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Pedestrian crossing

1. The signal light the driver sees is unlit until the pedestrian pushes the crosswalk button. 2. Then it turns to a flashing yellow light that warns drivers approaching the crosswalk to slow down. 3. The flashing yellow light is followed by a solid yellow light, telling drivers to prepare to stop. 4. Two solid red lights indicate to drivers to stop at the stop line. Vehicles must stop completely when the signal lights are steady red. 5.When the red lights flash alternately, the driver must stop, yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk, and proceed when the crosswalk is clear. Normal vehicle traffic can resume when the light turns dark again.

A green circular indication

: A green circular indication means Go. You may proceed forward or if you are in the left turn lane, you must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians in crosswalks before turning left. You should not enter the intersection unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection for your vehicle to completely pass through so you are not blocking the intersection, regardless of a traffic control signal to proceed.

Yellow light

: Means caution. An amber or yellow circular indication warns that the signal is about to change to red. If you have not entered the intersection and can come to a safe stop, you should do so. If you are already in the intersection, you should continue moving and clear it safely.

Steady green arrow

A green steady arrow means Go. You may pass through the intersection in the direction the arrow is pointing. Oncoming traffic is required to stop. You should not enter the intersection unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection for your vehicle to completely pass through so you are not blocking the intersection, regardless of a traffic control signal to proceed.

Lane Shift

All lanes will shift according to the sign. Stay in your lane as it shifts slightly.

7. Under what conditions may you pass another vehicle on the right?

Any vechical can pass as long as its done under movements of saftey

9. Where should you position your vehicle when preparing to make a right turn?

As close to the curb

Turing onto the highway

As drivers approach the interchange in the left lane, they will proceed through the traffic signal at the entrance to the interchange and follow theirlane to the opposite side of the road. Once they cross the bridge, they will make a left-hand turn onto the highway.

Going straight over

As drivers approach the intersection, they will proceed through the traffic signal at the entrance to the interchange and follow their lane to the opposite side of the overpass. They then proceed through the second traffic signal and follow their lane back to the right side of the road. Road signs, signals and pavement marking will help guide drivers to where they need to go.

One solid white line

Avoid changing lanes where a solid white lines separates lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.A solid white line with a bicycle insignia along the side of the road indicates the area is designated for bicycle traffic only. Bicycles must travel in the same direction as adjacent traffic.

Diverging Diamond Interchange - DDI

Drivers will notice that opposing traffic crosses at the signals on each side of the bridge/overpass. Drivers will need to follow the road signs, signals, raised islands, and pavement markings. A DDI involves driving on the left side of the overpass.Motorists will need to stop at the stop lines to ensure they are not too far out in the intersection where they could impede cross traffic, pedestrians or bicyclists.

4. True or False. When a school bus is unloading passengers on a two- lane roadway, cars traveling the opposite direction don't have to stop.


5. True or False. You may legally drive the posted speed limit no matter what the driving conditions.


Going straight

Going Straight (Orange Arrow) • Stay in one of the two through lanes.


Have to be kept clear

Dashed yellow

If the dashed yellow line continues up to an intersection, you may pass vehicles in the intersection. Otherwise, no passing is llowed in intersections.

In a roundabout

In a roundabout, slow down to navigate the intersection. There are no traffic signals in a roundabout so traffic entering the intersection may or may not have to stop. Entering traffic yields to circulating traffic, which always keeps moving.To safely use a roundabout, first, plan ahead. If the roundabout has two lanes, approach the roundabout in the right lane if you need to make a right turn and in the left lane if you need to make a left turn or U-turn. If you need to go straight, you can usually approach the roundabout from the right or left lane. Enter the roundabout by first looking left and yielding to traffic in the circle. Use turn signals when entering and exiting the roundabout.


Is illegal

Open container

It is against the law for any person in a motor vehicle on a public roadway to drink alcoholic beverages, or to transport open (unsealed) containers of alcoholic beverages. It is a misdemeanor for a driver in actual physical control of a vehicle to violate the open container law—it is an infraction for passengers. An unsealed alcoholic beverage container may be legally transported in the enclosed trunk compartment or behind the last upright seat of a vehicle without a trunk compartment. Passengers may drink and possess alcoholic beverages in the passenger area of a vehicle designed, maintained, or primarily used to "transport people for compensation," or in the living quarters of a recreational vehicle.

Double solid white lane lines

Lane changes are prohibited in areas where this type of marking is present.

How do i do it

Make sure to stop at the stop lines so you won't be too far out in the intersection where you might impede cross traffic.

