UIPath Exam questions
-Value per Robot -Single value
"Add Assets" in Orchestrator has the following options:
Use a single workflow project that references mutliple sequence projects
A complex activity to be automated has many subroutines to be executed depending on the result of evaluating various logical conditions. What is the best approach to architecting this RPA activity?
A process that uses a single attended robot
A expense report submission process, in which the first step requires the user to log into the reporting system, must attach scanned image receipts and PDF files as part of the expense. This activity lends itself best to which of the following implementations:
-Get hidden information -Get the entire visible text -Get editable text
By using the Full Text scraping method, the robot is able to:
Can UiExplorer be used to record UI interactions?
Only within a String variable
Question: Can you store a Selector in a variable?
Get attribute activity
Question: What should you use to check if a checkbox is selected or cleared?
Using assets defined in Orchestrator
The best way of managing variable values within a workflow, so that they can be shared on different robots and environments is:
By using the Close Application activity
What is the safest way to close an application?
You can use image/text automation outside of a Citrix enviroment?
State machine
A UiPath transition activity is associated with which type of project?
Click Import Arguments, and then bind the arguments to the local variables or to some default values
After adding an Invoke Workflow File activity and selecting the workflow to invoke, you need to:
Small, fragmented automations
Attended robots are best used with:
Can you insert a Sequence activity in a Flowchart activity?
Yes, using the Scrape Relative function in combination with an OCR engine
Can you retrieve text from a Citrix environment?
Setting focus on a reliable element and then navigating around the app using keyboard (up/down arrows, tab, etc) or using keyboard shortcuts
Click Image and Click Text are not 100% reliable in Citrix environments. What method can be used instead (when applicable) to have safer actions? (Choose one)
-It creates a skeleton for UI automation -It recognizes different types of UI controls -It generates Click activities -It generates Type Into activities
Features of Automatic Recorder
-By opening the PDF and using screen scraping to get its data -By using the Read PDF Text activity and providing the PDF file's path.
Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:
-By scheduling the process and adjusting the settings in the Execution Target tab accordingly -By creating a job and selecting all three robots
How can a process be executed on three different robots?
By double clicking on a Desktop icon. By defining a shortcut key for the application and then triggering the app with a Send Hotkey activity.
How can a robot start an application in Citrix?
By hitting the F2 key
How can you delay the Automatic Recording?
By using variables to replace the dynamic parts
How can you dynamically change parts of a selector?
Using the Data Scraping Wizard
How can you extract structured data from a web page?
By using the Google OCR engine invert property
How can you extract white text written on blue background in Citrix?
By using the column index or column name.
How can you identify a column in a DataTable?
-By replacing the dynamic parts of the attribute with wildcards -By using intermediate containers for better matching of the UI Element
How can you improve a selector?
Use Google OCR with "Numbers Only"
How can you improve accuracy when scraping with OCR a region that contains only digits?
By adding activity Annotations -By using the Comment activity
How can you provide more details to explain the purpose of the activities in a workflow?
-DataTableName.Rows(row index).Item(column index) -dataTable(row)(column)
How can you retrieve cell info from a datatable?
Use the SpecificContent property
How can you retrieve the value stored in a Queue Item variable?
By using the UiExplorer tool
How can you see the full list of attributes of Ui elements?
How do you stop the recording?
It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor.
How does the Anchor Base activity work?
In a Try Catch activity, how many times is the Finally section executed if no error occurs in the Try section?
End process
In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, if a System Error is encountered in the Init state of the Main workflow, which state is executed next?
We check if a stop signal was sent from Orchestrator
In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, in the Get Transaction Data state of the Main workflow, what happens before the next transaction item is retrieved?
SetTransactionStatus workflow
In which workflow in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is the TransactionNumber global variable incremented by default?
Yes, because Clipping Region is a shared resource.
Is Reset Clipping Region mandatory to be executed at the end of a scrape relative sequence?
No, you could click a button which is not visible only using selectors.
