Axel Foley

In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o-lantern was it A Potato B Turnip C Pumpkin

B = Turnip

What is the all-time best selling paperback book

Baby and child care baby

What candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth

Baby ruth

In the field of entertainment, by what name is Emma Bunton better known

Baby spice

Which movie had a device known as a flux-capacitor?

Back to the Future

Which American Vocal Group Scored Their First UK Top Ten Hit In 1996 With "We Got It Going On"

Backstreet Boys

In horse racing, what is the straight opposite the one with the finish line


What does blt stand for

Bacon, lettuce, tomato

Eastwood what are cocci, spirilla and streptococci


Which is Britain's largest native carnivore


This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest.


What's the largest island in the arctic ocean, with 195,928 square miles


Which One Of These Songs Was A Hit For Madness "Love Is Enough", Baggy Trousers, Enough Is Enough"

Baggy Trousers

What is the capital of Kiribati


What foodwise is a Fieldlane Duck

Baked Sheep's Head

Name the dessert named after a Derbyshire town?

Bakewell tart

What Is The 3 Stringed Russian Instrument Called With The Triangular Body


What is a group of turtles


On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year?

Ballpoint pens

What sea is directly north of Poland

Baltic sea

What fruit produces a herb


A group of gorillas is known as a ___________.


Dacca is the capital of which country


What is the capital of Central African Republic


What is the capital of Gambia


Religious initiation of Jewish boy at 13

Bar mitzvah

What female name comes from the Greek for foreign woman


What is the name given to the fortified gateway of a castle


Which Welsh island is called the Isle of the Saints

Bardsey island

A flat bottomed boat on canal or river


What is the fear of gravity


Softball is a variation on which game


What sport is played at Wrigley Field in Chicago Illinois -


What is it called when fat and juices from the roasting tin are spooned over meat while it is cooking?


Which mammals fly?


What kind of music imitates the fanfares, drum rolls, and commotion of a battle


What does bbs mean

Be back soon

What do all the seven dwarfs except dopey have


What is Pogonophobia the fear of


What is a goup of clams


What is enuresis


How is the tree with the botanical name Fagus better known


Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips?

Beetle Bailey

What does basic stand for

Beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code

What Does BASIC Stand For In Computing Terms

Beginners All Purpose Symbolic/Standard Instruction Code

How does a male koala attract a mate


What is the popular word for the umbilicus

Belly button

What is the capital of Belize?


Which Was The First Film Remake To Win The Title Of Best Picture Oscar?

Ben Hur

Football: The Cincinnati _________.


Which German Golfer Won The Us Masters In 1993

Benhard Langer

What is the active ingredient in oxy anti pimple cream

Benzoyl peroxide

Where In Mayfair Did A Nightingale Sing

Berkeley Square

The ledge between a parapet & a moat is a(n)..


What island has Hamilton as its capital


Who wrote the series of novels with the hero Sharp

Bernard Cornwell

Who Provided The Voice Of Buzby In The Old BT Adverts Of The 1980's

Bernard Cribbins

What is the real name of Tony Curtis

Bernard schwartz

Which police-dog was one of Stalin's favourites?


What group of minerals are beryl, emerald and aquamarine a part


On Who's Tombstone Will You Find The Words "She Did It The Hard Way"

Bette Davis

Where Are The Maxwell Gap And The Keeler Gap Located

Between The Rings Of Saturn

The Wright brothers made aircraft but what was their other job

Bicycle manufacturers

Crime of getting married again whilst still legally married


At what atoll in the South Pacific did the U.S. do bomb nuclear bomb test in 1946

Bikini atoll bikini

In The Harry Potter Movies What Is "Ron Weesley's" Middle Name


Whose Real Name Is William Michael Albert Broad

Billy Idol

Which Pop Singer Was Born Leslie Sebastian Charles

Billy Ocean

Aaron Copeland wrote a ballet about which American folk hero

Billy the Kid

In computing, what is 'bit' an abbreviation for

Binary digit

Who Was Known As The Old Groaner

Bing Crosby

What would be kept in an "aviary"?


Which chess piece could be a member of the church


Specifically to what does Episcopal refer


What is the capital of North Dakota?


Off the coast of southern California, around 200 __________ still roam in Catalina Island's hinterlands, descendants of a few brought there in the 1920s for a movie and left there.


Gondolas in Venice are traditionally what colour


In pool, what color is the eight ball


Cardinal, Barlinka and Napoleon are varieties of what

Black Grapes

What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean?

Black pool

Technical theater: what's the instantaneous killing of all stage lights


In which novel does the character Quebec Bagnet appear

Bleak House

The horned lizard of the American southwest may squirt a thin stream of __________ from the corners of its eyes when frightened.


What colour is the leftmost stripe on the French flag?


What is the name of the berlin cabaret where lola lola sang

Blue angel

What was the name of the vehicle in which Sir Malcom Campbell broke the 300 mph barrier in 1935?


What is a male swine called


What singer's February 6th birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica


By what name is Robert Zimmerman better known as?

Bob Dylan

Whose record breaking performance in winning Olympic Gold in 1968 stood as a World record for 23 years

Bob beamon

Who did patrick duffy portray in the tv series 'dallas'

Bobby ewing

What company is the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world


What is the capital of colombia


In China if you order white tea - what do you get

Boiled Water

Where was Salman Rushdie born


Which British Female Singers Real Name Is "Gaynor Hopkins"

Bonnie Tyler

What is the name for Russian beet soup


U.S. Captials - Massachusetts


What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in


What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in?


What Was Formerly Called Stingray Harbour?

Botany Bay

What Do Gary Lineker & John Lennon Have In Common

Both Have The Middle Name Winston

What Is A Petanque Better Known As


What is the name of the knot which is used to make a fixed loop that should not slip or jam


Which game was illegal in Elizabethan England


The Golden Gloves Championship is in Which Sport


Who Wrote The Gothic Novel Dracula

Bram Stoker

Which spirit is used to fortify red wine in creating port?


What book was banned in Ireland in 1932

Brave New World - Aldus Huxley

In which country do people go to the beach to jump seven waves and throw flowers in the sea while making a wish?


What TV sitcom about Liverpool family life did Carla Lane write?


What type of food is a bloomer?


What is Challa

Bread - often plaited

What is the traditional theatrical greeting before a performance to wish 'good luck'

Break a leg

What is a "hiatus"

Brief period of rest

What sort of ship was the Marie Celeste


At what seaside resort did Britain's first legal casino open on the 2nd June 1962?


A block of compressed coal dust used as fuel


In which actual city is the television series Casualty filmed


Parton what is the official birthplace of country music


Who owns the island of Bermuda?


Who Backing Group Is The Range

Bruce Hornsby

Who won the 1959 u.s grand prix

Bruce mclaren

Who sang 'born in the u.s.a'

Bruce springsteen

Name the band - songs include "Let's Stick Together, The Price of Love"?

Bryan Ferry

In cornish folklore, what is a sea spirit that lives among fisherman


What is a male deer called?


What is the capital of Hungary ?


The religious text Tripitaka comes from which religion


Which religion believes in the Four Noble Truths


Three Stars A Hit For Runy Wright In Britain And Tommy Dee In The States Relates To The Death Of Which Singers

Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, Richie Valens

Capital of Argentina

Buenos aires

Steenburgen What sheriff claimed to be Walking Tall

Buford pusser

What is the name of the eating disorder where binging is followed by deliberate vomiting and purging


Basketball: the Chicago ______


According To Experts In Evolution Should The Human Rave Become Extinct What Creatures Do They Think Will Be The Next To Rule The Planet

Bumble Bee's

The literal translation for the swedish word 'smorgasbord' is "board for ______________(two words)

Buttered bread

Candy bar promoted by Bart Simpson.


What does a lepidopterist collect


Where does the univerity of maryland's football team play its home games

Byrd stadium

What is the weight of the largest pumpkin in the world is it A 1046 lbs B 1246 lbs or is it C 1446 lbs

C 1446 lbs

What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet?


What toy was in short supply for the 1983 Chirstmas season?

Cabbage Patch Kid

In ballet, a leap in which the lower leg beats against the upper one at an angle, before the dancer lands again on the lower leg.


From which plant is tequila derived?


What is used as the basis of tequila


What were sonny and cher originally called

Caesar and cleo

In terms of area, which is the largest city in Africa


What USA state drinks the most beer


What was 1990s most populous U.S. state


What is dirty harry's surname


What do the Chinese regard as the highest form of visual art


What was given on the fourth day of Christmas

Calling birds

What president's hobbies included pitching hay, fishing, and golf?

Calvin coolidge

Name Jacques Cousteau's research ship.


What was the name of jacques cousteau's research ship


George C Scott - what does the C stand for


Who gets bitten by vampire bats on the big toe


What Country Is The Only Country To Host The Summer Olympic Games & Not Win A Single Medal


What tropic passes through Mexico


Who had a 1976 hit with "Young Hearts Run Free"?

Candi Staton

What Are The 6 Weapons Used In A Game Of Cluedo

Candlestick,Lead Pipe, Dagger, Spanner, Rope, Revolver

What first appeared on the USA domestic market in 1960

Canned Coca Cola

What is the term for a castrated rooster?


In Halloween, Michael Meyers wore a Halloween mask of what famous character?

Captain Kirk mask

Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?

Captain Matthew Webb

What is the capital of Venezuela?


Bezique, piquet and pinochle are all types of what

Card games

Who invented the Parking Meter

Carlton c mcgee

Which arteries carry blood to the head and neck


The average Britain in their life consumes 1000 lb of what


What was a Royal Navy frigate accused throwing Cod War 1973

Carrots at Icelandic Gunboat

What is a draped female figure supporting an entablature


What name is given to a stone female figure who supports a ceiling on her head


Which label released Donna Summer"s "Love To Love You Baby"?


The Volga River flows into what sea

Caspian sea

What's the apparent gap between Saturn's A & B rings called

Cassini division

What is the capital of Saint Lucia


Which was the sacred animal of ancient egypt


And who wrote the song

Cat Stephens

Which of Henry VIII's wives was his siter-in-law

Catherine of aragon

In 1934 Percy Shaw Came Up With An Invention That Is Still In Use Today What Was It?

Cats Eyes

What vegetable did Mark Twain describe as 'Cabbage with a college education'?


What is the 100 year old safe in washington dc

Centennial safe

Name either of the last men on the Moon (last name only)

Cernan schmitt

Textophobia is a fear of ______

Certain fabrics

What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae


Which Chart Topping Diva Was Born "Yvette Marie Stevens" In 1953

Chaka Khan

Who played Adenoid Hynkel in the film The Great Dictator

Chalie chaplin

What Is Calcium Carbonate


Ernest Breaux a chemist created which product in 1921

Channel No 5

Which flying pioneer was nicknamed the lone eagle

Charles Lindbergh

Who wrote 'a tale of two cities'

Charles dickens

Who invented fortune cookies

Charles jung

Who had hiccups for 69 years

Charles osborne

Which film star has his statue in Leicester Square

Charlie Chaplin

Who was the first actor to appear on cover of Time magazine

Charlie Chaplin

Which Saxophonist Was Known As Bird

Charlie Parker

Who played the mayor of the munchkins in 'the wizard of oz'

Charlie becker

Who wanted to play Brody in Jaws but Spielberg rejected him

Charlton Heston

What is a group of this animal called: Finches


Robin Zander Was A Member Of "Cheap Trick" Or "Chicago"

Cheap Trick

What Do You Use To Tell A Horses Age?

Check Its Teeth

What word do we get from shah mat


Which song begins, "Heaven. I'm in Heaven"?

Cheek To Cheek

Fromage is french for


The basic ingredients of a ploughmans lunch is bread & what


What are banon, mimolette and samosoe types of


What is the study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo?


Whose Real Name Is Cherilyn Sarkisian La Pier


What flavouring is used in the Belgian beer Kriek


Sex shop survey what's most popular flavour eatable knickers


Who Fell To His Death From An Amsterdam Window In 1988

Chet Baker

Numbers What's the capital of Wyoming


"Le Freak" and "Good Times" were hits for which New York group?


Which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'


Which city is known as the Windy City


What name from the French to quibble means a no trump hand


The __________ can travel up to 9 miles per hour.


What was Heindrich Himler's job before lead Gestapo in WW2

Chicken Farmer

Poenosis is what medical condition


What does "kindergarten" mean in german

Children's garden

What country has the world's most southerly city


Name Frosty the Snowman's son

Chilly - Millie Daughter Crystal wife

Anthropoid (ape) of equatorial Africa that, physically & genetically, is the animal most closely related to humans


Traditionally what should be given on a 20th anniversary


What country's people developed the crossbow


Which Asian Country Banned Lewis Carrol's Book Alice In Wonderland


How were the bodies of dead crusaders brought home for christian burial

Chopped up and boiled

Name the dog in the Yankee Doodle cartoons.


