Understanding Visual art test 2

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-Who is Venus: goddess of love -To the right, it is the goddess of flora -To the left, Zephyrus(the wind of the spring) man -Purpose: bedroom painting- about sex as a gift to married couples. -Also to encourage the marriage to be fruitful

Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482

-Luigi the 14th and he is Apollo in this painting -Designed for las vegas over the bed -She is married to another man- a France marseille -Cupid torch at the top -Texture: the sky- becoming a blanket- couch and then chair and then water -Philosophy: if you looked at the statue, what would you need to give it to it to make it human. The sense of touch is what makes us human because it lets us experience the world. As she got older, 28, the king wanted new mistresses so you see 5 other mistresses that she has to pick for the king, yet she gets to keep her stuff

Boucher, The Rising of the Sun, 1753

-The artist is in the painting while he is actually painting something -Woman had dwarfs as companions especially in like royal families or cities -In the back, is it a mirror or is it a painting- most likely the parents -The messenger, is he coming in or out of the room -***This is all importance because this is the first time that a painting is left to read the piece by the audience- it tells a story They don't like being glorified in the painting- the want to be shown as they are (warts and all- common they become more relatable)

Velazquez, Las Meninas, 1656

-The artist had 9 children -He uses incredibly expensive things to paint with- the blue (literally painting with money) -He is self-taught and he has such great talent- the earring, the gloss on his lips, insane level of skin -Her face is shown in three quarter profile** - he creates an illusion of depth even though the canvas is flat

Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl earring, 1665

-The sign board -Luigi the 14th dies in 1714 and during his death when Luigi 15th lets everyone go back to their house and the story of the painting is everyone is buying to decorate their house -The dog is the dog of the real artist -The portrait that it being putting up is the dead Luigi the 14th -Seeing someones back in painting is supposed to put yourself in the painting*** -The oval shaped canvas- is naked woman is the painting and everyone is looking intensely- a lot of his art that he puts in his art is not art that is in painting around- he is adding sexual things into art

Watteau, L'Enseigne de Gersaint, 1720

-Neoclassical art/academic art- looking at beliefs of art -The state before the self -American british art, History painting, **French and indian war -General wolfe is the fallen man in the painting- his dying stops the combat.respected man. His posture is mirroring the swoon of mary when jesus was taken off the cross -Pyramid shapes- features native person(not common) -The uniforms have incorporated the colors from the native american -Why: copied a lot, structure, to demonstrate the importance of important ppl who died and the presence of a native figure in the pic

West, The Death of General Wolfe, 1770

-specialized in sweeping views of thrilling natural wonders. -His paintings were like a commercial for westward expansion, as if that were America's Manifest Destiny.

Albert Bierstadt

nature and the natural man.

American Romanticism: -encompassed two subjects:

-In a chapel -The idea is a vision of angels -Aunt Theresa would go into seizures during her visions- she is to be pierced by the arrow of god(her eyes are even rolled back and creating the illusion of a sexual thing) -Marble veining of skin so that it would glisten " this identification of wondering if it is real or not" -Located in rome where most of the artist artwork is at

Bernini, The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, 1645-52

-Singular style: romantic figure. -**Sir Issac Newton in the painting. The body having the same qualities as the rock that he is sitting on

Blake, Newton, 1795

-Impressionist -Water on the street looks real the ground is curving towards us Casual scene- about to collide to the person with umbrella -The characters looking off in the distance but we can't look at what they are seeing -Patrian of the impressionists and also this dude is super wealthy -How he feels about the world through his painting- an upper class lifestyle. -Paris is a dying city** in the end of the 19th century( so people have stopped having children) people are more interested in affairs and they really arent even getting married

Caillebotte, Paris, Rainy Day, 1877

-Bad boy artist: bar fight and kills people, runs out of cities YET he is really talented ' -Easy to ID because it is a massive contrast in the light. Spot light vs the shadows, HE uses extreme shadows -saul to paul- writes letters to groups of Christians -Renaissance images: conversion of paul converting to Christianity -Very sac-religious -Not dressed in "proper" and his entire body is under the horse and the art emphasizes the horse's butt. -Lots of confusion of limbs and the negative space is giving you the allusion of depth