Warning signs

Most warning signs are black on yellow and most are diamond-shaped. They also include the fluorescent yellow/green school warning signs. These signs warn you about an unexpected condition that might not be readily apparent. You may need to slow down or take other action. Some common warning signs follow.

Dashed white lane lines

On roadways with more than one lane moving in one direction, traffic lanes are separated by broken white lines. Drive within these lines. Never straddle them. Cross over them only when it is safe to change lanes.

Pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian crossing beacons allow pedestrians to cross the roadway and permit drivers to proceed as soon as the pedestrians have passed. The Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (sometimes called HAWK) consists of two red lenses positioned over a single yellow lens. The traffic lights are located both on a mast arm over the roadway and on the roadside.

Turns basic

Proper signalling may prevent a rear-end collision. Signals must start at least 100 feet (in business or residential areas) or five seconds (on freeways or highways) before you turn or change lanes. If you plan to turn just beyond an intersection, signal just after you pass through the intersection so you won't confuse other drivers. You may use either electric turn signals or arm signals.

3. If you hear an emergency vehicle siren, what action should you take?

Pull to tge right of the road

Regulatory sign

Regulatory Signs - Regulatory signs are generally black and white, although some are red and white, and must be obeyed at all times.

Be Prepared to stop

Slow down br prepared to stop

Edge lines

Solid white lines may be located along the side of the road to show where the edge of the road is located. At night or in bad weather, they help you stay on the road.

2. What must you do before entering a street from an alley, building, driveway, or private road?

Stop and look

Arm signals

The correct arm signals are: • Left: Your arm and hand extended straight out the window. • Right: Your arm and hand extended upward out the window. • Slow or Stop: Your arm and hand extended downward out the

• Dashed Bike Lane Lines -

The dashed bike lane line indicates that drivers turning right can merge to the right and bicyclist turning left can merge in the left.

Flashing yellow arrow

The flashing yellow arrow means turns are allowed after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians in crosswalks.

Walking or biking

The interchange includes crosswalks, bicycle paths and pedestrian signals. Bicyclists and pedestrians use the signalized pedestrian crossing and then are directed to the center pedestrian island in the middle of the interchange.

Pavement markings

The lines and symbols that are painted on the roadways divide lanes, tell you where it is not safe to pass other vehicles, where you may not change lanes, which lanes to use for turns, where pedestrians may walk, and where you must stop for signs or traffic signals.

Keep right

The road ahead is divided. Stay on the right side of the island or barrier.


The roundabout is a one-way circular intersection where you must always turn right to enter and exit. The most common sign seen when approaching a roundabout is a warning sign with an arrow in a circle pattern. In a roundabout intersection, all drivers must yield the right of way to vehicles that are already in the circle. Drivers must turn right and merge into the circle whether they need to make a right turn, a left turn, a U-turn or continue forward at that intersection.

Dashed bike lane line

These are always found at intersections, or some driveway areas. Bicyclists should move left, outof the bike lane, if they are going straight, to prevent being turned into by the car. Both users must be aware of each other and if a bike is already in that area, right turning drivers mustyield. If a car is already there, the bicyclist must move to the left.

Lane markings

These drawings show types of lane dividing lines. A dashed yellow line means that vehicles in either lane can cross the line if it is safe to do so.

U turn left turn

To make a U-turn or take what would be a left turn at a traditional intersection, stay in the leftmost lane (if it is a two lane roundabout), following the lane around until you reach your exit. Then, follow the curved line out of the roundabout. There should be no reason to stop, but be prepared to stop for bicyclists, pedestrians, and unyielding drivers.

Right turn roundabout

To make a right turn, enter the roundabout in the right lane and complete the right turn by turning right at your first opportunity.

1. True or False. Automobiles must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing in a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.


Double yellow

Two solid yellow lines mean that neither lane of traffic can cross the lines unless they are turning (if it is safe to do so). A driver can cross a double yellow line when turning left into or out of a driveway or entrance to a business. No passing is allowed.


Unlike a standard traffic signal, intersections with pedestrian hybrid beacons do not have any traffic signals facing the side street approaches. Any side street that is controlled by a stop sign will continue to be controlled by a stop sign when a pedestrian hybrid beaconis in place. Before turning a corner, watch for people about to cross the street. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in crosswalks.

6. If two vehicles are stopped at right angles at an uncontrolled intersection, which vehicle has the right-of-way?

Vehical on left

Wrong way

Wrong direction

Slow moving vechicals

You are approaching a slow moving vehicle. You should slow down and approach the vehicle with caution. This sign is primarily used on off road vehicles (implements of husbandry, construction equipment, etc).