Who produces the male fragrance EaU.S.auvage

Christian dior

Sir Henry Cole got John Callcot Horsley design ? to save time

Christmas card 1843

Christobal Colon is better known as who

Christopher Columbus

In 1981, who won song of the year with 'sailing'

Christopher cross

What product ranks number one in consumer brand loyalty


Which US city was once named Porkopolis


In which traditional pantomime does Dandini appear


Who was Britain's second Labour Prime Minister

Clement attlee

What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River


Who played the title role in the film 'The Outlaw Josey Wales'

Clint eastwood

What is a group of this animal called: Cat

Clowder clutter

Sylvester and Tweety Pie - Cat Bird started out as what

Clown and Baby

"7X" was used to refer to the secret ingredient of which drink?

Coca Cola

Brand name was translated as Bite the wax tadpole in Russian

Coca Cola

What conc. product carried in tankers has a hazardous sign

Coca Cola

What did Dr John S. Pemberton concoct in a three-legged pot in his backyard in 1886?

Coca Cola

What product sold 25 bottles in its first year for $50 cost $75

Coca Cola a 50% loss

A crested parrot


What animal can live several weeks without its head?


According to Harry Belafonte, what kind of water is 'good for your daughter' ?

Coconut water

Bozzoli is what shape of pasta


What is the young of this animal called: Codfish

Codling sprat

Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second


Sourj is Armenian for what


You could be executed for drinking what in ancient Turkey


Gabbro is which type of rock


Who wrote the three act opera The Rakes Progress

Igor Stravinsky

The world's fastest reptile (21.7 mph) is a type of what


What is the product for the slogan 'a crown appears on your head and trumpets sound when you taste it'

Imperial margarine

Where & When Did People First Use Spectacles

In China In The 1200's

Where Were The Worlds First Windmills?

In Iran In The 7th Century

How were the camels carrying abdul kassem ismael's library trained to walk

In alphabetical order

In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?

Indian Ocean

What meets the Atlantic Ocean at the Cape of Good Hope

Indian ocean

Where is the wabash river


Baseball: the cleveland ______


Who was the first female prime minister of india

Indira gandhi

What happened to you if you get a nosicomial condition

Infection caught in hospital

What do scientists say would be the best "space food" for astronauts


What Hormone Controls The Supply Of Sugar From The Blood To The Muscles


By law in China to go to school you must be what


Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI?

International Red Cross

The UIT govern what sport

International shooting union

What does i.r.c stand for

Internet relay chat

In which 1916 film did seena owen play


Who Had A Hit In 1991 With "Bitter Tears"


From which country does spinach originate


Which Country Does The Singer Enya Come From


Which countrys does one associate with the following foods or drinks 'Barmbrack'


Who wrote "The Black Prince", "The Sea The Sea", and "The Philosopher's Pupil"

Iris murdoch

Which mineral has the chemical formula FeS2

Iron pyrites

Who believed that a prism split light because of 'corpuscles' of varied mass

Isaac newton

Which country eats the most turkey per capita?


____________ is one_quarter the size of the state of Maine.


As what is Constantinople now known


At which grand prix did Nikki Lauda make his comback


In which country did Scampi Originate?


In which country would you now find the site of the World War One Battle of Caporetto


Libya achieved independence from which country in 1951?


Pantelleria, Ustica and Lampedusa are all islands belonging to which country


Which Country Has The Lowest Birthrate


Who won the 1982 soccer world cup?


Who won the world soccer championship in 1934


What country used the first aircraft equipped bomber in war

Italy Italian Turkish war 1912

Hedera Helix is better known by what name


Who wrote The Swiss Family Robinson

J r wyss

What is the name for a male ferret


Liam Devlin often appears in novels by which author

Jack Higgins

Who had the nickname 'Golden Bear'?

Jack Nicklaus

Name the actor who plays the police pathologist Quincy

Jack klugman

Who takes the starring role in the 1970's TV medical drama Quincy

Jack klugman

Who recorded "burning bridges" in 1960

Jack scott

Which Grand Prix driver was also a champion claw pigeon shot

Jackie Stewart UK clay 5 times

Who moved his 1960's variety series to miami

Jackie gleason

Who wrote 'valley of the dolls'

Jacqueline susann

Eddie Irvine is contracted to drive for which car company in 2001


Cancha, Cesta, Cinta terms in which sport

Jai Alai - Court Glove Tape

Who Is The Only Person To Hold The Post Office Of Prime Minister, Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary And Chancellor

James Callaghan

Which Mother & Daughter Both Appeared In John Carpenters Film The Fog

Janet Leigh & Jamie Lee Curtis

Name The Singer Whose Body Was Found In A Hollywood Hotel Room On 4th October 1970 Eighteen Hours After She Had Died

Janis Joplin

What country calls themselves Nipon?


Where Did The Chrysanthemum Originate?


What nation's populace watches the most TV, per capita

Japan's japans japan

In Japan what is Shogi

Japanese Chess

"Which of these was not one of the twelve apostles ? ""Jason,Bartholomew, Phillip, Thaddaeus"" "


Who was bruce lee's son

Jason lee

What is the hardest bone in the human body


In the film 'American Hot Wax', who played the 'Mookie'?

Jay Leno

What actress played mrs margaret williams in the danny thomas show


Who painted The Gleaners

Jean Francis Millet

Which French General left Napoleon to become King of Sweden

Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte

Who recorded the album "there and back" in 1980

Jeff beck

Who Became The Youngest Ever Member Of The "GLC" In 1969

Jeffrey Archer

Which novelist gave their name to a slang word for 2000 pounds

Jeffrey archer

What should you ask for in the U.S. if you want jam


Which Saint translated the Vulgate bible


What Is The Largest Of The Channel Islands


Where did Gerald Durrell open his zoo in 1958?


What is the Capital of: Israel


What is the capital of Israel


Zerelda was the first name of what outlaws wife and mother

Jesse James

For making what is the abalone shell used


Who was eaten by dogs in the Old Testament


Who is the lead singer of 'the doors'

Jim morrison

Who was known as 'the peanut president'

Jimmy carter

Who played Commodious in the Oscar winning Gladiator

Joaquin Phoenix

Who is Charlie Browns favourite baseball player (fictional)

Joe Shlabotnik

Name the author who created Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox

Joel Chandler Harris

David Cornwell is better known as which author

John Le Carr

Which Beatle Divorced His Wife Cynthia In 1968

John Lennon

Who invented the television?

John Logie Baird

Who invented logarithms ?

John Napier

Who was the 2nd president of the U.S.

John adams

In the television series, who owned the High Chapparal ranch

John cannon

Who was the lead singer for creedence clearwater revival, and recently released 'blue moon swamp'

John fogerty

Who was the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth

John glenn

Who directed 'the breakfast club'

John hughes

What was casey jones's real name

John luther jones

Which Victorian became the world's most famous sufferer of neurofibromatosis

John merrick/elephant man

In The Muppet Movie who sang for Miss Piggy

Johnny Mathis

"Blaze Of Glory" Was A Hit In 1990 For Whom

Jon Bon Jovi

Which British athlete's autobiography is entitled (A Time To Jump)?

Jonathan Edwards

The Man Responsible For St Celia's 1971 Hit "Leap Up And Down" (Wave Your Knickers In The Air) Had Earlier Received Had Earlier Received A Degree From Trinity College Cambridge Who was He

Jonathan King

Who Released The 70's Album Entitled Blue

Joni Mitchell

King Abdullah was assassinated in 1951. Of which country was he king?


Who invented carbonated soda water

Joseph priestley

Who Was The First Man To Bring Cocoa Beans To Europe

Juan De Cardenas

Who was the father of modern bullfighting

Juan belmonte

What is the capital city of the newly created country South Sudan?


By what name is Francis Gumm better known as?

Judy Garland

What actress was born frances ethel gumm

Judy garland

Who Had An 80's Hit With The Song 'Queen of Hearts'

Juice Newton

Who Did Stevie Wonder Duet With On The Track "My Love" In 1988

Julio Iglesias

In Geology What Period followed The Cretaceous


To make all the text align against the left or right margins is called


What is the capital of Afghanistan ?


Which Japanese Martial Art Uses Bamboo Swords?


Which Famous Kenny Was "Coward Of The County"

Kenny Rogers

Catriona was a sequel to which famous novel

Kidnapped R L Stevenson

Who Had Hits With The Songs "Cambodia" & "You Keep me Hanging On"

Kim Wilde

In what film did alec guinness play eight parts?

Kind hearts & coronets

What is a group of this animal called: Cow


What is the fear of movement or motion known as


What is the tallest piece on a chessboard?


Which King Reputedly Tried To Turn Back The Sea ?

King Canute

What is the Capital of: Norfolk Island


A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) ________


What is the fear of stealing known as


What is the largest & most complicated joint in the body


France Chevalier Germany Ritter Spain Caballero what English


This marsupial native to Australia feeds on eucalyptus leaves.


ROK international car registrations which country


Who Released The 70's Album Entitled Autobahn


Who shot J.R. Ewing?


Which rock musician committed suicide in Scattle on 5th April 1994

Kurt cobain

Who wrote the classic novel' Anne of Green Gables'

L m montgomery

Peter Goldmak invented what in 1948

LP record

In which Puccini opera of 1896 is the Christmas Duet

La boheme

In Greek mythology, what did daedalus construct for minos


What fluid lubricates the eye

Lacrimal fluid

In Greek what does the word climax mean


What Lake is the biggest in europe?


What is the world's deepest lake

Lake Baikal

What is the deepest lake in the world

Lake baikal

What lake is the source of the white nile

Lake victoria

What is the fear of speaking known as


What is the young of this animal called: Sheep

Lamb lambkins

Which dance means in Portuguese snapping of a whip


Which is the largest african bird of prey


Find sources of light in the word spelled - psalm


In which town or city in the north-west is the Ashton memorial


Where are the headquarters of the CIA?

Langley, Virginia

Luang prabang was the capital of ______


The petawatt is the worlds largest what


What does the average person do approximately 15 times a day


What is 'Nitrous Oxide' more commonly known as

Laughing Gas

Which event of 1995 was advertised by the complete day's print of 'The Times' newspaper being offered to the public free of charge

Launch of windows 95

In Germany who were known as "Dick und Doof"

Laurel and Hardy

Which chemical element is named after the 1959 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics


What did the massachusetts bay colony outlaw in 1641


Processed Galena produces which metal


What is a group of this animal called: Greyhound


What mega group had the hit "black dog"

Led zeppelin

On which canal is the Bingley Five Rise series of locks?

Leeds-Liverpool Canal

Which two vegetables are used in vichyssoise

Leek Potato

What toy is manufactured to a tolerance of 5 thou of a millimetre


Which Was The First University To Win University Challenge?


Rod, chain and furlong are all units of what


Who Asked "Are You Gonna Go My Way" In 1993

Lenny Kravitz

What do Christians call the period of fasting before Easter


Gerard Hugh Sayer Is Better Known As Whom

Leo Sayer

In Which European City Will You Find The Headquarters Of Interpol


What was Trotsky's first name


Who voiced Mr Spock in the cartoon version of Star Trek

Leonard Nimoy

Who composed the opera I Pagliacci


What authors (unused) final two names are Bower Yin

Leslie Charteris

Which author created The Saint (both names)

Leslie Charteris

Of which country is Maseru the capital


What are mother mary's "whispered words of wisdom"

Let it be

Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis?


Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of What


Palindromic word means raise to the ground or a mine passage


What company did actor Brad Pitt model for


The Chrysler Concorde, Dodge Intrepid, and Eagle Vision are known as___

Lh sedans

Who In The World Of Music Has The Real Name "Wladziu Valentino" (Pronounced) "Vlad Zoo"


What African country's name is Latin for "free"

Liberia's liberias liberia

What is the main use of tinder

Lighting a fire

Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo?


Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?


What in the wild west was known as The Peacemaker?

Colt 45

What is the capital of Ohio?


What is the part of the nose that separates the two nostrils


Give The Full 8 Word title Of The 1975 Classic From Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Come Up And See Me Make Me Smile

What does CR-ROM stand for?