Caravaggio, The Conversion of St. Paul, 1601

-Goes to paris to study -**American impressionists(cassatt) -*Why do people go to the Opera: place to see and be seen -What level you are sitting on: two floors up- -Portrait of her sister and she isnt dressed the fancy part. -The person is staring at her -What it means to be a modern woman in this world

Cassatt, In the Loge, 1878

-The lights recording it when he saw it so there is no time consistency -Art is a lot looser

Cezanne, STill Life with a Curtain, 1895

-Moves to england and meets watson, mayor of london, and feel off dock and leg bitten off by shark -Pyramid look to demonstrate action -The artist did not go to art school. -Abolitionist- the boy who throughout the life vest to actually save Watson

Copley, Watson and the Shark, 1778

-Realism**: true to life, not as grand, looking at common place- real life moment(subject matter) -simple painting of a country side of a normal man; Controversial piece at time, sanitation in paris was so bad it was giving cholera -*A monumental city(paris)- city defined by its monuments (washington DC would be the US comparison) rigid grib - All the figures at the front are lifesize and upsetting(they thought it could start another revolution) -Because it points to a political bent (people fleeing the city because of the disease)(class division- this is not a wealthy person funeral) -position:in front, then you are dead and looking up at this -The people who are not in black: not able to afford mourning clothes because they do not have enough money to buy those clothes other than your sunday best -You see a mixing of religions -** WHY IT WAS CONTROVERSIAL: Seeing this rural poor would upset the urban poor because it would upset the balance of finances

Courbet, A Burial at Ornans, 1849-50

-Old woman next to a woman who is breastfeeding and then a child asleep next to her -Lack of control over social and personal life- you are an object in your own life -Miserable experience- coach experience

Daumier, The Third- Class Carriage, 1862-64

-Never left the loon -Horatii famous fams in rome- the sons are going to go fight a neighboring city state called cuartii. They are both triplettes. Just three on three combat. Horatii win and only one lives. -Female side of painting: the sister of the brother- camilla (the play at the time was named after her) she is engaged to the Cuartii brother so the Horatii brother had to kill her because she was engaged and the father has to protect the Horatii son -The father is holding sword with left hand- cutting his hand - the son reach out towards the blades so the blood is mixed. -Weird things: brothers smushed together, fathers knees, the furniture, women are not moving-staying very still -David painted in rome. David hated rococo art because it was about sex and nice things where he painted this as fighting for something more than yourself. David is a member of academy. He has a space in salon.

David, Oath of the Horatii, 1784-85

-Hangover painting -Absinthe: black lic, closer to moonshine- overproof liquor (made you hallucinate: reason you did that- industrial chemical waste ) -Sugar cube is the key here: opium was added -The morning after everything- she looks very done and she's next to a dude who she doesn't really know

Degas, The Absinthe Drinker, 1876

-Political and documents the genocidal killing of the greeks by otiman turks -The problem: greeks are christian orthadox, the turks are muslim so 1803 france rechristianizes, 1815 christianity is back in the state so the country should naturally be okay with that religion. The issue was at this time France had established trade routes so they were struggling between economy and religion. -In the image: the greeks are dead and make you side with a political side. -The artist is trying to drive home what side the gov should be on

Delacroix, Massacre at Chios, 1824

-FIRST NUDE SCULPTURE TO BE FREE STANDING - obscene in time period -Renaissance time period -sculpture of David and made of bronze -This is to be made for a garden in Florence. -David symbolize the city state of Florence because they had gone to war recently and it was a great surprise that they were able to beat them just like David victory -Wearing a garden hat to remind them that David is placed in a garden, Femine: arm on hip, hat, Four feet tall

Donatello, David, 1430-32

-Melencolia: sadness depression but not severe** saturation , static, everything feels heavy -The image is of an angel, yet the picture is very heavy.

Durer, Melencolia, 1514

-"The greek" what the artist is called -Opening the fifth seal- in revelation. Where the great beast are held behind -mannerist*** : the figures are not natural but have been stretched. Not perfected or precise; the necks or body are too long -The sky is trying to make a deeper sense of emotion

El Greco, The Opening of the Fifth Seal, 1608-14

Original cast: manet, monet, renoir, degas, pissoro, sisley, Morisot, cassott Subjects: outdoors, seasides, Parisian streets, and cafes Purpose: to portray immediate visual sensation of a scene

First impressionist:

-Very sexual art -A man had hidden himself in the rose bush so that he can look up his dress on the swing (they didn't wear underwear)

Fragonard, The Swing, 1767

-German, Green crushed velvet suit with walking stick -Gotten out and looking at the valley -**The man is a placeholder for us. bc back is to us -The landscape behind- the privacy of nature and its glory.

