TTU Study Abroad Application - Assessment of Preparing to Go Ahead

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Answer: stay in the yellow zone until they are comfortable in their new environment.

According to the Ambassador's video, students should try to A.) stay in the red zone. B.) stay in the yellow zone until they are comfortable in their new environment. C.) stay in the white zone.

Answer: All of the above

Before I go abroad, I should A.) let my bank know I will be gone. B.) let my credit card company know I will be gone. C.) save some money to use while abroad. D.) understand what the exchange rate is. E.) All of the above

Answer: an integral part of every culture

Food is A.) the same everywhere. B.) an integral part of every culture.

Answer: All of the above

How can you prevent contracting hepatitis? A.) get vaccinated B.) drink only bottled water C.) don't add ice to drinks D.) avoid eating unpeeled or raw fruits and salads E.) avoid eating shellfish and raw fish caught in contaminated waters F.) All of the above

Answer: a and b

I am taking my computer abroad with me. I will need to A.) make sure it will convert automatically to the new type of current. B.) have an adapter plug so I can plug it into the wall. C.) nothing. It will work just like at home. D.) a and b

Answer: No, I am subject to the laws of the country I am in

If I am in trouble while abroad, the U.S. embassy can get me out of jail. A.) Of course, that's why they are there! B.) No, I am subject to the laws of the country I am in.

Answer: find out if there is a no-smoking section, then ask to sit there

If I don't want to sit in a smoking section of a restaurant while I am abroad I should A.) complain to the manager. B.) find out if there is a no-smoking section, then ask to sit there. C.) You mean you can smoke in a restaurant abroad? D.) assume it is all no smoking, like it is here in Lubbock.

Answer: stay away. It could turn ugly

If I see a demonstration while I am abroad I should A.) join in, it's part of the experience. B.) start taking pictures of the local security forces. C.) stay away. It could turn ugly. D.) egg people on so things get exciting.

Answer: I have an electronic or paper copy of it

If my passport is lost or stolen, it will be easier to replace at the U.S. embassy if A.) I have an electronic or paper copy of it. B.) can show my TTU ID. C.) I have my Social Security card with me.

Answer: is a good idea. I will have a better idea of what things cost

Knowing the currency exchange rate for my host country's currency before I go abroad A.) is a good idea. I will have a better idea of what things cost B.) doesn't matter. It changes everyday, so who can keep up with it?

Answer: you will lose your passport.

Of the following options, which is the most LIKELY thing to happen to you while you are abroad according to the Ambassador's video. A.) you will lose your passport. B.) you will be a victim of terrorism. C.) you will be arrested and thrown in a foreign jail. D.) the U.S. embassy will not help you.

Answer: either b or d

The best way to avoid being a target for a pickpocket is A.) keep my wallet in the back pocket of my pants because it's buttoned. B.) keep only as much money as I can afford to lose in my wallet, and the rest in a hidden spot on my person. C.) use a fanny pack. D.) keep my hand on my wallet in the front pocket of my pants. E.) either a or c F.) either b or d

Answer: call the airline you will be flying on

The best way to find out how much luggage you can take with you is to A.) talk to your friends who studied abroad last year. B.) call the airline you will be flying on. C.) show up at the airport with your luggage and see what happens.

Answer: use my ATM card

The best way to have access to cash while abroad is A.) take a lot of U.S. dollars B.) cash a traveler's cheque everyday. C.) use my ATM card. D.) I won't need cash, I'll just use a credit card.

Answer: a and/or d

The best way to understand how to dress and behave in my host culture is A.) observe what local residents do. B.) watch what other American study abroad students are doing. C.) I don't care what is appropriate. I will do what I want to do. D.) ask the resident director if I'm not sure. E.) a and/or d

Answer: consuming too much alcohol.

The biggest factor in American study abroad students being assaulted while abroad is A.) being in the wrong place at the wrong time. B.) being American. C.) consuming too much alcohol.

Answer: both b and d

The way I dress and behave on my study abroad program A.) doesn't matter. I can do whatever I want B.) shows my respect for the host culture C.) isn't important. D.) may make a difference in the way local residents respond to me E.) both a and c F.) both b and d

Answer: Either a or b

What should you do to ensure that credit is properly granted for your study abroad program? A.) Nothing, I am going on a faculty-led program or to a TTU Center. B.) Have my study abroad transcript sent to the Study Abroad office. C.) Have my study abroad transcript sent to the Registrar's office. D.) Either a or b.

Answer: both b and c

When I am packing for my study abroad program, I should A.) take as many clothes as possible, because I will be abroad for a long time. B.) pack light. It might be difficult to handle my suitcases by myself. C.) be aware of cultual norms D.) take all the clothes I norma E.) both b and c F.) either a or d

Answer: both a and c

While abroad, the U.S. embassy in my host country A.) give me a list of local lawyers if I need one. B.) get me out of jail if I am in trouble. C.) replace my stolen passport. D.) give me more money if I run out. E.) both a and c

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