Unit 1 HDFS

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Understand information related to transgender topics as discussed in class. For example, what are some of the findings from the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey? What does the term gender dysphoria refer to? How is gender identity related to sexual orientation? [text and lecture]

2/3 had contemplated suicide, 2/5 had attempted suicide, over 50% have experienced being disowned, 1/5 have been homeless or refused housing, over 50% had lost their job based on identity. Gender dysphoria refers to the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex. Gender Identity is related to sexual orientation by the fact that gender identity is what you identify as and sexual orientation is what gender you show affection for. Gender Identity does not affect sexual orientation.

Based on information from text & lecture, what percent of females experience orgasm from sexual intercourse alone?

25%-30% of women experience orgasm.

Be familiar with the basic concepts of "The Overlapping Curve Model of Gender Differences" as discussed in your text (p. 386-393).

A graphic representation of how two groups who differ on a particular attribute often share the characteristic to varying degrees and are not mutually exclusive

In the "Sexuality and Culture" section of your text, read about "Female Genital Mutilation." What are the primary reasons behind it? Read about Type I, Type II and Type III? Which is most common and what is being done about this globally? [text]

A lot of cultures believe that sexual pleasure for women during sex is immoral. Type I involves the removal of the clitoral hood and part of the entire clitoris. Type II is when the whole clitoris is removed and part of the labia minora are cut away. Type III is the worst and the clitoris and labia minora are removed. Along with that the vulva and labia majora are seared shut or held together by thorns.

Be familiar with the concept of "sex positivity" as discussed during lecture. Be able to identify some examples that might indicate if someone was more likely to hold a sex positive or sex negative attitude. [lecture & some in Dr. Klein's article]

A person with a sex positive experience may include orgasm and consent. A person with a negative sexual experience cold have been raped or been abused as a child. People with a sex positive attitude usually always have a good experience.

Lecture: Sex on the Brain, Guest Speaker, Birdie Shirtcliff [Notes are posted for your information; two main points to remember for the exam: Based on information presented in Dr. Shirtcliff's lecture, where does the sex drive start/primary sex organ? Also, review the information she presented on the autonomic nervous system and the connection to how to delay ejaculation.]

Autonomic nervous system: desire, onset erection, continuation of erection, and ejaculation Connection to how to delay ejaculation: take a deep breath, change positions

Related to "The Development of Biological Sex," what does your text say regarding how the male and female genitals develop during pregnancy? At what point of pregnancy can they be distinguished? [also discussed in lecture notes]

Biological sex is determined by an X chromosome or Y chromosome (XX=female). Androgens are secreted to produce testicles making a male. They can be distinguished at week 12.

In your text there is a discussion of Alternatives to Masters and Johnson's Four-Stage Model. Review Reed's Erotic Stimulus Pathway Theory. Be able to identify a brief description of what this model is based on. How did his model differ from Masters and Johnson?

David Reed's model of sexual arousal that includes seduction, sensation, surrender, and reflection is the Erotic Stimulus Pathway. They use more emotional terms.

Be familiar with the suggestions given for using gender inclusive language. [lecture]

Do not use words like manpower, do not overcompensate to sound accepting, model pronoun use, ask what the person identifies as, avoid assumptions based on merit

What is the role of the epididymis, prostate gland, and vas deferens? [text & lecture]

Epididymis: a highly convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens Prostate Gland: a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in male mammals and releasing prostatic fluid Vas Deferens: the duct that conveys sperm from the testicle to the urethra.

Understand the main points discussed related to the orgasm phase. What do we know about female ejaculation? What do we not know? [focus on what we discussed in lecture; there is additional info in the text if you want to read more]

Female ejaculation is widely misunderstood and it depends on the woman. Not all women ejaculate "squirt".

What was Kinsey's contribution to human sexuality courses at the college level? Who was allowed to take his course? [first part in text & lecture, second part in lecture - Video Clip from the Kinsey Institute]

He gathered information regarding the sexual behavior of men and women. He basically kicked of sexuality research in the United States. People who were married or engaged to be married were allowed to take his course.

What are some factors that contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation and "what determines sexual orientation?" [text & lecture]

Heterosexual is a straight person, while homosexual is gay. Determined by brain hemisphere dominance. Most men are left-brain dominant, whereas most women are right-brain dominant (Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, and Asexual)

Based on information from your text and in lecture, what are typical findings related to penis size (pg.38-41 & 43). Are there correlations to factors such as race, height, etc.? How do researchers conduct studies related to penis size? And who is more concerned about penis size related to male/female sexual interaction - men or women?