Compact Disk Read Only Memory

What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft


What US states name means long river in Indian


For which decoration do the letters C.G.M. stand

Conspicuous gallantry medal

Who was the first christian emperor of rome


What's unusual about evangelist Amy Semple McPhersons coffin

Contains Telephone

What is unusual about a Racoons penis

Contains a bone

What do the five olympic rings represent


Until 1965 what was illegal for Connecticut married couples


The North and South Islands of New Zealand separated by what

Cook Strait

Mageiricophobia is the fear of what


Aromatic plant used for seasoning and salads


Of what is keratitis an inflammation


What is between panama and nicaragua

Costa rica

When Prince Edward Married Sophie Rhys Jones In 1999 What Title Did She Adopt

Countess Of Wessex

Poor whites in florida and georgia are called 'crackers' because of the name of their principal staple food which is what

Cracked corn

The juice of which berry can be used to prevent and treat urinary tract problems


A common belief is that John Lennon says 'I Buried Paul' at the end of 'Strawberry Fields Forever' on the 'Magical Mystery Tour' album. What did he actually say

Cranberry sauce

The 'stickman', 'boxer' and 'shooter' are three of the participants in which casino game

Craps or dice

What is a group of this animal called: Rhino

Crash herd

The Duckworth Lewis Method Is Used To Keep The Score In Which Sport


What sport do the following terms belong to - "Pull & Lolly"?


A speed stick measure the speed of what

Cricket balls

What colour is the purple finch


The crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other __________


With what are alligators often confused


He was the father of Zeus


Which TV Show Was Set In The Fictional Location Of Kings Oak


What first appeared in New York World 21st December 1913


Small cubes of fried or toasted bread


Who's First Top Ten LP Was Entitled "Wood Face"

Crowded House

What does the name Stephen mean - from the Greek


Raw vegetebles served as an hors d'oeuvre are called what


What Gift Would You Buy Someone Who Is Celebrating Their 15th Wedding Anniversary


In what country did the rumba originate


Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place?


With what country is Fidel Castro associated


Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____________.

Cuba libre

According to Dr. Johnson, what should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out as good for nothing


What is the last word of the old testament


To camber something is to ______ it:


What is the Welsh name for Wales


What did Wilde describe as "A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing"


Nicosia is the capital of ______


What county has its map on its flag


What is tattooed on glen campbell's arm


Booze Name: 1 1/2 oz. light rum, 1 lime, powdered sugar, fruit juice, blend w/crushed ice


What is the name given to a cocktail of rum and lime juice


What US city buys the most blond hair dye

Dallas Texas

Who wrote the Robocomm computer program

Dan parsons

Where did the birkenhead sink

Danger point

Who Wrote (Robinsonn Crusoe)

Daniel Defoe

Dutch-born Swiss scientist, who discovered basic principles of fluid behavior

Daniel bernoulli

Kaleidoscope. Daddy, Palomino and Changes name the author

Danielle Steele

What river flows through 8 countries and four capitols


Who was the villain in 'star wars'

Darth vader

In 2001 Boy George Performed On A Celebrity Edition Of Stars In Their Eyes But Who Did He Impersonate

David Bowie

Which Singer Has Appeared On Stage Acting As Jesus, CheGuevara, Lord Byron & Fletcher Christian

David Essex

What was lestat's last name

De lioncourt

Famed as a member of the Rat Pack, who died on Christmas day 1995

Dean Martin

What Historical Even Occurred on the 22 January 1901 ?

Death Of Queen Victoria

In 1957 which actress recorded 'tammy' from one of her films

Debbie reynolds

In what month is Christmas observed


What Was The First Number One Album For Oasis?

Definately Maybe

What was the name of the ship that brought Dracula to England


What is the stage name of actress Demetria Guynes

Demi Moore

What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption?


Which character was portrayed by Robert Redford in the film Out of Africa

Dennis finch hatton

A Baseball travels 9% faster in which US city

Denver - thinner air

Which premiership team used to play at the baseball ground?

Derby County

In which county does the River Mersey rise


In which everyday household products would find alkyl benzene sulphonate


What NFL team was formerly known as the Portsmouth Spartans


What US Citys name means 'straits' or 'channel'?


Germany's equivalent to the dollar is the ______?

Deutsche mark

Whose Tribute To Soul Singer Geno Washington Reached No.1 In 1980

Dexy's Midnight Runners

What is the capital of Bangladesh


Who Was The First Woman To Run A Mile In Under 5 Minutes

Diane Leather

What have men played with for longer than anything else


What loaded gaming devices were found in the ruins of Pompei


Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective?

Dick Tracy

Which Singer Born On Christmas Day Released A Debut ASlbum Entitled No Angel


Walter Wagers novel 58 minutes was the basis for which film

Die Hard 2

At the end of which siege in 1954 were the French finally beaten in Vietnam

Dien bien phu

If you take a before meal aperitif what's an after meal one called


In Utah you can get a licence to hunt what


Who Had A 1982 Hit With Heartbreaker

Dionne Warwick

Name the connection bewteen the "A-Team" and "Battle Star Gallactica?"

Dirk Bennidic

What does the term 'DJ' mean?

Disc Jockey

Djibouti is the capital of ______


What is the capital of Djibouti?


A female fox is a vixen what is the male fox called


The only __________ to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona."


What is chiengora

Dog Hair spun into yarn

What is the Western ( cowboy ) name for a motherless calf


What is the capital of Qatar


What is the capital of Qatar?


The word puppy comes from the French poupee - literally what


What is the basic unit of currency for Antigua and Barbuda ?


Which animal sleeps with one eye open


What country has a Bible on its flag

Dominican Republic

What was the first motion picture to have a synchronized musical score


Who Wrote The Songs "Oh Lonesome Me, Sweet Dreams, & I Can't Stop Loving You"

Don Gibson

Who is also known as Mr. Warmth?

Don Rickles

What Was Donny Osmonds Real First Name


Who invented the yo yo

Donald f duncan

What kind of animal has a tail pinned on it in a birthday party game


What is the drug that is used to treat Parkinson's disease


The Parthenon in Athens is built in which architectural style


What is the name of the fin on a fish's back

Dorsal fin

What Was The Name Of The Author Who Released A Guide To Baby And Child Care In 1946

Dr Spock (No Kidding)

Who created 'trepanning'

Dr bart hughes

What Was Supertramps First Uk Hit


Skeleton is derived from Greek - what is its literal translation

Dried Up

Which instrument did jazz musician Louis Bellson play


If A Sparkling Wine Is Labelled As 'Brut' How Will It Taste


What does 'jejune' mean


In British nobility which title is the highest


After whose rebellion were the 'Bloody Assizes' presided over by the infamous Judge Jeffreys

Duke of monmouth

D&D stands for this.

Dungeons and dragons

Whose Albums Included "Notorious" & "Arena"

Duran Duran

In which English county is the town of Crook?


What part of the body has a thin drum like membrane stretched across a tube


What name is given to the blend of Black China and Darjeeling teas, flavoured with oil of Bergamot

Earl grey

Which planet was the "Planet of the Apes"?


What is "Magic" Johnson's first name


To Where Did Steely Dan Bid "Toodle-oo"

East St Louis

President Hayes 1878 started which annual White house event

Easter Egg Roll

In Georgia its illegal to do what with a fork

Eat fried chicken

Hippophagic society members support what

Eating horsemeat

What black magazine was founded by john h johnson in 1947


Gene Vincent Was Injured In A 1960 Car Crash But Who Was Killed In That Very Same Crash

Eddie Cochran

Known as 'The Ace of Aces', who was the leading American fighter pilot of World War One

Eddie rickenbacker

Film is to Oscar as Mystery novel is to


Which British city had the first pavements (sidewalks) in 1688

Edinburgh in High St and Cowgate

Mrs Darell Waters (translated 128 languages) pen name

Edith Blyton

Who painted' A Bar at the Folies Bergere' (1882)

Edouard manet

What is soccer star pele's real name

Edson arantes do nascimento

Who painted "The Shriek" and "The Kiss"

Edvard munch

All my Yesterdays is which actors autobiography

Edward G Robinson

What was duke ellington's real name

Edward kennedy

Kind of white heron


Which country first used the fountain pen


What is the term that refers to the search for the existence of ghosts?


What was the worlds highest structure until 1930

Eiffel Tower

What emergency safety device was first used in 1945

Ejector Seat

What was killed by the first bomb dropped by the allies on berlin during wwii


Which is the only species of mammal that can't jump?


Which Hollywood Actress Was Responsible For Uttering The First Words Of Maggie Simpson ?

Elizabeth Taylor

What is the Chess ranking system called ?


By what name is Reginald Dwight better known as?

Elton John

The Film "The Ryan White Story" Featured A Song Called "I'm Still Standing" By Which Male Singer

Elton John

Who is Reginald Dwight known as?

Elton John

Which British Singer Produced The First Album By The Specials & "Red Roses For Me"

Elvis Costello

For Which Famous Rock N Roller Did Scotty Moore Play Guitar In The 1950's

Elvis Presley

For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager?

Elvis Presley

Who failed his music class at school

Elvis Presley

Which singer is the son of former bandleader and singer Ross McManus

Elvis costello

Torme Music: Who recorded Heartbreak Hotel in 1956

Elvis presley

Which French Authors Novel Germinal Depicts Life In A Mining Community

Emile Zola

Who painted "Big Raven"

Emily carr

Who was said to have used a monocle made of emerald to improve his vision at the arena

Emperor nero

Where did a shire have a reeve


Which country, per capita, uses the most umbrellas


In Britain pool and snooker players call it side - what USA name


Vladimir Nabokov wrote Lolita in what language


What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?


Of What Illness Is Petit Mal A Form


What is another name for a tombstone inscription?


Name The Three Greats That Played Guitar With The Yardbirds

Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Paige

What future famous actors played Spicolli's sidekicks in Fast Times at Ridgemont High?

Eric Stolz and Anthony Edwards

Johnson who married george harrison's former wife

Eric clapton

Who founded the miss world competition

Eric morley

Who wrote the novel Love Story (Both Names)

Erich Segal

Whose First Collection Of Short Stories Entitled In Our Time Was Published In 1925

Ernest Hemmingway

Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats ?


The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree.


What Does E Stand For In E- Numbers?


Which Metallic Element Has The Symbol EU


Which Boxwer Carried The Olympic Flame Into The Stadium At The 1996 Atlanta Games

Evander Holyfield

Name Any Three Of The Five Members Of The New Seekers

Eve Graham, Lyn Paul, Peter Doyle, Marty Kristian, & Paul Layton

What is the collective name for a group of larks called


Which American president said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

F d roosevelt

Who was the jeweller to the Russian Court famous Easter eggs


What movie starred Nicholas Cage and John Travolta, one as a police officer, the other as a villain?

Face Off

This island group is off the east coast of southern South America.

Falkland Islands

What is excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause


Name The Woman Who Was In The Vanguard Of Tv Crooks

Fanny Craddock

In MASH who planted the vegetable garden

Father Mulcahy

In 1978 which famous comedy returned for a second series, four years after the first had been shown?

Fawlty Towers

What is the young of this animal called: Deer

Fawn yearling

Which actress starred in the original King Kong in 1933 (both)

Fay Wray

What does a phobophobe fear


What do the initials FRAM stand for?

Fellow Of The Royal Academy Of Music

Church bells of Maralnello Ring Sundays Public Hols and when

Ferrari team win

Which countries leader was an extra in Hollywood

Fidel Castro

Which wedding anniversary is wood


What is the flower that stands for: argument


What fruit did Eve give to Adam in the bible

Fig - Apple mistranslation

Who is the Barber of Seville


What is a very thin pastry used in Mediterranean cooking


Every person has a unique _____ print


What country calls itself Suomi


St Florian is the patron saint of which profession?


In The World Of Sport What First Did "Uriah D Rennie" Achieve In 2001

First Black Ref To Dictate A Game

How did Catherine McTavish make Wimbledon history in 1979

First Female Empire

In The World Of Sport Wendy Toms Was The First Woman To Do What?

First Female Referee

What Was Unique About Depeche Mode's Single "Personal Jesus"

First Of Their Singles To Feature Guitars

What happened to Charles Brooks in 1982

First legal death by lethal Injection

What are bloaters a type of


Which Uk Leasure Activity Has Caused The Most Fatalities


At what age does a filly become a mare?


How many litres of air is in an adult lung?


How many members are in the 'fairfield four'


At what age does a filly become a mare and a colt become a horse

Five years

Which bird turns it head upside down to eat


What group's top selling lp was "rumors"?

Fleetwood mac

Which Famous Woman Always Carried Pet Owl In Her Pocket ?

Florence Nightingale

Which American state's name is Spanish for "flowered" or "flowery land"?


The US Tennis Open takes place at which venue?

Flushing Meadows

If You Suffer From Aulophobia What Are You Afraid Of?


What passenger train once ran between London and Edinburgh

Flying scotsman

What type of aircraft did the red baron fly during World War I


What is the capital of Tuvalu ?

Fongafale (Funafuti atoll is the location of the capital Fongafale! So pls don't complain about the correction ;-))

Which group sang the song "Learn To Fly"?