Friedich, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog, 1818

-Relationship between people to nature: romance art** -Burke:sublime- you come to a part where the world is eternal and your death. Because you are aware that you will die even though trees will live longer than you. You feel like your life has little significance and this is supposed to send you to terror. "Whats the point of it all" -Abstraction builds into romanticism: nature(trees) the whys of industrial time period. Science coming out of enlightenment was not okay. Science to playing God -suspicious the nightmare shows the statue behind her while she is sleeping -Swedish artist- illustration of shakespeare -In the picture: the horse peeking in her room terrified that this statue/thing is watching her sleep

Fuseli, The Nightmare, 1781

-Primitivism -Scene from brittney north of france -Stayed chrtistian -The women after hearing the sermon of jacob and the angel and they are hallucinating the sermon- gauguin is judging them because of their belief mock for beliefs

Gauguin, Vision after the sermon, 1888

-When napoleon is defeated at waterloo in 1815*** -1815 when the monarchy is restored -Main problem: the ships is called Medusa. The captain has no experience but born into the right family. So he speeds up at night to beat the other ships -The captain did not go down with the ship. The raft can hold 146 ppl- Crew not the best ppl on the raft. They are waist deep in water and there is fighting on the boat. -The horrified wealthy ppl cut the ropes to the raft. They are fighting, no food, no more wine. And so they start eating each other -15 left on the 12th day and throw weapons overboard -They are rescued by the Argus( a creature with a thousand eyes) ship and brought back to france and ppl find out they they ate the other ppl -1816 is when all this happens -Gericault is very loyal to Napoleon. And this was to show what monarchy does to people. He also was an abolishness -Way he painting this: the ships carpenter and build a scale model of raft. He snuck in and stole body parts so that he could draw them. -Struggle of nature

Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19

-Endymion is a good looking man and he is out hunting, the moon(selina) and falls in love with endymion and cast him into sleep to keep him lasting beauty. She had sex with him and has 51 children. The other figure -***Bitumen: A tarry compound used as a transparent brown pigment, particularly in painting in France and Britain in the later 18th and early 19th centuries. Unfortunately it never completely dries and becomes opaque and disfigured -zephyr : moth wings. Trapped in an immortal body. -Now in french revolution. Sex is okay at 5 years old. As long as your private life does not have a negative look on the state, then it is okay -Possible read: zephyr represents apollo. The trees and the dogs are hunting dogs. There is a golden bow- the steam on the body therefore Apollo is visiting the body of Endymion. -The face is actually the face of the artist -Painting of a sleeping men- called an academie painting. All about male reason(Girodet had a noble title and had to give it up because of the french revolution)

Girodet, The Sleep of Endymion, 1791

-Superstitious -The boy asleep is Goya- he is a cartoonist -He is offered as a royal painter -Spanish inquisition that lasted this long -Depicts church as witches or demonic- kinda like horror -Goya is saying that when ppl stop talking about things, horror is able to creep in -The animals in the painting are the witches that are associated with witches- bats -The darkness showing the unknown

Goya, The Sleep of Reasons Produces Monsters, 1799

-This is a wedding for a middle family and They have a farm -Three importance of art (the academic structure)*** 1)The lowest form of art was still life- basket of fruit 2)Next level: landscape painting scene of the outdoors 3)The most important was history, scenes from the bible, mythology, and royal portraits ***This painting does not go into any of these. -History painting was a government job- it was secure, salary, and you would always have students. They said that Greuze was a landscaper painting because he wasn't a good history painter. Greuze had a really hard career because he didnt make it as a history painter***

Greuze, The Village Bride, 1761

-The directory, 1789-1794 -Napoleon is emperor- this event happened in 1798 -Invades italy first and wants to create an empire around the meditrean area. Trapped in a harbor and cant escape. Men become sick with yellow fever and die- locals aren't sick. -Napoleon gets word that people are sick and that his brother says he should take over. Napoleon poisons his men because they are sick-overdose -Napoleon has Gros paint this to overcome what he did -Napoleon is the tallest in the room- the feather on his hat. And putting his finger in a sore like Jesus healing with the sick. ALso Napoleon is not afraid to touch him -The guy on the fight bottom; dead or near dead and he is a doctor. -Left in the dark: inferno painting: person who eats his children. -The idea is that we shouldn't be here. Propaganda. -History painting- saying that dead doctor. So extreme that it gets rid of the british rumor that he killed his men so he could go conquer something else.