Is it possible to click a button with Click Image Activity if the target is not visible on the screen?
Yes, if the Auto-Retry property of the Queue is enabled. Yes, it can be retried manually on the Transactions page.
Is it possible to reprocess a transaction in a Queue after its failure due to an application exception?
Yes, it can be retried manually on the Transactions page, or if the Auto-Retry property of the Queue is enabled.
Is it possible to reprocess a transaction in a Queue after its failure due to an application exception?
Yes, by using Get Cell Color
Is it possible to retrieve the color of a specific Excel cell?
Yes, using the Invoke Method activity or Invoke Power Shell activity
Is it possible to write to a text file without using the Write Text File activity?
Yes, by checking the Private property of the activity that is to be hidden.
Is there any way to hide the execution of one activity in the logs?
Use an Element Exist activity to check whether the login succeeded by searching for an element that is only displayed in that case.
One of the steps in your process is to authenticate on a web application. How can you check if the login succeeded or not?
Question: A developer has a workflow in which the value of a counter needs to be evaluated before the body of the loop is executed. Which Control Flow activity should be used?
Use Regular Expressions
Question: A developer has an input string from a custom form and needs to ensure the string has a valid email format. How can this be verified?
Question: A developer wants to move the current version of a project onto the remote repository in order to collaborate with other developers. Which GIT command should be used to perform this action?
Orchestrator, Local, Official, Go!
Question: A developer wants to use only the UiPath Studio 2019.4 default "Package Sources" during their development. In addition, Studio is connected to Orchestrator. Which options are located in the default Package Sources?
Process that uses a single attended robot
Question: A expense report submission process, in which the first step requires the user to log into the reporting system, must attach scanned image receipts and PDF files as part of the expense. This activity lends itself best to which of the following implementations:
Floating robot
Question: A robot that can be used by mutiple users and run on multiple workstations without being tied to a specific machine is known as a(n):
A standard robot
Question: A robot that is tied to a specific machine and not allowed to run on any machines other than the one it is tied to in UiPath Orchestrator is known as:
The Manage Packages window (allows you to add, remove, install and update packages, and part of updating a package is knowing which version is currently installed. If you locate an installed library in the package manager, it will tell you the version number
Question: An error has occurred and you need to know which version of the UiPath.Excel.Activities library is installed. Where would you find this information?
Small, fragmented automations that run under human supervision
Question: Attended robots are best used with:
One for the entire project
Question: Based on best practice, how many Global Exception Handlers can be set per automation project?
Using the Invoke workflow file activity
Question: Based on best practices, how can another workflow be triggered from within the current one?
Yes; any version of a package can be downloaded
Question: Can a package be downloaded from Orchestrator assuming the necessary permissions are granted?
Yes, on different robots
Question: Can you run multiple instances of the same process at the same time?
Breakpoint will have no impact on the process execution
Question: During development, a breakpoint is enabled at a particular activity. Later, the developer published the package to UiPath Orchestrator. When the process runs from a UiPath Robot in an unattended mode, what is the expected behavior?
-Using debug and inspecting the output panel -Using debug with highlight activities option
Question: During the running of workflow, how can you see the steps the workflow is executing?
Using the UI Explorer tool
Question: How can a full list of attributes of UI elements be displayed?
Question: How can you exit from a For Each activity in UiPath?
By using the find children activity
Question: How can you find all anchor elements in a web page?
By using data scraping
Question: How do you extract pattern based data?
From the robot tray or command prompt
Question: How is an attended robot launched?
Element exists or image exists
Question: In UiPath Studio, what can be used as an anchor?
Input, Output, and Input/Output arguments
Question: In UiPath Studio, which argument direction(s) exist?
complex, repetative tasks
Question: In contrast with attended robots, unattended robots are best used with:
Get Outlook Mail Messages
Question: In order to show only filtered Mail Message variables, which activity should be used?
-When modelling a process that has loops to previous states -When having a process with many decision blocks
Question: In what situation do we use the Flowchart workflow in UiPath?