• Wrong Way:

You are going in the wrong direction

• Green Pavement in Bicycle Lanes - Green paint

emphasizes where two movements cross over each other. Some bicycle lanes and bicycle lane extensions through intersections are painted green for additional emphasis. Drivers must be aware that bikes may be there and bicyclist must be aware that automobiles cross the bike lane in this area.

Exiting the highway

interstate. Yield, turn right, and merge onto the roadway. Watch forpedestrians. • Turning left - Drivers exit the interstate in the left lane and merge intotraffic onto the roadway. Watch for pedistrians. • If drivers exit the freeway by mistake, they cannot travel straight acrossthe road and get on at the other side. They will need to turn left or right onto the intersecting road and find a safe place to turn around to return to the correct entrance to the freeway.


sunrise and when poor visibility makes them necessary for safety. Headlamps must be dimmed 500 feet before meeting and 200 feet before overtaking another vehicle. When lights are needed for driving, use headlamps, not parking lights.

• One Solid Yellow Line and One Dashed Yellow Line—One solid

yellow line and one dashed yellow line means that only vehicles in the lane with the dashed line (lower lane in this drawing) can cross the lines to pass other vehicles.

3 way intersection

• 3 Way Intersection: You are approaching a 3-way "T" intersection and will have to turn either to the right or the left. You must stop and yield to drivers approaching from the other two directions.

• Shared Lanes—

• Center lanes are reserved for making left turns (or U- turns when they are permitted) from either direction of travel. Shared center lanes are marked on each side by a solid and yellow dashed lines. 3-8

Do not enter

• Do Not Enter: You may not enter this section of roadway from the direction you are traveling.


• Driving on Sidewalks: Driving on sidewalks is prohibited

Left turns

• Left Turns: Give your signal and approach the intersection in the lane closest to the left that is open to traffic going your direction. If you are on a two-lane road, you should move to the left side of your lane. Yield the right of way to pedestrians and oncoming vehicles. When safe, turn into the nearest lane in which traffic moves the direction you want to go. Do not cut the corner.

Medien strip

• Median Strip: It's illegal to drive across a barrier or unpaved strip that separates two halves of a roadway except at an authorized opening or crossover. This is not allowed on Interstate highways (freeways)—crossovers are for emergency vehicles only.

Right turns

• Right Turns: Give your signal and approach the intersection in the right-hand lane, staying as close to the right curb as is reasonable. Yield the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles that have the right of way. Watch for bicycles that are approaching from the right between your vehicle and the curb. Then turn into the right-hand lane of the cross street. Do not swing wide.


• Stop: You must come to a complete stop before entering the intersection ahead. You are required to stop behind the stop line, or before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or at the point nearest the intersecting highway where the driver has view of the road way

Exiting Highway (Blue Arrow)

• The exit ramp divides traffic into lanes: for turning left and for turning right.Exiting Highway (Blue Arrow) • The exit ramp divides traffic into lanes: for turning left and for turning right. • If you exit the freeway by mistake, you cannot travel straight across the road and get on at the other side. Turn left or right onto the intersecting road and find a safe place to turn around to return to the correct entrance to the freeway.

• Intersection/Crossroad: There is another road ahead which crosses the road you are on. Watch carefully for cross traffic in your path.

• There is another road ahead which crosses the road you are on. Watch carefully for cross traffic in your path.

Turing at a red light

• Turning At a Red Light: At a steady red light, you may turn right after stopping and yielding to cross traffic—unless otherwise posted. When turning left, from a one-way street, into a one-way street, you may proceed from a steady red light after stopping and yielding for cross traffic—unless otherwise posted.

I turns

• U-Turns: U-turns are not legal everywhere, so first look for prohibiting signs. When making a U-turn near a hill or curve, the law requires that you be able to see 500 feet in either direction. U- turns are prohibited in no-passing zones. Stop and yield to all traffic before completing a U-turn.


• Yield: Yield right-of-way. You must slow down and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians in the intersection you are crossing or roadway you are entering. If necessary, stop before crossing the intersection or entering the roadway. If pedestrians are in or about to enter the crosswalk, stop until they have crossed the roadway, then proceed. Slow down so that you may safely yield the right of way to other vehicles or pedestrians.

Solid yellow

•: The solid yellow indication with an arrow means the signal for the turn is changing. If you have not entered the intersection and you can come to a safe stop, you should do so. If you are already in the intersection, you should continue the turn and clear it safely.

Flashing yellow

•A flashing circular yellow indication means caution. You should slow down, look carefully for hazards and proceed with caution.

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