Gros, The Plague House of Jaffa, 1804

-Sometimes called the French ambassadors* -The greatest portraitist of all time -Henry the 8th- they are coming the the court of henry -The left: wearing a coat that henry the 8th made popular -Purpose: it is showing who the people are and where they are from. -The clothes and hats show that they are ambassadors. It shows you what is coming out of France at the time. Globes say they travel. (france to england) -Skull on the ground: forth shorten- it adds depth. If you see the skull if seen from the left, it looks more like a skull- he basically did his to show how cool he was or skilled

Holbein, The Ambassadors, 1533

-Genre: unclassifiable -A prostitute reclining -The human body isnt a real one. The leg isnt in the right position and the back isnt right -She is supposed to be middle-eastren. She is pale because she is supposed to be beautiful so they made her pale because that is the trademark for beauty. -The textures: are made to make you think about feeling it against her -This painting is for white rich men because of the gaze of the woman looking directly at the looker -Sexist, racist- yet dominant type of art in america

Ingres, La Grande Odalisque, 1814

: leonardo michelangelo raphael

Key painters during the renaissance

-On the ceiling in the (France - Versailles)*** -Alexander the great -Luigi the 14th- the longest reigning monarch in the century- which is why we have one house for the king- everything was a spectacular for him -How he is presented in art: apollo, alexander the great** -The story of the piece: the court is reading out the order- the mother is showing the son because she doesn't want her son the die too, alexander is pushing away the other soldier and then a hand down to show that he was accept forgiveness, -Luigi wanted people to be constantly depended on the crown and he is constantly changing the styles of clothes that are appropriate because he is trying to keep the control

LeBrun, Alexander and the Queens of Persia, 1660

-the mona lisa*** -Sfumato: smokey- it is the hands and the body of Mona Lisa- this hinted to more realness*** -The partial theory of leonardo dressed up as a girl -It was stolen at one point and the weird history is what makes it so valuable -2.8 billion dollars if sold -You cant clean the Mona Lisa because of the oil paint that is on it and if you cleaned it, then you would strip the paint off -The face: looking off and never looking at us -Smile: whatever she is looking off at, she is happy and smirking -The background is not parallel and it gives you a greater sense of depth. More profound sense of depth

Leonardo, La Gioconda, 1503-06

-First piece of modern art ** -Manet called it the death of the nude -Painting here is the mistress, Victorian, and she is educated and she thinks there is a problem with sexual art that is being sold to wealthy white men; Therefore they created olympia -She's a prostitute- the bed is unmade, shoes on bed, jewelry is mismatched, the flower in head is wilted - she is looking at us so we are the guy paying her for the prostitute therefore you should pay because in art men are buying these nude photos -She has no depth to her skin because he doesn't want people to objectify her body -Her bored stare: the body is offered but denied because she doesn't want to actually give it to you

Manet, Olympia, 1863

-***Pandemonium is the capital city of hell in paradise lost -Lucifer means the morning star*- the most beautiful and a fallen angel- sent out by Michael -storyline: Satan falls from heaven and wakes up in a pit so he wakes everyone up and they build this palace and sit in a circular senate and sits on top of the world "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" -In this century, philosophers are siding with satans' side( and how really reps the struggle of mankind) -Armies of hell coming up from the floor, Lighting bolts in the sky and showing how is freewill a thing -Paris - whole gallery was painted black with a spotlight on the singular painting

Martin, Pandemonium, 1841

-Impressionist comes from this painting ** -Impressionist comes from here because it says "the impression of a sunrise" not meant to be nice. -They have their own gallery (impressionist) -Sallon of the regrets: is where they would have to show these paintings -The use of how light functions with the atmosphere -He tries to create a happy mood in art -London?? -Style: blurry, snapshot (scene of daily life) -Impressionist: Not a message for life