Double, generic, integer
Question: In which types of variables can you store actual numbers?
String, generic
Question: In which types of variables can you store text?
No, you could click a button which is not visible only using selectors (With the click Image Activity, you cannot click anything you cannot view. The best way to do this is using Selectors as those are very visible within the UI Explorer)
Question: Is it possible to click a button with Click Image Activity if the target is not visible on the screen in UiPath?
Input = 1 and Output = 2
Question: The String.Format("Input = {0} and Output = {1}", "1","2") expression returns the following text
-Is installed on a computer by the client through physical software on standalone machines -It is not compatible with UiPath Studio Enterprisetrial editions
Question: The UiPath Enterprise Server:
-Tasks can be befored as a batch -The automated process must be run with special privledges or elevated rights -A predefined rule with clear descriptions describe the process
Question: Unattended robots run best when:
-Changing variable types -Adding new variables -Setting default values for variables
Question: What action can be performed in the Variables panel in UiPath
Key and Value
Question: What are the components of a Dictionary variable?
Basic, Desktop, Web, and Citrix
Question: What are the recording profiles are available in UiPath Studio?
Question: What data flow should be used for UI navigation and data processing?
A file is created and the table is saved
Question: What happens if you try to save a table using Excel Write Range activity to a file that does not exist?
Question: What is the Visual Basic property within the MailMessage class that will get you the Date of an email?
Variables pass the data between activities inside workflows. Arguments pass the data between workflows
Question: What is the difference between variables and arguments?
Question: What is the name of the UiPath debugger panel that allows you to view how the values of variables change as the program executes?
Compare files
Question: What is the name of the tool provided by UiPath Studio to compare the content of different .xaml or project.json files stored in a Git or GitHub repo?
Workflow diff
Question: What is the name of the tool provided by UiPath Studio to compare versions of the same file stored in a Git or GitHub repo?
Question: What is the standard duration of a UiPath Studio Community Edition trial?
60 days
Question: What is the standard duration of a UiPath Studio Enterprise Edition trial?
-You can add the path to the attachment directly in the send activity -You can specify the relative path of the image in the Attachments property
Question: What is the way to send an image inside a MailMessage?
Only attended and development robots
Question: What robots can be floating robots?
Question: What status does a job have when a schedule is triggered in Orchestrator, but there are no available robots to execute it?
Git, SVN, Microsoft Team Foundation Server
Question: What three DVCS tools are configurable during the UiPath Studio installation procedure?
When you automate more steps in the same window
Question: When is it recommended to use desktop recording?
When the standard log message has to be customized by adding new fields to it
Question: When should the Add Log Fields activity be used?
Question: When using the For Each activity to loop through a list of MailMessage variables, how should the TypeArgument property be set?
Question: Where does UiPath Studio store log files by default?
Local panel
Question: Which UiPath Studio screen only appears while you are actively debugging a program?
For each, while, do while
Question: Which activities allow you to iterate through an array of strings?
Get Row Item
Question: Which activity can be used to retrieve the value from a certain cell, from a DataRow object?
Question: Which argument type does the selector property accept?
Searches for a UI element by using other UI elements as anchors and searching the specified area around the anchored element
Question: Which function does the Anchor Base activity provide?
By sending keyboard commands/hotkeys
Question: Which is the best optimize navigation method to be used in a form within Citrix?
Running and pending
Question: Which job status(es) will prevent the deletion of an associated robot?
-Only one Global Exception Handler can be set per automation project -The debugger will not operate if there are exceptions in the project -Debug activities are displayed as Trace logs in the Output panel
Question: Which of the following are true about the UiPath Studio debugger functions?
Rule-based process with structured data
Question: Which of the following describes the most ideal type of activity to automate with UiPath?
Step into
Question: Which of the following is designed to allow developers to debug their applications one activity at a time?
Programs creating in UiPath Studio Community Edition are no different than programs created in the Enterprise Edition
Question: Which of the following is true about programs written in UiPath Stuido Community Edition?