Foo Fighters

Muckle John was the last official royal one in England - what

Fool or Jester

What ernest hemingway novel depicts the lives of rebels during the spanish civil war

For whom the bell tolls

What make of car is a 'thunderbird'


In England what links Arden, Dean, Kielder and New


Who is the Roman goddess of destiny?


How fast can a kangaroo hop

Forty mph

What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884

Fountain pen

How many strings are there on a bass guitar?


How many times was franklin roosevelt elected president


In what country is the town of Limoges


What European country administers the island of Martinique


Which nation, on average, takes the longest time over its meals


Which 2 Countries Have Coastlines On The Bay Of Biscay

France & Spain

He discovered the Grand Canyon.

Francisco Coronado

Who does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars films?

Frank Oz

Fred Silverman invented the name Scooby Do named after who

Frank Sinatra

Which novel by Mary Shelley was subtitled 'The Modern Prometheus'?


Which novel opens and closes with the letters of Robert Walton


What are lentigines


Facility of stopping a videotape in order to wiew a motionless image


What was the first grand slam tennis title won by steffi graf

French open

Who invented the magnifying glass

Friar roger bacon

What did john glenn name the first mercury capsule to orbit the earth

Friendship 7

Do You Use More Muscles To Smile Or To Frown


What does a carpophagus animal feed on


What was The Liberty Bell manufactured 1900s Charles Fey

Fruit Machine

What is the name of the Kellogg's cereal prefixed with the word 'Optima'

Fruit and fibre

What is compote?

Fruit preserved or stewed in syrup

Which Polish Composer Was Portrayed By Cornell Wilde In The Film A Song To Remember

Fryderyk Chop

What British birds lay only one egg during the nesting season

Fulmar or Guillemot

Clarence Birds Eye had what job

Fur Trader

Narrow strip of cloth attached to a string round waist for covering genitals


Which pie consists of a long pork pie stuffed with a boiled egg?

Gala Pie

Deer have no __________

Gall bladders

Who was the President of Egypt in 1956 who nationalized the Suez Canal causing British and French troops to invade the region

Gamal Abdul Nasser

What is a group of this animal called: Elk


What is the most sacred river in India?


Who was the Greek cup-bearer to the gods


Lampy is the worlds oldest 1840s insured 1 million oldest what

Garden Gnome

What is sometimes nicknamed Adams Profession


Room for daddy What cat sniffed: "Cute rots the intellect"


Which U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881


Barnacle, Canada and Brent are all types of what


Jerome Siberman became famous as who

Gene Wilder

Billy Idol Quit Which Band To Embark On His Solo Career

Generation X

Who had a hit in 1987 with the single, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight?


What is the study of the earth's physical divisions


Which Footballer Famously Slept With Several Miss Worlds Before Leaving Manchester United & Moving To Fulham

George Best

Who was the Director of the C.I.A during 1976-77 ?

George Bush

Which Former Beatle Became A Travelling Wilbury?

George Harrison

In The World Of Music Who Am I "Gergios Kyriacos Panayiotou"

George Michael

Which 1998 Double Album Has One For The Heart And One For The Feet

George Michael / Ladies & Gentlemen

Which British Artist Is Noted For His Numerous Paintings Of Horses

George Stubbs

Whose home was mount vernon

George washington

Who said "No sex is better than bad sex"

Germaine Greer

In Which Country Was Tennis Legend John McEnroe Born


What country is the largest consumer of beer per head?


Where was Albert Einstein Born


Which Country Drinks The Most Beer Per Annum


In 1939 which countries invaded Poland

Germany - Russia

Kwame Nkrumah was the first president of which country


Who wrote the opera 'Tosca'?

Giacomo Puccini

Which Rock Is On The South Coast Of Spain?


A burning oil lamp is the symbol of which organisation


What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture


Mason, Wright & Waters Who Is Missing From This 1972 Line Up

Gilmour (Pink Floyd)

Booze Name: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, top with soda water.

Gin fizz

What is added to Whisky to make is Whisky Mac?

Giner Wine

Which Russian word means openness


"Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" Was A Hit For Which Canadian Rockers

Glass Tiger

Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers.


Who Had A Hit In 1985 With "The Heat Is On"

Glen Frey

What's the words most popular brand of malt whisky


A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer, used in the orchestra.


Whose hit I Will Survive became an anthem for Women's Lib

Gloria gaynor

What is a GS in netball

Goal Shooter

In Norse mythology Thor's chariot is pulled by two what

Goats name Tanngrisni Tanngnost

Only tom turkeys __________. Hen turkeys make a clicking noise.


Zeusophobia is the fear of ______


Phalacrophobia is the fear of what

Going Bald

Iatrophobia is the fear of

Going to the doctor

What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand?


Which former British colony is now called Ghana

Gold coast

What is the name of Pearce Brosnan's first James Bond film?


In which 'james bond film does the villain cheat at golf


In which sport is a "hole_in_one" possible


Who did david kill


What is an enclosed car hung from a cable at a ski slope


What sort of animal is donkey kong of video game fame


Who was Cary Grant's female lead in the movie 'To catch a thief?

Grace Kelly

In cooking something made Veronique must contain what


In which Kent town is the Indian princess, Pocahontas, buried


What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia?

Great Barrier Reef

Countries of the world:south eastern Europe, major cities include Thessaloniki & Piraeus


Wher Might You Be Offered Ouzo


Which country invented the bedsprings


What do you get when you mix blue and yellow?


What English city does the Prime Meridian pass through


What Pope started the Inquisition

Gregory 9th

Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates


Bell View in Manchester built in 1928 was Britain's first what

Greyhound Stadium

You can identify a __________ bear's mark by the sign of five claws. A black bear will lacerate a tree trunk with four claws.


Who was the Russian Foreign Minister from 1957 to 1985


What is the name of the smaller currency unit that an Austrian schilling is divided into


The play "Our Town" is set where

Grover's corners

What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s.


The quetzal is the currency of ______?


What countries monetary unit is also the bird on its flag

Guatemalan Quetzal

What is the basic unit of currency for Suriname ?


Which company brewed harp lager


What was the first battleship powered by steam turbines 1906

HMS Dreadnought

What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched?

HMS Warrior

Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels


Impaired normal blood clotting is the main symptom of which disease


Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he?

Ham Gravy

In what city was the final of the 1991 Canada Cup played


A suspended bed of canvas or netting


Where are the 'wallops'?


Which TV Show Has The Theme Tune "The Best Of Both Worlds"

Hanah Montana

What's the unit of measure for a racehorse's height


In the movie 'happy gilmore', who is bob barker's partner


What is the capital of Zimbabwe?


Sissy Jupe adopted by Thomas Gradgrind which Dickens novel

Hard Times

What is measured by Moh's Scale?


Which Area Of New York City Was Immortalised In The Dance Song By Bob & Earl

Harlem (Harlem Shuffle)

Whose Election slogan Was (You've Never Had It So Good)?

Harold Macmillian, 1959

Who wrote the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Harper lee

For which film did art carney win best actor oscar in 1974

Harry and tonto

Who started a giant fast food chain in 1928 in a hut near Bradford, Yorkshire

Harry ramsden

What, according ot the saying, makes waste


Who built the hurricane aircraft


What was Baron Pierre De Coubertin's contribution to sport?

He founded the Olympic movement in 1892

Who played Louis Armstrong in 1954 film The Glen Miller Story

He played himself

What Was The Name Of The Band Formed By Sisters "Ann & Nancy" Wilson


What name is given to a female calf


Who is the Norse Watchman of the Gods ?


Who was the cause of the Trojan wars

Helen of troy

What mountain - Greeks believe was the home of the Muses


What Form Of Transport Was Pioneered By Igor Sikorsky?


Which gas was named after the Greek word for 'sun'


Which film first featured a character later named Pinhead


In French legend who is the lover of Abelard


On which Beatles album would you find "Ticket To Ride"


In the original version of the fly what was the fly saying as the movie ended

Help me

What is the capital of Finland ?


What is Warren Beatty's first name


What Was Shakespeare's First Play

Henry VI

Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king?

Henry VIII

Who invented mass car production

Henry ford

Who said 'History is bunk''

Henry ford

What king dissolved the English monastries

Henry viii

What does Dorethy have to steal from the wicked witch in oz

Her Broomstick

For what was Joan of Arc made a Saint

Her Virginity

On Punky Brewster,how was she abandoned by her mother?

Her mother went in to the grocery store and never came out.

Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Juno


In Greek mythology Deianeira was the wife of who


Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mercury


Collective nouns - a hedge of what


Reaching No 4 In 1994 Give The Full Title Of Cyndi Laupers Re- Released 80's Classic

Hey Now (Girls Just Want To Have Fun)

Sherlock Holmes paid 55 shillings for what

His Stradivarius violin

For What Is Peter Roget Famous

His Thesaurus Of Words

Which companies name translates as rising sun


In which game or sport is a "Zamboni" used


This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play.


The Song 'White Christmas ' Was' Performed In Which 1942 Film

Holiday In

Randy travis said his love was 'deeper than the ______'


She starred in Broadcast News & The Piano.

Holly Hunter

In 1940s California it was illegal to serve alcohol to who


What former british colony's largest retailer was duty free shoppers


The telephone country code 852 would connect you with _____

Hong kong

What does britain lose the lease on in 1997

Hong kong

November 28th 1948 what was the first TV western in the USA

Hopalong Cassidy

In France what take place at Auteuil, Saint-Cloud and Chantilly

Horse Racing - they are courses

Which sauce or paste is found in the Japanese dish Sashimi?


Men play it at 40 feet women 30 feet what game


On an ordinance survey map what does a H in circle represent


Cinnamon flavored candies with a Mexican theme.

Hot tamales

The U.S. Congress comprises the Senate and which other house or chamber

House of representatives

Which Member Of The Buzzcocks Went On To Form The Band Magazine

Howard Devoto

Which American Blues singer originally recorded 'Smokestack Lightning'

Howlin' wolf

Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run?


Which Actor Was Charged With Lewd Behavior In 1995

Hugh Grant

Who Founded The Playboy Magazine?

Hugh Hefner

What is measured on the Cephalic Index

Human head

Why was turkey primarily barred from e.u entry

Human rights abuse

Who was the last King of Italy

Humbertii umberto ii

What weighs less than a penny


What instrument does an organ grinder play

Hurdy gurdy

In Greek mythology, who had nine heads?


What is the flower that stands for: boaster


What term is used for the technique of growing plants without soil


What Song Features The Lyric "But I Didn't Shoot The Deputy"

I Shot The Sheriff

What Was The Lennon-McCartney Composition To Feature Ringo On Lead Vocals

I Wanna Be Your Man

Which Lennon & McCartney Number Was A Hit For The Rolling Stones In 1963

I Wanna Be Your Man

Reaching number two in the UK charts in 1991, which was the first hit single for Right Said Fred

I'm too sexy

Who is the Linux operating system named after ?

Linus Torvalds

Who is the Linux operating system named after

Linus torvalds

Who Had A Hit With The Song "Say You Say Me"

Lionel Richie

What product only sold 1200 bottles in its first year

Liquid Paper - Tippex

What is the basic unit of currency for Turkey ?


Which European airport has the international code LIS


Who had a hit with the song Loco-Motion

Little Eva

Which of Charles Dickens' novels is mainly set in the Marshalsea Prison

Little dorritt

Who was puff the magic dragon's human friend

Little jackie paper

"Which Is The Only Football Team In The 2006/2007 Premiership Which Doesn't Contain Any Of The Letters Of ""Santa"" In It's Name?"


Which No.1 Hit Was Cliff Richards First Million Seller

Living Doll

Who Was The Only Female To Win A BBC Sports Personality Of The Year Award In The 1990's?

Liz McColgan

Who was the backup singer on alice cooper's "muscle of love" lp


The Vicufia Is A Member Of Which Family Of Mammals


About which Prime Minister was it said "He could never see a belt without hitting below it"

Lloyd george

The average Britain consumes 4907 what in their lifetime

Loaves of bread

What is the tribal african word for dowry


In 1891 what city held the first weightlifting world championship


Alphabetically, what were the two cities in 'A Tale of Two Cities'

London & paris

What was the name of the saloon in Gunsmoke


What is the Capital of: Svalbard


Who founded the Boy Scouts?

Lord Baden Powell

Where is Blue Jay Way?

Los Angeles

Service where is the largest circulation of sunday papers

Los angeles

6000 American teenagers do it daily - what

Lose their virginity

Seattle which is the largest theme resort hotel

Lost city

What is the national symbol for india

Lotus flower

Who piloted the first flight across the English channel

Louis Bleriot

Who invented the wristwatch?

