UN QUIZ BEE Questions and Answers - Category C

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Trusteeship Council

This Council was designed to supervise the government of trust and territories and to lead them to self-government or independence.

The International Court of Justice is the judicial organ of the United Nations. It only deals with cases brought by nations, not individuals. It consists of 15 Judges. The court sits in permanent session at The Hague, Netherlands.

What and where is the International Court of Justice?

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish

What are the six official languages of the UN ?

The Security Council has primary responsibility under the Charter, for the maintenance of International Peace and Security.

What is the main function of the Security Council?

The General Assembly in 1980 approved the establishment of the University of Peace, in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Where did the University of Peace get established?

The UN General Assembly

Who elects non-permanent members of the Security Council?

Mr. V.K Krishna Menon of India, on January 23, 1957. His speech ran for 7 hours and 48 minutes over two sessions.

Who holds the record for delivering the longest speech at the UN General Assembly?

To stop the entry of Bangladesh into the UN as a Member State.

China's first Veto as permanent member of Security Council was applied on August 25, 1972, against what?

Yes, in 1972 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and in 1973 in Panama City, Panama.

Can the Security Council meet elsewhere than at its Headquarters in New York and has it so far met elsewhere?

Yes, for violation of the principles of the Charter.

Does UN Charter provide for the suspension or expulsion of Member States?

Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters require a two-third majority and other questions decided by a simple majority.

How are decisions arrived at in the General Assembly?


In what year was United Nations founded?


Mr. Kurt Waldheim's re-election for the third term was vetoed in the Security Council. Who applied the Veto?

Security Council

To what Charter does UN assigns the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security?

The power to Veto any decision by a negative vote in the Security Council. It is enjoyed by 4 five permanent members of the Security Council- China, France, Russia, UK and USA.

What is the 'Veto' power?

On November 6, 1956 to discuss the Suez Canal Crisis.

Why and when was the first-Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly called?

On February 4, 1946 by Soviet Union on intervention of British troops in Greece.

When was the first Veto used, by which country and for what?

From the constitution of UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - which came into being on November 4, 1946, with Headquarters in Paris, France. UNESCO is involved in promoting education worldwide, preserving the world's heritage and culture, improving accessibility to communication and supporting social scientific research.

"Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." Where does this well-known quotation come from.

Franklin Roosevelt. It was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942 during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their governments to continue fighting together against the axis powers.

The name "United Nations" was coined by one of the presidents of US. Who is that president?

Under the Charter, the General Assembly is the main deliberative organ. Apart from discussing questions relating to peace, international cooperation, human rights and international collaboration in economic, social, cultural, educational and health fields, it receives and considers reports from the Security Council and other UN organs, it considers and approves the UN budget and apportions the contribution among members, it elects non-permanent members of the Security Council and the members of Economic and Social Council, the judges of the International Court of Justice and, on the recommendation of the Security Council, appoints the Secretary-General.

What are the functions and powers of the General Assembly?

On June 17, 1992, UN Secretary-General Mr. Boutros Boutros Ghali issued, for submission to the Member States - An Agenda for Peace. It recommends ways to improve the UN capacity for preventive diplomacy, peace-making and peace-keeping.

What do you know about "An Agenda for Peace"? When and by whom was it issued?

It is a blueprint for improving the human condition. In response to the request of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General issued this report on May 6, 1994.

What is "An Agenda for Development"?

The United Nations University (UNU) is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Established in 1973 UNU works to promote scholarly international and scientific cooperation to help solve urgent global problems.

What and where is the United Nations University?

The General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council The Trusteeship council The International Court of Justice The Secretariat

What are UN's Six Principal Organs?

(a) To keep peace throughout the world; (b) to develop friendly relations between nations; (c) to work together to help people live better lives, to eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world, to stop environmental destruction and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms and (d) to be a centre for helping nations achieve these aims

What are the aims of the United Nations?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) founded in December 1945 is an intergovernmental organization to : (a) promote cooperation on international monetary issues; (b) to promote exchange stability; (c) to facilitate balanced growth of international trade; and (d) to make the general resources of the fund temporarily available to members to permit them to correct maladjustments in their balance of payments.

What is IMF?

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) defines sustainable Development as programmes that would "improve people's quality of life within the carrying capacity of the earth's life-support system."

What is Sustainable Development?

The Universal Declaration is a standard, but it is not law. However, several covenants, which include the main points of the Declaration, were signed in the 1960s and came into force in 1976 after most of the countries had ratified them. These countries are obliged to abide by them. They also gave the right to the UN to monitor whether or not Governments are observing their citizens' Human Rights.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was created by the General Assembly during its first session in 1946 with a mandate for the survival, protection and development of children. As the only UN agency devoted exclusively to the needs of children, UNICEF speaks on their behalf and promotes the implementation of the convention on the child, which became international law in September 1990. UNICEF relies entirely upon voluntary public and government contribution. UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965.

What is the role of UNICEF?