It will restart your application from the first activity of the project
Question: Which of the following is true about the UiPath Studio debugger's restart button?
It will restart your application from the beginning of the previous activity when an exception is thrown
Question: Which of the following is true about the retry button?
-It has only self managed updates, and always updates if a new stable or preview is released -It requires an online activation, so it cannot be installed without an Internet connection -It provides access to 2 attended robots and 1 unattended robots -It can only connect to UiPath Orchestrator Community Edition -It has access to AI Computer Vision
Question: Which of the following statements are true about UiPath Studio Community Edition (CE)?
It is possible to edit any variable at runtime using the debugger
Question: Which of the following statements are true about UiPath variable debugging?
Question: Which of the scraping methods can get you the hidden text in the element?
Basic recording
Question: Which recording profile generates full selectors?
Int, String, Boolean, and DateTime
Question: Which type of objects can be stored inside a GenericValue type variable?
Attended, hybrid, and unattended automation
Question: Which type(s) of automation does UiPath support?
? and *
Question: Which wildcard characters can be used while editing a selector?
Question: You must pass exam data as an argument, but the data will be used both inside and oustide of the current workflow project. What should the variable be named?
Scheduling a process is done from:
It works on every application even if it's running in a virtual environment.
The main advantage of the OCR method is:
By using selectors
The most accurate way to access an UI element is:
It shows the structure of the workflow -If the Activities are properly named, it can be used to search and select specific Activities used inside the workflow
What are the functions of the Outline panel?
Extracting lists or other structured data from a web page
What are the uses of web scraping in UiPath?
-Boolean -Double -String -Integer
What data types can be stored inside an array?
Input data for the processes executed by the robots
What do the Items in the Orchestrator queues consist of?
Minimum Similarities in [0..1] percentage units for an image to be returned as a match
What does the "Accuracy" property describes in "Click Image" Activity?
Before typing, a click is performed at the center of the UiElement
What happens if the ClickBeforeTyping property in a Type Into activity is selected?
The status is "In Progress" for 24 hours, and then it switches to Abandoned
What happens if the result of a transaction is not set?
The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it
What happens if you rename a variable from the variables panel?
The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it
What happens if you rename an argument from the arguments panel?
The execution process is killed. The job state is changed to Canceled/Stopped, even if no Should Stop activity was used
What happens if you try to end the execution of a job by clicking the Kill/Terminate button in Uipath Orchestrator?
The execution is not impacted if no Should Stop activity has been included in the workflow in Studio.
What happens if you try to end the execution of a job by clicking the Stop/Cancel button in UiPath Orchestrator?
The processes have to be updated in order for the robots to run the latest version of the package
What happens when a new version of a package is published?
-Higher level organization -Creating complex workflows
What is a flowchart most suitable for?
To specify the top-level window container you will be working with
What is the Attach Window activity used for?
For troubleshooting and verifying selectors
What is the Highlight activity useful for?
The If activity
What is the activity designed to represent a decision inside a Sequence?
-By creating a different account and role for that person -When creating a new role, restrictions can be applied.
What is the best way of restricting the access of a person to a limited number of pages in Orchestrator?
Select the entire text and copy it with the Copy Selected Text activity
What is the best way of scraping a large, selectable text in a Citrix environment?
Select the entire text and Copy
What is the best way to scrape a selectable text in a Citrix environment?
Use a Read Range Activity to retrieve the contents of the Excel file, and then use a Select Method to identify the desired row
What is the best way to select a row with a certain value from a column in Excel?
-Basic recorder generates full selectors -Desktop recording generates containers
What is the difference between Desktop recording and Basic recording?
The activity with the SimulateClick flag unchecked moves the mouse cursor over the target element, while the one with the flag set does not move the mouse cursor.
What is the difference between a Click activity whose SimulateClick property is checked and another one with the same property unchecked?
Before performing the actions, waits for the target to become ready
What is the purpose of the WaitForReady property in any UiAutomation activity?