In regards to penis size, men typically have no correlation with penis size to any other physical feature. If anything, the penis size relates back to the father and passed as a genetic trait. Men are typically more worried about penis size during sexual interaction.

Related to the coming out process, what are some reasons listed in your text for why people who identify as LGBT are coming out at earlier ages than in the past? [text, p. 422-426]

Increased awareness of gay youth in the population and greater social support for coming out, schools have education programs about orientation. Coming out age used to be in between 19 and 23 and now it is 16.

Be familiar with a few of the common LGBTQIA terms (i.e. pansexual, queer, ally). [lecture]

Lesbian: a homosexual woman Gay: a person, especially a man who is homosexual Bisexual: a person who is sexually attracted to both men and women Transsexual: a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex Queer: denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms Intersex: general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male Asexual: a person who has no sexual feelings or desires Pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity Ally: side with or support (someone or something)

Be familiar with information provided about testicular self-exams in the "Self-Discovery" box in your text. What are the three most important issues related to testicular cancer? At what age should men start doing testicular self-examinations and how often? What technique should be used to do them?

Men should perform a testicular self-exam once a month starting at age 14. Most young men are unaware of their risk of testicular cancer, they do not know that they should be examining their testicles once a month, they have no idea how to perform a self-exam Stand in front of a mirror - check for swelling - exam each testicle with both hands - roll the testicle between thumbs and fingers - find epididymis - lumps are usually found on the sides but can be found on the top or bottom

Be familiar with information discusses in your text related to "Interpersonal Qualities of Nonheterosexual Relationships." What are some of the myths and misconceptions and what has research revealed related to overall relationship satisfaction, quality and interaction patterns? [Additional info found in Table 11.2]

Myths • Most gays and lesbians are unable to form close, enduring romantic relationships and prefer to be promiscuous • Gay and lesbian relationships are more likely than heterosexual relationships to be unhappy and dysfunctional • In same-sex relationships on partner chooses or is assigned the role of "husband" and the other takes on the role of "wife" • Most gay and lesbian couples are isolated from society and do not have meaningful social support networks Truths • Gay and lesbian couples are more upbeat in the face of conflict • Gay and lesbian couples use fewer controlling or hostile emotional tactics • In a fight, gay and lesbian couples take things less personally • Gay and lesbian couples tend to show lower levels of physiological arousal during conflict

What does research reveal regarding potential health benefits of orgasms? [text]

Pain relief, mood enhancement, longer life, greater feelings or intimacy, better sleep, less heart disease

What is the main focus for people who practice "karezza" sex? [lecture]

People who practice karezza sex do not engage in orgasm. The point of this is to strengthen a relationship. The focus is on affection, connection and relaxation.

What is the definition of a sexologist? What are the three fields of professional practice in sexology? [lecture]

Research, Sexual Education, and Clinical Practice are the three fields. These are people who scientifically study human sexuality.

Be familiar with Kinsey's approach to studying and understanding sexual orientation. What did Kinsey's continuum refer to? [text & lecture]

Scale from 1 (heterosexual) to 6 (homosexual) with 3 being equally homosexual and heterosexual. Kinsey emphasized behaviors more than fantasies and emotions and did not consider the time element (past behavior vs. present behavior). Also, the use of the terms heterosexual and homosexual may make people uneasy and they may want to so strongly identify with one or the other that they are not truthful about their experiences

For your first assignment, the guidelines instructed you to read pages 2-13 in chapter 1. In that section, review the text under the heading "Sex is More than Intercourse." Be familiar with the reasons given for this philosophy. [text]

Sex is not only intercourse, but inherits the same characteristics as foreplay. The problems currently in society revolve around the fact that sex is only intercourse. These problems vary from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. This does not mean you have to go celibate. Engage in SAFE sex. Most people will say you haven't had sex if intercourse is not involved. Only 20% believed that having sex includes receiving oral sex. They believe oral sex is safe sex, which necessarily isn't.

Understand the basic terminology related to sex, gender, gender expression and gender roles as discussed in lecture and text. (i.e. cisgender, transgender)

Sex: biological aspect of being male, female, intersex Gender: typically considered within the dichotomis view along a continuum of masculine to feminine Gender Expression: how we communicate our gender to others Gender Roles: cultural standards of how a gender should be/ act Cisgender: you are the gender you are born with Transgender: the switching of one sex to the opposite sex Gender Identity: masculine, feminine, neutral, or non-binary, what you perceive yourself as

Related to the point above, understand the difference between sex, gender, sexual orientation, sexual behavior & gender expression [lecture]

Sex: refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women (male, female, intersex) Gender: refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women Sexual orientation: refers to a person's romantic, sexual, emotional, and/or spiritual attraction to others. Sexual orientation is not merely determined by a person's sexual behavior. Sexual behavior: A person's sexual practices (whether he/she engages in heterosexual or homosexual activity) Gender expression: the way in which a person expresses their gender identity, typically through their appearance, dress, and behavior

In the article, "Are you sexually normal and does that matter," author, Dr. Marty Klein, believes that concerns about sexual normality begin during which stage of development? What are the 3 three core values he suggests to guide sexual decision making?