Five years, but may be re-appointed.

What is the tenure of a UN Secretary-General's office?

January 10, 1946 in Central Hall, Westminster, London

When and where did the first meeting of the UN General Assembly take place?

October 24, 1945

When did the Philippines become a member country of the United Nations?

On December 10, 1948 by the UN General Assembly

When was the Human Rights Declaration adopted?

The General Assembly appoints on the recommendation of the Security Council. He holds the status of a Head of the State.

Who appoints the UN Secretary-General and what is his diplomatic status?

Established by a 1970 resolution of the General Assembly the United Nation Volunteers (UNV) are the specialists and field-workers who work in development and humanitarian relief programmes of Governments, assisted by UN agencies.

Who are the United Nations Volunteers?

The General Assembly is composed of representatives of all Member States each of which has one vote.

Who are the members of UN General Assembly?

The Council has 15 members; five permanent members - China, France, The Russian Federation, UK and USA - and 10 elected by the General Assembly for 2 year terms.

Who are the members of the Security Council?

The Member States and the people of the world by providing the requisite support and political will.

Who can make the UN a more effective body?

Peacekeeping Operations are established by the Security Council and directed by the Secretary- General usually through a special representative The UN has no military force of its own and member states provide the military and persons required for each operation. Peacekeepers wear their country's uniform and are identified as peacekeepers only by a UN blue helmet or beret and a badge.

Who commands the UN Peacekeeping Operations?

The UN General Assembly.

Who elects non-permanent members of the Security Council?

Mr. Cordel Hull, US Secretary of State in 1945.

Who got the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership in establishing the UN.

The Charter declares that membership of the UN is open to all the peace-loving nations who accept its obligations. The States are admitted by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

Who is eligible to be a Member of the UN?

Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Who is the British Prime Minister who signed the Atlantic charter in 1941 together with Franklin Roosevelt?

The main source of funds for the regular budget of the UN is the contribution of Member States. Member States are assess of assessments is based is the real capacity of Mewhmber States to pay. Rich coed on a scale specified by the Assembly. The fundamental criterion on ich the scaleuntries pay more and poor countries pay less.

Who pays for the UN and how is the contribution assessed?

To commemorate the anniversary of the opening day of the first UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972.

Why is the World Environment Day celebrated annually on 5th June?

New York, USA, since 1952.

Where is the Headquarters of UN and since when?

Mr. Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium in 1946.

Who was the President of the First Session of General Assembly?

Yes, the Security Council alone has the power to take decisions which Member States are obliged under the Charter to carry out.

Are the decisions of the Security Council binding on the Member States?

Mr. Kurt Waldheim of Austria.

Name the UN Secretary-General who later on became the President of his country?

Yes, but without a vote and if the Member State considers the discussion specially affects that country's interests and is invited by the Security Council.

Can any Member State which is not a member of Security Council participate in the discussion of the Security Council?

Yes, by a vote of two-thirds of the Members of the General Assembly and ratification by two-thirds of the Members of the United Nations including the five permanent Members of the Security Council.

Can the UN Charter be amended?

Poland - who wasn't able to send a representative.

Name the country which did not sign the Charter at San Francisco but is still considered an original member.

On January 17, 1946 at Westminster, London.

Give the date and venue of the first meeting of the Security Council.

While the war is the worst enemy of development, a healthy and balanced development is the best form of conflict prevention. A central tool of the UN action to consolidate peace is development assistance. The UN through its various agencies play a role in stimulating economic recovery and mobilizing resources.

How does the UN build peace through development?

Currently, 193 (January 2012)

How many Members are there in the UN ?


How many countries signed the Charter at the San Francisco Conference in 1945?

Not more than five.

How many representatives can each country have in the General Assembly?

ILO - International Labour Organisation. It was established in 1919 as an autonomous institution associated with the League of Nations. By an agreement approved on December 14, 1946, ILO became the first specialised agency associated with UN. Based at Geneva in Switzerland ILO works to promote social justice for working people everywhere. In ILO, workers, employers and Governments representatives have an equal voice in formulating its policies.

Name the first specialised agency of the United Nations?

League of Nations, established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles.

Name the forerunner organization of the UN and the year of its establishment?

League of Nations, established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles. Q. 86 Where did the University of Peace get established? Ans. The General Assembly in 1980 approved the establishment of the University of Peace, in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Name the forerunner organization of the UN and the year of its establishment?

1. General Assembly 2. Security Council 3. International Court of Justice 4. Economic and Social Council 5. Secretariat

Name the principal Organs of the UN.

1950 - Ralph Bunche 1954 - Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees 1961 - Dag Hammarskjold 7 1965 - UN Childrens Fund 1969 - International Labour Organisation 1981 - Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees 2001 - Kofi Annan 2005 - International Atomic Energy Agency Mohammad El Baradei 2007 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Al Gore Jr.

Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded nine times to the UN and its organizations. Name them.

International Court of Justice

This is commonly known as the World Court.

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