-One robot can be assigned to multiple environments -An environment can contain multiple robots
What is the relation between environments and provisioned robots?
-Get hidden information -Get editable text -Get the entire visible text
What is the robot able to do when the Full Text scraping method is used?
What is the slowest method of reading text?
It's impossible to retrieve the text color from a Citrix environment
What method do you need to use to extract the text font and color when automating in a Critrix Environment?
-Basic -Desktop -Web -Citrix
What recording profiles are available in UiPath Studio?
Citrix Recording
What recording wizard would you use to automate UI interactions in an application that does not offer support for selectors?
Citrix recording
What recording wizard would you use to automate UI interactions in an application that does not offer support for selectors?
-Web recording -Desktop recording -Citrix recording
What recording wizard would you use to generate partial selectors?
What robot state is displayed on the Robots page while a job is being executed?
Any robot in the same environment as the process to be executed
What robots can be selected when you start a job from Orchestrator?
What type of Output variable do all Get Mail activities return? (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)
No container
What type of container will Basic Recording generate?
Attach Browser
What type of container will Web Recording generate?
Bool, String, Integer, Credential
What types of assets can be stored in Orchestrator?
Data Scraping, because it can operate with structured data and return a data table.
What would be the best method to retrieve results from multiple Google pages?
The name of the Queue which contains that specific work item
When requesting a work item from Orchestrator Queues using the Get Transaction Item activity, you need to specify the following:
When the processing of some input data relies on human decision
When should an Attended Robot be used
Whenever supported by the target application
When should the Simulate Type/Click property be used?
-When having a process with many decision blocks -When modelling a process that has loops to previous states
When should you use the Flowchart workflow?
-Orchestrator, in the Edit Robot section, the Settings tab -The robot settings, which are accessed via the UiPath Robot icon in the System tray.
Where can the logging level of a robot be changed from?
-In the Output panel -In the local Logs folder -In the Orchestrator logs.
Where can we see the logs generated by running robots?
-The UiPath Robot icon in the system tray -Remotely, from Orchestrator
Where can you trigger an unattended robot from?
-In Windows Credential Store -Directly inside the workflows, as variables.
Where should credentials be stored?
In Orchestrator as Assets Inside config files (.xml, .json. .xlsx etc.)
Where should you store the environment settings that are prone to changes?
-Priority -Deadline -Postpone
Which Queue Item properties can be used to control the order in which the items are processed?
-Flow Decision activity -If activity
Which activity can be used if you want to test whether a condition evaluates to true or false?
For Each activity
Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?
-If activity -Flow decision activity
Which activity can you use if you want to test if a condition is true or false?
The ones in the list that is retrieved by the Get IMAP Mail Messages activity
Which emails are deleted if you use Get IMAP Mail Messages with the DeleteMessages property set to true?
You can manage your variables from the Design panel > Manage Variables > Remove Unreferenced.
Which is the best way to delete unreferenced variables?
Use the Navigate To activity inside an Attach Browser container
Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a web browser?
-Boolean -String -Integer -DateTime
Which of the data types can be stored in a generic variable?
Insert, update, delete
Which of the following SQL statements can be executed by using the activity called Execute Non Query?
-Proper exception handling -Recovery abilities -Effective logging mechanisms
Which of the following are required to have efficient execution of automation projects?
By using any of them, you generate traces in the Output panel and also in the log files -By using a Log Message activity, you can set different levels of tracing -Write Line is just a Log Message set on Trace.
Which statements are true regarding the Write Line and the Log Message activities?
-The Click activity with the Simulate Click flag checked -Data Scraping -The Full Text method of Screen Scraping -Type into activity with SendWindowMessages flag checked
Which technologies can be used for background automation?
Native and OCR
Which text scraping methods preserve the text position?
-Use a Click activity inside a Try Catch activity -Use a Click activity with the ContinueOnError property set to True.
While automating an installation wizard, a pop-up window may or may not appear. What can you use to close the window without stopping the workflow?