Sexual normality begins during the childhood, and the three main core values he suggests are honesty, responsibility, and consent.

In the video from artist, Jaime McCartney, "The Great Wall of Vagina," what was the outcome for the woman featured at the end? Was there a change in how she felt about the appearance of her genitals? [lecture, review web link from notes if you were not in class]

She changed her mind at the end of the video after the artist sculpted her vagina. She at first wanted plastic surgery on her labia. The artist showed her that plastic surgery was not the best choice and that women should be proud of what they have.

Be familiar with Klein's approach to studying and understanding sexual orientation. How is it both similar and different from Kinsey's approach? What factors does Klein's approach consider? [text & lecture]

Takes Kinsey's Continuum further by considering 7 dimensions as well as a time dimension. Attraction, behavior, fantasy, emotional preference, social preference, self-identification, and lifestyle. Past, present, ideal

Based on information in Chapter 2 of your text, what were some of the erroneous "historical perspectives" related to human sexual anatomy?

The cervix is an internal penis. The uterus is an intern scrotum. The male body was the norm. Men and women have the same sexual body, but in men the genitals have been pushed out, the women has retained them inside. The uterus is devised in two halves. Sperm comes directly from the male brain.

Understand the main points of Masters and Johnson's 4-phase sexual response model. What have been the main criticisms of their model? [text and lecture]

The four phases are excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. It has been criticized for being focused on the physical response rather than the emotional and relationship response.

Understand the significance of the hymen and what causes it to rupture. [text & lecture]

The hymen can burst at any moment especially with gymnasts or swimmers and not necessarily pops during sexual intercourse. The significance of the hymen is that it is often referred to as the "cherry" and is a vestige to vaginal development. Imperforate hymen - condition in which the whole opening is entirely closed and that requires surgery to allow for an opening through which the girl can menstruate. Septate hymen - condition in which there are two openings, which can result in painful tearing. Correction requires surgery.

In section 3.1 of your text related to "Biology, Psychology, and Human Sexual Response," understand the basic premises of how biology and psychology interact to differentiate human sexuality from that of non-human animals? What key element separates us? (hint...related to differences in interest) [text]

The key difference here is that humans sexuality is not necessarily related to the female's menstrual cycle as it is in many other animals. We develop feelings for one another also called love. Physiological processes play just as big of role as Biology. Humans want to give and receive pleasure as part of reproduction.

How was the discussion of the marathon runner, Kiran Ghandi, used to demonstrate connection to a learning outcome in our course? What was the broader significance surrounding her story? [lecture]

The woman's hymen layer did not break and her newfound husband thought she wasn't a virgin. The learning outcome of this story shows that religions sometimes do not agree with science and that the hymen can break at any moment of her life. The broader significance shows that some are uneducated on the root causes of sexuality.

What type of research did Masters and Johnson conduct? [lecture and text]

They took 100's of participants and analyzed their sexual behaviors. They discovered how the human body responds to sexual stimulation. They took heart rates, pulse ox, blood pressure, and respiration rate. The participants were either masturbating or having intercourse.

Understand the basic functions of the primary female sex organs (internal and external). I.e. vulva, clitoris, vagina, uterus, cervix, perineum, ovaries, labia minora/majora [text & lecture]

Vulva: the external opening of the vagina or reproductive tract in a female mammal or nematode Clitoris: a small sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva. Uterus: the organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth; the womb Vagina: the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals. Cervix: the narrow neck-like passage forming the lower end of the uterus. Perineum: the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva Ovaries: a female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs are produced, present in humans and other vertebrates as a pair. Labia Minora: the smaller inner folds of the vulva. Labia Majora: the larger outer folds of the vulva

Understand the concepts of intersex conditions [also referred to in text as disorders of sexual development] and common issues related to the condition. For example, are there different types of intersex conditions? [text and lecture notes]

Yes there are different types of sex conditions. Klinefelter syndrome is when a person grows breasts and has the genitalia of a male. Turner syndrome is when a person has ovaries but is short with no breast enlargement or menstruation.

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