Monet, Impression, Sunrise, 1872

-Slave act which happens before the civil war but this image is people trying to cross over to get freedom -Nature vs the nasty of what it is trying to say. The slaves running away, and then the dogs chasing them and then the humans are behind them running after as well -The artist is giving the movement of the slaves actually running and thats why its blurry -This art is not cut and dry

Moran, Slave Hunt, Dismal Swamp, Virginia, 1862

-The book of genesis** -The garden of eden, the arc angel kicking them out -It was not supposed to be elaborate but just a few angels but he changed it -Fresco: painting on wet plaster -A physical representation of God and then him creating Adam -The bodies that artist paints, the body were considered nasty- they were too muscular- didnt look enough like Apollo

Michelangelo, Sistine CHapel Ceiling, 1505-12

-Still in england -Interested in themes -**Who is ophelia? She is in love with Hamlet and goes crazy and kills herself -Act 3 is when this happens in the actual play. The mother tells what happens and that she is dead. -Told about this scene off stage but see her grave. The millais like the harmony with death and nature. There is a balance with everything they are also seeking for nonchristian- not doing those painting with religion- but ideas like this with nature to find a balance -Find beauty in the death and nature of what is around her

Millais, Ophelia, 1851-52

-**Gleaner: to gather the "scrapes" after the harvest- hard work by hand -Rural poverty and this is how they are living on; they aren't selling this this is their livelihood

Millet, The Gleaners, 1857

-Back in england -The story of salimay: has a boyfriend, john the baptist, and so she becomes a court dancer of king that has the babies killed. Herods is not in life with her but definitely in lust- she only wants one thing- the head of john the baptist and delivered on a silver platter. She kisses it. She dances the 7 veils- slept with him. -Moreau does not give that story- the head is making a mess(nasty- not clean) -His style is over the top- illustration and engraving. And he focuses on what he likes- one would be like John the baptist head does not float. This does not look like what the story really happens -The tail end of romance art- Moreau is emphiases the details- focuses on religion (hollow behind Johns head) the violence of the scene is distracted by the art and the colors that grabs your attention.

Moreau, The Apparition, 1876

-**expressionism - feelings the artist has internally being shown in the art -*Painting is painted on cardboard _From his life- with friends on a bridge " why am i here" the energy of the world around him surrounding him and sucking up all that he had inside himself -100 percent about artist

Munch, the scream, 1893

-First to think how motion can be seen in painting - actually in motion*** Kind of like a live photo

Pissarro, Boulevard Montmartre à Paris, 1887*

-**The legend of sleepy hollow- washington irving -Story: ichabod crane school teacher comes from the city. And comes to the small town of sleepy hollow. Bird like in description and always has his nose in the book. And very suspicious and he falls in love with vantool daughter and shows off the dancing skills. The tell them the story of the headless horseman because he was evil and if you go to the woods at night, he'll cut your head off so he can have one- and this freaks out Ichabod Crane. Ichabob rides a mule and drunk and out of the darkness he sees the horse with a jackolantern on his head and then throws the pumpkin at Ichabod and makes he fall off and he leaves the town the next day -It's all a metaphor for debates around slavery. Horseman has a pumpkin on his head because it grows in the field and he is even in the darkness. Ichabod is like a whiteman who thinks that they know everything. -Pro-abolition and he is willing to talk about these ideas and make a conversation.

Quidor, The Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane, 1858

-In the Vatican, the majority of his art was here -Other famous artists in the photo -Arch in the ceiling which is creating depth and the room that you are in -Harsh perspective lines -It was Gods plan to create the fault in the Renaissance

Raphael, The School of Athens, 1509-11

recco means seashell

Recco art:

-Master painter having many people under him so basically he has his students do all of his work -Expensive artwork -Rembrandt had like a reality stake on his painting with the importance of the people's face -There is a triangle look on the painting (vanishing points) is further out so it creates a deeper depth -The diagonal lines are adding depth and perception with the guns and flags. It achieves depth and action in the piece -The "broke period" of art: generally easy to spot because of nice things -Rembrandt uses gold dust which adds a shimmering quality into the painting -Added light source even though in the setting of the room it would not make sense