Louis Cartier

What piece of land did France sell to America in 1803


Hathor Egyptian, Branwen Celtic, Frigga Norse Goddess of what


In what film did Tommy Lee Jones make his debut

Love Story - As Hank

In which 1956 film did Elvis Presley make his debut

Love me Tender

What is the first capital of laos

Luang prabang

Only three Angels are named in Bible Gabriel Michael and who


Capital cities: Zambia


What is the Capital of: Zambia


Who Recorded The Album "Never Too Much" Was It Luther Vandross Or George Benson

Luther Vandross

What Is The Airline Of Luxembourg


Clark who is the smallest member of the european union


What is Admiral Sir Miles Messervy usually known as

M (Bond films)

Who did macduff kill


Alexander the Great was king of which country ?


Which Singer Was Born Natalie McIntyre?

Macy Gray

Which Artist Spent Most Weeks On Chart In 1987


What is the capital of Spain


What is the integral of the magnetic field with respect to the area


What kind of gun does the movie's "dirty harry" pack


What Sanskrit word means great king


What is the Capital of: Equatorial Guinea


Which is the last book of the Old Testament


What is the capital of Maldives


Which Country Was Awarded The George Cross For Civilian Bravery In 1942?


Which Late Great Singer Was Christened, Ellen Naomi Cohen

Mama Cas

What is the Capital of: Mayotte


What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911


What Type Of Food Stuff Comes From The French Language Literally Meaning "Eat All"

Mange Tout

In which 1970's films does Dustin Hoffman play the character ' Babe Levy' ?

Marathon Man

For which Olympic athletic event is there no official world record

Marathon same distance diff courses

Carara in Tuscany is famous for producing what


Which prime minister's wife created a scandal with her antics


Name the author of Gone with the Wind

Margaret mitchell

She starred in the 1952 film, "Niagara".

Marilyn Monroe

Who Was Famously Quoted As Saying 'The Only Thing She Wears In Bed Is Channel No.5'

Marilyn Monroe

Which film star was described as "A vacuum with nipples"

Marilyn Munroe

Who said "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."?

Mark Twain

Which Shop Of Jewish Origin Used To Have The Motto " Don't Ask The Price - Tis A Penny "

Marks & Spencer

According To The Beatles What color was Lucy's sky?


Which BBC Newsreader Advertised Cow & Gate Baby Food In The 1980's?

Martin Lewis

Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women's Singles champ?

Martina Navratilova

Who Left Eastenders In 1998 To Pursue A Singing Career

Martine McCutcheon

What do you get by mixing gin & vermouth


S J Perelman wrote the screen plays for many of the films starring which zany comedians

Marx brothers

The Victorians began circumcision of male babies to stop what


What is the Capital of: Wallis and Futuna


Who sang the theme song in From Russia with Love

Matt Munroe

Who was nicknamed "Queen of the Swashbucklers"

Maureen O' Hara

Which Singer Sang The Title Song To The Disney Movie "The Aristocats"

Maurice Chevalier

Name The Label Owned By Madonna


Traditionally in what months should you not eat oysters

May to august

What Is The National Airline Of Russia

Maya Island Air

What Is The Most Valuble Property In A Game Of Monopoly


What chain did ray kroc build


What is the oldest known alcoholic beverage


In The Food Processing Industry , What Do The Initials MRM Stand For?

Mechanically Recovered Meat

Who had a UK top twenty hit in 1990 with "No More Mr Nice Guy"?


Computers - mhz stands for________


Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety Pie?

Mel Blanc

Who's the voice of "this week in baseball"

Mel allen

Who married antonio banderas, her co-star in the film too much

Melanie Griffith

The first ever Olympic Games to be held south of the equator opened in which city in 1956


Which Australian state capital was named in honour of a British Prime Minister


The largest city on the Mississippi River is _________________

Memphis, tennessee

In Greek mythology who was the husband of Helen of Troy


Of The Known Planets Which One Is Nearest The Sun


Who is the roman messenger god


In romeo and juliet', who gave a long monologue about queen mab


Who was ben hur's rival in the great chariot race


What do Beavis and Butt-head have on their T shirts

Metallica - AC/DC

What is the fear of meteors known as


Samus Aran is the femme-fatale of which series of games?


The Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, was exiled three times and eventually assassinated in which country


Where is tabasco


Night live to where did jackie gleason move his 1960's variety series


20s Robert 50s Robert 70s Michael what US top boys name 90s


Who Warned Us About Dirty Diana

Micheal Jackson

Chicago stands on the banks of which lake?


Which company is owned by Bill Gates


In which battle were 4 japanese carriers destroyed


Avron Hirsch Goldbogen changed his name to what

Mike Todd Married Liz Taylor

Which Chinese Dynasty Lasted From 1368-1644?


Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north


What is the capitol of Belarus


What does a catoptrophic narcissist fear


Which teacher did Maggie Smith play in the 1969 film of Muriel Spark's novel

Miss jean brodie

What's a farm that has both cattle and crops called

Mixed farm

In Computing What Does The Word Modem An Abbreviation Of

Modulate Demodulate

What is the fear of dirt or contamination known as


What is the highest mountain in Europe?

Mont Blanc

The Little Bighorn, scene of Custer's last stand, is in which U.S. State


The ponderosa pine is the state tree of which US state


In WW2 the Graf Spee was forced into what harbour


In what city would you find The Jacques Cartier bridge


What city hosted the 1976 summer olympics


What city is April wine from


The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____


Which Comedy Duo Made The Song "Bring Me Sunshine" Their Own

Morecambe & Wise

What did joseph smith found


Which dancing represents fertility through death and rebirth

Morris dancing

What term was given to the taxing policy brought in by Henry VII's chief advisor, which forced taxes on people regardless of their wealth?

Morton's Fork

Which Type Of girls make the Beatles scream and shout?

Moscow girls

In Australia what is the second Sunday in May

Mothers day

Frank Zappa was lead singer with which band

Mothers of invention

What is a group of gnats


At what sport did Italian Giacomo Agostini compete

Motor cycling

Which is the world's largest monolith

Mount augustus

What volcanic peak is visible from naples

Mount vesuvius

What is Leslie West's nickname?


What is the Hindu Kush

Mountain Range

Orthography is the study of what


Who is the abandoned man cub in The Jungle Book


What is the 'word' used for multiple personality disorder


What short sighted cartoon character had a nephew - Waldo

Mr Magoo

In the film Friday The Thirteenth, which character was the killer

Mrs. vorhees

Where is George Washington buried

Mt. vernon, virginia

Which group had a 1970s UK number one hit with Oh Boy


Which Word Created By JK Rowling Gained Entry Into The Oxford English Dictionary In 2003?


Who Played The Part Of Muhammad Ali In The Bio-Pic Of His Life 'The Greatest''?

Muhammad Ali!!

The process of adding a number to itself a certain number of times is called?


What german city do italians call "the monaco of bavaria"


Who wrote The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Muriel Spark

Relating to food what is porcini a type of


The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was celebrated by which piece of music

Music for the royal fireworks

What is the most commonly used condiment in the world


Hitihita is a character in what book and film

Mutiny on the Bounty - Tahiti chief

What is the fear of myths or stories or false statements known as


Which leader died in St Helena

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who Had A Hit In 1997 With "Torn"

Natalie Imbruglia

Greeks longest, Japans shortest and Saudi Arabia none what?

National Anthem

Cheyenne, Navahoe and Arapaho are all what

Native american tribes

Presepe in Italy refers to what Christmas tradition?

Nativity scene (literally meaning crib)

The 900 Days' is a chronicle about what group's siege of Leningrad


What ancient man's brain was larger than that of modern man


What is mosquitoes main food

Nectar from flowers

Trouw is a newspaper in what country


Which river runs through St Petersburg


What U.S. state includes the telephone area code 702


When do parallel lines meet


Which Country Now Have A Parliament Called "The Bee Hive"

New Zealand

Who made dance hits of Bizarre Love Triangle and True Faith

New order

What was the final destination of the first u.s. paddle wheel steamboat, what departed from pittsburgh?

New orleans

In what Australian state would you find Cessnock

New south wales nsw

Name a quadruped beginning with the letter N

Newt - Nutria - Nagli

Of which country was Anastasio Somoza president during the 1960s and '70s


What is the largest country in central america


What is the largest of the countries in Central America


Lassa fever is named after the village in which it was first detected in 1969, where is Lassa


Who gave john f. kennedy a dog named pushinka

Nikita khrushchev

How Many Times Did Lester Piggot Win The Derby


What do the initials of the band NIN stand for?

Nine Inch Nails

What is the heart rate of the blue whale

Nine beats per minute

What is the wingspan of a condor

Nine feet

What is the gestation period of a cow*9 months

Nine months

Who Recorded The Albums "Nevermind", "Incesticide", An "In Utero"


How Many Legs Does A Bombay Duck Have?

None Its A Fish!!

What does the girls name Rebecca mean


In what direction does the nile river flow


Where Did Wilbur Wright Demonstrate Flight In Public For The First Time

Northern France

What was the former name of the Southern African country of Zambia

Northern rhodesia

On Scooby Doo what was Shaggys real name


Which nation won the most medals in the 1994 Winter Olympics


Slugs have 4 ______


SOS the distress message stands for what

Nothing - NOT save our souls

What are the most commonly ordered item from sex catalogues

Novelty Condoms

What Did Both Arsenal & Chelsea Have In 1928 That No Other Team Had?

Numbered Shirts

What is the only Bible book referred to in a Shakespeare play

Numbers in Henry V

Located above and just below the Arctic Circle, this region became an official territory of Canada in April 1999.


What new territory was created in Canada in 1999


What is the official title of the ambassador of the Pope


What spice is used to make a whiskey sling


What football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973?

OJ Simpson

Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay?


Who hired The Jackal


The Passion Play is performed every 10 years where


What unit is used to measure electrical resistance


The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe.


Which two fighting ships other than the 'arizona' were sunk at pearl harbor

Oklahoma and utah

Where would you find a canton, halyard and field

On a Flag

In the world of animals, where would you find a 'martingale'

On a horse

Where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'

On the wicked witch of

In 1986, what was the maximum fuel capacity imposed in formula 1 racing


What is the square root of one quarter?

One half

How much jelly fills a proper dunkin donuts' munchkin

One half ounce 1/2 ounce

Asian moon rat is the only animal smells like a veg which one


To what did john lennon change his middle name


Do your pores open or close when your body is hot


Who was the leader of the good Transformers?

Optimus Prime

In Minnesota what pleasurable activity is totally illegal

Oral Sex

Booze Name: 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. orange juice.

Orange blossom

Clomipramine an anti depressant had what unusual side effect

Orgasm when yawn

What Was The Title Of The UK No.1 Single Released By Enya In 1988

Orinocco Flow

What Irish playwright and author, wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "A Picture of Dorian Grey" among others?

Oscar Wilde

What argentinian boxer was shot dead outside a nevada brothel in may 1976

Oscar bonavena

Egyptian god credited with first making beer


In Egyptian mythology, who was Isis the wife of?


The average adult male __________, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.


Derived from Greek what does alias literally mean


Which animal lives in a holt


What is the basic unit of currency for Mauritania ?


What is the name of the office used by the president in the whitehouse


The same Louis did not consummate his marriage 7 years - why

Overgrown Foreskin

What Is The Most Common Element On Earth


Which rock singer was badly injured whilst riding his quad bike in 2003

Ozzy Osbourne

Where did you find cherry strawberry orange apple grape bird

Pac Man speed up things

What is a group of this animal called: Rat

Pack swarm

Where Will You Find The Characters Blinky, Pinky, Inky & Clyde

Pacman (The Ghosts)

Game in which participants simulate military combat using airguns to shoot paint capsules at each other


In what country is Lahore?


What do we call the study of fossils


What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals?


What's the capital of Majorca?


Who invented painting by numbers

Palmer paint company

The only place in the world where one can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic is in which country?


What is another term for a black leopard


Every person generates approximately 3.5 pounds of rubbish a day, most of it being ______


What are Demy, Medium, Royal, Double Crown

Paper Sizes

During The Beatles Run Of 7 Consecutive No.1 Singles, What Was The Name Of The Song That Failed To Make It 8 In A Row For Them?

Paperback Writer

What is the Hungarian word for pepper


In which city were the summer Olympic Games of 1900 held


Where is maxim's restaurant


Who drove a Rolls Royce with a number plate FAB 1

Parker in Thunderbirds

What is a group of owls


What is the Israeli 'knesset'?


Which Italian hard cheese is especially good for grating


What is the process by which certain animals are able to reproduce themselves in successive female generations without intervention of a male of the species


What are the two stone lions in front of the new york public library

Patience and fortitude

Which Australian writer won the Nobel prize in 1973

Patrick White

Who was the actor who played Bobby Ewing in Dallas

Patrick duffy

Who Died In The Same Air Crash As Cowboy Copas & Hawkshaw Hawkins

Patsy Cline

Who Was The First Woman To Be Inducted Into The Country Music Hall Of Fame In 1973, 10 Years After Her Death

Patsy Cline

Who released the following 'edible' album 'Flaming pie'

Paul McCartney

Which Comedian Is Maried To Caroline Quentin

Paul Merton

Who played Billy the Kid in The Left Handed Gun

Paul Newman

In 1986 Graceland was the Grammy album of the year - who's

Paul Simon

In Star Trek what is Chekov's first name


What is the oldest known vegetable


Ancient Chinese thought what fruit a symbol long life immortality


Name the two dishes named after an opera singer?

Peach Melba, Melba Toast

What is the National Bird of India


George washington carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco

Peanuts and sweet potatoes

At the Alamo its illegal to drop what nut shells on the ground


Which edible nut of the American hickory tree is similar to a Walnut


Whats the better known name of Edson Arantes do Nascimento


After which creature is the Californian island of Alcatraz named


Name the only bird that can swim but can't fly


What is a Godeminche

Penis dildo with balls

From which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave


In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell


What product was introduced as a cure for urinatary problems


Nenen-Kona is sold in Russia - what do we call it


Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp?


In what bodily system are Schwann cells found?

Peripheral Nervous System

The British Patent Office since 1949 banned patents for what

Perpetual Motion Machine

Hamida Djandoubi in 1977 was the last one - what

Person Guillotined in France

What is the medical term for whooping cough


Where is the bridge of san luis rey


Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the ______?


West End Girls was the debut hit for what pop duo in the 80s

Pet shop boys

Whom did Colin Baker replace as Doctor Who on television

Peter davison

What is the fear of ghosts known as


Collective nouns - A nye of what


What is the fear of daylight or sunshine known as


Which USA record producer played maracas Stones 1st album

Phil Spector

Where's america's oldest zoo


Which island was the site of the Australian Grand Prix

Philip Island

What is the fear of falling in love known as


The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. Is called ______


What Canadian Prime Minister retired in 1984

Pierre Trudeau

The Popular Breakfast Meat Bacon Comes From Which Type Of Animal


Which fruit is the symbol of hospitality


In Feng Shui what colour inspires passion


Which Band Were At The UK Christmas Number One Spot In December 1979

Pink Floyd / Wall

Victoria Australia law illegal wear pink what after noon Sunday

Pink Hot Pants

The average Britain consumes 14571 what in their lifetime

Pints of beer

What Was The Name Of The North Sea Oil Rig That Caught Fire In 1988

Piper Alpha

National drink of Peru


What sort of celestial body is Uranus


In the US flamingos are only outnumbered by what similar thing

Plastic flamingos

Which Greek philosopher wrote The Republic and The Laws


Who first wrote about the myth of Atlantis


What is an ornithorhynchus


A fagotist is a person who does what

Plays the Bassoon

With what were scrabble tiles first made

Pocket knife

What were the russian atrocities against the jews called


Flower of the blessed night is the local name of which plant


What show/game has characters such as bulbasaur and pikachu


What countries flag has two bars white top red bottom


What pop group had a "Message in a Bottle"


Thieves Liars Magicians and who were in Dantes 8th circle Hell


What was the name of Dr Dolittle's Parrot


What is the flower that stands for: prettiness

Pompon rose

What was the name of the ranch in the tv series 'bonanza'


Implement for clearing up dog excretment

Pooper scooper

Whose associate was J. Wellington Wimpy


Gene Hackman starred in the French Connection what was the name of the character he played

Popeye doyle

In Kiplings Jungle Book Ikki was what type of creature


Which Cartoon Character Made Their Tv Debut In 1935

Porky The Pig

What is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago ?


The Algarve is in what country


What Nationality Was Vasco Da Gama


What animal has a forked penis


What period takes place shortly after chilbrith?


The cooking term "parmentier" indicates which vegetable


What would a car have if its specification included P.A.S.

Power assisted steering

Which worlds city is known as The Golden City

Prague Czech

Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is __________


Which film links Harrison Ford and novelist Scott Turon

Presumed innocent

What Is The Singer Prince's Real First Name (He He He)


A piece of glass that separates light into the visible spectrum is called a _____.


What Was The Best Selling Dire Straits Single In The UK

Private Investigation

Gary Boker Bobby Harrison Ray Rodger were in what pop group

Procul Harem

What fictional character was "The Napoleon of Crime"

Professor Moriaty

Who is the master of the Shakespearean brute Caliban


With what line of work was mandy rice-davies associated


Chemical Element Pa?


In the 60s a Yellow Golliwog worn by a girl symbolised what

Proud of non virginity

What is the study of elections called


What is the abnormal fear of feathers known as


Who wrote the opera Tosca


Wine barrels - There are 83 gallons in a what


What Prince Single Was Also The Name Of His Semi Autobiographical Film

Purple Rain

12 letter word: fancy name for fireworks


What's a single unit of quanta called


Where did Wolfe defeat the French under Montcalm


Which is the largest province of canada


Who recorded the soundtrack for the movie "flash gordon"


Which British Band Released Two Hit Albums In The 1970's With Titles Taken From Marx Bros Film

Queen (A Night At The Opera & A Day At the Races)

Palas is the correct name for what playing card

Queen of spades

In what Australian state would you find Bundaberg


In what Australian state would you find Rockhampton


What's the capital of ecuador


Which village in Leicestershire gives its name to a hunt notorious among animal rights protesters and a food popular with vegetarians?


Humans are 10,000 times more sexually active that what animal


E W Hornung created which fictional character


Scotch mist is a type of what


What do Ombrophobes fear


A change in frequency observed when light is scattered in a transparent material

Raman effect

What is the name of the largest gold refinery?

Rand Refinery

What are a chessboard's horizontal rows called?


By What Archetypal Punk Name Was Drummer Chris Miller Known

Rat Scabies

What is the dish made from peppers, aubergines, courgettes and tomatoes called


What were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark

Raven and dove

What type of birds (Hugin + Munin) sit on the shoulders of Odin


Who wrote the book, that was the basis for the 1982 animated film, 'The Snowman''

Raymond Briggs

What kills 100000 Americans each year

Reactions to meds

66% of Americans reading on the toilet read what

Readers Digest

Which Football Team Were Originally Nicknamed The Biscuitmen?


On a poll 50% men said sex in bed favourite 20% fem what fem

Reading 23%

Massachusetts in April the law states that dogs will have what

Rear Legs Tied

Which television programme did Roy Castle present for 22 years

Record breakers

Greyhound racing in UK what colour does the No one dog wear


In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear


In Which 1985 Movie Did Arnold Schwarzenegger" Play The Character "Kalidor"

Red Sonja

Which red jelly is a traditional accompaniment to lamb?


Which film covers the life of John Reed


What is an angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees


What is the name given to the type of West Indian music made famous by artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh?


What French automobile company merged with American Motors


De'cappo means what in music

Repeat from start

The longest river in Western Europe is _________?


In Jumanji, a stampede is released. What is the slowest animal?


Geneva stands on what river


What is the basic unit of currency for Yemen ?


What is Japanese "sake" made from?


What is the staple food of one third of the worlds population


Philippe Pages is the real name of what pianist

Richard Clayderman

Who directed the 1976 movie 'The Omen' - The first part of the omen trilogy

Richard Donner

Which Ex Member Of Televsion Fronted The Voidroids

Richard Hell

Who wrote the opera Der Rosenkavalier

Richard Strauss

In The Caine Mutiny Bogart played Cap Queeg who first choice

Richard Widmark

Who played Tchaikovsky in the 1971 film The Music Lovers

Richard chamberlain

Which of Shakespeare's kings cries: "A horse! A horse! My kingdome for a horse!"

Richard iii

Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease?


In the song who told Laura he loved her in 1960

Ricky Valance

What is the capital of Latvia ?


What kind of triangle has a hypotenuse

Right angle triangle

Who Had A Hit With the Song Umbrella In 2007


Which Beatle wrote The Octopus's song?

Ringo Starr

Who is the oldest Beatle?

Ringo Starr

Where Is Sugar Loaf Mountain

Rio De Janeiro

Dr Deidrich Knickerbocker invented which famous character

Rip Van Winkle

What was the title of Ike and Tina Turners only album?

River Deep,Mountain high

70% people would stamp barefoot broken glass that watch what

Riverdance for 24 hours

Which Publisher Was Known As Cap' N Bob

Robert Maxwell

Who wrote Auld Lang Syne

Robert burns

Who wrote 'i, claudius'

Robert graves

What is Vanilla Ice's real name?

Robert van Winkle

What did the letters in ROB (the old NES peripheral) stand for?

Robotic Operating Buddy

In 1959 1211-kg great white shark becomes largest fish ever caught on a


Who recorded the album "never a dull moment" in 1972

Rod stewart

What are most of the solar system's planets named for

Roman gods

Tarom Airlines is the national carrier of which country


In which city is the Colliseum located?


In Save by the Bell,what were Zack and Kelly dressed up as the night they broke up?

Romeo and Juliet

Who married actress Nancy Davis?

Ronald Reagan

Who was shot as he left the Washington Hilton in 1981

Ronald reagan

What police show featured Officers Webster, Gillis and Danko


Coronation Street's Kabin is located in which street

Ross street

Bryan Ferry Was Originally the Lead Singer Of Which Band

Roxy Music

What was the name for british military aviation during world war i


Who founded ASH ( Action on Smoking and Health ) in 1971

Royal College of Physicians

Jefferson how did leonardo da vinci's alarm clock wake a sleeper

Rubbing the feet

What 80's cartoon theme song did Ricky Martin sing?

Rubic-the Amazing Cube

In 1907 who was the first English writer win Nobel prize literature

Rudyard Kipling

The collection of poems called Barrack Room Ballads and Other Verses was written by whom in 1892

Rudyard kipling

In Which Type Of Card Game Might You Make A Meld

Rummy Or Canasta

Which tycoon failed to buy Manchester United in 1998?

Rupert Murdoch

The _____ Revolution began in 1905 on 'Bloody Sunday' when troops fired at demonstrators


What is the largest soviet republic

Russian republic

What actor said, "love means never having to say you're sorry"

Ryan o'neal

Who was the main character in the original 'Street Fighter'?


What Canadian sketch comedy show helped launch John Candy's career?


What's Mulder's nickname?


What is The Adi Granth

Sacred Scriptures Sikhs

Santiago is the capitol of Chile what does it mean

Saint Iago - or Saint James

Who founded a monastery on Lindisfarne in AD 635

Saint aidan

Hagiology is the study of what


Who was the dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968


Who hated mozart with a deadly passion


This organization was founded by William Booth.

Salvation army

Who won the Superbowl in 1989

San Francisco 49 ers

What European country has no rail lines

San Marino

With what city is alcatraz associated

San francisco

Name The Ship In Which Columbus Discovered America?

Santa Maria (Pinta & Nina Were Sister Ships)

On Three's Company,what city did the trio live in?

Santa Monica

Who Duetted With Steve Harley On The 1986 Hit "Phantom Of The Opera"?

Sarah Brightman

The still of the nite what's the location of the "circus hall of fame"

Sarasota florida

What is the only day named for a planet


Of which country was Faisal, assassinated in 1975, king

Saudi arabia

What was Paul the Apostles real name


In the Muppet band Zoot plays which instrument


What Did Adolphe Sax Invent


What reptilian feature evolved in feathers


Austrian physicist and Nobel Laureate, best known for his mathematical studies of the wave mechanics of orbiting electrons


Brian eno released a us 1978 lp titled "before and after _____"


Name Three Mebers Of The Boy Band Five

Scott Robinson, Rich Neville, Abs, Sean Conian, Jason Brown

In 'a christmas carol', what was the name of the miser


What is the name given to the short tail of a rabbit


What animal eats rests and sleeps on its back

Sea Otter

__________ can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch.


What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon


Pushin' Too Hard' was the notable song recorded by which group in the 60's


In the film 'selena', who did jennifer lopez play


What is the fear of decaying matter known as


In England what would you buy or get at a Mop Fair

Servants for Hire

How Many Sides Does A Heptagon Have


How many players are there in a water polo team


How many sacraments are there in the roman catholic church


In what city is the worlds largest medieval cathedral


38 million Americans one in five don't like what


What device was used to determine a ship's latitude ?


Which Female Act (Non Solo) Holds The Record For The Most Consecutive Weeks At The Top Of The Uk Singles Chart

Shakespeares Sister

The fins of which fish are made into a soup


The girls'll go crazy for a___.' what is the name of this ZZ-Top tune


In which South African town were over sixty people murdered by the police, during a campaign against the Pass laws in March 1960


Before she was a pop star, why was Samantha Fox in the British tabloids?