Rembrandt, The Night Watch, 1642

-Actual place and paints his friends -Never uses the color black, he doesn't have a pencil trace under the paint -His style: happy sunny day -Social scene: boating hats(straw hats) -**You will make out the woman face- then that means that he slept with them also buying a puppy (renoir is artist) -The waiter:white jacket -sold for 174 million -Pockets of light on the painting(artist style)

Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1880-1

-**Fauvism: wild beast being in the art -Japanese prints - reflection-

Rousseau, Tiger in a Tropical Storm, 1891

-In chicago -Lifesize figures -Style: pointalizism** (primary colors) almost like embroidering -crowded - you got all your stuff done and interrupts you and your space because you are in public and they can -Theory:dystopian nightmare ( I went out in public because it was a nice day but then everyone else also thought that so they also went out and then that it why everyone is there)

Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884-6

-Pointillism -The spark of creativity- expression of imagination

Signac, Portrait of Felix Feneon, 1890

-Deposition: taking down from the cross -Mary is commonly in blue -The pose that she is in is a VIRGIN SWOON -She has a skull in your left hand- remembrance of death ( this is talking about the death of the first man-adam) -Mary magnolian- mary of bethany anointed his head and it is seen in her hand and the unnamed "sinner"

Van der Weyden, The Descent from the Cross, 1435

-Romancistim -Eve in 70 glam rocker- the serpent is an accessory -A witch becase she gained knowlegde because of sex and sexuality

Stuck, The Sin, 1893

George Caleb Bingham (1811-79)

The first important painter of the West was ___________, known for his scenes of frontier life.

1)Oil on stretched canvas 2)Perspective 3)The use of light and shadow 4)Pyramid of configuration

The top 4 breakthroughs

-He is in the painting- dwarf artist himself is 4"9' -Becomes obsessed with differences- red hair -Social scene: night club extreme end of the cycle -Toulouse-Lautrec this indicated that his family was so wealthy that he can not lose both of his names so he has to keep both

Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge, 1892

-United states -Classic american pieces - large piece( the people are life size**) -Capitol rotunda in DC -**First real american artist, First person who does art for the work -John adams was alive to see the painting and he said that it stinks and said that the scene was not happening like this and it portrayed history incorrectly- falsehood -John dickenson did not sign the declaration -You get clear pictures of people but this was not something that he was praised for. He was more praised for the scale of the art itself

Trumbull, Declaration of Independence, 1818

-england -The OG painter of the light*** -Self taught- prolific in sales -His house has great lighting which showed best his work -Madness- romance art because this is a piece of nature -Turner sun- burst of life in landscape is connection to a volcano erupting -The ship on the left: you can see the arms legs and chains on the water- the blood of the bodies because of fish and sharks eating them -Tension: what is actually in it VS oh the colors are pretty -Meant to be looked at for a longer time

Turner, Slave Ship, 1840

travel -War photography(matthew brady) -documentary -portrait -art

Types of photography

-Pray to or through- called an ICON(like a window)*** - Renaissance period -Main pieced in rape of Europa that Hitler stole -Filled with religious figures- adam and eve, mary and john the baptist, God(TOP PANEL) -Lower panel) Holy Spirit, lamb of God below, around the lamb you have the acr angels, and this is showing the blood of the lamb of God because the lamb is bleeding -this painting showed a physical image of God- unusually in time period

Van Eych, Ghent Altarpiece, 1432

-Artist: adult mental illness (bipolar/ gone mad), trained to be a priest -Cypress trees (the tall left tree) -Missing ear- how did he lose it- got into argument about prostitutes and then two days later and the prostitutes gets sent the ear (goh gang?) -This is how van gogh saw the horizon- he saw it in a different speed of time -Paints these in like 3 days -He envisions of his frames being in yellow where he could close it

Van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889

-**Genre category -Whistler's mother -The blob of her dress- very faint notice her grey in the black dress which creates instant denial -Sense of the mundane- the everyday- the weather impacting just like the colors of this painting is not making us happy because of the darkness and the age

Whistler, Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1, 1871

Not a message for life

define what impressionist art is

real life moment(subject matter)

define what realism art is

Gustave Courbet

father of the Realist movement was

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