She was a page three girl

Why did Roselin Franklin (pre discovered dna helix) no Nobel

She was dead

In Which City were The Group Pulp Formed


In Which English City Will You Find The Crucible Theatre


Who told the evil king Schahriah stories


Norwegian Sigerson, Spy Altamont, Sea Captain Basil all who

Sherlock Holmes disguises

Which religions name means The way of the Gods


Who Sang The Theme To The Bond Movie Diamonds Are Forever

Shirley Bassey

With Which Sport Do You Associate Harvey Smith, Nick Skelton And Rob Hoekstra

Show Jumping

What are the names of the two cats in Disney's Lady + Tramp

Si and Am

What 1991 film won best film, actor, actress, director Oscars

Silence of the Lambs

Which element makes up 27.72% of the Earth's crust ?


Which computer firm made a model numbered ZX80


What is the Capital of: Singapore


What is the capital of Singapore


Gotcha Was A Headline In The Sun Newspaper On May 4 th 1982 Relating To Which " Specific " Event

Sinking Of The General Belgrano

He was the worlds most prolific inventor in the 1970's and 1980's with inventions such as Calculators, Digital Watch, Home Computer and Pocket Televisions?

Sir Clive Sinclair

Which former Labour MP formed the New Party in 1931?

Sir Oswald Mosley

On what book was 'three days of the condor' based

Six days of the condor

How many moons does Jupiter have


How many degrees in an interior angles of an equilateral triangle?


The Daleks come from what planet


What were wilma flintstone and betty rubble's maiden names

Slaghoople and

For what condition is the drug Mogadon prescribed


Which film links novelist Ira Levin and Sharon Stone


If you had podobromhidrosis what would you have

Smelly Feet

Who Declared "I Second That Emotion" In 1967

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

Hotfoot Teddy was the original name of what icon

Smokey the Bear

What Is The Swedish Name For A Hot Or Cold Food Served As A Buffet?


The Word Ophidian Refers To What Sort Of Animal


Carpet, coral and pilot are all types of which animal


Which Sport Do You Associate With The Commentator Ted Lowe?


Unlike dolphins, porpoises are not very __________


For What Is NA The Chemical Symbol


For what is Na the chemical symbol?


What is the name given to sole cooked in white wine and cream with grapes

Sole veronique

Monophobia is a fear of ______


" Which of the following was not one of the Three Kings? ""Balthazar"" - ""Melchior"" - ""Soloman"" - ""Caspar"" "


This country occupies the "horn of Africa".


Which country occupies the horn of africa


What does the name Dracula mean in Romanian

Son of the Devil

Which international companies logo is exactly 42 dots


Name One Of The 3 Major record Companies That Simultaneously Launched The Compact Disc In March 1983

Sony, Phillips, Polygram

What is measured in units called phon


What category of Oscar was the only award for the film Star Wars

Sound track

Which country is the world's biggest gold producer?

South Africa

Which is the Earth's fourth largest continent ?

South America

_________________ has two official national anthems.

South africa

Of what is 'soweto' in south africa an abbreviation

South west township

What Was The Cult Originally Known As "Southern Death Cult" Or "Sudden Death"

Southern Death Cult

What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe?


What is the official language of Mexico


Arachnoid refers to what kind of creature


In Greek mythology, into what did athena turn arachne


A food labelled "Florentine" is prepared with this.


What was the name of Charles Lindbergh's plane in which he completed the first non-stop solo trans-Atlantic flight?

Spirit of St Louis (achieved in 1927)

31% of people said what was the most disgusting personal habit


Which Hugely Popular Tv Show Was The Creation Of Peter Fluck And Roger Law

Spitting Image

In the original Contra, what gun would "S" get you?

Spread Gun

When do children grow fastest


A __________ has no color vision, it sees only in black and white. Every part of its field of vision, however, is in perfect focus, not just straight ahead, as with humans.


The Mojave ground __________, found mainly in the American West, hibernates for two_thirds of every year.


Who is the Patron Saint of thieves

St Nicholas

Who Is The Patron Saint Of Lovers

St Valentine

Who is the Patron Saint of dancers and actors

St Vitas

Where is Londons whispering gallery

St pauls cathedral

Where did Napoleon die

St. helena

What are lime deposits growing up from the floor of a cave called


Stasibasiphobia is the fear of

Standing walking

Who directed Dr Strangelove - 2001 - The Shining (full name)

Stanley Kubrick

What was the name of the nuclear missle defense system Reagan proposed?

Star Wars

What was painted on peter fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'easy rider'

Stars and stripes

What was Auguste Bartholdis most famous work 1886

Statue of Liberty

Who Recorded The Album "Handsworth Revolution"

Steel Pulse

Which Creature Had 2 Rows Of Plates Running Down It's Neck, Back & Tail Culminating In Large Spikes At The End


Which beer sponsors a pre-Wimbledon Tennis Tournament

Stella Artois

What is the fear of narrow things or narrow places known as


Liverpool Won Champions League , Who Scored The First 3 Liverpool Goals (PFE)?

Stephen Gerrard, Vladimar Smicer & Xabi Alonsco

Who starred in the film 'The Man With Two Brains'?

Steve Martin

Whose 1979 Debut Album Was Called Inflammable Material

Stiff Little Fingers

Sheep will not drink from running water. Hence, the line in the Twenty_third Psalm: "He leadeth me beside the __________

Still waters

Who Joined Rod Stewart And Bryan Adams On The 1994 Hit "All For Love"?


So that it can pull its lithe body into a tight, prickly little ball for defense, the hedgehog has a large muscle running along its __________


A mouth-like opening into the body; also the porous openings on the surface of leaves.


Beijing drivers fined 40 Yuan doing what at pedestrian crossing

Stopping its illegal

What stretch of water separates Italy and Sicily

Straights of Messina

Of what are xenophobics afraid?


Beef dish named after a 19th century Russian diplomat


Which Game Was Was Named After The Latin Name For A Hawk


Which Is The Largest Country In Africa


A 12 ounce can of soda pop contains the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of what


What is a Ha Ha

Sunken Fence

If you wanted your eggs fried without cooking the yolks, how should you order them in?

Sunny side up

What caused the Crab nebula


In Which County Is The Epsom Derby Raced?


In which European country is gambling illegal


What Country Did The Pop Duo Roxette Come From


What Nationality Was Sylvia Who Had A 1974 Hit With "Y Viva Espania


Who claimed that, in the Garden of Eden, God spoke Swedish, Adam spoke Danish, & the serpent spoke French

Swedish philologist

The Harlem Globetrotters had what signature tune

Sweet Georgia Brown

Coal is sometimes added to softdrinks to make them ______


Gorillas do not know how to __________


In Florida public singing is illegal if you are wearing what


In which country is the worlds longest road tunnel


In which country would you find the towns of Lausanne and Locarno


What country has the longest chairlift in europe


Which Country Did Canadian Born Celine Dion Represent At the Eurovision Song Contest


The fastest of all fish in the sea is the __________, streaming forward at speeds near 68 miles per hour.


Who wrote, 'This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper'

T s eliot

What Is Trinitoluene Better Known As


Who barely received passing grades for some of his film performances, but had a no. 1 hit with 'young love' in january 1957

Tab hunter

What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition


Who is the only man to have been both chief justice and president of the u.s


What are you forbidden to fly an airplane over in india

Taj mahal

What story features Flopsy,Mopsy and Cottontail

Tales of peter rabbit

Which Of Marvin Gayes Singing Partners Died Of A Brain Tumour In 1970

Tammi Terrel

Which Female Singer Married In 1969, Divorced In 1975, & Recorded One Last Album With Her Ex Husband In 1995

Tammy Wynette

What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven


Which African country had its capital transferred to Dodoma


Which part of a cat's eye reflects light ?


Which island is also known as the apple isle


Aldeberan is the brightest star in which constellation


The music in Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' is based upon which composers version of the classic story


Which group of professionals use computer dating the most


Which song is used in the movie "Loser"?

Teenage Dirt Bag

What is the only part of the human body that cannot repair itself


How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of 'Life'?


How many points are awarded to the winner of a Formula One Grand Prix

Ten Points

What Was Arrested Development's First UK Chart Entry


What sport/game is chris evert associated with


With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated?


With which sport is Chris Evert Lloyd identified


The longest recorded one lasted 51.5 minutes - what

Tennis rally1029 strokes

What is the fear of bearing a deformed child known as


In Which Us State was John F Kennedy Shot


What state is the second largest of the U.S.


What was Buddy Holly's First Hit Record as the Crickets reaching No.1 in the UK & USA?

That'll Be The Day

What is an octothrope

The # symbol

How Are The Trio Of Ferguson Pinkney And Holliday Better Known

The 3 Degrees

Which of Beethoven's symphonies was the legendary "Incomplete"?

The 9th Symphony

Which Dog Bites Human Beings More Than Any Other?

The Alsatian

What did Emerson, Lake & Palmer burn on stage during their concerts?

The American flag

The Dickies Sung The Theme Tune To Which Crazy Cult American Childrens Show

The Banana Splits

Formed In 1981 The Girl Band The Colours Charted & Had Success Under What Other Name

The Bangles

Which Group Was Banned From The Official Washington 4th July Celebrations In 1983 Because Secretary Of The Interior Said They Would Attract An Undesirable Element

The Beach Boys

What pop group was originally named 'The Quarrymen'

The Beatles

Which Was The First Group To Appear In Madame Tussauds As Waxwork Models

The Beatles

In the 1940s George Gamow developed a theory that a giant explosion, 10-20,000 million years ago, began the expansion of the universe. What is the name given to this theory?

The Big Band Theory

What is the name of the theme song for The People's Court

The Big One

In Which Book Which Is Also A Film Has The Characters Pod, Arrietty, Homily & Peagreen?

The Borrowers

Which Literary Fictional Family Lived At "Hayworth Rectory" In Yorkshire

The Borrowers

Which 1950s films took place in Burma 1943

The Bridge on the River Kwai

In Ancient Rome what creature was the symbol of liberty

The Cat

What is the only Shakespeare play that mentions America

The Comedy of Errors (Act III Scene ii)

Which Common Everyday Item Was Introduced To The World By "Ralph Scneider"

The Credit Card

In which British national daily newspaper does Rupert The Bear appear?

The Daily Express

Who Were Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame In 1993 Two Years After Their Biopic

The Doors

What Was The Name Of Bruce Springsteens Backing Group In The 1970's & 1980's

The E Street Band

Who was Joseph Merrick?

The Elephant Man

Beethoven's fifth piano concerto is nicknamed what

The Emperor

What two words are normally at the end of most movies?

The End

Ecuador was named after who / what

The Equator

The Simpsons are the longest running cartoon who is second

The Flintstones

What part of the body is most bitten by insects

The Foot

Which Animal Has The Largest Eyes?

The Giant Squid

In George Orwell's Animal Farm what type of animal was Muriel

The Goat

In the film "Bright Eyes", Shirley Temple sang about this boat.

The Good Ship Lollipop

In the Bible from whom did David steal his wife Bathsheba

The Hittite warrior Uriah

"There and back Again" is an alternative title of which novel

The Hobbit

A mysterious cloud of pesticide and radiation causes a disturbing reversal for Scott Carey in which classic 50s film ?

The Incredible Shrinking Man

Who Told Us Its Grim Up North


Of What Is Renolgy The Area Of Study

The Kidneys

Which Is The Largest Of The Poisonous Snakes?

The King Cobra

William Hurt won best actor Oscar for which 1985 film

The Kiss of the Spiderwoman

What Group Consisted Of James Dean Bradfield, Nick Wire & Sean Moore

The Manic Street Preachers

Noologists study what

The Mind

Richard Attenbourough and wife were the first leads in what play

The Mousetrap

What in sport, is 7 feet 9 quarter inches(2.375 metres) in length?

The Oche in darts

Struthio Cameus is the Latin name of which creature

The Ostrich

What Is The Largest Cell

The Ovum

Who Took "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" To No.1 In The UK In 1959

The Platters

Name The Title Song From The Movie "Back To The Future"

The Power Of Love

By what name was Baron Manfred von Richthofen better known?

The Red Baron

What is the highest waterfall in the Alps

The Richenbach Falls

Troy McClure appears in which cartoon series

The Simpsons

Which Famous Cocktail Was Invented At The Raffles Hotel In The Far East Around 1910

The Singapore Sling

Which film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer won the Oscar for best picture in 1965?

The Sound Of Music

The Stoner Case was a Sherlock Holmes play - later what story

The Speckled Band

Which Family Group Had Hits On The Stax Label With "Respect Yourself" & I'll Take You There

The Staple Brothers

What Was Mike Berry's Comeback Single Reaching No.9 In 1980

The Sunshine Of Your Smile

Which Group Was Originally Called The Primettes

The Supremes

What Shakespeare play was the basis of The Forbidden Planet

The Tempest

Name the large mountain chain in the eastern u.s.a.

The appalachians

What lies between mars and jupiter?

The asteroid belt

What were the 1948 Olympic games known as

The austerity games

What changed in 1752 which caused Britain to have a White Christmas less frequently thereafter?

The calendar

What coverted Greek items lie in the British Museum

The elgin marbles

What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common

The first name " james "

What made the crew sick in the movie Airplane?

The fish

What was Doris Lessing's first novel

The grass is singing

What is the common name for Larus argentatus

The herring gull

In a Rugby League team which player wears the number nine shirt

The hooker

Which great Asian river flows into the sea near Karachi

The indus

What was the name of the medical journal established by Dr Thomas Wakely

The lancet

What Edwin Budding invention began changing the face of English landscapes in the 1820's

The lawn mower lawn mower

Which song composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan in sorrow over his brother's death became the most popular ballad of the nineteenth century

The lost chord

What is a better known name of Switzerland's Mont Cervin

The matterhorn

Which comic is drawn by sam keith

The maxx

Selenophobia is the fear of

The moon

Which 1986 film, from the book of the same name by Umberto Eco, tells of a 10th century detective and monk

The name of the rose

Who did author leslie charteris create

The saint

Of who was Oedipus king


Theologicophobia is a fear of ______


What happend in the final episode of M.A.S.H. hence the theme tune?

They All Commited Suicide The Theme Is Called 'Suicide Is Painless'

What Do Eric Clapton, Marilyn Monroe, And Laarry Grayson All Have In Common

They All are Or Were Illegitimate

A digitabulist collects what


Which band recorded the live album 'Live and Dangerous'

Thin lizzie

Which song did aretha franklin sing in the original 'blues brothers' film


Who ran after the farmer's wife

Three blind mice

Which is the highest poker hand 2 pairs or three of a kind

Three of a kind

On a prescription the Latin expression Ter in Die means what

Three times daily

Who had a number one hit in 1969 with Something in the Air

Thunderclap newman

On which river is Rome located?


What was Edison's first practical invention

Tick a Tape for stockmarket

What Was Rolf Harris 's First Hit

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport

Who Had A Hit In 1981 With "I Surrender"

Tight Fit

Longacre square is now better known as what

Times Square - NY

Which band did david bowie and the 'sons of soupy sales' form

Tin machine

Many corals receive nourishment from algae which grow inside their __________


With what are mushrooms often confused


What did Iroquois Indians mix with willow bark and call "kinickinick"


Which Road Could The Nashville Teens Be Found On

Tobacco Road

In a survey what food did Americans say they hated most


Lome is the capital of ______?


Narita is the main airport of which city


What city has Kogoshima as its airport


What city was originally called edo


What City is nicknamed the "Glass capital of the world"

Toledo, Ohio

What's the correct name for a male turkey


How Is Thomas Mapother IV Better Known

Tom Cruise

Which superstar film actor's real narne is T.C. Mapother IV

Tom cruise

Like fingerprints, what other print is individual


What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain


Which Former England International Was The First Player To Be Born After England's 1966 World Cup Victory

Tony Adams

Who Was The Front Man & Lead Vocalist For Dawn

Tony Orlando

Which Two Journalists Co Wrote The Book "The Boy Looked At Johnny" The Orbituary Of Rock & Roll

Tony Parsons & Julie Burchill

Which Labour politician, according to Harold Wilson, "immatures with age"

Tony benn

In January 1997, who survived for five days in an upturned boat, in the south Pacific Ocean

Tony bullimore

Who said of Marilyn Monroe 'Kissing her is like kissing Hitler

Tony cutis

On 17 th Nov 1970 German "Stephanie Rahn" Became The First Woman Ever To Do What???

Topless Page 3 Model

Lilapsophobia is the fear of

Tornadoes and hurricanes

What is the largest city in canada


Which famous duo won the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year In 1984?

Torvill & Dean

Orson Wells directed Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh in which 1958 film?

Touch Of Evil

Which sporting event was won 5 times by Eddy Merckx

Tour de france

Where are the crown jewels kept

Tower of london

Who sung the Song "Fast Car"?

Tracy Chapman

Which Band Sang Britney Spears "Baby One More Time" At Glastonbury 2000


What treaty, signed in 1713, ended the War of the Spanish Succession?

Treaty of Utrecht

From What Was Aspirin Orginally Extracted

Tree Bark

What did dr bart hughes create


What is the name for a branch of a river


What was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect?

Trivia Pursuit

What is the stratosphere immediately above?


The Subterranean Fungus Highly Prized In Cooking Is Known As What


Name The Orchestral Instrument That Lent Its Name To A Mike Oldfield Album

Tubular Bells

A style of English architecture prevalent from 1485-1558 transitional between Gothic and Palladian, with emphasis on country manors.


What Metal Are Light Bulb Filaments Made From


What cartoon character had no feathers until the censors decided he 'looked naked'


Which Shakespeare play contains the line 'if music be the food of love play on''?

Twelfth Night

In what film did Bruce Willis play a time travelling criminal

Twelve Monkeys

How many times has the character Ross from the show friends been married?


Which rugby ground is sometimes referred to as the Cabbage Patch?


0191 is the telephone dialling code of which British region?

Tyne and Wear

What Is The English Equivalent Of OVNI In Both France And Spain


At which town did Livingstone and Stanley meet in 1871


In which modern country is the site of the Battle of Balaklava


What country was once known as 'The Breadbasket of Russia'?


What form of light comes at wavelengths below 360 nanometers

Ultra violet

Who tells stories about Brer Rabbit

Uncle remus

Collective nouns a Blessing of what animal group


In the world of communications for what do the letters U R L stand for

Uniform resource locator

Where were fortune cookies invented?

United States

Which two countries' national anthem does not mention the country's name

United states and holland

What is a group of ravens


What is a group of this animal called: Raven


What position does a sloth spend its day in

Upside down

What Is The Most Abundant Radioactive Element

Uranim (238)

What is the heaviest element


Which actress played the Bond girl Honeychile Rider in Doctor No

Ursula andress

A man who commits Pseudogyny is doing what

Uses woman's name to deceive

What submarine had logged over 100,000 miles before being refueled in 1958

Uss nautilus

What was the first name of the Israeli man who invented a rapid fire weapon in 1953


What is the capital of Lichtenstein


Who succeeded Georges Pompidou as President of France

Valery giscard d'estaing

Point He released the parody "oh you ate one too" in 1988 which included the song "Cabo Wabo"

Van Halen

Any solo performance in a ballet.


What is the smallest independent state in the world


Who composed 'Symphonia Antarctica'

Vaughan williams

What is used to make a classic wiener schnitzel


What is the name of an animal that can pass on bacteria without being affected by the disease itself


Lahnaphophobia is the fear of what


A Regatta is a boat races - where was the original Regatta


Tintoretto did most of his painting in what city


What was the name of Norm's wife on Cheers?


Montpelier is the capital of what state


Who was known as the 'Peekaboo Girl'?

Veronica Lake

What is the capital of the seychelles


Which Spice Girl Upset Anti Fur Campaigners By Wearing Furs In A 1997 Feature In Tatler

Victoria Beckham

What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia

Victoria falls

JVC launched VHS in 1976 what does VHS stand for

Video Home System

What did the acronym VHS stand for in the former standard system used for TV video recording equipment?

Video Home System

Paul Hardcastle's Hit "19" Was About Which War


Football Team, minnesota _______


Football: The Minnesota _______.


Which famous artist painted The Potato Eaters

Vincent van gogh

Who wrote the opera 'norma'?

Vincenzo Bellini

What was the primary occupation of characters in "Falcon Crest"?

Vineyard owners.

Author of "The Lighthouse" and "Eminent Victorians"?

Virginia Woolf

What were comfrey baths were believed to restore


What does VAX stand for

Virtual Access eXtension

In Hinduism, which God is known as the Preserver


70% of Americans have done what

Visited Disneyland / world

What does v.i.r.c stand for

Visual internet relay chat

Who did Vivian Vance play on 'the lucy show'

Vivian Bagley

What is the common name for the larynx

Voice box

What Does 'Vol-au-vent' Actually Mean In French

Vol-Au-Vent Is French For 'Flying On The Wind' They Are Puff Pastry Cases

Which Latin motor-manufacturing name was originally that of a subsidiary of S.K.F. - the bearing makers - for whom the car's design engineers worked


Who played the lead role in charlie varrick

Walter matthau

A social dance in ¾ time that became widely popular in the nineteenth century. It developed from the Landler, a German-Austrian turning dance.


At one time, 6 white beads of this Indian currency were worth one penny


What name is given to a male witch ?


What's the capital of Poland?


In which state is Mount St. Helens


What is the Capital of: United States

Washington dc

Blackie Lawless Was The Singer With Which Band


What would you expect to find in a vespiary


What Is The Deepest Lake In England


Fred Waller patented what sporting equipment

Water Skis

What is the longest tunnel

Water supply tunnel

What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president nixon


Go West Had A Hit With "We Close Our Eyes" Or "Eyes Wide Shut"

We Close Our Eyes

Meteorology is the study of ______


Meteorology is the study of ______?


What river did the Pied Piper drown the rats in


In what part of New York did the Great Gatsby live

West Egg

Zephyr' is the poetic name for what

West wind

Which London's church's other name is the Collegiate Church of St. Peter

Westminster abbey

Californian law no shooting any animal - moving car except what


"Edge Of Heaven", "Last Christmas" & "I'm Your Man" Were Hits for Which 80's Duo


What Colour Is The Flower Of The Amazon Lily When It Opens


What is another name for termites

White ants

Who was the first female to enter the billboard charts in 1985


Which writer's latest work, Birds of Prey , features the Courtneys - the family that appeared in his first, When the Lion Feeds , published in 1964

Wilbur smith

Who invented the toothbrush ?

William Addis

In his will who left his wife his second best bed

William Shakespeare

Who played detective, Frank Cannon, in the TV series 'Cannon'

William conrad

Who directed 'The French Connection' and 'The Exorcist'

William friedkin

Film - who was the star of the doctor

William hurt

Whose face is on the front of a quaker oat box

William penn

What infamous bank robber was nicknamed "willie the actor"

Willie sutton

Where do men play each year for the Challenge Cup


What was "The gun that tamed the West"

Winchester rifle

What engery does an Eolic power station?

Wind Power

Which british leader was born in a ladies' room during a dance?

Winston Churchill

Who wrote the 'Unfinished Symphony'

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart

What is the basic unit of currency for North Korea ?


Who appears on the 100,000 dollar (US) note?

Woodrow Wilson

In parts of Siberia wives threw what at men to show wanted sex

Worms or slugs

Where was the last major american indian resistance to white settlement

Wounded knee

California Dolls Is A Movie That Was Inspired By And Features Which Sport


In which novel did Edgar Linton marry Catherine Earnshaw

Wuthering heights

Which cowboys middle names were Berry Stapp

Wyatt Earp

Who refereed the 1876 Sharky Fitzsimmons fight with a gun

Wyatt Earp

Defender of the constitution whose headstone reads '..that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love'

Wyatt earp

Butterfly Falcon Fun Glen Lark Penguin If Topper types of what

Yacht Dingy Classes

Churchill, F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945.


What's the longest river in Asia


Post boxes in the UK are red what colour are they in France


Which Beatles album is The Song "Only A Nothern Song" on?

Yellow Submarine

In "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds", what were the colors of the Celophane Flowers?

Yellow and green

In which modern country is the biblical land of Sheba


What Was Founded In The Reign Of Henry VIII For The Protection Of The Royal Person?

Yeoman Of The Guard Or Beefeaters

In which Gilbert and Sullivan opera did Col. Fairfax marry Elsie

Yeoman of the guard

What name is given to the abominable snowman ?


What language is klutz an insult in


What word means an attack of nerves suffered by sportsman especially golfers


Character in a movie series named Sanskrit word warrior what

Yoda from Yoddha

Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who

Yosemite sam

The following is a line from which 1970's film 'It's pronounced Fronkensteen' ?

Young Frankenstein

What Was Elton John's Uk Hit Single

Your Song

Muhammad Ali Took On George Foreman In The 'Rumble In The Jungle'' In what Country Did This Take Place


What is the capital of the Spanish region of Aragon


Satori is a term in which religion

Zen Buddhism

Which element is extracted from the ore Sphalerite


What is the basic unit of currency for Poland ?


What is the largest city in switzerland


In which 1998 remake did Matthew Broderick play Dr.Niko Tatopoulos (Pronounced Tat-Oh-Pool-Loss)


In ballet, a position with one leg extended at an oblique angle while the body is also at an oblique angle.


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